Staff profile
Stephen Regan
Professor Emeritus
Affiliation |
Professor Emeritus in the Department of English Studies |
Authored book
Chapter in book
- Regan, S. (2016). "Door into the Light": The Later Poems of Seamus Heaney. In E. O'Brien (Ed.), "The Soul Exceeds Its Circumstances": The Later Poetry of Seamus Heaney (261-278). University of Notre Dame Press
- Regan, S. (2016). The Art of Losing: American Elegy Since 1945. In E. Spencer (Ed.), American Poetry Since 1945 (183-202). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Regan, S. (2013). Auden and Shakespeare. In T. Sharpe (Ed.), W.H. Auden in Context (266-275). Cambridge University Press
- Regan, S. (2012). Irish Elegy after Yeats. In F. Brearton, & A. Gillis (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Modern Irish Poetry (588-606). Oxford University Press
- Regan, S. (2012). "Coming up England by a different line": Louis MacNeice and Philip Larkin. In F. Brearton, & E. Longley (Eds.), Incorrigibly Plural: Louis MacNeice and his Legacy (241-256). Carcanet
- Regan, S. (2011). Contemporary and post-war poetry. In J. Harding (Ed.), T.S. Eliot in Context. Cambridge University Press
- Regan, S. (2010). 'Later Poetry'. In E. Larrissy (Ed.), W.B. Yeats (75-92). Irish Academic Press
- Regan, S. (2010). 'Philip Larkin and the Movement'. In M. O'Neill (Ed.), The Cambridge History of English Poetry (879-896). Cambridge University Press
- Regan, S. (2010). "Crisis first-hand": Seamus Heaney before and after the Ceasefire. In A. Karhio, S. Crosson, & C. Armstrong (Eds.), Crisis and Contemporary Poetry (99-113). Palgrave Macmillan
- Regan, S. (2010). 'Mahon, Longley, Muldoon, McGuckian, Carson, Boland and other Irish Poets'. In M. O'Neill (Ed.), The Cambridge History of English Poetry (956-970). Cambridge University Press
- Regan, S. (2009). 'Sacred Spaces: Writing Home in Recent Irish Memoirs and Autobiographies'. In S. Brewster, & M. Parker (Eds.), Irish Literature Since 1990 (232-249). Manchester University Press
- Regan, S. (2009). 'The Darkening Pastoral: Under the Greenwood Tree and Far from the Madding Crowd'. In K. Wilson (Ed.), A Companion to Thomas Hardy (241-253). Blackwell
- Regan, S. (2009). 'Yeats and the fin de siecle'. In D. Holdeman, & B. Levitas (Eds.), Yeats in Context (25-34). Cambridge University Press
- Regan, S. (2008). 'Philip Larkin: A Late Modern Poet'. In N. Corcoran (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century English Poetry (147-158). Cambridge University Press
- Regan, S. (2007). 'Seamus Heaney and the Modern Irish Elegy'. In A. Crowder, & J. Hall (Eds.), Seamus Heaney : poet, critic, translator (9-25). Palgrave Macmillan
- Regan, S. (2006). 'The Falling Angels: Identity and Place in Contemporary Irish Autobiography'. In Z. Mazur, & T. Bela (Eds.), Language and Identity: English and American Studies in the Age of Globalization (382-390). Jagiellonian University Press
- Regan, S. (2004). ‘Terry Eagleton’. In The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism. Johns Hopkins University Press
- Regan, S. (2001). ‘The Movement’. In N. Roberts (Ed.), A companion to twentieth-century poetry (209-220). Blackwell
- Regan, S. (2001). 'Far from the Madding Crowd: The Novel in History'. In D. Da Sousa Correa (Ed.), The Nineteenth-Century Novel: Realisms (330-357). Routledge
- Regan, S. (2001). 'Far from the Madding Crowd: Vision and Design'. In D. Da Sousa Correa (Ed.), The Nineteenth-Century Novel: Realisms (296-329). Routledge
- Regan, S. (2000). 'Macbeth'. In K. Ryan (Ed.), Shakespeare: Texts and Contexts (81-123). Macmillan
- Regan, S., & Martin, G. (2000). 'King Lear. In K. Ryan (Ed.), Shakespeare: Texts and Contexts (241-75). Macmillan
- Regan, S. (2000). 'In the Grip of Light: Philip Larkin's Poetry of the 1940s'. In J. Booth (Ed.), New Larkins for Old (121-129). Macmillan
- Regan, S. (2000). 'Poetry and Nation: W.B. Yeats'. In R. Allen, & H. Trivedi (Eds.), Literature and Nation: Britain and India 1800-1990 (78-94). Routledge
- Regan, S. (1998). 'Form and Meaning in Poetry: The Sonnet'. In An Introduction to the Humanities (49-93). Open University
- Regan, S. (1998). 'The Celtic Spirit in Literature: Ernest Renan, Matthew Arnold, and W.B. Yeats'. In A. Marshall, & N. Sammells (Eds.), Irish Encounters (28-40). Sulis Press
- Regan, S. (1998). 'Reader-Response Criticism and Reception Theory'. In W. Owens, & S. Eliot (Eds.), A Handbook of Literary Research (139-149). Routledge
- Regan, S. (1997). 'Larkin's Reputation'. In M. Baron (Ed.), Larkin with Poetry (47-69). The English Association
- Regan, S. (1995). 'W.B. Yeats and Irish Cultural Politics in the 1890s'. In S. Ledger, & S. McCracken (Eds.), Cultural Politics at the fin de siecle (66-84). Cambridge University Press
- Regan, S. (1995). 'The Novel and Society'. In D. Walder (Ed.), The Realist Novel (98-107). Routledge
- Regan, S. (1991). 'The Presence of the Past: Modernism and Postmodernism in Canadian Short Fiction'. In C. Howells, & L. Hunter (Eds.), Narrative Strategies in Canadian Literature (108-33). Open University Press
- Regan, S. (1990). '"Oil and Blood": Yeats's Return to the Nineties'. In W. Gould (Ed.), Yeats Annual (194-99). Macmillan
Edited book
- Regan, S. (Ed.). (2012). George Moore. Esther Waters. Oxford University Press
- Regan, S., & Allen, R. (Eds.). (2008). Irelands of the Mind: Memory and Identity in Modern Irish Culture. Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Regan, S. (Ed.). (2004). Irish Writing: An Anthology of Irish Literature in English 1789-1939. Oxford University Press
- Regan, S. (Ed.). (2001). The Nineteenth-Century Novel: A Critical Reader. Routledge
- Regan, S. (Ed.). (1998). The Eagleton Reader. Blackwell
- Regan, S. (Ed.). (1997). Philip Larkin. Macmillan
- Regan, S. (Ed.). (1992). The Politics of Pleasure: Aesthetics and Cultural Theory. Open University Press
- Regan, S. (Ed.). (1988). George Meredith: Modern Love. Monitor House
Journal Article
- Regan, S. (online). 'Ireland's Field Day'. History Workshop Journal, 25-37
- Regan, S. (2019). Landscapes of mourning in nineteenth-century English poetry. Nineteenth-Century Contexts, 41(1), 23-33.
- Regan, S. (2017). The Sonnet and its Travels. CounterText, 3(2), 162-175.
- Regan, S. (2016). Lux Perpetua: The Poetry of Seamus Heaney, from Door into the Dark to Electric Light. Romanticism, 22(3), 322-330.
- Regan, S. (2015). Seamus Heaney and the Making of Sweeney Astray. Hungarian journal of English and American studies, 21(2), 317-339
- Regan, S. (2014). "Things Remembered": Objects of Memory in the Poetry of Seamus Heaney. Éire-Ireland, 49(3/4), 320-336.
- Regan, S. (2009). 'North of Boston: Models of Identity, Subjectivity and Place in the Poems of Robert Frost'. Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net, 51,
- Regan, S. (2006). The Victorian Sonnet, from George Meredith to Gerard Manley Hopkins. Yearbook of English Studies, 36(2), 17-34
- Regan, S. (2006). 'W.B. Yeats: Irish Nationalism and Post-Colonial Theory'
- Regan, S. (2005). 'Robert Frost and the American Sonnet'
- Regan, S., & Goodman, L. (1998). '"Scorned as Timber, Beloved of the Sky": Emily Carr's double approach to First Nations Canadian landscapes and images in her painting and writing'. Journal of Gender Studies, 7(2), 157-179
- Regan, S. (1997). 'Seamus Deane: Reading in the Dark'. Irish Studies Review, 19, 35-40
- Regan, S. (1996). 'Neil Jordan: Michael Collins'. Irish Studies Review, 17, 40-43
- Regan, S. (1995). 'Brian Friel's Translations'
- Regan, S. (1993). 'W.B. Yeats: "Sailing to Byzantium"'
Other (Print)