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Zhuoyi Shen

Invigilator (Casual)

Invigilator (Casual) in the Durham Law School


Zhuoyi Shen has started her full-time doctoral research in Durham University since Oct. 2022. She is supervised by Dr. Ge Chen and Dr. Dr Dimitrios Kagiaros. Prior to her PhD study, she obtained Bachelor of Management (2019) from SUIBE and Juris Master (2022) from Fudan University of China. She has been awarded the honor of Excellent Graduate when she graduated, and her dissertation focusing on extraterritorial jurisdiction was awarded the scholarship of Outstanding Dissertation in Fudan Law School. Currently, her research locates in the fields of data law and human rights.

Research groups

Human Rights and Public Law Centre

Centre for Chinese Law and Policy

Centre for Law and Global Justice

Research interests

  • Data Law
  • International private law
  • Law and technology