Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Associate Professor in the Department of Geography | +44 (0) 191 33 43506 |
PhD, University of California, Berkeley, Geography, 2014
MS, The Pennsylvania State University, Geography, 2006
BS, The Pennsylvania State University, Earth Sciences, 2004
Book review
- Knuth, S. (2024). Review: The Thread of Energy. Society & Natural Resources, 37(1), 168-169.
- Knuth, S. (2018). Book Review Forum: 'DIY Detroit: Making Do in a City Without Services' by Kimberley Kinder, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2016. The AAG Review of Books, 6(3), 218-219.
- Davidson, M., Ward, K., Jonas, A. E., Knuth, S., Weber, R., Wilson, D., & Sbragia, A. (2017). Book Review Forum: Debt Wish: Entrepreneurial Cities, US Federalism, and Economic Development. Urban Geography, 38(8), 1282-1289.
Chapter in book
- Knuth, S., & Taylor, Z. (2023). Climate finance. In International Encyclopedia of Geography. Wiley
- Knuth, S. (2023). Budgeting for climate justice? Contested futures of urban finance. In J. L. Rice, J. Long, & A. Levenda (Eds.), Urban Climate Justice: Theory, Praxis, Resistance (66-88). University of Georgia Press
- Knuth, S. (2021). Fictions of Safety: Defensive Storylines in Global Property Investment. In D. A. Ghertner, & R. W. Lake (Eds.), Land Fictions: The Commodification of Land in City and Country. Cornell University Press
Journal Article
- Wagner, J., Kear, M., Knuth, S., Zavareh Hofmann, S., & Taylor, Z. J. (online). Grappling with real property supremacy in US urban climate finance. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 1-22.
- Ventrella, J., & Knuth, S. (2024). Transitioning the grid for climate change: power transmission futures and grid justice. Environmental Research: Energy, 1(4), Article 045008.
- Knuth, S. (2023). Rentiers of the low-carbon economy? Renewable energy's extractive fiscal geographies. Environment and Planning A, 55(6), 1548–1564.
- Taylor, Z. J., & Knuth, S. E. (2023). Financing “climate-proof” housing? The premises and pitfalls of PACE finance in Florida. Journal of Urban Affairs,
- van Veelen, B., & Knuth, S. (2023). An urban ‘age of timber’? Tensions and contradictions in the low-carbon imaginary of the bioeconomic city. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 7(2), 904 - 927.
- Wei Zheng, H., Bouzarovski, S., Knuth, S., Panteli, M., Schindler, S., Ward, K., & Williams, J. (2023). Interrogating China’s Global Urban Presence. Geopolitics, 28(1), 310-332.
- Knuth, S., Behrsin, I., Levenda, A., & McCarthy, J. (2022). New Political Ecologies of Renewable Energy. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 5(3), 997-1013.
- Turley, B., Cantor, A., Berry, K., Knuth, S., Mulvaney, D., & Vineyard, N. (2022). Emergent landscapes of renewable energy storage: Considering just transitions in the Western United States. Energy Research and Social Science, 90, Article 102583.
- Behrsin, I., Knuth, S., & Levenda, A. (2022). Thirty states of renewability: Controversial energies and the politics of incumbent industry. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 5(2), 762-786.
- Payne, W., Knuth, S., & Mahmoudi, D. (2020). Urban real estate technologies: genealogies, frontiers, & critiques. Urban Geography, 41(8), 1033-1036.
- Knuth, S., Stehlin, J., & Millington, N. (2020). Rethinking climate futures through urban fabrics: (De)growth, densification, and the politics of scale. Urban Geography, 41(10), 1335-1343.
- Knuth, S. (2020). ‘All that is Solid … ’. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 24(1-2), 65-75.
- Knuth, S., Potts, S., & Goldstein, J. (2019). In Value’s Shadows: Devaluation as Accumulation Frontier. Environment and Planning A, 51(2), 461-466.
- Knuth, S. (2019). Cities and Planetary Repair: The Problem with Climate Retrofitting. Environment and Planning A, 51(2), 487-504.
- Cantor, A., & Knuth, S. (2019). Speculations on the postnatural: Restoration, accumulation, and sacrifice at the Salton Sea. Environment and Planning A, 51(2), 527-544.
- Knuth, S. (2019). Whatever Happened to Green Collar Jobs? Populism and Clean Energy Transition. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 109(2), 634-643.
- Knuth, S. (2018). “Breakthroughs” for a Green Economy? Financialization and Clean Energy Transition. Energy Research and Social Science, 41, 220-229.
- Knuth, S. (2016). Green Devaluation: Disruption, Divestment, and Decommodification for a Green Economy. Capitalism Nature Socialism, 28(1), 98-117.
- Knuth, S. (2016). Book Review: The Great Leveler: Capitalism and Competition in the Court of Law. Journal of Historical Geography, 57, 118-119.
- Knuth, S. (2015). Seeing Green in San Francisco: City as Resource Frontier. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 48(3), 626-644.
- Knuth, S., & Potts, S. (2015). Legal Geographies of Finance, Editors' Introduction. Environment and Planning A, 48(3), 458-464.
- Knuth, S. E. (2015). Global Finance and the Land Grab: Mapping Twenty-First Century Strategies. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 36(2), 163-178.
- Knuth, S. E. (2010). Addressing Place in Climate Change Mitigation: Reducing Emissions in a Suburban Landscape. Applied Geography, 30(4),
- Knuth, S., Nagle, B., Steuer, C., & Yarnal, B. (2007). Universities and Climate Change Mitigation: Advancing Grassroots Climate Policy in the US. Local Environment, 12(5),
Other (Print)
Supervision students
Carlo Ceglia
Research Postgraduate (PhD)
Helen James
Research Postgraduate (PhD)
Sheng Xuan
Research Postgraduate (PhD)