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Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science+44 (0) 191 33 48133


Yang Long is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Durham University. He is also an IEEE Senior Member (SMIEEE) and MRC Innovation Fellow aiming to design scalable AI solutions for large-scale healthcare applications. His research background is in the highly interdisciplinary field of Computer Vision and Machine Learning. While he is passionate about unveiling the black-box of AI brain and transferring the knowledge to seek Scalable, Interactable, Interpretable, and sustainable solutions for other disciplinary researches, e.g. physical activity, mental health, design, education, security, and geoengineering. He has authored/co-authored 100+ top-tier papers in refereed journals/conferences such as IEEE TPAMI, TIP, CVPR, AAAI, and ACM MM.


Conference Paper

Doctoral Thesis

Journal Article

Supervision students