Staff profile
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Research Postgraduate in the Department of English Studies |
I am working on a PhD thesis entitled 'The Impact and Configurations of Napoleon Bonaparte in the poetics of Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats', supervised by Prof. Mark Sandy and Dr Susan Valladares.
During one of the most transformative periods of English literature and modern European history, Bonaparte’s dramatic career made an indelible mark on the Romantic imagination. My project attends to Byron, Shelley and Keats’ uses of form, structure and language to understand their apprehensions of these tumultuous times, and the protean man at their centre.
I am grateful to have been awarded the 2024/25 Byron Society PhD Bursary.
I am a tutor for the first-year undergraduate module, 'Ancient Worlds and English Literature'.
Review of Mathelinda Nabugodi, Shelley with Benjamin: A critical mosaic (2023), The BARS Review, 59 (2022), pp. 15-16, URL:
Review of Joshua Schouten de Jel, William Blake's Divine Love: Visions of Oothoon (2024), The Coleridge Bulletin, 64 (2025), pp. 89-91
[pending] Toby Lucas, 'Cross the brine [...] and pass Earth's central line': Byron, Shelley and the Boundary between East and West', Romantic Textualities: Literature and Print Culture, 1780-1840
Conference Papers:
Romantic Boundaries: The BARS ECR & PGR Conference (The University of Edinburgh, June 2023): ‘Cross the brine […] and pass Earth’s central line’: Byron and the Boundary between East and West’, sponsored by The Byron Society.
The Coleridge Conference (Grasmere, July-Aug 2024): ''O Liberty! my spirit felt thee there': The Relocation of Revolutionary Values in Fears in Solitude (1798)', sponsored by The Friends of Coleridge.
Research interests
- I am fascinated by how different sorts of crisis find different expressions in literature, ranging from Romanticism and the French Revolution, religious dissent and the English Civil War, and twentieth-century conflicts.
- Romanticism; Classical and Biblical studies; Poetry and poetics; faith and culture