Staff profile
Professor Simon Morris
Emeritus Professor
Affiliation | Telephone |
Emeritus Professor in the Department of Physics | +44 (0) 191 33 43637 |
1984-1985 Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Lindemann Trust Postdoctoral Fellowship.
1985-1987 Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, SERC/NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship.
1987-1992 The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Los Angeles, California, Research Associate (member of HST Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) team).
1989 On the final shortlist for the US Astronaut program.
1992-1993 SERC Advanced Fellowship, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge.
1993-1999 Associate Research Officer, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, Victoria, BC.
2000 Senior Research Officer, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, Victoria, BC.
2001-2006 Reader, Physics Department, University of Durham
2006-Present Professor, Physics Department, University of Durham
Chapter in book
Conference Paper
- Hammer, F., Morris, S., Kaper, L., Barbuy, B., Cuby, J., Roth, M., Jagourel, P., Evans, C., Puech, M., Fitzsimons, E., Dalton, G., & Rodrigues, M. (2016, December). The E-ELT multi-object spectrograph: latest news from MOSAIC. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI
- Marconi, A., Di Marcantonio, P., D'Odorico, V., Cristiani, S., Maiolino, R., Oliva, E., Origlia, L., Riva, M., Valenziano, L., Zerbi, F., Abreu, M., Adibekyan, V., Allende Prieto, C., Amado, P., Benz, W., Boisse, I., Bonfils, X., Bouchy, F., Buchhave, L., Buscher, D., …Zackrisson, E. (2016, December). EELT-HIRES the high-resolution spectrograph for the E-ELT. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI
- Thatte, N. A., Melotte, D., Neichel, B., Le Mignant, D., Rees, P., Clarke, F., Ferraro-Wood, V., Gonzalez, O., Jones, M., Álvarez Urueña, A., Vilaseca, H., Arribas Mocoroa, S., Caballero, J. A., Carracedo Carballal, G. J., Estrada Piqueras, A., Ferro, I., García García, M., Lamperti, I., Pereira Santaella, M., Perna, M., …York, A. (2024, June). HARMONI at ELT: project status and instrument overview. Paper presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X, Yokohama, Japan
- Richard, J., Giroud, R., Laurent, F., Krajnovic, D., Jeanneau, A., Bacon, R., Abreu, M., Adamo, A., Araujo, R., Bouché, N., Brinchmann, J., Cai, Z., Castro Rodriguez, N., Calcines, A., Chapuis, D., Claeyssens, A., Cortese, L., Daddi, E., Davison, C., Goodwin, M., …Zheng, J. (2024, June). The Blue Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (BlueMUSE) on the VLT: science drivers and overview of instrument design. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X, Yokohama, Japan
- Calcines Rosario, A. Z., Wells, M., O’Brien, K. S., Morris, S. L., Seifert, W., Zanutta, A., Evans, C., & Di Marcantonio, P. (2022, December). CUBES: application of image slicers to reformat the field for two spectral resolving powers. Presented at Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation V
- Morris, T., Basden, A., Calcines-Rosario, A., Dohlen, K., Dubbeldam, C., El Hadi, K., Fitzsimons, E., Fusco, T., Gendron, É., Hammer, F., Jagourel, P., Jenkins, D., Morel, C., Morris, S., Rousset, G., Townson, M., Vola, P., & Younger, E. (2018, June). Phase A AO system design and performance for MOSAIC at the ELT. Presented at Adaptive Optics Systems VI: SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2018, Austin, Texas
- Gendron, E., Morris, T., Basden, A., Vidal, F., Atkinson, D., Bitenc, U., Buey, T., Chemla, F., Cohen, M., Dickson, C., Dipper, N., Feautrier, P., Gach, J.-L., Gratadour, D., Henry, D., Huet, J.-M., Morel, C., Morris, S., Myers, R., Osborn, J., …Younger, E. (2016, July). Final two-stage MOAO on-sky demonstration with CANARY. Presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, Edinburgh
- Evans, C., Puech, M., Rodrigues, M., Barbuy, B., Cuby, J., Dalton, G., Fitzsimons, E., Hammer, F., Jagourel, P., Kaper, L., Morris, S., & Morris, T. (2016, June). Science requirements and trade-offs for the MOSAIC instrument for the European ELT. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, Edinburgh
- Basden, A., Morris, S., Morris, T., & Myers, R. (2014, August). AO modelling for wide-field E-ELT instrumentation using Monte-Carlo simulation. Presented at Adaptive Optics Systems IV
- Hammer, F., Barbuy, B., Cuby, J., Kaper, L., Morris, S., Evans, C., Jagourel, P., Dalton, G., Rees, P., Puech, M., Rodrigues, M., Pearson, D., & Disseau, K. (2014, July). MOSAIC at the E-ELT: A multi-object spectrograph for astrophysics, IGM and cosmology. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V
- Evans, C., Puech, M., Barbuy, B., Bonifacio, P., Cuby, J.-G., Guenther, E., Hammer, F., Jagourel, P., Kaper, L., Morris, S., Afonso, J., Amram, P., Aussel, H., Basden, A., Bastian, N., Battaglia, G., Biller, B., Bouché, N., Caffau, E., Charlot, S., …Ziegler, B. (2014, July). Science case and requirements for the MOSAIC concept for a multi-object spectrograph for the European Extremely Large Telescope. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V
- Evans, C., Lehnert, M., Cuby, J. .-G., Morris, S., Puech, M., Welikala, N., Swinbank, A., & Schnetler, H. (2010, July). Science requirements and performances for EAGLE for the E-ELT. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III, San Diego, California
- Paumard, T., Clénet, Y., Davies, R., Genzel, R., Lehnert, M., Cuby, J. .-G., Morris, S., & team, T. E. (2009, June). Galactic Centre science with an ELT. Presented at 1st AO4ELT conference - Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes, Paris, France
- Puech, M., Lehnert, M., Yang, Y., Cuby, J. .-G., Morris, S., Evans, C., Neichel, B., Fusco, T., Rousset, G., & Flores, H. (2009, June). The physics of galaxy evolution with EAGLE. Presented at 1st AO4ELT conference - Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes, Paris, France
- Evans, C., Yang, Y., Puech, M., Lehnert, M., Barker, M., Ferguson, A., Cuby, J., Morris, S., Rousset, G., Assémat, F., & Flores, H. (2009, August). EAGLE Spectroscopy of Resolved Stellar Populations Beyond the Local Group. Presented at Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
- Haehnelt, M. G., Rauch, M., Bunker, A., Becker, G., Marleau, F., Graham, J., Cristiani, S., Jarvis, M. J., Lacey, C., Morris, S., Peroux, C., Rottgering, H., & Theuns, T. (2009, December). Pushing FORS to the Limit—A New Population of Faint Extended Lyα Emitters at z˜3. Presented at ESO Workshop 'Science with the VLT in the ELT era'
- Rauch, M., Haehnelt, M., Bunker, A., Becker, G., Marleau, F., Graham, J., Cristiani, S., Jarvis, M., Lacey, C., Morris, S., Peroux, C., Roettgering, H., & Theuns, T. (2008, October). Faint Lyα Emitters, Star-forming Galaxies, and Damped Lyα Systems
- Wilman, D., Pierini, D., Tyler, K., McGee, S., Oemler, A., Morris, S., Balogh, M., Bower, R., & Mulchaey, J. (2008, October). Galaxies Die in Groups: An IRAC Autopsy
- Evans, C., Lehnert, M., Cuby, J.-G., Morris, S., Swinbank, A., Taylor, W., Alexander, D., Lorente, N., Clenet, Y., & Paumard, T. (2008, August). Science requirements for EAGLE for the E-ELT
- Cuby, J.-G., Morris, S., Bryson, I., Lehnert, M., Evans, C., Fusco, T., Jagourel, P., Myers, R., Rousset, G., Schnetler, H., Amans, J.-P., Allington-Smith, J., Assemat, F., Beard, S., Chemla, F., Content, R., Dipper, N., Ferrari, M., Gendron, E., Gimenez, J.-L., …Wells, M. (2008, August). EAGLE: an MOAO fed multi-IFU in the NIR on the E-ELT
- Cunningham, C., Atad-Ettadgui, E., Bacon, R., Brandl, B., Cuby, J.-G., Dalton, G., Dent, W., D'Odorico, S., Egan, I., Evans, C., Hammer, F., Hubin, N., Jagourel, P., Kasper, M., Kerber, F., Lenzen, R., Montilla, I., Moretto, G., Morris, S., Pasquini, L., …Verinaud, C. (2006, July). ELT instrument concepts: impact on telescope and adaptive optics design
- Andersen, D. R., Crampton, D., Szeto, K., Morris, S., Lloyd-Hart, M., Myers, R., Stoesz, J., Tokovinin, A., Butterley, T., Milton, N. M., Véran, J.-P., & Wilson, R. (2006, July). Modeling a GLAO system for the Gemini Observatory
- Evans, C., Cunningham, C., Atad-Ettedgui, E., Allington-Smith, J., Assemat, F., Dalton, G., Hastings, P., Hawarden, T., Hook, I., Ivison, R., Morris, S., Ramsay Howat, S., Strachan, M., & Todd, S. (2006, July). A multi-object multi-field spectrometer and imager for a European ELT
- Szeto, K., Andersen, D., Crampton, D., Morris, S., Lloyd-Hart, M., Myers, R., Jensen, J. B., Fletcher, M., Gardhouse, W. R., Milton, N. M., Pazder, J., Stoesz, J., Simons, D., & Véran, J.-P. (2006, July). A proposed implementation of a ground layer adaptive optics system on the Gemini Telescope
- Jannuzi, B., & Morris, S. (2005, December). The Association Between Gas and Galaxies
- Baugh, C., Durham, U., Angulo, R., Bower, R., Frenk, C., Jenkins, A., Morris, S., Helly, J., Benson, A., Cole, S., & others. (2005, December). Realistic simulations of acoustic oscillations in galaxy survey. Presented at Probing the Dark Universe with Subaru and Gemini
- Content, R., Dubbeldam, C., Robertson, D., Sharples, R., & Morris, S. (2004, September). Large-field reflective integral field systems for visible and infrared spectroscopy. Presented at Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series
- Henault, F., Bacon, R., Content, R., Lantz, B., Laurent, F., Lemonnier, J.-P., & Morris, S. L. (2004, February). Slicing the universe at affordable cost: the quest for the MUSE image slicer
- Content, R., Dubbeldam, C. M., Robertson, D. J., Sharples, R. M., & Morris, S. L. (2004, December). Large-field reflective integral field systems for visible and infrared spectroscopy. Presented at Ground-based Instrumentation for Astronomy
- Bacon, R., Bauer, S.-M., Bower, R., Cabrit, S., Cappellari, M., Carollo, M., Combes, F., Davies, R. L., Delabre, B., Dekker, H., Devriendt, J., Djidel, S., Duchateau, M., Dubois, J.-P., Emsellem, E., Ferruit, P., Franx, M., Gilmore, G. F., Guiderdoni, B., Henault, F., …de Zeeuw, P. T. (2004, December). The second-generation VLT instrument MUSE: science drivers and instrument design
- Henault, F., Bacon, R., Bonneville, C., Boudon, D., Davies, R. L., Ferruit, P., Gilmore, G. F., LeFevre, O., Lemonnier, J.-P., Lilly, S., Morris, S. L., Prieto, E., Steinmetz, M., & de Zeeuw, P. T. (2003, March). MUSE: a second-generation integral-field spectrograph for the VLT
- Content, R., Morris, S. L., & Dubbeldam, C. M. (2003, December). Microslices and low-cost spectrographs for million element integral field spectrographs. Presented at Specialized Optical Developments in Astronomy
- Rutten, R. G., Clark, P., Myers, R. M., Wilson, R. W., Bingham, R. G., Emsellem, E., Gregory, T., Humphreys, R. A., Knapen, J., Moretto, G., Morris, S. L., & Talbot, G. (2003, December). Facility class Rayleigh beacon AO system for the 4.2m William Herschel telescope
- Morris, S., Content, R., Sharples, R., Bower, R., Davies, R., & Baugh, C. (2002, December). A Million Element Integral Field Unit (MEIFU). Presented at ESO Workshop, Garching, Germany
- Sharples, R., Morris, S., & Content, R. (2002, December). MEIFU - A Million Element Integral Field Unit for Deep Ly-α Searches
- Morris, S., Jannuzi, B., & Weymann, R. (2002, December). Low Redshift Lyman α Absorbers and Their Connection With Galaxies
- Bacon, R., Adam, G., Cabrit, S., Combes, F., Davies, R., Emsellem, E., Ferruit, P., Franx, M., Gilmore, G., Guiderdoni, B., Lefevre, O., Morris, S., Pecontal, E., Prieto, E., Sharples, R., van der Werf, P., & de Zeeuw, P. (2001, September). MIFS: A Mega Integral Field Spectrograph for the VLT. Presented at ESO Workshop
- Chapman, S., & Morris, S. (2001, December). Studying the fueling and unification models for the Seyfert galaxy NGC 3227 using adaptive optics imaging and spectroscopy
- Herriot, G., Morris, S., Anthony, A., Derdall, D., Duncan, D., Dunn, J., Ebbers, A. W., Fletcher, J. M., Hardy, T., Leckie, B., Mirza, A., Morbey, C. L., Pfleger, M., Roberts, S., Shott, P., Smith, M., Saddlemyer, L. K., Sebesta, J., Szeto, K., Wooff, R., …Véran, J.-P. (2000, July). Progress on Altair: the Gemini North adaptive optics system
- Balogh, M., Navarro, J., & Morris, S. (2000, December). Population Gradients in Galaxy Clusters. Presented at KITP Conference: Galaxy Formation and Evolution
- Shepherd, C., Carlberg, R., Yee, H., Morris, S., Lin, H., Sawicki, M., Hall, P., & Patton, D. (2000, December). The Colour Dependence of the Galaxy Correlation Function and its Evolution in the CNOC2 Redshift Survey
- Morris, S., Ouellette, J., Villemaire, A., Grandmont, F., & Moreau, L. (2000, December). A Canadian IFTS for the NGST
- Hall, P., Yee, H., Lin, H., Morris, S., Patton, D., Sawicki, M., Shepherd, C., Wirth, G., Carlberg, R., Bechtold, J., & Elston, R. (1999, December). AGN from the CNOC2 Field Galaxy Redshift Survey
- Patton, D., Pritchet, C., Wirth, G., Carlberg, R., Hall, P., Lin, H., Sawicki, M., Shepherd, C., Yee, H., Marzke, R., Morris, S., Schade, D., & Ellingson, E. (1999, August). Evolution of the Galaxy Merger Rate from Z = 0 to Z = 0.5
- Wurtz, R., Abrams, M., Bennett, C., Bixler, J., Carr, D., Carr, J., Cook, K., Dey, A., Graham, J., Hertel, R., Macoy, N., Morris, S., Najita, J., Villemaire, A., Wickham, D., & Wishnow, E. (1999, May). First Observations with the LLNL Optical Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer
- Lilly, S., Crampton, D., Hickson, P., & Morris, S. (1999, May). Canadian Studies of Science Instrument Concepts for NGST
- Chapman, S., Walker, G., & Morris, S. (1999, December). The Core Structure of AGN: Perils of Adaptive Optics Artifacts
- Carlberg, R., Yee, H., Morris, S., Lin, H., Hall, P., Patton, D., Sawicki, M., & Shepherd, C. (1999, December). Galaxy Clustering in the CNOC2 Redshift Survey
- Graham, J., Macoy, N., Wickham, D., Hertel, R., Abrams, M., Bennett, C., Cook, K., Wurtz, R., Carr, J., Dey, A., Najita, J., Morris, S., Villemaire, A., & Wishnow, E. (1998, December). IFIRS: an Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer for NGST
- Dey, A., Najita, J., Graham, J., Bennett, C., Cook, K., Wurtz, R., Macoy, N., Wickham, D., Hertel, R., Abrams, M., Carr, J., Morris, S., Villemaire, A., & Wishnow, E. (1998, December). Simulating the Performance of a Fourier Transform Imaging Spectrometer on NGST
- Rector, T., Stocke, J., Perlman, E., Morris, S., & Gioia, I. (1998, December). Properties of the EMSS Sample of X-Ray-Selected BL Lacertae Objects
- Herriot, G., Morris, S., Roberts, S., Fletcher, J. M., Saddlemyer, L. K., Singh, G., Véran, J.-P., & Richardson, E. H. (1998, September). Innovations in Gemini adaptive optics system design
- Lewis, A., Ellingson, E., Morris, S., & Carlberg, R. (1998, May). Cluster Masses at Z \textasciitilde 0.3 from X-ray observations
- Carlberg, R., Yee, H., Ellingson, E., Morris, S., Lin, H., Sawicki, M., Patton, D., Wirth, G., Abraham, R., Gravel, P., Pritchet, C., Smecker-Hane, T., Schade, D., Hartwick, F., Hesser, J., Hutchings, J., & Oke, J. (1998, April). The Omega\_M-Omega\_Lambda Constraint from CNOC Clusters. Presented at ArXiv Astrophysics e-prints
- Yee, H., Sawicki, M., Carlberg, R., Lin, H., Morris, S., Patton, D., Wirth, G., Shepherd, C., Ellingson, D., Schade, D., Marzke, R., & Andersen, J. (1998, December). The CNOC2 Field Galaxy Redshift Survey. Presented at Highlights of Astronomy, Kyoto, Japan
- Lin, H., Yee, H., Carlberg, R., Morris, S., Sawicki, M., Patton, D., Wirth, C., Shepherd, C., Ellingson, E., Schade, D., Marzke, R., & Pritchet, C. (1998, December). Results on Galaxy Evolution from the CNOC2 Field Galaxy Redshift Survey
- Carlberg, R., Yee, H., Lin, H., Swicki, M., Shepherd, C., Ellingson, E., Morris, S., Schade, D., Hesser, J., Hutchings, J., Oke, J., Patton, D., Wirth, G., Balogh, M., Hartwick, F., Pritchet, C., Abraham, R., & Smecker-Hane, T. (1998, December). Omega_M and the CNOC Surveys
- Weymann, R., Morris, S., Gray, M., & Hutchings, J. (1998, December). GHRS Monitoring of the Outfiowing Material in NGC 4151
- Carlberg, R., Yee, H., Morris, S., Lin, H., Sawicki, M., Wirth, G., Patton, D., Shepherd, C., Ellingson, E., Schade, D., Pritchet, C., & Hartwick, F. (1998, December). Evolution of Galaxy Correlations
- Lin, H., Yee, H., Carlberg, R., Ellingson, E., & Morris, S. (1997, December). Results on Galaxy Evolution from the CNOC2 Redshift Survey
- Carlberg, R., Yee, H., Lin, H., Shepherd, C., Gravel, P., Ellingson, E., Morris, S., Schade, D., Hesser, J., Hutchings, J., Oke, J., Abraham, R., Balogh, M., Wirth, G., Hartwick, F., Pritchet, C., & Smecker-Hane, T. (1997, April). The CNOC Cluster Survey: Omega, sigma\_8, Phi(L,z) Results, and Prospects for Lambda Measurement. Presented at ArXiv Astrophysics e-prints
- Herriot, G., & Morris, S. (1997, March). Gemini Adaptive Optics System
- Weymann, R., Morris, S., Gray, M., & Hutchings, J. (1997, December). The Dynamical Stability of an Absorbing Cloud in NGC 4151
- Morris, S. L. (1996, October). GHRS Observations of the Lyman alpha Forest. Presented at ArXiv Astrophysics e-prints
- Ellingson, E., Yee, H., Morris, S., Carlberg, R., Sawicki, M., & Gravel, P. (1996, December). Cluster Galaxy Evolution from the CNOC Survey
- Carlberg, R., Yee, H., Ellingson, E., Morris, S., Abraham, R., Gravel, P., Hartwick, F., Hesser, J., Hutchings, J., Oke, J., & others. (1996, December). The cnoc cluster survey. Presented at Early Universe with the VLT
- Sirola, C., Turnshek, D., Monier, E., Sheaffer, S., Weymann, R., Morris, S., Duhalde, O., Krzeminski, W., Kunkel, W., & Roth, M. (1995, May). Results from the Las Campanas Program to Monitor QSO Optical Brightness Variations
- Morris, S. L. (1995, May). Lyalpha Absorbers along the 3C273 sightline
- Morris, S. (1995, December). Lyman α Absorption and Tidal Debris
- Dinshaw, N., Foltz, C., Impey, C., Weymann, R., & Morris, S. (1995, December). Evidence for Large, Quiescent Lyman-Alpha Clouds from HST UV Spectroscopy of the Quasar Pair Q 0107-025 A,B
- Hutchings, J., Abraham, R., Smecker-Hane, T., Morris, S., Davidge, T., Rigler, M., Carlberg, R., Yee, H., & Ellingson, E. (1995, December). Populations in the z=0.23 Rich Cluster Abell 2390
- Yee, H., Ellingson, E., Carlberg, R., Gravel, P., Abraham, R., Morris, S., Rigler, M., & Smecker-Hane, T. (1995, December). The CNOC Cluster Redshift Survey
- Rauch, M., Weymann, R., & Morris, S. (1995, December). Are Low Redshift Lyman-Alpha Absorption Systems Associated with Galaxies?
- Korista, K., Alloin, D., Barr, P., Clavel, J., Cohen, R., Crenshaw, D., Evans, I., Horne, K., Koratkar, A., Kriss, G., Krolik, J., Malkan, M., Morris, S., Netzer, H., O'Brien, P., Peterson, B., Reichert, G., Rodriguez-Pascual, P., & Wamsteker, W. (1994, December). An Intensive HST, IUE, and Ground-Based Study of NGC 5548
- Foltz, C., Dinshaw, N., Impey, C., Weymann, R., & Morris, S. (1994, December). Evidence of Very Large, Quiescent Lyman Alpha Forest Clouds
- Peterson, B., Alloin, D., Barr, P., Clavel, J., Cohen, R., Crenshaw, D., Evans, I., Koratkar, A., Korista, K., Horne, K., Kriss, G., Krolik, J., Malkan, M., Morris, S., Netzer, H., O'Brien, P., Reichert, G., Rodriguez-Pascual, P., & Wamsteker, W. (1994, May). Intensive Spectroscopic Monitoring of NGC 5548 with HST, IUE, and Ground-Based Telescopes
- Donahue, M., Stocke, J., Morris, S., & Arnaud, K. (1994, December). ROSAT observations of distant clusters of galaxies. Presented at AIP Conference Proceedings
- Donahue, M., Arnaud, K., Stocke, J., Morris, S., & Gioia, I. (1993, December). ROSAT Observations of Distant Clusters of Galaxies
- Sirola, C., Turnshek, D., Monier, E., Sheaffer, S., Weymann, R., Morris, S., Duhalde, O., Krzeminski, W., Kunkel, W., & Roth, M. (1992, May). Initial Results from the Las Campanas Program to Monitor QSO Optical Brightness Variations
- Morris, S., & Stocke, J. (1991, September). Optical Spectra of X-Ray Selected AGN
- Korista, K., Morris, S., & Weymann, R. (1991, September). The Ionization of QSO Outflows
- Morris, S., Weymann, R., Savage, B., & Gilliland, R. (1991, June). First results from the GHRS: the galactic halo and the Lyman α forest at low redshift in 3C273
- Mueller, J., Mendenhall, J., Weymann, R., & Morris, S. (1991, December). Supernova 1991bh in Anonymous Galaxy. Presented at International Astronomical Union Circular
- Barlow, T., Junkkarinen, V., Burbidge, E., Weymann, R., Morris, S., & Korista, K. (1991, December). Broad Absorption Line Time Variability in the QSO CSO 203. Presented at Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society
- Stocke, J. T., Perlman, E. S., Wurtz, R., & Morris, S. L. (1991, December). The cosmological evolution of BL Lacertae objects
- Boroson, T., Meyers, K., Morris, S., & Persson, S. (1990, September). Broad Absorption Line Seyfert Galaxies
- Foltz, C., Chaffee, F., Hewett, P., Weymann, R., & Morris, S. (1990, March). On the Fraction of Optically-Selected QSOs with Broad Absorption Lines in Their Spectra
- Gioia, I. M., Maccacaro, T., Morris, S., Schild, R., Stocke, J., & Wolter, A. (1990, December). The EINSTEIN Observatory Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey: An X-Ray Survey at Low Fluxes
- Wolter, A., Gioia, I., Maccacaro, T., Morris, S., Nesci, R., Perola, G., & Schild, R. (1990, December). A cooling flow cluster at redshift z = 0.2
- Morris, S., Liebert, J., Gioia, I., Maccacaro, T., Schild, R., & Stocke, J. (1990, December). MS 1603.6+2600: an unusual X-ray selected binary system at high galactic latitude
- Wolter, A., Gioia, I. M., Maccacaro, T., Schild, R. E., Morris, S. L., & Stocke, J. T. (1989, November). BL Lacs from the EMSS: Number-counts and implications for the luminosity function
- Hamann, F., Weymann, R., & Morris, S. (1989, September). Asymmetric Wind Models of Broad Absorption Line QSO's
- Morris, S., & Ward, M. (1989, December). Optically Thin Gas in the BLR of Seyfert Galaxies
- Stocke, J. T., Morris, S. L., Gioia, I., Maccacaro, T., Schild, R., & Wolter, A. (1989, December). The Optical and Radio Properties of X-Ray Selected Bl-Lacertae Objects
- Gioia, I., Maccacaro, T., Morris, S., Schild, R., Stocke, J., & Wolter, A. (1989, December). X-Ray Selected AGN from the Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey
- Maccacaro, T., Gioia, I., Schild, R., Wolter, A., Morris, S., & Stocke, J. (1989, December). Bl-Lacertae Objects from the Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey - the Surface Density
- Foltz, C., Chaffee, F., Hewett, P., Frye, B., Weymann, R., Anderson, S., Morris, S., MacAlpine, G., & Turnshek, D. (1989, December). The APM QSO Survey: Description and Status Report
- Filippenko, A., Weymann, R., Morris, S., & Anderson, S. (1988, November). Supernova 1988N in Anonymous Galaxy
- Gioia, I., Maccacaro, T., Morris, S., Schild, R., Stocke, J., & Wolter, A. (1988, November). The Extended Medium Sensitivity Source Survey
- Stocke, J. T., Morris, S. L., Gioia, I., Maccacaro, T., Schild, R., & Wolter, A. (1988, December). The Einstein Observatory extended medium sensitivity survey sample of BL Lacertae objects. Presented at NASA STI/Recon Technical Report A
- Weymann, R. J., Morris, S. L., & Anderson, S. F. (1988, December). Some Spectroscopic Properties of Mass-Ejecting and Radio-Loud Quasars
- Stocke, J. T., Morris, S. L., Gioia, I., Maccacaro, T., Schild, R., & Wolter, A. (1988, December). Sensitivity Survey Sample of BL Lacertae Objects
- Gioia, I., Maccacaro, T., Morris, S., Schild, R., Stocke, J., & Wolter, A. (1988, December). X-Ray Selected Clusters of Galaxies
- Maccacaro, T., Gioia, I., Morris, S., Schild, R., Stocke, J., & Wolter, A. (1988, December). Quasar Sample
- Gioia, I., Maccacaro, T., Schild, R., Wolter, A., Stocke, J., Morris, S., & Danziger, I. (1987, December). Active Galactic Nuclei from the Extended Einstein Medium Survey
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- Crighton, N. H., Bechtold, J., Carswell, R. F., Dave, R., Foltz, C. B., Jannuzi, B. T., Morris, S. L., O'Meara, J. M., Prochaska, J. X., Schaye, J., & Tejos, N. (online). A high molecular fraction in a sub-damped absorber at z=0.56
- Cuby, J., Morris, S., Bryson, I., & Lehnert, M. (online). An efficient facility spectrometer for the European extremely large telescope
- Beckett, A., Morris, S. L., Fumagalli, M., Tejos, N., Jannuzi, B., & Cantalupo, S. (2023). Modelling gas around galaxy pairs and groups using the Q0107 quasar triplet. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521(1), 1113-1143.
- Revalski, M., Rafelski, M., Fumagalli, M., Fossati, M., Pirzkal, N., Sunnquist, B., Prichard, L. J., Henry, A., Bagley, M., Dutta, R., Papini, G., Battaia, F. A., D’Odorico, V., Dayal, P., Estrada-Carpenter, V., Lofthouse, E. K., Lusso, E., Morris, S. L., Nedkova, K. V., Papovich, C., & Peroux, C. (2023). The MUSE Ultra Deep Field (MUDF). III. Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Grism Spectroscopy and Imaging. Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 265(2), Article 40.
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- Beckett, A., Morris, S. L., Fumagalli, M., Tejos, N., Jannuzi, B., & Cantalupo, S. (2022). Signatures of extended discs and outflows in the circumgalactic medium using the Q0107 quasar triplet. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517(1), 1020-1047.
- Dalton, T., Morris, S. L., Fumagalli, M., & Gatuzz, E. (2022). Probing the parameters of the intergalactic medium using quasars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513(1), 822-834.
- Dalton, T., Morris, S. L., Fumagalli, M., & Gatuzz, E. (2021). Probing the physical properties of the intergalactic medium using blazars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 508(2), 1701-1718.
- Beckett, A., Morris, S. L., Fumagalli, M., Bielby, R., Tejos, N., Schaye, J., Jannuzi, B., & Cantalupo, S. (2021). The relationship between gas and galaxies at z < 1 using the Q0107 quasar triplet. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 506(2), 2574-2602.
- Anshul, P., Narayanan, A., Muzahid, S., Beckett, A., & Morris, S. L. (2021). Pair lines of sight observations of multiphase gas bearing O vi in a galaxy environment. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 503(3), 3243-3261.
- Dalton, T., Morris, S. L., & Fumagalli, M. (2021). Probing the physical properties of the intergalactic medium using gamma-ray bursts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 502(4), 5981-5996.
- Stott, J., Bielby, R., Cullen, F., Burchett, J., Tejos, N., Fumagalli, M., Crain, R., Morris, S., Amos, N., Bower, R., & Prochaska, J. (2020). Quasar Sightline and Galaxy Evolution (QSAGE) survey - II. Galaxy overdensities around UV luminous quasars at z = 1-2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 497(3), 3083-3096.
- Morris, S. L., & Dalton, T. (2020). Using realistic host galaxy metallicities to improve the GRB X-ray equivalent total hydrogen column density and constrain the intergalactic medium density. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 495(2), 2342-2353.
- Bielby, R. M., Fumagalli, M., Fossati, M., Rafelski, M., Oppenheimer, B., Cantalupo, S., Christensen, L., Fynbo, J., Lopez, S., Morris, S. L., D’Odorico, V., & Peroux, C. (2020). Into the Lyα jungle: exploring the circumgalactic medium of galaxies at z ∼ 4 − 5 with MUSE. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 493(4), 5336-5356.
- Lofthouse, E. K., Fumagalli, M., Fossati, M., O’Meara, J. M., Murphy, M. T., Christensen, L., Prochaska, J. X., Cantalupo, S., Bielby, R. M., Cooke, R. J., Lusso, E., & Morris, S. L. (2020). MUSE Analysis of Gas around Galaxies (MAGG) - I: Survey design and the environment of a near pristine gas cloud at z ≈ 3.5. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 491(2), 2057-2074.
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- Fossati, M., Fumagalli, M., Lofthouse, E., D’Odorico, V., Lusso, E., Cantalupo, S., Cooke, R., Cristiani, S., Haardt, F., Morris, S., Peroux, C., Prichard, L., Rafelski, M., Smail, I., & Theuns, T. (2019). The MUSE Ultra Deep Field (MUDF). II. Survey design and the gaseous properties of galaxy groups at 0.5 < z < 1.5. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490(1), 1451-1469.
- Pessa, I., Tejos, N., Barrientos, L. F., Werk, J., Bielby, R., Padilla, N., Morris, S. L., Prochaska, J. X., Lopez, S., & Hummels, C. (2018). A VLT/MUSE galaxy survey towards QSO Q1410: looking for a WHIM traced by BLAs in inter-cluster filaments†. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 477(3), 2631-2653.
- Bielby, R., Shanks, T., Crighton, N., Bornancini, C., Infante, L., Lambas, D., Minniti, D., Morris, S., & Tummuangpak, P. (2017). The VLT LBG redshift survey – VI. Mapping H i in the proximity of z ∼ 3 LBGs with X-Shooter. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 471(2), 2174-2186.
- Bielby, R., Crighton, N., Fumagalli, M., Morris, S., Stott, J., Tejos, N., & Cantalupo, S. (2017). Probing the intra-group medium of a z = 0.28 galaxy group. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 468(2), 1373-1386.
- Fumagalli, M., Haardt, F., Theuns, T., Morris, S. L., Cantalupo, S., Madau, P., & Fossati, M. (2017). A measurement of the z = 0 UV background from Halpha fluorescence. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 467(4), 4802-4816.
- Fumagalli, M., Cantalupo, S., Dekel, A., Morris, S., O'Meara, J., Prochaska, J., & Theuns, T. (2016). MUSE searches for galaxies near very metal-poor gas clouds at z~3: new constraints for cold accretion models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462(2), 1978-1988.
- Finn, C., Morris, S., Tejos, N., Crighton, N., Perry, R., Fumagalli, M., Bielby, R., Theuns, T., Schaye, J., Shanks, T., Liske, J., Gunawardhana, M., & Bartle, S. (2016). On the connection between the metal-enriched intergalactic medium and galaxies: an O VI–galaxy cross-correlation study at z < 1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 460(1), 590-616.
- Tejos, N., Prochaska, J., Crighton, N., Morris, S., Werk, J., Theuns, T., Padilla, N., Bielby, R., & Finn, C. (2016). Towards the statistical detection of the warm-hot intergalactic medium in intercluster filaments of the cosmic web. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 455(3), 2662-2697.
- Tejos, N., Morris, S., Finn, C., Crighton, N., Bechtold, J., Jannuzi, B., Schaye, J., Theuns, T., Altay, G., Le Fevre, O., Ryan-Weber, E., & Dave, R. (2014). VizieR Online Data Catalog: HI-galaxy cross-correlation at z$\lt$\~1 (Tejos+, 2014)
- Finn, C. W., Morris, S. L., Crighton, N. H., Hamann, F., Done, C., Theuns, T., Fumagalli, M., Tejos, N., & Worseck, G. (2014). A compact, metal-rich, kpc-scale outflow in FBQS J0209-0438: detailed diagnostics from HST/COS extreme UV observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 440(4), 3317-3340.
- Tejos, N., Morris, S., Finn, C., Crighton, N., Bechtold, J., Jannuzi, B., Schaye, J., Theuns, T., Altay, G., Le Fèvre, O., Ryan-Webeer, E., & Davé, R. (2014). On the connection between the intergalactic medium and galaxies: the H I–galaxy cross-correlation at z ≲ 1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 437(3), 2017-2075.
- Tejos, N., Morris, S. L., Crighton, N. H., Theuns, T., Altay, G., & Finn, C. W. (2012). Large-scale structure in absorption: gas within and around galaxy voids. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 425(1), 245-260.
- Crighton, N., Bielby, R., Shanks, T., Infante, L., Bornancini, C., Bouché, N., Lambas, D., Lowenthal, J., Minniti, D., Morris, S., Padilla, N., Péroux, C., Petitjean, P., Theuns, T., Tummuangpak, P., Weilbacher, P., Wisotzki, L., & Worseck, G. (2011). The VLT LBG Redshift Survey- II. Interactions between galaxies and the IGM at z\tilde 3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 414, 28-49.
- Evans, C., Davies, B., Kudritzki, R.-P., Puech, M., Yang, Y., Cuby, J.-G., Figer, D., Lehnert, M., Morris, S., & Rousset, G. (2011). Stellar metallicities beyond the Local Group: the potential of J-band spectroscopy with extremely large telescopes. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 527, Article A50.
- Lehnert, M., Nesvadba, N., Cuby, J.-G., Swinbank, A., Morris, S., Clément, B., Evans, C., Bremer, M., & Basa, S. (2010). Spectroscopic confirmation of a galaxy at redshift z = 8.6. Nature, 467(7318), 940-942.
- Morris, S., & Cuby, J. .-G. (2010). EAGLE: An Adaptive Optics Fed, Multiple Integral Field Unit, Near-infrared Spectrograph
- Evans, C., Morris, S., Swinbank, M., Cuby, J. .-G., Lehnert, M., & Puech, M. (2010). EAGLE: galaxy evolution with the E-ELT. Astronomy and Geophysics, 51(2), 020000-2.
- Weijmans, A.-M., Bower, R. G., Geach, J. E., Swinbank, A. M., Wilman, R., de Zeeuw, P., & Morris, S. L. (2010). Dissecting the Lyman α emission halo of LAB1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 402(4), 2245-2252.
- Shone, A. M., Morris, S. L., Crighton, N., & Wilman, R. J. (2010). The association between gas and galaxies - III. The cross-correlation of galaxies and Lyα absorbers† at z \textasciitilde 1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 402(4), 2520-2538.
- Crighton, N. H., Morris, S. L., Bechtold, J., Crain, R. A., Jannuzi, B. T., Shone, A., & Theuns, T. (2010). Galaxies at a redshift of ∼0.5 around three closely spaced quasar sightlines. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 402(2), 1273-1306.
- Balogh, M., McGee, S., Wilman, D., Bower, R., Hau, G., Morris, S., Mulchaey, J., Oemler, A., Parker, L., & Gwyn, S. (2009). The colour of galaxies in distant groups. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 398(2), 754-768.
- Cimatti, A., Robberto, M., Baugh, C., Beckwith, S., Content, R., Daddi, E., De Lucia, G., Garilli, B., Guzzo, L., Kauffmann, G., Lehnert, M., Maccagni, D., Martínez-Sansigre, A., Pasian, F., Reid, I., Rosati, P., Salvaterra, R., Stiavelli, M., Wang, Y., Zapatero Osorio, M., …Zerbi, F. (2009). SPACE: the spectroscopic all-sky cosmic explorer. Experimental Astronomy, 23(1), 39-66.
- Rauch, M., Haehnelt, M., Bunker, A., Becker, G., Marleau, F., Graham, J., Cristiani, S., Jarvis, M., Lacey, C., Morris, S., Peroux, C., Röttgering, H., & Theuns, T. (2008). A population of faint extended line emitters and the host galaxies of optically thick QSO absorption systems. Astrophysical Journal, 681(2), 856-880.
- Wilman, D., Pierini, D., Tyler, K., McGee, S., Oemler Jr, A., Morris, S., Balogh, M., Bower, R., & Mulchaey, J. (2008). Unveiling the Important Role of Groups in the Evolution of Massive Galaxies: Insights from an Infrared Passive Sequence at Intermediate Redshift. Astrophysical Journal, 680, 1009-1021.
- Haehnelt, M. G., Rauch, M., Bunker, A., Becker, G., Marleau, F., Graham, J., Cristiani, S., Jarvis, M. J., Lacey, C., Morris, S., Peroux, C., Rottgering, H., & Theuns, T. (2008). Hunting for the Building Blocks of Galaxies like our own Milky Way with FORS. Messenger (Los Angeles, Calif. Online), 132, 41-45
- Swinbank, A., Bower, R., Smith, G. P., Wilman, R., Smail, I., Ellis, R., Morris, S., & Kneib, J.-P. (2007). Resolved spectroscopy of a gravitationally lensed L* Lyman-break galaxy at z∼ 5. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 376(2), 479-491.
- Wilman, R., Morris, S., Jannuzi, B., Dav�, R., & Shone, A. (2007). The association between gas and galaxies - II. The two-point correlation function. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 375, 735-744.
- Balogh, M., Wilman, D., Henderson, R., Bower, R., Gilbank, D., Whitaker, R., Morris, S., Hau, G., Mulchaey, J., Oemler, A., & Carlberg, R. (2007). The stellar mass content of distant galaxy groups. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 374(3), 1169-1180
- Andersen, D., Stoesz, J., Morris, S., Lloyd-Hart, M., Crampton, D., Butterley, T., Ellerbroek, B., Jolissaint, L., Milton, N., Myers, R., Szeto, K., Tokovinin, A., Veran, J.-P., & Wilson, R. (2006). Performance modeling of a wide-field ground-layer adaptive optics system. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 118(849), 1574-1590.
- Morris, S. L., & Jannuzi, B. T. (2006). The association between gas and galaxies - I. CFHT spectroscopy and pair analysis. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 367, 1261-1281.
- Le Delliou, M., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Morris, S. (2006). The properties of Ly-alpha emitting galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 365(3), 712-726.
- Morris, S. L., Gerssen, J., Swinbank, M., & Wilman, R. (2006). Potential science for the OASIS integral field spectrograph with laser guide star adaptive optics. New Astronomy Reviews, 49, 488-494
- Angulo, R., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., Bower, R., Jenkins, A., & Morris, S. (2005). Constraints on the dark energy equation of state from the imprint of baryons on the power spectrum of clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 362(1), L25-L29.
- Swinbank, M., Bower, R., Smail, I., Morris, S., & Smith, G. (2005). Resolved Spectroscopy of a z = 5 Gravitationally Lensed Galaxy with the VIMOS IFU
- Babbedge, T., Whitaker, R., & Morris, S. (2005). Can a photometric redshift code reliably determine dust extinction?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 361, 437-450.
- Wilman, R., Gerssen, J., Bower, R., Morris, S., Bacon, R., de Zeeuw, P., & Davies, R. (2005). The discovery of a galaxy-wide superwind from a young massive galaxy at redshift z ≈ 3. Nature, 436(7048), 227-229.
- Wilman, D., Balogh, M., Bower, R., Mulchaey, J., Oemler, A., Carlberg, R., Eke, V., Lewis, I., Morris, S., & Whitaker, R. (2005). Galaxy groups at 0.3 \textless=z\textless= 0.55 - II. Evolution to z\textasciitilde 0. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 358, 88-100
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- Bower, R., Morris, S., Bacon, R., Wilman, R., Sullivan, M., Chapman, S., Davies, R., de Zeeuw, P., & Emsellem, E. (2004). Deep SAURON spectral imaging of the diffuse Lyman α halo LAB1 in SSA 22. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 351(1), 63-69.
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- Patton, D., Pritchet, C., Carlberg, R., Marzke, R., Yee, H., Hall, P., Lin, H., Morris, S., Sawicki, M., Shepherd, C., & Wirth, G. (2002). Dynamically Close Galaxy Pairs and Merger Rate Evolution in the CNOC2 Redshift Survey. Astrophysical Journal, 565(1), 208-222.
- Carlberg, R., Yee, H., Morris, S., Lin, H., Hall, P., Patton, D., Sawicki, M., & Shepherd, C. (2001). Environment and Galaxy Evolution at Intermediate Redshift in the CNOC2 Survey. Astrophysical Journal, 563, 736-748.
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- Hutchings, J., Morris, S., & Crampton, D. (2001). Emission-Line Imaging of QSOS with High Resolution. Astronomical Journal, 121, 80-89.
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- Hutchings, J., Crampton, D., Morris, S., & Steinbring, E. (1998). Resolution of a Z = 1 QSO with Adaptive Optics. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 110, 374-379
- Sirola, C. J., Turnshek, D. A., Weymann, R. J., Monier, E. M., Morris, S. L., Roth, M. R., Krzeminski, W., Kunkel, W. E., Duhalde, O., & Sheaffer, S. (1998). First Results from the Las Campanas QSO Brightness Monitoring Program. Astrophysical Journal, 495(2), 659-671.
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- Morris, S., Jannuzi, B., & Weymann, R. (1998). The low redshift Lyman-alpha forest. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 92,
- Dinshaw, N., Weymann, R. J., Impey, C. D., Foltz, C. B., Morris, S. L., & Ake, T. (1997). Additional Observations and Analysis of the Ly alpha Absorption Lines toward the QSO Pair Q0107-025A,B. Astrophysical Journal, 491,
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- Rodriguez-Pascual, P., Alloin, D., Clavel, J., Crenshaw, D., Horne, K., Kriss, G., Krolik, J., Malkan, M., Netzer, H., O'Brien, P., Peterson, B., Reichert, G., Wamsteker, W., Alexander, T., Barr, P., Blandford, R., Bregman, J., Carone, T., Clements, S., Courvoisier, T.-J., …Zheng, W. (1997). Steps toward Determination of the Size and Structure of the Broad-Line Region in Active Galactic Nuclei. IX. Ultraviolet Observations of Fairall 9. Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 110,
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- Marshall, H., Carone, T., Peterson, B., Clavel, J., Crenshaw, D., Korista, K., Kriss, G., Krolik, J., Malkan, M., Morris, S., O'Brien, P., & Reichert, G. (1997). The Variability and Spectrum of NGC 5548 in the Extreme Ultraviolet. Astrophysical Journal, 479,
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- Rauch, M., Weymann, R., & Morris, S. (1996). Are Lyman-Alpha Clouds Associated with Low Surface Brightness Galaxies?. Astrophysical Journal, 458, 518-523.
- Perlman, E. S., Stocke, J. T., Wang, Q. D., & Morris, S. L. (1996). Soft X-Ray Observations of a Complete Sample of X-Ray-selected BL Lacertae Objects. Astrophysical Journal, 456, 451-465.
- Morris, S., Chaytor, D., & Weymann, J. (1995). X-ray evidence for a hot outflowing wind in QSOs. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 89,
- Korista, K., Alloin, D., Barr, P., Clavel, J., Cohen, R., Crenshaw, D., Evans, I., Horne, K., Koratkar, A., Kriss, G., Krolik, J., Malkan, M., Morris, S., Netzer, H., O'Brien, P., Peterson, B., Reichert, G., Rodriguez-Pascual, P., Wamsteker, W., Anderson, K., …Zou, Z. (1995). Steps toward determination of the size and structure of the broad-line region in active galatic nuclei. 8: an intensive HST, IUE, and ground-based study of NGC 5548. Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 97, 285-330.
- Dinshaw, N., Foltz, C., Impey, C., Weymann, R., & Morris, S. (1995). The Large Characteristic Size of Lyman Alpha Forest Clouds. Nature, 373,
- Weymann, R., Rauch, M., Williams, R., Morris, S., & Heap, S. (1995). New observations with the HST Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph of the low-redshift Lyman-Alpha clouds in the 3C 273 line of sight. Astrophysical Journal, 438, 650-658
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- Morris, S., Weymann, R., Dressler, A., McCarthy, P., Smith, B., Terrile, R., Giovanelli, R., & Irwin, M. (1993). The Environment of Lyman- alpha Absorbers in the Sight Line toward 3C 273. Astrophysical Journal, 419, 524-540.
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- Korista, K. T., Weymann, R. J., Morris, S. L., Kopko, M., Turnshek, D. A., Hartig, G. F., Foltz, C. B., Burbidge, E., & Junkkarinen, V. T. (1992). Hubble Space Telescope Faint Object Spectrograph and ground-based observations of the broad absorption line quasar 0226-1024. Astrophysical Journal, 401, 529-542.
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- Stocke, J. T., Morris, S. L., Weymann, R. J., & Foltz, C. B. (1992). The radio properties of the broad-absorption-line QSOs. Astrophysical Journal, 396, 487-503.
- Visnovsky, K., Impey, C., Foltz, C., Hewett, P., Weymann, R., & Morris, S. (1992). Radio properties of optically selected quasars. Astrophysical Journal, 391, 560-568.
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