Staff profile
Affiliation |
Honorary Fellow in the Department of Sociology |
I am currently undertaking a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship exploring the connections between the climate crisis, masculinity and violence, and how to engage men and boys in building more caring relationships with the environment.
I am a Deputy Director of the Centre for Research into Violence and Abuse (CRiVA). Sandy Ruxton and I host an educational podcast called 'Now and Men: Current conversations about men's lives', and I am interested in the pedagogical role that podcasting can play. We have a dedicated website sharing all of CRiVA's research on Men, Masculinities and Social Change.
I completed my PhD at Durham in 2019, which investigated work with men and boys to prevent men’s violence against women in England, including how young men make sense of violence prevention campaigns. Subsequently I undertook an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship on the role of the business sector in preventing violence against women, and how to engage with men about gender equality in the workplace.
Prof Nicole Westmarland, Sandy Ruxton and I have carried out research for the Government Equalities Office about the impacts of masculine gender norms in the UK today, which resulted in a report and engagement toolkit. We have also co-authored an open access book with international colleagues, 'Men's Activism to End Violence Against Women: Voices from Spain, Sweden and the UK' (Policy Press, 2021).
My research has examined the gendered impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. This has included co-authoring report for the international NGO Equimundo with Ruxton on the connections between masculinities and Covid-19, researching the consequences of the pandemic for work with men and boys in Europe, and how to build gender equality in the North East business sector in its wake. With Westmarland and colleagues we have also explored the experiences of male victim-survivors of domestic abuse during Covid-19.
I am a trustee for White Ribbon UK and steering group chair for Changing Relations CIC. Since I first started studying sociology, feminist ideas have had a profound impact on me, and these continue to provide the main inspiration for my work. I am therefore also interested in men's varied responses to feminism.
Follow me on Twitter: @the_daily_panda
Research interests
- Men and masculinities
- Violence and abuse
- Primary prevention
- Gender inequality
- Environmental harm
- Masculinities and Covid-19
- (Pro-)Feminist social movements
Authored book
Book review
Chapter in book
- Burrell, S. (2023). Men and the climate crisis: Why masculinities matter for green criminology. In E. Milne, P. Davies, J. Heydon, K. Peggs, & T. Wyatt (Eds.), Gendering Green Criminology (53-71). Bristol University Press
- Burrell, S., & Dhir, A. (2023). The media and male victim-survivors of domestic abuse. In K. Boyle, & S. Berridge (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Gender, Media and Violence (34-43). Routledge.
- Burrell, S., & Roxton, S. (2023). Men and COVID-19: Pandemics and organizing in the "new normal". In J. Hearn, K. Aavik, D. L. Collins, & A. Thym (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on Men, Masculinities and Organizations: Theories, Practices and Futures of Organizing (430-443). Routledge.
- Burrell, S. (2022). Changing men and masculinities in the UK and beyond in the wake of #MeToo. In M. Alcalde, & P.-I. Villa (Eds.), #MeToo and Beyond: Perspectives on a Global Movement (67-89). University Press of Kentucky.
- Flood, M., & Burrell, S. (2022). Engaging men and boys in the primary prevention of sexual violence. In M. Horvath, & J. Brown (Eds.), Rape: Challenging Contemporary Thinking - 10 Years On (221-235). (2nd ed.). Routledge.
- Ruxton, S., & Burrell, S. (2022). Men, work, and care in the UK in the wake of Covid-19. In A. Tarrant, L. Ladlow, & L. Way (Eds.), Men and Welfare (46-59). Routledge.
- Burrell, S. (2020). Male agents of change and disassociating from the problem in the prevention of violence against women. In R. Luyt, & K. Starck (Eds.), Masculine power and gender equality : masculinities as change agents (35-54). Springer Verlag.
Doctoral Thesis
Journal Article
- Burrell, S. R., & Pedersen, C. (online). From men's violence to an ethic of care: Ecofeminist contributions to green criminology. Journal of Criminology,
- McInerney, W., & Burrell, S. (2023). Engaging men and boys in gender justice through pro-feminist podcasts: Potential benefits, challenges, and risks. Masculinites and Social Change, 12(2), 160-183.
- Burrell, S. (2023). 'Cause We’re All Just Part of the System Really': Complicity and Resistance in Young Sportsmen's Responses to Violence Against Women Prevention Campaigns in England. Sociological Research Online, 28(2), 336-354.
- Westmarland, N., & Burrell, S. R. (2023). ‘I’m a red-blooded male’: Understanding men’s experiences of domestic abuse through a feminist lens. Criminology & Criminal Justice,
- de Maricourt, C., & Burrell, S. (2022). #MeToo or #MenToo? Expressions of backlash and masculinity politics in the #MeToo era. Journal of Men's Studies, 30(1), 49-69.
- Barker, G., Burrell, S., & Ruxton, S. (2021). COVID-19 and Masculinities in Global Perspective: Reflections from Promundo's Research and Activism. Men and Masculinities, 24(1), 168-174.
- Burrell, S., & Flood, M. (2019). Which feminism? Dilemmas in profeminist men's praxis to end violence against women. Global Social Welfare, 6(4), 231-244.
- Burrell, S. (2018). The contradictory possibilities of engaging men and boys in the prevention of men's violence against women in the UK. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 2(3), 447-464.
- Burrell, S., & Sagmeister, M. (2017). Conference Report: Political masculinities as agents of change, Anglia Ruskin University, 9–11 December 2016. NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies, 12(1), 80-84.
- Burrell, S. (2016). The invisibility of men's practices: Problem representations in British and Finnish social policy on men's violences against women. Graduate journal of social science, 12(3), 69-93
Newspaper/Magazine Article
- Burrell, S., & Ruxton, S. (2022). Roe v Wade: Men benefit from abortion rights too – and should speak about them more
- Burrell, S., Westmarland, N., & Ruxton, S. (2021). Sarah Everard, police culture and the 'masculinised' workplaces we can all help change
- Burrell, S., Westmarland, N., & Ruxton, S. (2021). How men can be allies to women right now
- Burrell, S., & Ruxton, S. (2020). Coronavirus reveals just how deep macho stereotypes run through society
Other (Print)
- Burrell, S. (2022). Conversing about men and masculinities – An example of public sociology through podcasting
- Burrell, S. (2022). How might supporting the Lionesses bring about change among men?
- Baker, B., Alemann, C., Burrell, S., Griffith, D., Heidari, S., Kelland, J., Lal, A., & Mukherjee, S. (2021). Men and COVID-19: Where’s the policy?
- Burrell, S. (2021). Gareth Southgate’s England team have shown us more caring ways of being a man
- Burrell, S. (2020). The climate crisis as masculine violence? Engaging men in caring for the planet
- Burrell, S. (2019). It's time men take on the responsibility for ending male violence
- Burrell, S. (2018). Changing men and masculinities in the wake of #MeToo
- Burrell, S. (2021). A Business A_Gender: Building Gender Equality in the North East Business Sector in the Wake of Covid-19. Changing Relations
- Westmarland, N., Burrell, S., Dhir, A., Hall, K., Hasan, E., & Henderson, K. (2021). 'Living a life by permission': The experiences of male victims of domestic abuse during Covid-19. [No known commissioning body]
- Burrell, S., & Ruxton, S. (2020). The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on work with men and boys in Europe. [No known commissioning body]
- Ruxton, S., & Burrell, S. (2020). Masculinities and COVID-19: Making the Connections. [No known commissioning body]
- Burrell, S., Ruxton, S., & Westmarland, N. (2020). Engaging with Men and Boys about Gender Norms: Engagement Toolkit. Government Equalities Office
- Burrell, S., Ruxton, S., & Westmarland, N. (2019). Changing Gender Norms: Engaging with Men and Boys. Government Equalities Office
- Westmarland, N., & Burrell, S. (2019). Perpetrators in the early stages of help-seeking: Views of service users. [No known commissioning body]
- Burrell, S., & Westmarland, N. (2019). The voices of male victims: Understanding men's experiences of the Men's Advice Line. [No known commissioning body]