Staff profile
Affiliation |
Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology |
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing |
Fellow of the Institute for Medical Humanities |
Since 2010, I have developed a research programme at the intersection of the fields of science and technology studies and social and cultural gerontology, which was outlined in my book Science, Technology and the Ageing Society.
From 2018 I have engaged in interdisciplinary work most closely with Dr Margarita Styakova in the Physics Dept focused on Engineered Living Materials (ELMs). Our project Material Imagination (2010-2022), was funded by the Royal Society APEX Awards Project and is considered a flagship example the APEX scheme (see
I also co-lead on the Strategic Research Fund inititiave SMART Soils Laboratory – Soil Microbiome Augmentation and Restoration Technologies - developing socia science research capacity at the intersection of Responsible Innovation and soil care practices.
I have founded, and lead the Health and Social Theory Research Cluster in the Department of Sociology since 2016.
I am a Trustee of the Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness, a charity promoting social scientific research and education in the field of medical sociology
I am member of the editorial board for Science, Technology and Human Values, the journal of the Society for Social Studies of Science, and the Journal of Aging Studies.
My main two areas of teaching are Classical Sociological Theory, where I engage with students in rethinking the 'sociological canon', the social studies of health and technology, teaching a 3rd year module on Digital Health. I also teach on Responsible Innovation at EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Soft Matter and Functional Interfaces, (2019-2024)
I was plenary speaker at the BSA Medical Sociology Annual Conference 2014. Watch the pleanary paper at
Research interests
- Aging, Technology and Society
- Knowledge and the organisation of health care
- Piority setting in health care
- Social Studies of Medicine
Esteem Indicators
- 2022: Trustee of the Foundation for Sociology of Health and Illness:
- 2022: Member of Editorial Board Science, Technology and Human Values :
- 2021: Assessment panel member, ESRC Inclusive Ageing Programme,:
- 2021: External Examiner, MSc STS, Edinburgh University:
- 2018: Expert Member, Society and Health Funding Program Panel:
- 2014: Plenary Speaker BSA Medical Sociology Conference :
- 2013: Research Professorship, Centre for Healthy Ageing, Copenhagen University:
- 2012: Elected member of the Editorial Board Sociology of Health and Illness :
- 2006: Elected Council member for the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST):
- 2006: Plenary Speaker: Wellcome Trust Biomedical Ethics Summer School:
Authored book
- Moreira, T. (2017). Science, Technology and the Ageing Society. Routledge.
- The Market, The Laboratory, and the Forum. Routledge
Book review
Chapter in book
- Moreira, T. From chronological age to biomarkers of ageing: a historical cultural sociology. In J. Twigg, & W. Martin (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Cultural Gerontology. (2nd ed.). Routledge
- Moreira, T. (2021). Re-imagining the ageing and technology nexus. In A. Peine, B. Marshall, W. Martin, & L. Neven (Eds.), Socio-gerontechnology Interdisciplinary Critical Studies of Ageing and Technology. Routledge
- Moreira, T. (2020). Revisiting MCI: On Classificatory Drift. In A. Leibing, & S. Schicktanz (Eds.), Preventing Dementia? Critical Perspectives on a New Paradigm of Preparing for Old Age (131-150). Berghahn Books.
- Moreira, T. (2018). Towards a Pragmatics of Health. In E. Garnett, J. Reynolds, & S. Milton (Eds.), Ethnographies and Health: Reflections on Empirical and Methodological Entanglements (253-268). Springer.
- Moreira, T. (2014). Risk, Uncertainty and Health. In The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society. Wiley.
- Moreira, T., & Palladino, P. (2012). Questions of Life and Death: A Genealogy. In B. S. Turner (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Body Studies (362-374). Routledge
- Moreira, T. (2010). Actor-network theory. In S. Priest (Ed.), Encyclopedia of science and technology communication. SAGE Publications
- Moreira, T., & Rapley, T. (2010). Understanding the shaping, incorporation and co-ordination of health technologies through qualitative research. In I. Bourgeault, R. DeVries, & R. Dingwall (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of qualitative methods in health research (658-672). SAGE Publications
- Moreira, T. (2010). Now or later? Individual disease and care collectives in the memory clinic. In A. Mol, I. Moser, & J. Pols (Eds.), Care in practice : on tinkering in clinics, homes and farms (119-140). (1). transcript Verlag
- Moreira, T. (2010). When trials are not enough: clinical effectiveness vs. cost-effectiveness in the dementia drugs controversy (2005-08). In C. Will, & T. Moreira (Eds.), Medical Proofs, Social Experiments: clinical trials in shifting contexts (85-102). Ashgate Publishing
- Moreira, T. (2010). Prologue: Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease: Health, Ageing and Justice. In T. Mathar, & Y. J. Jansen (Eds.), Health, promotion and prevention programmes in practice (29-52). transcript Verlag.
- Moreira, T. (2009). Hope and truth in drug development and evaluation in Alzheimer's Disease. In J. Ballenger, P. Whitehouse, C. Lyketsos, P. Rabins, & J. Karlawish (Eds.), Treating dementia : do we have a pill for it ? (210-230). Johns Hopkins University Press
Edited book
Journal Article
- Moreira, T., & Staykova, M. (online). Co-developing materials in the metamorphic zone: extending bacteriocentricity. Science, Technology, & Human Values,
- Moreira, T. The Value of Experience: A historical sociology of data-driven health care systems. Manuscript submitted for publication
- Gallistl, V., Banday, M. U. L., Berridge, C., Grigorovich, A., Jarke, J., Mannheim, I., Marshall, B., Martin, W., Moreira, T., Van Leersum, C. M., & Peine, A. (2024). Addressing the Black Box of AI - A Model and Research Agenda on the Co-Constitution of Aging and Artificial Intelligence. The Gerontologist, 64(6), Article gnae039.
- Moreira, T. (2023). Furthering Ontological Pluralism, Maybe: The Strange Case of the Microbial Recordings. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 48(5), 1042-1053.
- Moreira, T., Marshall, J., & Staykova, M. (2023). Engaging publics in imagining the future of engineered living materials. Matter, 6(8), 2467-2470.
- Moreira, T. (2023). A genealogy of the scalable subject: Measuring health in the Cornell Study of Occupational Retirement (1950–60). History of the Human Sciences, 36(2), 128-153.
- Langstrup, H., & Moreira, T. (2022). Infrastructuring experience: what matters in patient-reported outcome data measurement?. BioSocieties, 17(3), 369-390.
- Moreira, T. (2022). Ratifying frailty. Journal of Aging Studies, 62, Article 101055.
- Moreira, T. (2021). Translating cell biology of ageing? On the importance of choreographing knowledge. New Genetics and Society, 40(3), 267-283.
- Lassen, A. J., & Moreira, T. (2020). New Bikes for the Old. Science & Technology Studies, 33(3), 39-56.
- Moreira, T., Hansen, A. A., & Lassen, A. J. (2020). From quantified to qualculated age: the health pragmatics of biological age measurement. Sociology of Health & Illness, 42(6), 1344-1358.
- Boliver, V., Gorard, S., Powell, M., & Moreira, T. (2020). The use of access thresholds to widen participation at Scottish universities. Scottish Affairs, 29(1), 82-97.
- Cozza, M., Gallistl, V., Wanka, A., Manchester, H., & Moreira, T. (2020). Ageing as a Boundary Object. Thinking Differently of Ageing and Care. Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies, 11(2), 117-138.
- Moreira, T. (2019). Anticipatory measure: Alex Comfort, experimental gerontology and the measurement of senescence. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 77, Article 101179.
- Casper, S. T., Golden, J., Oreskes, N., Largent, M., Goldberg, D. S., Gillett, G., Philpott-Jones, S., Moreira, T., Virdi, J., Meyers, T., Morrison, D., Rodriguez, J. E., Gabriel, J. M., Steere-Williams, J., Ross, R., Smith, J. M., Ballenger, J. F., Bil, G., Kawaguchi, Y., Dyck, E., …Brown, M. (2019). First report the findings: genuine balance when reporting CTE. The Lancet Neurology, 18(6), 522-523.
- Maldonado, O., & Moreira, T. (2019). Metrics in Global Health: Situated differences in the valuation of human life. Historical social research. Supplement (Köln), 44(2), 202-224.
- Moreira, T. (2019). Devicing future populations: Problematizing the relationship between quantity and quality of life. Social Studies of Science, 49(1), 118-137.
- Moreira, T. (2016). De-standardising ageing? Shifting regimes of age measurement. Ageing & Society, 36(07), 1407-1433.
- Moreira, T. (2015). Understanding the role of patient organizations in health technology assessment. Health Expectations, 18(6), 3349-3357.
- Moreira, T. (2015). Unsettling Standards: the biological age controversy. The Sociological Quarterly, 56(1), 18-39.
- Moreira, T. (2014). La démence, entre laboratoire et marché. Sciences Sociales et Santé, 32(3), 69-98.
- Lassen, A., & Moreira, T. (2014). Unmaking old age: Political and cognitive formats of active ageing. Journal of Aging Studies, 30, 33-46.
- Moreira, T., O'Donovan, O., & Howlett, E. (2014). Assembling Dementia Care: Patient organisations and social research. BioSocieties, 9(2), 173-193.
- Rabeharisoa, V., Moreira, T., & Akrich, M. (2014). Evidence-based activism: Patients' organisations, users' and activist's groups in knowledge. BioSocieties, 9(2), 111-128.
- O'Donovan, O., Moreira, T., & Howlett, E. (2013). Tracking Transformations in Health Movement Organisations: Alzheimer's Disease Organisations and their Changing ‘Cause Regimes’. Social Movement Studies, 12(3), 316-334.
- Moreira, T. (2012). Health Care Standards and the Politics of Singularities: Shifting In and Out of Context. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 37(4), 307-331.
- Moreira, T. (2011). Health care rationing in an age of uncertainty: a conceptual model. Social Science & Medicine, 72(8), 1333-1341.
- Moreira, T., & Palladino, P. (2011). Population laboratories’ or ‘laboratory populations’? Making sense of the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging, 1965–1987. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 42(3),
- Moreira, T., & Palladino, P. (2009). Ageing between gerontology and biomedicine. BioSocieties, 4(4), 349-365.
- Moreira, T., May, C., & Bond, J. (2009). Regulatory objectivity in action: Mild cognitive impairment and the collective production of uncertainty. Social Studies of Science, 39(5), 665-690.
- Burges Watson, D., Moreira, T., & Murtagh, M. (2009). Little bottles and the promise of probiotics. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 13(2), 219-234.
- Moreira, T., & Bond, J. (2008). Does the prevention of brain ageing constitute anti-ageing medicine? Outline of a new space of representation for Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Aging Studies, 22(4), 356-365.
- Moreira, T., & Palladino, P. (2008). Squaring the curve: The Anatomo-politics of ageing, life and death. Body & Society, 14(3), 21-47.
- Moreira, T., Hughes, J., Kirkwood, T., May, C., McKeith, I., & Bond, J. (2008). What explains variations in the clinical use of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) as a diagnostic category?. International Psychogeriatrics, 20(4), 697-709.
- Moreira, T. (2008). Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Machines and the work of coordinating technologies at home. Chronic Illness, 4(2),
- Wride, N., Finch, T., Rapley, T., Moreira, T., May, C., & Fraser, S. (2007). What's in a name. Medications terms, what they mean and how to use them. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 91, 1422-1424.
- Moreira, T. (2007). Entangled Evidence: Knowledge making in systematic reviews in health care. Sociology of Health & Illness, 29(2), 180-197.
- Moreira, T. (2007). How to Investigate the Temporalities of Health. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 8(1),
- Moreira, T., May, C., Mason, J., & Eccles, M. (2006). A new method of analysis enabled a better understanding of clinical practice guideline development processes. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 59(11), 1199-1206
- Moreira, T. (2006). Sleep, health and the dynamics of biomedicine. Social Science & Medicine, 63(1), 54-63.
- Moreira, T. (2006). Heterogeneity and Coordination of Blood Pressure in Neurosurgery. Social Studies of Science, 36(1), 69-97.
- May, C., Rapley, T., Moreira, T., Finch, T., & Heaven, B. (2006). Technogovernance: Evidence, subjectivity, and the clinical encounter in primary care medicine. Social Science & Medicine, 62(4), 1022-1030.
- Moreira, T. (2005). Diversity in Clinical Guidelines: The role of repertoires of Evaluation. Social Science & Medicine, 60(9), 1975-1985.
- Moreira, T., & Palladino, P. (2005). Between truth and Hope: Parkinson's Disease, Neural Transplants and the Self. History of the Human Sciences, 18(3), 55-82.
- Moreira, T. (2004). Surgical monads: a social topology of the operating room. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 22(1), 53-69.
- Moreira, T. (2004). Self, Agency and the Surgical Collective: detachment. Sociology of Health & Illness, 26(1), 32-49.
- Moreira, T. (2004). Coordination and Embodiment in the Operating Room. Body & Society, 10(1), 109-129.
- Moreira, T. (2000). Translation, Difference and Ontological Fluidity: Cerebral Angiography and Neurosurgical Practice (1926-45). Social Studies of Science, 30(3),