Staff profile
Professor Volker Roeben
Dean of the Law School
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Dean of the Law School in the Durham Law School |
Volker Roeben is Professor of International Law and Dean at Durham Law School. He is also a visiting professor at the China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing, a docent at the University of Turku, and an associate at the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law & Policy of the University of Dundee. Formerly, Volker previously was senior research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative law and Public International Law, and a professor at Swansea University and the University of Dundee. He has held visiting posts at the universities of Chicago, Minnesota and West Virginia, and served as legal adviser at the Energy Charter Secretariat. He holds degrees from the universities of Kiel, Heidelberg, and Berkeley and from the College of Europe Bruges.
Current Research
Prof Roeben is the author or editor of eight books and over fifty articles. His research is in the areas of international law and EU law, with a focus on the law and policy of energy, as well as comparative public law. He frequently advises governments and international organisations.
- International Energy Law and Sustainable DevelopmentIn 2018, Volker published Towards the European Energy Union – European strategy in international law with Cambridge University Press. He is general editor of the Hart publication series ‘Global Energy Law and Policy’.
- International lawVolker has published on international law in its breadth, ranging from the law of the sea to international economic law to the UN Charter to general international law. He is curently working on 'Solidarity in international law' under contract with CUP.
- EU lawVolker has published particularly on judicial protection and EU citizenship. He is currently working with P, Minnerop, R Schütze and J Snell of an a volume on EU Citizenship as an independent status under contract with OUP.
- Comparative LawHe has explored new concepts and approaches to comparative law in multi-level governance. An example is ‘A concept of shared principles and the constitutional homogeneity in Europe. The case of subsidiarity’, published in (2021) 5 Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law.
Research Groups
Durham Law School
- Centre for Chinese Law and Policy
- Durham European Law Institute
Research interests
- Comparative Public Law
- Energy Law
- European Union law
- International Law
- Theory of Global Law
Authored book
- Roeben, V. (2020). V. Röben, P. Cameron, & X. Mu (Eds.), The Global Energy Transition: Law, Policy and Economics for Energy in the 21st Century. Hart Publishing
- Roeben, V. (2018). Towards a European Energy Union: European Energy Strategy in International Law. Cambridge University Press.
- Hestermeyer, H. P., König, D., Matz-Luck, N., Röben, V., Seibert-Fohr, A., Stoll, P.-T., & Vöneky, S. (2011). Coexistence, Cooperation and Solidarity: Liber amicorum Rüdiger Wolfrum. Martinus Nijhoff
- Roeben, V. (2009). A. Halpin, & V. Roeben (Eds.), Theorising the Global Legal Order. Hart Publishing
- Roeben, V. (2008). D. König, P.-T. Stoll, V. Roeben, & N. Matz-Lück (Eds.), International Law Today: New Challenges and the Need for Reform?. Springer Verlag.
- Roeben, V. (2008). R. Wolfrum (Ed.), Legitimacy in International Law. Springer Verlag.
- Röben, V. (2007). Aussenverfassungsrecht: Eine Untersuchung zur auswärtigen Gewalt des offenen Staates. Mohr Siebeck
- Roeben, V. (1998). Die Einwirkung Der Rechtsprechung Des Europaischen Gerichtshofs Auf Das Mitgliedstaatliche Verfahren in Offentlich-Rechtlichen Streitigkeiten. Springer Verlag
Book review
- Roeben, V. (in press). Book Review: German Practice in International Law 2019. By Stefan Talmon. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2022. xxviii + 467pp HB £xxx. International and Comparative Law Quarterly,
- Roeben, V. (2024). German Practice in International Law 2019 by Stefan Talmon [CUP, Cambridge, 2022, xxviii + 467pp, ISBN: 978-1-316-51461-0, £170 (h/bk)]. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 73(2), 548-549.
Chapter in book
- Eken, C., & Roeben, V. (in press). Turkey's Energy Charter Treaty Investment Arbitration Map: An Analysis of Arbitral Tribunal Positions on Unmeritorious Applications. In R. Kopar, & V. Roeben (Eds.), International Investment Law and the Energy Transition. Bloomsbury
- Kopar, R., & Roeben, V. (in press). Conclusion: Navigating the Interplay of International Investment Law and the Global Energy Transition. In R. Kopar, & V. Roeben (Eds.), International Investment Law and the Energy Transition. Bloomsbury
- Kopar, R., & Roeben, V. (in press). Introduction. In R. Kopar, & V. Roeben (Eds.), International Investment Law and the Energy Transition. Bloomsbury
- Roeben, V. (2024). Art. 67. In B. Simma, D.-E. Khan, G. Nolte, & A. Paulus (Eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary. (4th ed.). Oxford University Press
- Roeben, V. (2024). Art. 61. In B. Simma, D.-E. Khan, G. Nolte, & A. Paulus (Eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary. (4th ed.). Oxford University Press
- Roeben, V. (2024). Art. 62. In B. Simma, D.-E. Khan, G. Nolte, & A. Paulus (Eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary. (4th ed.). Oxford University Press
- Roeben, V. (2022). Energy Provision. In The Cambridge Companion to International Organizations Law. Cambridge University Press
- Röben, V. (2022). Der Brexit als radikales Experiment: Die Grenze im Brexit als Bedingung von Exklusion, Inklusion und offener Staatlichkeit. In O. Lepsius, A. Nußberger, C. Schönberger, C. Waldhoff, & C. Walter (Eds.), Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart. Neue Folge (683-690). (70). Mohr Siebeck.
- Roeben, V., & Amakoromo, M. (2022). Responsibility, Solidarity and their Connections in International law: Towards a Coherent Framework. In Netherlands Yearbook of International Law (13-49). T.M.C Asser Press.
- Roeben, V. (2021). Accountability. In Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law. Oxford University Press
- Roeben, V., & Jankovic, S. (2021). Validity of Contested Title to Territory in Frozen Conflict Zones: The Case of Nagorno Karabakh with Particular Reference to the 2020 War. In Y.-J. Ma (Ed.), Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs (73-110). Brill Academic Publishers.
- Cameron, P., Mu, X., & Roeben, V. (2021). The Concept of Global Energy Transition and its Agenda. In P. D. Cameron, X. Mu, & V. Roeben (Eds.), The Global Energy Transition (327-336). (1). Hart Publishing.
- Roeben, V., & Mete, G. (2020). What do we mean when we talk about the international law of energy. In P. Cameron, V. Roeben, & X. Mu (Eds.), Global Energy Transition. Hart Publishing
- Röben, V. (2020). Brexit – Lehren au seiner Krise?. In W. Bock (Ed.), Europa: In Vielfalt geeint! (Europe: united in diversity!) (217-227). C.H. Beck
- Röben, V. (2020). High-end maritime security as legal argumentation. In M. D. Evans, & S. Galani (Eds.), Maritime Security and the Law of the Sea (83-103). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Macatangay, R., & Roeben, V. (2020). Managing the threat of regulatory capture under the European Energy Union. In P. D. Cameron, X. Mu, & V. Roeben (Eds.), The Global Energy Transition. (1). Hart Publishing
- Cameron, P. D., Mu, X., & Roeben, V. (2020). Introduction. In P. D. Cameron, X. Mu, & V. Roeben (Eds.), The Global Energy Transition: Law, Policy and Economics for Energy in the 21st Century (1-8). Bloomsbury.
- Roeben, V. (2019). United Nations, Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). In Max Plank Encyclopedia of Public International Law. Oxford University Press
- Röben, V., & Macatangay, R. (2019). Conciliation for marine transboundary energy resources: A law and economics approach. In K. Zou, S. Wu, & Q. Ye (Eds.), The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. (1). Routledge.
- Roeben, V. (2017). Die Lehre des Internationalen Rechts in Gro\ssbritannien. In S. Hobe, & T. Marauhn (Eds.), Lehre des internationalen Rechts (143-149). C. F. Müller
- Roeben, V. (2015). Air Pollution, Transboundary Aspects. In Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL). Oxford University Press
- Röben, V. (2015). Environmental Treaty Bodies. In Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL). Oxford University Press
- Roeben, V. (2012). The Economic and Social Council, Articles 61 and 62. In B. Simma, D.-E. Khan, G. Nolte, & A. Paulus (Eds.), The Charter of the United Nations. (3rd). Oxford University Press
- Röben, V. (2011). Legitimacy of UN Member States. In H. P. Hestermeyer, D. König, N. Matz-Lück, V. Röben, A. Seibert-Fohr, P.-T. Stoll, & S. Vöneky (Eds.), Coexistence, Cooperation and Solidarity (1507-1526). Martinus Nijhoff
- Roeben, V. (2010). Conference (Meeting) of States Parties. In Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL). Oxford University Press
- Roeben, V. (2010). Eco-Labelling. In Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL). Oxford University Press
- Roeben, V. (2010). International Law, Development through International Organizations, Policies and Practice. In Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL). Oxford University Press
- Roeben, V. (2010). The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, Articles 67 through 76 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. In E. Grabitz, M. Hilf, & M. Nettlesheim (Eds.), Recht der Europäischen Union (Law of the European Union). (3rd-4th). C.H. Beck
- Roeben, V. (2010). The Enforcement Authority of International Institutions. In A. V. Bogdandy, R. Wolfrum, J. V. Bernstorff, P. Dann, & M. Goldmann (Eds.), The Exercise of Public Authority by International Institutions (819-842). Springer Verlag.
- Halpin, A., & Roeben, V. (2009). Concluding Reflections. In A. Halpin, & V. Roeben (Eds.), Theorising the Global Legal Order (273-278). Hart Publishing
- Halpin, A., & Roeben, V. (2009). Introduction. In A. Halpin, & V. Roeben (Eds.), Theorising the Global Legal Order (1-23). Hart Publishing
- Röben, V. (2008). What About Hobbes? Legitimacy as a Matter of Inclusion in the Functional and Rational Exercise of International Public Power. In R. Wolfrum (Ed.), Legitimacy in International Law (353-367). Springer Verlag.
- Röben, V. (2005). Proliferation of Actors. In R. Wolfrum, & V. Roeben (Eds.), Developments of International Law in Treaty Making (511-536). Springer Verlag
- Röben, V. (2004). Schutzklausel bei Elektrizitäts- und Gasimporten .. In Berliner Kommentar zum Energierecht. C.H. Beck
- Roeben, V. (2000). Alternatives to Direct Regulation. In F. L. Morrison, & R. Wolfrum (Eds.), International, Regional and National Environmental Law (625-662). Kluwer Law International
- Wolfrum, R., Roeben, V., & Morrison, F. L. (2000). Preservation of the Marine Environment. In F. L. Morrison, & R. Wolfrum (Eds.), International, Regional and National Environmental Law (225-284). Kluwer Law International
- Röben, V. (2000). Institutional Developments under Modern International Environmental Agreements. In A. V. Bogdandy, & R. Wolfrum (Eds.), Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, Volume 4 (2000) (363-443). Max Planck Institute
- Roeben, V. (2000). Institutions of International Environmental Law. In F. L. Morrison, & R. Wolfrum (Eds.), International, Regional and National Environmental Law (71-112). Kluwer Law International
Conference Paper
Edited book
Journal Article
- Roeben, V. (in press). Ocean Power: Floating Nuclear Power Plants under the Law of the Sea. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law,
- Jankovic, S., & Roeben, V. (2024). The threat of Russia's force in Ukraine. Journal on the Use of Force and International Law, 11(1-2), 87-107.
- Roeben, V. (2024). Synergy‐as‐principle in global climate regulation. Global Policy, 15(S5), 53-63.
- Roeben, V. (2024). What drives OPEC production policy?. Journal of World Energy Law & Business, 17(1), 19-34.
- Paim, M.-A., Gershon, O., Adeyemi, A., Azubuike, S., Mu, X., & Roeben, V. (2023). Solar Power for Resilient Healthcare Systems in Nigeria: Regulatory, Financial and Organizational Options for Sustainable Business Models. The Journal of energy and development, 48(1-2), 175-194
- Roeben, V., & Macatangay, R. E. (2023). Bluer Than Blue: Exit from Policy Support for Clean Marine Energy. Sustainability, 15(19), Article 14629.
- Cervantes, M. Á. M., Roeben, V., & Solís, L. R. (2022). Global Climate Change Action as a Jus Cogens Norm: Some Legal Reflections on the Emerging Evidence. Environmental Policy and Law: The Journal for Decision-Makers, 52(5-6), 359-373.
- Roeben, V. (2022). The Mask of Dimitrios. Objective and subjective approaches to the judicial enforcement of international law on common interests. German Yearbook of International Law, 65(1),
- Roeben, V. (2022). WTO Law on Subsidies and Local Content Rules in the Renewable Energy Sector. Oil, gas and energy law, 5,
- Roeben, V. (2021). A concept of shared principles and the constitutional homogeneity in Europe: The case of subsidiarity. Cardozo International & Comparative Law Review, 4(3), 903-949
- Roeben, V., & Janković, S. (2021). A Rose is a Rose is a Rose. International Legal Functionism as a Method of Statehood Analysis. Berkeley journal of international law, 39(2), 211-248
- Roeben, V. (2020). Judicial Protection as the Meta-Norm in the EU Judicial Architecture. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 12(1), 29-62.
- Roeben, V., & Azubuike, S. I. (2020). Climate Change and Responsibility: Arctic States\textquoteright Cooperation through the Arctic Council in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Efforts
- Röben, V. (2019). Institutions of international law: How international law secures orderliness in international affairs. Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law Online, 22, 189-217
- Röben, V. (2019). Mathias Forteau and Jean-Marc Thouvenin (eds), Traité de droit international de la mer (CEDIN). Pedone: Paris, 2017. Pp. 1322. €94. ISBN: 9782233008503. European Journal of International Law, 30(2), 703-706
- Minnerop, P., & Roeben, V. (2018). Continuity as the rule, not the exception: How the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties protects against retroactivity of \textquoteleftBrexit\textquoteright. European Human Rights Law Review, 2018(5), 474-489
- Roeben, V. (2015). The Equitable Distribution of Marine Resources by Agreement of States—The Case of the South China Sea. Chinese Journal of Global Governance, 1(1), 36-66.
- Roeben, V. (2013). GOVERNING SHARED OFFSHORE ELECTRICITY INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE NORTHERN SEAS. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 62(4), 839-864.
- Röben, V. (2012). Responsibility in International Law. Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law Online, 16, 99-158
- Roeben, V. (2010). The ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Unilateral Declaration of Independence in Respect of Kosovo: Rules or Principles?. Göttingen Journal for International Law, 2(3), 1063-1086.
- Bernstorff, J. V., & Roeben, V. (2009). International Law as Public Law: On Recent and Historical German Approaches to International Law. American Journal of International Law, 103(3), 609-619.
- Roeben, V. (2009). Der völkerrechtliche Rahmen für die Sezession einer Minderheit aus dem Staatsverband: Kosovo als Präzedenzfall?
- Roeben, V. (2008). Funktionen des Verwaltungsakts
- Roeben, V. (2004). The Order of the UNCLOS Annex VII Arbitral Tribunal to Suspend Proceedings in the Case of the MOX Plant at Sella field: How Much Jurisdictional Subsidiarity?. Nordic Journal of International Law, 73(2), 223-245.
- Roeben, V. (2003). Der Einsatz der Streitkräfte nach dem Grundgesetz
- Röben, B. B., & Röben, V. (2003). Institutional Aspects of Financing Sustainable Development After the Johannesburg Summit of 2002
- Röben, V. (2003). The procedure of the ICC: status and function of the Prosecutor. Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law Online, 7, 513-552
- Röben, V. (2002). The Southern Bluefin Tuna Cases: Re-Regionalization of the Settlement of Law of the Sea Disputes?
- Röben, V. (1999). International Internet Governance
- Röben, V. (1995). A Case Study on a Joint Venture Project
- Kimball, L. A., Röben, V., Loibl, G., Cheng Yang, V., Préfontaine, D. C., Prabhu, M., & Tarasofsky, R. G. (1995). PART 2: 1994: THE YEAR IN REVIEW: I. General Developments.
- Röben, V. (1994). The Sciences - A Contribution to Understanding the Law on an Activity of International Concern
- Baker, B., & Röben, V. (1993). To Abduct or To Extradite: Does a Treaty Beg the Question? The Alvarez-Machain Decision in U.S. Domestic Law and International Law
- Röben, V. (1989). Le Precedent dans la Jurisprudence de la Cour Internationale
- Röben, V. (1988). A Report of Effective Protection of Minorities Notes and Comments
Other (Digital/Visual Media)
- Janković, S., & Roeben, V. (2022). Russia’s Recognition of the DPR and LPR: The Revival of the Constitutive Theory of Recognition?
- Roeben, V., & Snell, J. (2022). The German or French way? International interdependence vs European sovereignty
Other (Print)
- Roeben, V., & Snell, J. (2022). Linjaansa etsivän Saksan horjunta vaikeuttaa EU:n kehittämistä
- Roeben, V. (2021). IEA report: world\textquoterights leading energy adviser was founded to protect oil supplies – now it wants to ban new fossil fuels
- Roeben, V., & Jankovic, S. (2021). Unpacking Sovereignty and Self-determination in ITLOS and the ICC: A Bundle of Rights?
- Röben, V. (2019). The global community is finally acting on climate change, but we need to switch to renewable energy faster
Supervision students
Amber Dagnall
Tutorials (Ptt)