Staff profile
Professor Simon Forrest
Principal of College of St Hild and St Bede
Affiliation | Telephone |
Principal of College of St Hild and St Bede in the Department of Sociology | |
Principal of College of St Hild and St Bede | 19005 |
Simon joined the Sociology Department in 2019. He had previously worked at Newcastle University and between 2014 and '17 was Head of the School of Medicine, Pharmacy and Health at Durham. In his early career he taught in secondary and further education before occupying advisory and management positions in health promotion targeting young people. The focus of this work, on HIV/Aids prevention and sexual health promotion has underpinned his academic career. His Masters degree involved empirical research into the dance and drug cultures of the period, HIV/Aids prevention for young people and gender, sexuality and health. An increasing interest in the relational dimensions of young people’s experience was reflected in his doctoral research which explored teenagers’ experiences of being in love.
He has worked on a number of studies and evaluations focusing on various aspects of young people’s sexual attitudes and lifestyles. He was a Research Fellow in the Department of Sexually Transmitted Diseases at University College London and worked on the RIPPLE study – assessing the impact of peer-led sex education targeting young people and continues to research and write about gender, sexuality and sexual health with a specific interest in the experiences of and interventions with boys and young men.
These substantives topical interests are coupled to a commitment to educating people about health including supporting health professionals and groups and communities to identify and address their needs. In his time at UCL Simon was involved in supporting medical students who initiated their own programme of peer-led community-based sexual health promotion and was involved in establishing a similar programme at St George’s Medical School.
Throughout his career Simon has contributed to under- and post-graduate teaching as well as training programmes for professionals in health, welfare and education. He offers to supervision to postgraduate research students in fields cognate to his own and mentors Post-doctoral researchers. He also contributes to a variety of national and international expert groups, advisory committees and conferences, is a regular reviewer for the ESRC, NIHR, MRC and other major funders as well supporting from the Board one of the world’s most effective charitable information providers around HIV/Aids – AVERT and the Boys Development Project. Simon Co-chairs the UK’s national network of Behavioural and Social Scientists Teaching in medicine (BeSST).
Research interests
- The sexual attitudes and behaviour of young people
- Sexual health promotion and education
- Sexuality and gender, especially young masculinities
- The social and cultural context of emotional experience
Esteem Indicators
- 2000: Member of College of Experts, NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme:
- 2000: 2012 Higher Education Academy International Scholar:
- 2000: Trustee and secretary of AVERT (The AIDS Education and Research Trust):
- 2000: In April 2011 Simon was awarded an Excellence in Teaching Award by Durham University:
- 2000: Excellence in Teaching and Learning Award, Durham University:
- 2000: Chair of BeSST (Behavioural and Social Scientists Teaching in medicine):
- 2000: Visiting Fellow: Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, 1997-2006
- 2000: Honorary Senior Lecturer in Adolescent Sexual Health: St George’s Hosipital Medical School and Kingston University
Authored book
- Forrest, S., Blake, S., & Ray, C. (2003). Sex and Relationships Education : A guide for independent schools and those working with them. National Children's Bureau
- Lloyd, T., Forrest, S., & Davidson, N. (2001). Boys and young men’s health : Literature and practice review: An interim report. Health Development Agency
- Forrest, S., Biddle, G., & Clift, S. (1997). Talking about homosexuality in the secondary school. AVERT
Chapter in book
- Forrest, S. (2015). Peer Education. In W. Nutland, & L. Cragg (Eds.), Health Promotion Practice (151-164). (2nd ed.). Open University Press
- Forrest, S., & Welling, K. (2012). Sex education: theory and practice. In K. Wellings, K. Mitchell, & M. Collumbien (Eds.), Sexual Health: A Public Health Perspective (148-160). Open University Press/McGraw Hill
- Forrest, S., & Ellis, V. (2011). The making of sexualities: Sexuality, identity and equality. In M. Cole (Ed.), Education, Equality and Human Rights (101-127). (3rd). Routledge
- Forrest, S. (2011). Straight Talking: Challenges in teaching and learning about sexuality and homophobia in schools. In M. Cole (Ed.), Education, Equality and Human Rights (128-158). (3rd). Routledge
- Forrest, S., & Kanabus, A. (2009). Sex Education That Works. In L. Firth (Ed.), Sexual health (31-34). Independence
- Forrest, S., & Nash, T. (2007). Difference and diversity as determinants of health. In D. DeBell (Ed.), Public health and the school age population (37-56). Hodder Arnold
- Forrest, S. (2007). Work-life balance in the UK : The experiences of fathers in a New Town in the UK. In P. Gaborit (Ed.), Men and work life balance in Europe. European New Town Project Publications
- Forrest, S. (2006). Straight talking: challenges in teaching and learning about sexuality and homophobia in schools. In M. Cole (Ed.), Education, equality and human rights : issues of gender, ‘race’, sexuality and social class (111-133). (2nd ed.). Routledge
- Forrest, S., & Ellis, V. (2006). The making of sexualities : sexuality, identity and equality. In M. Cole (Ed.), Education, equality and human rights : issues of gender, ‘race’, sexuality and social class (89-110). (2nd ed.). Routledge
- Forrest, S. (2004). ‘They treated us like one of them really’: peer education as an approach to sexual health promotion with young people. In E. Burtney, & M. Duffy (Eds.), Young people and sexual health : individual, social and policy contexts (202-216). Palgrave Macmillan
- Abramowitch, G., de Bruckere, S., & Forrest, S. (2003). Cultural diversity. In V. Vermeer, & J. Walter (Eds.), Similar to others, yet different in many ways : HIV/Aids prevention : a cultural diversity approach. NIGZ, Stichting AIDS Fonds, Commission of the European
- Forrest, S. (2003). The implications for research. In S. Blake (Ed.), Young gay men talking : key issues and ideas for action (62-67). Working With Men
- Strange, V., Forrest, S., & Oakley, A. (2001). A listening trial : 'qualitative' methods within experimental research. In S. Oliver, & G. Peersman (Eds.), Using research for effective health promotion (138-153). Open University Press
- Forrest, S. (2000). It's for girls really : boys' participation in school-based sex education. In H. Ryan, & J. Bull (Eds.), Changing families, changing communities : researching health and wellbeing among children and young people (110-123). Health Development Agency
- Clift, S., & Forrest, S. (2000). Tourism and the sexual ecology of gay men. In S. Clift, & S. Carter (Eds.), Tourism and sex : culture, commerce and coercion (179-199). Pinter
- Clift, S., & Forrest, S. (2000). Gay tourism, sex and sexual health promotion. In J. Horne, & S. Flemming (Eds.), Masculinities : leisure cultures, identities and consumption. Leisure Studies Association
- Forrest, S., & Clift, S. (1998). Gay tourist space and sexual risk behaviour. In C. Aitchison, & F. Jordan (Eds.), Gender, space and identity : leisure, culture and commerce (163-176). Leisure Studies Association
- Prendergast, S., & Forrest, S. (1998). 'Shorties, low-lifers, hard-nuts and kings' : boys, emotions and embodiment in school. In G. Bendelow, & S. Williams (Eds.), Emotions in social life : critical themes and contemporary issues (155-172). Routledge
- Biddle, G., & Forrest, S. (1997). Sex Education for Boys in Secondary Schools. In G. Lenderyou, & C. Ray (Eds.), Let's hear it for the boys : supporting sex and relationships education for boys and young men. Sex Education Forum
- Prendergast, S., & Forrest, S. (1997). Hieroglyphs of the heterosexual : learning about gender in school. In L. Segal (Ed.), New sexual agendas (180-195). Macmillan
Conference Paper
- Forrest, S., & Russell, A. (2011, December). Linking community placement to Tomorrows Doctors’ outcomes for public health,. Presented at Public Health Education in Medical Schools, Guys Medical School
- Forrest, S. (2010, December). Young men in love: Little cultural worlds and emotions. Presented at Emotions Seminar Series, Edinburgh University: Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, 24th February
- Forrest, S. (2010, December). Heterosexual young men in love: the role of paternal influences on expectations and experiences of intimate relationships with young women. Presented at Questioning Maculinities, Open University
- Russell, A., & Forrest, S. (2009, November). Learning to doctor: the community placement as a site for developing medical students’ understanding of the socio-cultural dimensions of health and healthcare. Presented at C-SAP Annual Conference Roles, Rights and Responsibilities: Negotiating Relationships., Jury’s Inn Hotel, Birmingham, England
- Forrest, S. (2009, December). The production of young sexualities: the role played by images and imagery of the body in health and sexual educational texts. Presented at Taking the Body Seriously’ Association for Medical Humanities, University of Durham
Edited book
- Cronberg, A., Haour-Knipe, M., Dafesh, Z., Forrest, S., & Broring, G. (Eds.). (2007). Community needs : community responses: trend reports on migration and HIV/AIDS in Europe. Netherlands Institute for Health Promotion & Disease Prevention
- Forrest, S., & Reid, D. (Eds.). (2001). HIV/AIDS Prevention for Young People : Models of Good Practice from the European Member States. Netherlands Institute for Health Promotion & Disease Prevention
- Forrest, S., & Vermeer, V. (Eds.). (1999). HIV Prevention for young people : European Information Centre 'AIDS and Youth'. Netherlands Institute for Health Promotion & Disease Prevention
Journal Article
- Hough, A., Bryce, M., & Forrest, S. (online). Social media and advertising natural contraception to young women: the case for clarity and transparency with reference to the example of ‘Natural Cycles’. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 44(4),
- Alonso-Martínez, L., Forrest, S., Heras-Sevilla, D., Sáiz-Manzanares, M. C., Puente-Alcaraz, J., & Fernández-Hawrylak, M. (online). Validation of the Health Protective Sexual Communication Scale Among Young Adults in the United Kingdom and Spain. Journal of Nursing Measurement,
- Alonso-Martínez, L., Heras-Sevilla, D., Fernández-Hawrylak, M., Hönekopp, J., Forrest, S., & Kattari, S. K. (2024). Validation in Spanish and English of the Transgender Inclusive Behavior Scale. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 53, 3769-3784.
- Insan, N., Forrest, S., Jaigirdar, A., Islam, R., & Rankin, J. (2023). Social Determinants and Prevalence of Antenatal Depression among Women in Rural Bangladesh: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), Article 2364.
- Alonso-Martínez, L., Forrest, S., Heras-Sevilla, D., Hönekopp, J., & Fernández-Hawrylak, M. (2023). Sexual Risk Behavior, Sexism, and Prejudices Towards Sexual Openness, Homosexuality, and Trans Individuals Among Young People in Spain and the UK. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 20(3), 1081-1095.
- Ahmaro, L., Lindsey, L., Forrest, S., & Whittlesea, C. (2022). Investigating community pharmacists’ perceptions of delivering chlamydia screening to young people: a qualitative study using normalisation process theory to understand professional practice. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 30(6), 507-513.
- Insan, N., Weke, A., Forrest, S., & Rankin, J. (2022). Social determinants of antenatal depression and anxiety among women in South Asia: A systematic review & meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 17(2), Article e0263760.
- Insan, N., Weke, A., Rankin, J., & Forrest, S. (2022). Perceptions and attitudes around perinatal mental health in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan: a systematic review of qualitative data. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22(1),
- Ahmaro, L., Lindsey, L., Forrest, S., & Whittlesea, C. (2021). Young people’s perceptions of accessing a community pharmacy for a chlamydia testing kit: a qualitative study based in North East England. BMJ Open, 11(9),
- Serou, N., Husband, A. K., Forrest, S. P., Slight, R. D., & Slight, S. P. (2021). Support for Healthcare Professionals After Surgical Patient Safety Incidents: A Qualitative Descriptive Study in 5 Teaching Hospitals. Journal of Patient Safety, 17(5), 335-340.
- Alonso-Martínez, L., Heras-Sevilla, D., Fernández-Hawrylak, M., & Forrest, S. (2021). English Validation of a Short Scale Designed to Detect Negative Attitudes towards Trans People (EANT). Sustainability, 13(7), Article 3760.
- Serou, N., Sahota, L., Husband, A., Forrest, S., Slight, R., & Slight, S. (2021). Learning from safety incidents in high-reliability organizations: a systematic review of learning tools that could be adapted and used in healthcare. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 33(1), Article mzab046.
- Serou, N., Slight, S., Husband, A., Forrest, S., & Slight, R. (2021). Surgical incidents and their impact on operating theatre staff: qualitative study. BJS Open, 5(2), Article zraa007.
- Idris, D. R., Forrest, S., & Brown, S. (2019). Health help‐seeking by men in Brunei Darussalam: masculinities and ‘doing’ male identities across the life course. Sociology of Health & Illness, 41(6), 1071-1087.
- Dobson, E., Beckmann, N., & Forrest, S. (2017). Educator–student communication in sex & relationship education: a comparison of teacher and peer-led interventions. Pastoral Care in Education, 35(4), 267-283.
- Forrest, S. (2017). Teaching social science research methods to undergraduate medical students. Teaching Public Administration, 35(3), 280-300.
- Thandi, C., Forrest, S., & Williamson, C. (2016). The role of early inter-professional and inter-agency encounters in increasing students’ awareness of the clinical and community context of medicine. Perspectives on Medical Education, 5(4), 240-243.
- Forrest, S. (2010). Young men in love: the (re)making of heterosexual masculinities through ‘‘serious’’ relationships. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 25(2), 206-218.
- Strange, V., Forrest, S., Oakley, A., Stephenson, J., & Team, &. T. R. S. (2006). Sex and relationship education for 13–16 year olds: evidence from England. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, 6(1), 31-46.
- Twine., C., Robbé, I., Forrest, S., & Davies, S. (2005). A needs assessment in South Wales schools for a novel medical student-led sex education programme. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, 5(2), 137-152.
- Oakley, A., Strange, V., Stephenson, J., Forrest, S., Monteiro, H., & Team, &. T. R. S. (2004). Evaluating Processes : A case study of a randomized controlled trial of sex education. Evaluation, 10(4), 440-462.
- Stephenson, J., Strange, V., Forrest, S., Oakley, A., Copas, A., Allen, E., Babiker, A., Black, S., Ali, M., Monteiro, H., Johnson, A., & team, &. T. R. S. (2004). Pupil-led sex education in England (RIPPLE study) : cluster-randomised intervention trial. The Lancet, 364(9431), 338-346.
- Forrest, S., Strange, V., Oakley, A., & team, &. T. R. S. (2004). What young people want from sex education? The results of a needs assessment from a peer-led sex education programme. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 6(4), 337-354.
- Bonell, C., Strange, V., Stephenson, J., Oakley, A., Copas, A., Forrest, S., Johnson, A., & Black, S. (2003). Effect of social exclusion on the risk of teenage pregnancy : development of hypotheses using baseline data from a randomised trial of sex education. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 57(11), 871-876.
- Stephenson, J., Oakley, A., Johnson, A., Forrest, S., Strange, V., Charleston, S., Black, S., Copas, A., Petruckevitch, A., & Babiker, A. (2003). A school-based randomized controlled trial of peer-led sex education in England. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 24(5), 643-657.
- Strange, V., Forrest, S., Oakley, A., & Team, &. T. R. S. (2003). Using research questionnaires with young people in schools: the influence of the social context. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 6(4), 337-346.
- Strange, V., Oakley, A., Forrest, S., & Team, &. T. R. S. (2003). Mixed-sex or single-sex sex education : how would young people like their sex education and why?. Gender and Education, 15(2), 201-214.
- Forrest, S., Strange, V., Oakley, A., & team, &. T. R. (2002). A Comparison of Students' Evaluations of a Peer-delivered Sex Education Programme and Teacher-led Provision. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, 2(3), 195-214.
- Strange, V., Forrest, S., Oakley, A., & team, &. T. R. (2002). Peer-led Sex Education : characteristics of peer educators and their perceptions of the impact on them of participation in a peer education programme. Health Education Research, 17(3), 327-337.
- Strange, V., Forrest, S., Oakley, A., & team, &. T. R. (2002). What influences peer-led sex education in the classroom? A view from the peer educators. Health Education Research, 17(3), 339-349.
- Forrest, S. (2000). ‘Big and Tough’ : Boys learning about sexuality and manhood. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 15(3), 247-261.
- Clift, S., & Forrest, S. (1999). Gay Men and Tourism : Destinations and Holiday Motivations. Tourism Management, 20(5), 615-625.
- Clift, S., & Forrest, S. (1999). Factors Associated with Gay Men’s Sexual Behaviour and Risk on Holiday. AIDS Care, 11(3), 281-295.
- Forrest, S. (1997). Confessions of a Middle-Shelf Magazine Shopper. Journal of contemporary health, 5, 10-13
- Forrest, S. (1996). Girls, boys, drugs and trouble : does gender matter?
Other (Print)
- Kendall, K., Collett, T., de longh, A., Forrest, S., Kelly, M., & Harden, J. (online). Does covid-19 offer opportunities for medical students to apply sociology to clinical practice?
- Wight, D., & Forrest, S. (2010). CRFR Briefing Paper 50: The Quality of Young People’s Heterosexual Relationships