Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Associate Professor in the Durham Law School | +44 (0) 191 33 46858 |
Research Interests
The impact of counter-terrorism law and policy on human rights, the Counter-terrorism Prevent policy, and the role of civil society in shaping and influencing counter terrorism policy.
Tufyal is Associate Professor at Durham University. He is also Senior Research Fellow on Security and the Rule of Law at the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law where he is leading their work on Independent Commission on UK Counter-Terrorism Law, Policy and Practice, chaired by the Rt. Hon. Sir Declan Morgan KCand a Senior Research Affiliate of the Canadian Terrorism, Security and Society Research Network.
His teaching and research focuses on issues of counter-terrorism law and policy, racial and religious discrimination, and integration. . Recent publications include: Suspicion, Discrimination and Surveillance: The impact of counter-terrorism law and policy on racialised groups at risk of racism in Europe (2021); ‘The Introduction of the Prevent Duty into Schools and Colleges: Stories of Continuity and Change’ (with Joel Busher and Paul Thomas, 2020); ‘The enactment of the counter-terrorism “Prevent duty” in British schools and colleges: beyond reluctant accommodation or straightforward policy acceptance’(with Joel Busher and Paul Thomas, 2019); “Campaigning on Campus: Student Islamic Societies and Counterterrorism” (2017) Studies in Conflict & Terrorism; and “The Radicalization of Citizenship Deprivation” (2017) Critical Social Policy.
He is a trustee of the John Ellerman Foundation, and is founding director of M-Fest: the festival of Muslim Cultures and Ideas. He appeared as a character (played by actor Phaldut Sharma), in Gillian Slovo’s verbatim play, Another World: Losing our Children to Islamic State, that ran at the National Theatre, London, in May-June 2016.
He is a graduate of the Universities of London (School of Oriental and African Studies, 1996) and Cambridge (Hughes Hall, 1998) and was called to the Bar as a member of Inner Temple (1997).
Teaching Areas
Counter-terrorism Law and Policy
International Human Rights Law
The Individual and the State
UK Constitutional Law
Advanced Issues in Public Law
Advisory and other roles
- Runnymede Trust, CERD Shadow Report Steering group (2021)
- Rights and Security International, Principal Legal and Policy Advisor (2018-)
- Bridge Institute, Research Advisory Board (2017- 2018)
- The Intolerance to Inclusion Programme Advisroy Board, Woolf Institute Cambridge, Policy Institute, Kings College London (2017 )
- UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, External Review Panel (2014 – 2017)
- Institute for Strategic Dialogue (2007-2010)
- European Union Network of Experts on Radicalisation, (2007-2010)
- Open Society Foundations, At Home in Europe Project, (2006- 2015)
- Preventing Extremism Together United Kingdom Home Office Working Group, (2005)
- JUSTICE Discrimination Law Project Advisory Group, (2003-07)
- Judicial Studies Board, Equal Treatment Advisory Committee, (2003-2009)
- Democratic Audit Advisory Committee, (2003-2007)
- Advisory Committee to the Institute for Public Policy Research Race and Political Representation Project, (2000- 2002)
Current Research Projects
Senior Research Fellow for the Independent Commission on UK Counter-terrorism Law and Policy
Research interests
- International human rights
- Equality and Anti-Discrimination
- Counter Terrorism
- Integration, identity and multiculturalism
Authored book
- Choudhury, T. (2010). Muslims in Europe: A Report on 11 EU Cities. Open Society Institute
- Choudhury, T., & Jayaweera, H. (2008). Immigration Faith and Cohesion: Evidence from three local areas with significant Muslim populations. Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Choudhury, T., & Hussain, S. (2008). Muslims in EU Cities Reports – United Kingdom: Preliminary Research Report and Literature Survey. Open Society Insitute
- Choudhury, T. (2007). The Role of Muslim Identity Politics in Radicalisation (a study in progress). Department for Communities and Local Government
- Choudhury, T., Weir, S., & Blick, A. (2006). The Rules of the Game: Terrorism Community and Human Rights. Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust
- Choudhury, T. (2002). Monitoring Minority Protection in the EU: The Situation of Muslims in the UK. Open Society Institute
- Choudhury, T., Hepple, B., & Coussey, M. (2000). Equality: A New Framework - The Final Report of the Independent Review of the Enforcement of UK Anti-Discrimination Legislation. Hart Publishing
Chapter in book
- Busher, J., Choudhury, T., & Thomas, P. (2023). Surveillance and Preventing Violent Extremism: The evidence from schools and further education colleges in England. In M. Kwet (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Surveillance and Race (267-287). Cambridge University Press.
- Busher, J., Choudhury, T., & Thomas, P. (2020). The Introduction of the Prevent Duty into Schools and Colleges: Stories of Continuity and Change. In J. Busher, & L. Jerome (Eds.), The Prevent Duty in Education: Impact, Enactment and Implications (33-53). Palgrave.
- Jerome, L., Busher, J., Armstrong, M., Choudhury, T., da Silva, R., Elwick, A., Fontana, G., James, N., Lewis, J., Robson, J., Svennevig, H., & Thomas., P. (2020). Conclusion: Reflections on the First Five Years of the Prevent Duty in Early Years, Primary, Secondary and Further Education. In J. Busher, & L. Jermone (Eds.), The Prevent Duty in Education: Impact, Enactment and Implications (159-169). Palgrave
- Choudhury, T. (2012). British by Dissent: Alternatives to Jihadhi Narratives of Identity, Belonging and Violence Among Muslims in Britain. In J. Deol, & Z. Kazmi (Eds.), Contextualising Jihadi Thought (191-218). Columbia/Hurst
- Choudhury, T. (2011). Evolving Models of Multiculturalism in the United Kingdom. In M. Emerson (Ed.), Interculturalism: Europe and its Muslims: in search of sound societal models (107-133). Centre for European Policy Studies
- Choudhury, T. (2009). The Terrorism Act 2006 Discouraging Terrorism. In I. Hare, & J. Weinstein (Eds.), Extreme Speech and Democracy (463-487). Oxford University Press
- Choudhury, T. (2007). Comparative Perspectives on Discrimination Law. In Y. Samad, & K. Sen (Eds.), Islam in the European Union : Transnationalism, Youth and the War on Terror (186-197). OUP
- Choudhury, T. (2007). Instructions to discriminate, incitement to discriminate and victimisation. In D. Schiek, L. Waddington, & M. Bell (Eds.), Cases, Materials and Text on National, Supranational and International Non-Discrimination Law. Hart Publishing, Oxford
- Choudhury, T. (2007). Muslims and Discrimination in the EU. In S. Amghar, A. Boubekeur, & M. Emerson (Eds.), European Islam: the challenges for public policy and society (84-113). Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels)
- Choudhury, T. (2006). 'Equality before the Law?'. In S. Weir (Ed.), Unequal Britain: Human Rights as a route to social justice (109-126). Politicos Publishing
- Choudhury, T. (2005). 'Overview'. In Muslims in the UK: Policies for Engaged Citizens (9-41). Open Society Institute
Conference Paper
- Choudhury, T. (2008, February). Religion, identity and public policy in the UK. Paper presented at International Studies Association. Annual Conference. Bridging Dividies, San Fransisco, USA
- Choudhury, T. (2008, December). Unpacking Discrimination and Disadvantage. Paper presented at Urban Islam in Russia and the UK, Novgorod, Russia
- Choudhury, T. (2006, October). European Discrimination Law: Strategies for Muslims in Europe
- Choudhury, T. (2006, June). Muslim Experiences of Discrimination in the EU. Paper presented at Staff Seminar Series, Newcastle Law School, Newcastle, England
- Choudhury, T. (2005, May). Designing the 'Big Tent' The New Commission for Equality and Human Rights
- Choudhury, T. (2003, September). British Muslims and Human Rights
- Choudhury, T. (2003, July). National, Regional and International Human Rights Mechanisms for Minority Protection: The Experience of British Muslims. Paper presented at OSCE Conference on Religious Freedom, Vienna, Austria
- Choudhury, T. (2003, June). Protection of Muslim Minority Rights in the EU: Comparative Study of France, Italy and the United Kingdom. Paper presented at International and European Forum on Migration Research, Turin, Italy
- Choudhury, T. (2002, November). Minority Rights and Protection from Discrimination: The Situation of Muslims in the UK
Edited book
Journal Article
- Busher, J., Choudhury, T., & Thomas, P. (2019). The enactment of the counter-terrorism “Prevent duty” in British schools and colleges: beyond reluctant accommodation or straightforward policy acceptance. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 12(3), 440-462.
- Choudhury, T. (2017). The radicalisation of citizenship deprivation. Critical Social Policy, 37(2), 225-244.
- Choudhury, T. (2016). Campaigning on Campus: Student Islamic Societies and Counterterrorism. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 40(12), 1004-1022.
- Choudhury, T. (2007). Anti-Muslim Discrimination: remedies and failings. Global Dialogue, Nicosia, 9(3-4), 33-46
- Choudhury, T. (2006). The Commission for Equality and Human Rights 'Designing the Big Tent'. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 13(3), 311-322
- Choudhury, T., & Moon, G. (2003). 'Complying with its International Human Rights Obligations: The United Kingdom and Article 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights'. European Human Rights Law Review, 8(3), 283-307
- Choudhury, T. (2003). Interpreting the right to equality under Article 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. European Human Rights Law Review, 8(1), 24-52
- Choudhury, T. (2002). 'The drafting of Article 26 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights: Part 1'. European Human Rights Law Review, 7(5), 591-603
- Choudhury, T. (2021). Suspicion, Discrimination and Surveillance: The impact of counter-terrorism law and policy on racialised groups at risk of racism in Europe. [No known commissioning body]
- Busher, J., Choudhury, T., Thomas, P., & Harris, G. (2017). What the Prevent Duty means for schools and colleges in England: An Analysis of educationalists’ Experiences. [No known commissioning body]
- Choudhury, T., & Fenwick, H. (2011). The Impact of Counter-Terrorism Measures on Muslim Communities. Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Choudhury, T., Aziz, M., Izzidien, D., Khreeji, I., & Hussain, D. (2006). Perceptions of Discrimination and Islamophobia: Voices from members of Muslim Communities in the European Union. European Union Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia
- Hepple, B., & Choudhury, T. (2001). Tackling Religious Discrimination: practical implications for policy makers and legislators. Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate
- Choudhury, T. (2000). Discrimination on Grounds of Religion or Belief. [No known commissioning body]
- Hepple, B., Coussey, T., & Choudhury, T. (1999). Independent Review of the Enforcement of Anti-Discrimination Legislation: Options For Reform. [No known commissioning body]
Working Paper
- Activists in Influencing and Shaping Counter-terrorism Legislation
- Choudhury, T. (1999). In what respects does UK discrimination law fall short of the standards demanded by international human rights law?
- Choudhury, T. (1999). In What Respects does UK Discrimination Legislation Fall Short of the Standards Demanded by International Human Rights Law?