Staff profile
Affiliation |
Professor in the Department of Anthropology |
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing |
Fellow of the Institute for Medical Humanities |
Tessa uses approaches from medical anthropology, public health and epidemiology to investigate relationships between everyday physical activity practices and health and wellbeing. She is particularly interested in using ethnographic methods to explore the impact of interventions to promote physical activity, and to understand how socioeconomic inequalities affect the impact of interventions. She leads the Department of Anthropology’s Physical Activity Lab, a group of postdoctoral researchers and PhD students using a range of methods, including accelerometry, in a diverse set of anthropological projects around everyday physical activity.
Tessa currently leads an ethnographic study evaluating the impact of social prescribing, with a focus on referral into walking and gardening groups, and another on the impact of childhood diet and physical activity interventions across socioeconomically diverse areas of London, both funded by the National Institute for Health Research. She also leads a project using ethnographic methods to evaluate policies to promote active and sustainable travel in rural coastal areas, funded by the School for Public Health Research. These projects involve collaborations with colleagues at Newcastle University, the University of Exeter, the University of Cambridge and City University. For more information please see the Physical Activity Lab.
Tessa is interested in supervising PhD students in areas broadly related to physical activity and health, with a particular focus on interventions and everyday activities, especially walking, cycling and gardening.
Research interests
- Walking and walking groups
- Using ethnography to inform interventions
- Understanding the place of physical activities in everyday lives
- Evolutionary perspectives on physical activity
- The health of migrant populations
Authored book
Chapter in book
Edited book
Journal Article
- Tupper, E., Morris, S., Lawlor, E. R., Summerbell, C., Panter, J., Jago, R., & Pollard, T. (2024). Children's experiences of care on walking and cycling journeys between home and school in Healthy New Towns: Reframing active school travel. Health & Place, 85, Article 103147.
- Moffatt, S., Wildman, J., Pollard, T. M., Gibson, K., Wildman, J. M., O’Brien, N., Griffith, B., Morris, S. L., Moloney, E., Jeffries, J., Pearce, M., & Mohammed, W. (2023). Impact of a social prescribing intervention in North East England on adults with type 2 diabetes: the SPRING_NE multimethod study. Public Health Research, 11(2),
- Griffith, B., Pollard, T., Gibson, K., Jeffries, J., & Moffatt, S. (2023). Constituting link working through choice and care: an ethnographic account of front-line social prescribing. Sociology of Health & Illness, 45(2), 279-297.
- Lawlor, E., Ellis, K., Adams, J., Jago, R., Foley, L., Morris, S., Pollard, T., Summerbell, C., Cummins, S., Forde, H., Foubister, C., Xiao, C., & Panter, J. (2023). Stakeholders’ experiences of what works in planning and implementing environmental interventions to promote active travel: a systematic review and qualitative synthesis. Transport Reviews, 43(3), 478-501.
- Pollard, T., Gibson, K., Griffith, B., Jeffries, J., & Moffatt, S. (2023). Implementation and impact of a social prescribing intervention: an ethnographic exploration. British Journal of General Practice, 73(735), 789-797.
- Marley, C. L., Pollard, T. M., Barton, R. A., & Street, S. E. (2022). A systematic review of sex differences in rough and tumble play across non-human mammals. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 76(12), Article 158.
- Wildman, J., Morris, S., Pollard, T., Gibson, K., & Moffatt, S. (2022). “I wouldn't survive it, as simple as that”: Syndemic vulnerability among people living with chronic non-communicable disease during the COVID-19 pandemic. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 2, Article 100032.
- Wagnild, J. M., & Pollard, T. M. (2022). Socioeconomic correlates of sedentary time during pregnancy among women at risk of gestational diabetes in the UK. Journal of Biosocial Science, 54(5), 876-887.
- Morris, S., Lawlor, E., Foley, L., Summerbell, C., Panter, J., Adams, J., Jago, R., & Pollard, T. (2022). Children's experiences of the journey between home and school: A qualitative synthesis using meta-ethnography. Health & Place, 76, Article 102819.
- Gibson, K., Moffatt, S., & Pollard, T. (2022). ‘He called me out of the blue’: An ethnographic exploration of contrasting temporalities in a social prescribing intervention. Sociology of Health & Illness, 44(7), 1149-1166.
- Morris, S. L., Wildman, J. M., Gibson, K., Moffatt, S., & Pollard, T. (2022). Managing disruption at a distance: Unequal experiences of people living with long-term conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Science & Medicine, 302, Article 114963.
- McGuire, L., Morris, S., & Pollard, T. (2022). Community gardening and wellbeing: The understandings of organisers and their implications for gardening for health. Health & Place, 75, Article 102773.
- Morris, S. L., Gibson, K., Wildman, J. M., Griffith, B., Moffatt, S., & Pollard, T. M. (2022). Social prescribing during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study of service providers’ and clients’ experiences. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), Article 258.
- Gibson, K., Pollard, T., & Moffatt, S. (2021). Social prescribing and classed inequality: A journey of upward health mobility?. Social Science & Medicine, 280, Article 114037.
- Wagnild, J., & Pollard, T. (2021). How is television time linked to cardiometabolic health in adults? A critical systematic review of the evidence for an effect of watching television on eating, movement, affect and sleep. BMJ Open, 11, Article e040739.
- Pollard, T., Guell, C., & Morris, S. (2020). Communal therapeutic mobility in group walking: a meta-ethnography. Social Science & Medicine, 262, Article 113241.
- Wagnild, J., & Pollard, T. (2020). “Sit yourself down”: women’s experiences of negotiating physical activity during pregnancy. Qualitative Health Research, 30(7), 1072-1082.
- Wagnild, J., & Pollard, T. (2020). Associations Between Television Time and activPAL-Measured Duration and Pattern of Sedentary Time Among Pregnant Women at Risk of Gestational Diabetes in the UK. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 17(4), 471-474.
- Beasley, J., Wagnild, J., Pollard, T., Roberts, T., & Akhter, N. (2020). Effectiveness of diet and physical activity interventions among Chinese-origin populations living in high income countries: a systematic review. BMC Public Health, 20, Article 1019.
- Tupper, E., Atkinson, S., & Pollard, T. (2020). Doing more with movement: constituting healthy publics in a movement volunteering programme. Palgrave communications, 6, Article 94.
- Morris, S., Guell, C., & Pollard, T. M. (2019). Group walking as a “lifeline”: Understanding the place of outdoor walking groups in women's lives. Social Science & Medicine, 238, Article 112489.
- Wagnild, J. M., Hinshaw, K., & Pollard, T. M. (2019). Associations of sedentary time and self-reported television time during pregnancy with incident gestational diabetes and plasma glucose levels in women at risk of gestational diabetes in the UK. BMC Public Health, 19(1), Article 575.
- Moffatt, S., Wildman, J., Pollard, T. M., Penn, L., O’Brien, N., Pearce, M. S., & Wildman, J. M. (2019). Evaluating the impact of a community-based social prescribing intervention on people with type 2 diabetes in North East England: mixed-methods study protocol. BMJ Open, 9(1), bmjopen-2018-026826.
- Pollard, T. M., & Wagnild, J. M. (2017). Gender differences in walking (for leisure, transport and in total) across adult life: a systematic review. BMC Public Health, 17(1), Article 341.
- Abbas, S., Pollard, T., Wynn, P., Learmonth, A., Joyce, K., & Bambra, C. (2015). The effectiveness of using the workplace to identify and address modifiable health risk factors in deprived populations. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 72(9), 664-669.
- Hornby-Turner, Y., Hampshire, K., & Pollard, T. (2014). A comparison of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in 9-11 year old British Pakistani and White British girls: a mixed methods study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 11, Article 74.
- Jones, C. H., Pollard, T. M., Summerbell, C., & Ball, H. L. (2014). Could parental rules play a role in the association between short sleep and obesity in young children?. Journal of Biosocial Science, 46(3), 405-418.
- Pollard, T., Hornby-Turner, Y., Ghurbhurrun, A., & Ridgers, N. (2012). Differences between 9–11 year old British Pakistani and White British girls in physical activity and behavior during school recess. BMC Public Health, 12, Article 1087.
- Pollard, T., & Guell, C. (2012). Assessing physical activity in Muslim women of South Asian origin. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 9, 970-976
- Pearce, M., Tennant, P., Mann, K., Pollard, T., McLean, L., Kaye, B., & Parker, L. (2012). Lifecourse predictors of mammographic density: The Newcastle Thousand Families cohort study. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 131, 187-195.
- Pollard, T. (2011). Ethnic groups as migrant groups: improving understanding of links between ethnicity/race and risk of type 2 diabetes and associated conditions. Annual Review of Anthropology, 40, 145-158.
- Henderson, E., Jones, C., Hornby-Turner, Y., & Pollard, T. (2011). Adiposity and Blood Pressure in 7- to 11-Year-Old Children: Comparison of British Pakistani and White British Children, and of British Pakistani Children of Migrant and British-Born Mothers. American Journal of Human Biology, 23(5), 710-716.
- Pearce, M., Groom, A., Relton, C., Peaston, R., Pollard, T., & Francis, R. (2011). Birth weight and early socioeconomic disadvantage as predictors of sex hormones and sex hormone binding globulin in men at age 49-51 years. American Journal of Human Biology, 23(2), 185-189.
- Pollard, T., Rousham, E., & Colls, R. (2011). Intergenerational and familial approaches to obesity and related conditions. Annals of Human Biology, 38, 385-389.
- Pollard, T., Unwin, N., Fischbacher, C., & Chamley, J. (2009). Total estradiol levels in migrant and British-born British Pakistani women: investigating early life influences on ovarian function. American Journal of Human Biology, 21, 301-304.
- Blell, M., Pollard, T., & Pearce, M. (2008). Predictors of age at menarche in the Newcastle Thousand Families Study. Journal of Biosocial Science, 40(4), 563-575.
- Pollard, T., Unwin, N., Fischbacher, C., & Chamley, J. (2008). Differences in body composition and cardiovascular and type 2 diabetes risk factors between migrant and British-born British Pakistani women. American Journal of Human Biology, 20, 545-549.
- Pollard, T., Pearce, K., Rousham, E., & Schwartz, J. (2007). Do blood pressure and heart rate responses to perceived stress vary according to endogenous estrogen level in women?. American journal of physical anthropology, 132(1), 151-157.
- Pollard, T., Unwin, N., Fischbacher, C., & Chamley, J. (2006). Sex hormone-binding globulin and androgen levels in immigrant and British-born premenopausal British Pakistani women: evidence of early life influences?. American Journal of Human Biology, 18(6), 741-747.
- Cooper, R., Blell, M., Hardy, R., Black, S., Pollard, T., Wadsworth, M., Pearce, M., & Kuh, D. (2006). The validity of age at menarche self-reported in adulthood. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 60, 993-997.
- Henderson, E., Atherton, H., Weir, R., & Pollard, T. (2005). Intergenerational differences in body composition in 8-9 year old British Pakistani children: A pilot study. Society, biology & human affairs, 70(2), 23-27
- Pollard, T., Carlin, L., Bhopal, R., Unwin, N., White, M., & Fischbacher, C. (2003). Social networks and coronary heart disease risk factors in South Asians and Europeans in the United Kingdom. Ethnicity and Health, 8, 263-275.
- Pollard, T., & Schwartz, J. (2003). Are changes in blood pressure and total cholesterol related to changes in mood? An 18-month study of men and women. Health Psychology, 22(1), 47-53.
- Pollard, T., Fischbacher, C., & Unwin, N. (2002). Oestrogen may contribute to variation in mortality. British Medical Journal, 324,
- Ahmad, N., Pollard, T., & Unwin, N. (2002). The optimal timing of blood collection during the menstrual cycle for the assessment of endogenous sex hormones
- Pollard, T. (2001). Changes in mental well-being, blood pressure and total cholesterol during workplace reorganisation: the impact of uncertainty,