Staff profile
Professor Simon Cornish
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Physics | +44 (0) 191 33 43574 |
I read Physics at Keble College, Oxford graduating with first class honours in 1994. I remained in Oxford at Linacre College for my D.Phil. on laser spectroscopy of muonium with Patrick Baird and Pat Sandars. I was then awarded a Lindemann Fellowship and moved to Boulder, Colorado to work with Carl Wieman at JILA on Bose-Einstein condensation. I returned to Oxford in 2001 as a postdoctoral researcher with Chris Foot and secured a Junior Research Fellowship at Brasenose College. In 2002 I was awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship which I transferred to Durham in 2004. I was promoted to Reader in 2008 and full Professor in 2013.
Research interests
- Bose-Einstein condensation
- bright matter-wave solitons
- the application of neutral atoms and molecules to quantum simulation and precision measurement
- two-species quantum degenerate gases
- ultracold atomic collisions and Feshbach resonances
- ultracold molecules
Conference Paper
- Claussen, N., Cornish, S., Roberts, J., Cornell, E., & Wieman, C. (2001, December). Rb-85 BEC near a Feshbach resonance. Presented at ATOMIC PHYSICS 17
- Meyer, V., Bagayev, S., Baird, P., Bakule, P., Boshier, M., Breitruck, A., Cornish, S., Dychkov, S., Eaton, G., Grossman, A., Hubl, D., Hughes, V., Jungmann, K., Lane, I., Liu, Y., Lucas, D., Matyugin, Y., Merkel, J., Putlitz, G., Reinhard, I., …Yakhontov, V. (1998, December). Measurement of the muonium 1S-2S transition frequency. Presented at 1998 CONFERENCE ON PRECISION ELECTROMAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS DIGEST
Journal Article
- Roberts, J., Claussen, N., Cornish, S., & Wieman, C. (online). Magnetic Field Dependence of Inelastic Collisions Near a Feshbach Resonance
- Ruttley, D. K., Hepworth, T. R., Guttridge, A., & Cornish, S. L. (2025). Long-lived entanglement of molecules in magic-wavelength optical tweezers. Nature, 637(8047), 827-832.
- Maddox, B. P., Mortlock, J. M., Hepworth, T. R., Raghuram, A. P., Gregory, P. D., Guttridge, A., & Cornish, S. L. (2024). Enhanced Quantum State Transfer via Feedforward Cancellation of Optical Phase Noise. Physical Review Letters, 133(25), Article 253202.
- Mellado-Alcedo, D., Guttridge, A., Cornish, S. L., Sadeghpour, H. R., & González-Férez, R. (2024). Ultralong-range Cs-RbCs Rydberg molecules: Nonadiabaticity of dipole moments. Physical Review A, 110(1), Article 013314.
- Ruttley, D. K., Guttridge, A., Hepworth, T. R., & Cornish, S. L. (2024). Enhanced Quantum Control of Individual Ultracold Molecules Using Optical Tweezer Arrays. PRX Quantum, 5(2), Article 020333.
- Cornish, S. L., Tarbutt, M. R., & Hazzard, K. R. A. (2024). Quantum computation and quantum simulation with ultracold molecules. Nature Physics, 20(5), 730-740.
- Innes, A. D., Majumder, P., Noh, H. R., & Cornish, S. L. (2024). Modulation transfer spectroscopy of the D1 transition of potassium: theory and experiment. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 57(7), Article 075401.
- Gregory, P. D., Fernley, L. M., Tao, A. L., Bromley, S. L., Stepp, J., Zhang, Z., Kotochigova, S., Hazzard, K. R. A., & Cornish, S. L. (2024). Second-scale rotational coherence and dipolar interactions in a gas of ultracold polar molecules. Nature Physics, 20(3), 415-421.
- Matthies, A. J., Mortlock, J. M., McArd, L. A., Raghuram, A. P., Innes, A. D., Bromley, S. L., & Cornish, S. L. (2024). Long-distance optical-conveyor-belt transport of ultracold Cs133 and Rb87 atoms. Physical Review A, 109(2), Article 023321.
- Das, A., Gregory, P. D., Takekoshi, T., Fernley, L., Landini, M., Hutson, J. M., Cornish, S. L., & Nägerl, H.-C. (2023). An association sequence suitable for producing ground-state RbCs molecules in optical lattices. SciPost Physics, 15(6), Article 220.
- Guttridge, A., Ruttley, D., Baldock, A., González-Férez, R., Sadeghpour, H., Adams, C., & Cornish, S. (2023). Observation of Rydberg blockade due to the charge-dipole interaction between an atom and a polar molecule. Physical Review Letters, 131(1), Article 013401.
- Raghuram, A. P., Mortlock, J. M., Bromley, S. L., & Cornish, S. L. (2023). A motorized rotation mount for the switching of an optical beam path in under 20 ms using polarization control. Review of Scientific Instruments, 94(6),
- Blackmore, J. A., Gregory, P. D., Hutson, J. M., & Cornish, S. L. (2023). Diatomic-py: A Python module for calculating the rotational and hyperfine structure of 1Σ molecules. Computer Physics Communications, 282, Article 108512.
- Ruttley, D. K., Guttridge, A., Spence, S., Bird, R. C., Le Sueur, C. R., Hutson, J. M., & Cornish, S. L. (2023). Formation of Ultracold Molecules by Merging Optical Tweezers. Physical Review Letters, 130(22),
- Franzen, T., Guttridge, A., Wilson, K. E., Segal, J., Frye, M. D., Hutson, J. M., & Cornish, S. L. (2022). Observation of magnetic Feshbach resonances between Cs and 173Yb. Physical Review Research, 4(4), Article 043072.
- Spence, S., Brooks, R., Ruttley, D., Guttridge, A., & Cornish, S. (2022). Preparation of 87Rb and 133Cs in the motional ground state of a single optical tweezer. New Journal of Physics, 24,
- Brooks, R. V., Guttridge, A., Frye, M. D., Ruttley, D. K., Spence, S., Hutson, J. M., & Cornish, S. L. (2022). Feshbach Spectroscopy of Cs Atom Pairs in Optical Tweezers. New Journal of Physics, 24, Article 113051.
- Gregory, P. D., Blackmore, J. A., Frye, M. D., Fernley, L. M., Bromley, S. L., Hutson, J. M., & Cornish, S. L. (2021). Molecule-molecule and atom-molecule collisions with ultracold RbCs molecules. New Journal of Physics, 23, Article 125004.
- Ratkata, A., Gregory, P., Innes, A., Matthies, J., McArd, L., Mortlock, J., Safronova, M., Bromley, S., & Cornish, S. (2021). Measurement of the tune-out wavelength for 133Cs at 880nm. Physical Review A, 104(5), Article 052813.
- Wilson, K., Guttridge, A., Liu, I.-K., Segal, J., Billam, T., Parker, N., Proukakis, N., & Cornish, S. (2021). Dynamics of a degenerate Cs-Yb mixture with attractive interspecies interactions. Physical Review Research, 3(3), Article 033096.
- Brooks, R. V., Spence, S., Guttridge, A., Alampounti, A., Rakonjac, A., McArd, L. A., Hutson, J. M., & Cornish, S. L. (2021). Preparation of one 87Rb and one 133Cs atom in a single optical tweezer. New Journal of Physics, 23, Article 065002.
- Wilson, K., Guttridge, A., Segal, J., & Cornish, S. (2021). Quantum Degenerate Mixtures of Cs and Yb. Physical Review A, 103, Article 033306.
- Guan, Q., Cornish, S. L., & Kotochigova, S. (2021). Magic conditions for multiple rotational states of bialkali molecules in optical lattices. Physical Review A, 103(4),
- Gregory, P. D., Blackmore, J. A., Bromley, S. L., Hutson, J. M., & Cornish, S. L. (2021). Robust storage qubits in ultracold polar molecules. Nature Physics, 17(10), 1149-1153.
- Blackmore, J., Gregory, P., Bromley, S., & Cornish, S. (2020). Coherent Manipulation of the Internal State of Ultracold 87Rb133Cs Molecules with Multiple Microwave Fields. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 47(22), 27529-27538.
- Blackmore, J. A., Sawant, R., Gregory, P. D., Bromley, S. L., Aldegunde, J., Hutson, J. M., & Cornish, S. L. (2020). Controlling the ac Stark effect of RbCs with dc electric and magnetic fields. Physical Review A, 102(5), Article 053316.
- Frye, M. D., Cornish, S. L., & Hutson, J. M. (2020). Prospects of Forming High-Spin Polar Molecules from Ultracold Atoms. Physical Review X, 10(4), Article 041005.
- Hughes, M., Frye, M. D., Sawant, R., Bhole, G., Jones, J. A., Cornish, S. L., Tarbutt, M., Hutson, J. M., Jaksch, D., & Mur-Petit, J. (2020). Robust entangling gate for polar molecules using magnetic and microwave fields. Physical Review A, 101(6), Article 062308.
- Gregory, P., Blackmore, J., Bromley, S., & Cornish, S. (2020). Loss of ultracold 87Rb133Cs molecules via optical excitation of long-lived two-body collision complexes. Physical Review Letters, 124(16), Article 163402.
- Sawant, R., Blackmore, J., Gregory, P., Mur-Petit, J., Jaksch, D., Aldegunde, J., Hutson, J. M., Tarbutt, M., & Cornish, S. L. (2020). Ultracold polar molecules as qudits. New Journal of Physics, 22, Article 013027.
- Wales, O. J., Rakonjac, A., Billam, T. P., Helm, J. L., Gardiner, S. A., & Cornish, S. L. (2020). Splitting and recombination of bright-solitary-matter waves. Communications Physics, 3, Article 51.
- Yang, B., Frye, M. D., Guttridge, A., Aldegunde, J., Żuchowski, P. S., Cornish, S. L., & Hutson, J. M. (2019). Magnetic Feshbach resonances in ultracold collisions between Cs and Yb atoms. Physical Review A, 100(2), Article 022704.
- Gregory, P. D., Frye, M. D., Blackmore, J. A., Bridge, E. M., Sawant, R., Hutson, J. M., & Cornish, S. L. (2019). Sticky collisions of ultracold RbCs molecules. Nature Communications, 10(1), Article 3104.
- Blackmore, J. A., Caldwell, L., Gregory, P. D., Bridge, E. M., Sawant, R., Aldegunde, J., Mur-Petit, J., Jaksch, D., Hutson, J. M., Sauer, B. E., Tarbutt, M. R., & Cornish, S. L. (2018). Ultracold molecules for quantum simulation: rotational coherence in CaF and RbCs. Quantum Science and Technology, 4(1), Article 014010.
- Guttridge, A., Frye, M. D., Yang, B., Hutson, J. M., & Cornish, S. L. (2018). Two-photon photoassociation spectroscopy of CsYb: Ground-state interaction potential and interspecies scattering lengths. Physical Review A, 98(2), Article 022707.
- Guttridge, A., Hopkins, S. A., Frye, M. D., McFerran, J. J., Hutson, J. M., & Cornish, S. L. (2018). Production of ultracold Cs*Yb molecules by photoassociation. Physical Review A, 97(6), Article 063414.
- Helm, J., Billam, T., Rakonjac, A., Cornish, S., & Gardiner, S. (2018). Spin-Orbit-Coupled Interferometry with Ring-Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensates. Physical Review Letters, 120(6), Article 063201.
- Guttridge, A., Hopkins, S. A., Kemp, S. L., Frye, M. D., Hutson, J. M., & Cornish, S. L. (2017). Interspecies thermalization in an ultracold mixture of Cs and Yb in an optical trap. Physical Review A, 96(1), Article 012704.
- Gregory, P. D., Blackmore, J. A., Aldegunde, J., Hutson, J. M., & Cornish, S. L. (2017). AC Stark Effect in Ultracold Polar 87Rb133Cs Molecules. Physical Review A, 96(2), Article 021402(R).
- Molony, P. K., Gregory, P. D., Kumar, A., Le Sueur, C. R., Hutson, J. M., & Cornish, S. L. (2016). Production of ultracold 87Rb133Cs in the absolute ground state: complete characterisation of the STIRAP transfer. ChemPhysChem, 17(22), 3811-3817.
- Gregory, P. D., Aldegunde, J., Hutson, J. M., & Cornish, S. L. (2016). Controlling the rotational and hyperfine state of ultracold Rb87Cs133 molecules. Physical Review Letters, 94(4), Article 041403(R).
- Molony, P. . K., Kumar, A., Gregory, P. . D., Kliese, R., Puppe, T., Le Sueur, C. . R., Aldegunde, J., Hutson, J. . M., & Cornish, S. . L. (2016). Measurement of the binding energy of ultracold 87Rb133Cs molecules using an offset-free optical frequency comb. Physical Review A, 94(2), Article 022507.
- Guttridge, A., Hopkins, S., Kemp, S., Boddy, D., Freytag, R., Jones, M., Tarbutt, M., Hinds, E., & Cornish, S. (2016). Direct loading of a large Yb MOT on the 1S0 → 3P1 transition. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 49(14), Article 145006.
- Hopkins, S., Butler, K., Guttridge, A., Kemp, S., Cornish, S., Freytag, R., Hinds, E., & Tarbutt, M. (2016). A versatile dual-species Zeeman slower for caesium and ytterbium. Review of Scientific Instruments, 87(4), Article 043109.
- Liu, I.-K., Pattinson, R., Billam, T., Gardiner, S., Cornish, S., Huang, T.-M., Lin, W.-W., Gou, S.-C., Parker, N., & Proukakis, N. (2016). Stochastic growth dynamics and composite defects in quenched immiscible binary condensates. Physical Review A, 93(2), Article 023628.
- Kemp, S., Butler, K., Freytag, R., Hopkins, S., Hinds, E., Tarbutt, M., & Cornish, S. (2016). Production and characterisation of a dual species magneto-optical trap of cesium and ytterbium. Review of Scientific Instruments, 87(2), Article 023105.
- Marchant, A., Billam, T., Yu, M., Rakonjac, A., Helm, J., Polo, J., Weiss, C., Gardiner, S., & Cornish, S. (2016). Quantum reflection of bright solitary matter waves from a narrow attractive potential. Physical Review A, 93(2), Article 021604(R).
- Rakonjac, A., Marchant, A., Billam, T., Helm, J., Yu, M., Gardiner, S., & Cornish, S. (2016). Measuring the disorder of vortex lattices in a Bose-Einstein condensate. Physical Review A, 93(1), Article 013607.
- Weiss, C., Cornish, S., Gardiner, S., & Breuer, H.-P. (2016). Superballistic center-of-mass motion in one-dimensional attractive Bose gases: Decoherence-induced Gaussian random walks in velocity space. Physical Review A, 93(1), Article 103605.
- Hanley, R. K., Gregory, P. D., Hughes, I. G., & Cornish, S. L. (2015). Absolute absorption on the potassium D lines: theory and experiment. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 48(19), Article 195004.
- Gregory, P., Molony, P., Köppinger, M., Kumar, A., Ji, Z., Lu, B., Marchant, A., & Cornish, S. (2015). A simple, versatile laser system for the creation of ultracold ground state molecules. New Journal of Physics, 17, Article 055006.
- Helm, J., Cornish, S., & Gardiner, S. (2015). Sagnac interferometry using bright matter-wave solitons. Physical Review Letters, 114(13), Article 134101.
- Molony, P. K., Gregory, P. D., Ji, Z., Lu, B., Köppinger, M. P., Le Sueur, C. R., Blackley, C. L., Hutson, J. M., & Cornish, S. L. (2014). Creation of Ultracold 87Rb133Cs Molecules in the Rovibrational Ground State. Physical Review Letters, 113(25), Article 255301.
- Köppinger, M., Gregory, P., Jenkin, D., McCarron, D., Marchant, A., & Cornish, S. (2014). Repeated output coupling of ultracold Feshbach molecules from a Cs BEC. New Journal of Physics, 16(11), Article 115016.
- Köppinger, M. P., McCarron, D. J., Jenkin, D. L., Molony, P. K., Cho, H. W., Cornish, S. L., Le Sueur, C. R., Blackley, C. L., & Hutson, J. M. (2014). Production of optically trapped 87RbCs Feshbach molecules. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 89(3), Article 033604.
- Fan, I., Chang, C.-Y., Wang, L.-B., Cornish, S. L., Shy, J.-T., & Liu, Y.-W. (2014). Refined determination of the muonium-deuterium 1S-2S isotope shift through improved frequency calibration of iodine lines. Physical Review A, 89(3), Article 032513.
- Gertjerenken, B., Billam, T., Blackley, C., Le Sueur, C., Khaykovich, L., Cornish, S., & Weiss, C. (2013). Generating Mesoscopic Bell States via Collisions of Distinguishable Quantum Bright Solitons. Physical Review Letters, 111(10), Article 100406.
- Marchant, A., Billam, T., Wiles, T., Yu, M., Gardiner, S., & Cornish, S. (2013). Controlled formation and reflection of a bright solitary matter-wave. Nature Communications, 4, Article 1865.
- Blackley, C. L., Le Sueur, C. R., Hutson, J. M., McCarron, D. J., Köppinger, M. P., Cho, H.-W., Jenkin, D. L., & Cornish, S. L. (2013). Feshbach resonances in ultracold 85Rb. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 87(3),
- Pattinson, R., Billam, T., Gardiner, S., McCarron, D., Cho, H., Cornish, S., Parker, N., & Proukakis, N. (2013). Equilibrium solutions for immiscible two-species Bose-Einstein condensates in perturbed harmonic traps. Physical Review A, 87(1), Article 013625.
- Cho, H. W., McCarron, D. J., Koppinger, M. P., Jenkin, D. L., Butler, K. L., Julienne, P. S., Blackley, C. L., Le Sueur, C. R., Hutson, J. M., & Cornish, S. L. (2013). Feshbach spectroscopy of an ultracold mixture of Rb-85 and Cs-133. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 87(1), Article 010703(R).
- Marchant, A., Händel, S., Hopkins, S., Wiles, T., & Cornish, S. (2012). Bose-Einstein condensation of 85Rb by direct evaporation in an optical dipole trap. Physical Review A, 85(5), Article 053647.
- Händel, S., Marchant, A., Wiles, T., Hopkins, S., & Cornish, S. (2012). Magnetic transport apparatus for the production of ultracold atomic gases in the vicinity of a dielectric surface. Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(1), Article 013105.
- Marchant, A., Händel, S., Wiles, T., Hopkins, S., & Cornish, S. (2011). Guided transport of ultracold gases of rubidium up to a room-temperature dielectric surface. New Journal of Physics, 13(12),
- Cho, H., McCarron, D., Jenkin, D., Koeppinger, M., & Cornish, S. (2011). A high phase-space density mixture of (87)Rb and (133)Cs: towards ultracold heteronuclear molecules. The European Physical Journal D, 65(1-2), 125-131.
- Jenkin, D., McCarron, D., Koppinger, M., Cho, H., Hopkins, S., & Cornish, S. (2011). Bose-Einstein condensation of 87Rb in a levitated crossed dipole trap. The European Physical Journal D, 65(1-2), 11-18.
- McCarron, D., Cho, H., Jenkin, D., Koeppinger, M., & Cornish, S. (2011). Dual-species Bose-Einstein condensate of (87)Rb and (133)Cs. Physical Review A, 84(1), Article 011603.
- Billam, T., Cornish, S., & Gardiner, S. (2011). Realizing bright-matter-wave-soliton collisions with controlled relative phase. Physical Review A, 83(4), Article 041602.
- Kemp, S. L., Hughes, I. G., & Cornish, S. L. (2011). An analytical model of off-resonant Faraday rotation in hot alkali metal vapours. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44(23), Article 235004.
- Haendel, S., Wiles, T., Marchant, A., Hopkins, S., Adams, C., & Cornish, S. (2011). Magnetic merging of ultracold atomic gases of (85)Rb and (87)Rb. Physical Review A, 83(5), Article 053633.
- Marchant, A. L., Haendel, S., Wiles, T. P., Hopkins, S. A., Adams, C. S., & Cornish, S. L. (2011). Off-resonance laser frequency stabilization using the Faraday effect. Optics Letters, 36(1), 64-66.
- Parker, N., Martin, A., Adams, C., & Cornish, S. (2009). Bright solitary waves of trapped atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 238(15), 1456-1461.
- Cornish, S., Parker, N., Martin, A., Judd, T., Scott, R., Fromhold, T., & Adams, C. (2009). Quantum reflection of bright matter-wave solitons. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 238(15), 1299-1305.
- Ticknor, C., Parker, N., Melatos, A., Cornish, S., O'Dell, D., & Martin, A. (2008). Collapse times of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A, 78(6), Article 061607.
- McCarron, D., King, S., & Cornish, S. (2008). Modulation transfer spectroscopy in atomic rubidium. Measurement Science and Technology, 19(10), Article 105601.
- Harris, M., Cornish, S., Tripathi, A., & Hughes, I. (2008). Optimization of sub-Doppler DAVLL on the rubidium D2 line. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 41(8), Article 085401.
- Harris, M., Tierney, P., & Cornish, S. (2008). Magnetic trapping of a cold Rb-Cs atomic mixture. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 41(5), Article 059803.
- Parker, N., Martin, A., Cornish, S., & Adams, C. (2008). Collisions of bright solitary matter waves. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 41(4), Article 045303.
- McCarron, D. J., Hughes, I. G., Tierney, P., & Cornish, S. L. (2007). A heated vapor cell unit for dichroic atomic vapor laser lock in atomic rubidium. Review of Scientific Instruments, 78(9), Article 093106.
- Parker, N., Cornish, S., Adams, C., & Martin, A. (2007). Bright solitary waves and trapped solutions in Bose-Einstein condensates with attractive interactions. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 40(15), 3127-3142.
- Millett-Sikking, A., Hughes, I. G., Tierney, P., & Cornish, S. L. (2007). DAVLL lineshapes in atomic rubidium. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 40(1), 187-198.
- Pritchard, M. J., Arnold, A. S., Cornish, S. L., Hallwood, D. W., Pleasant, C. V., & Hughes, I. G. (2006). Transport of launched cold atoms with a laser guide and pulsed magnetic fields. New Journal of Physics, 8, Article 309.
- Harris, M., Adams, C., Cornish, S., McLeod, I., Tarleton, E., & Hughes, I. (2006). Polarization spectroscopy in rubidium and cesium. Physical Review A, 73(6), Article 062509.
- Cornish, S., Thompson, S., & Wieman, C. (2006). Formation of bright matter-wave solitons during the collapse of attractive Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review Letters, 96(17), Article 170401.
- Ma, Z., Foot, C., & Cornish, S. (2004). Optimized evaporative cooling using a dimple potential: an efficient route to Bose-Einstein condensation. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 37(15), 3187-3195.
- Thomas, A., Hopkins, S., Cornish, S., & Foot, C. (2003). Strong evaporative cooling towards Bose-Einstein condensation of a magnetically trapped caesium gas. Journal of optics. B, Quantum and semiclassical optics, 5(2), S107-S111.
- Cornish, S., & Cassettari, D. (2003). Recent progress in Bose-Einstein condensation experiments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 361(1813), 2699-2713.
- Ma, Z., Thomas, A., Foot, C., & Cornish, S. (2003). The evaporative cooling of a gas of caesium atoms in the hydrodynamic regime. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 36(16), 3533-3540.
- Roberts, J., Burke, J., Claussen, N., Cornish, S., Donley, E., & Wieman, C. (2001). Improved characterization of elastic scattering near a Feshbach resonance in Rb-85. Physical Review A, 64(2), art. no.-024702.
- Donley, E., Claussen, N., Cornish, S., Roberts, J., Cornell, E., & Wieman, C. (2001). Dynamics of collapsing and exploding Bose-Einstein condensates. Nature, 412(6844), 295-299.
- Roberts, J., Claussen, N., Cornish, S., Donley, E., Cornell, E., & Wieman, C. (2001). Controlled collapse of a Bose-Einstein condensate. Physical Review Letters, 86(19), 4211-4214.
- Bakule, P., Baird, P., Boshier, M., Cornish, S., Heller, D., Jungmann, K., Lane, I., Meyer, V., Sandars, P., Toner, W., Towrie, M., & Walling, J. (2000). A chirp-compensated, injection-seeded alexandrite laser. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 71(1), 11-17
- Hopkins, S., Webster, S., Arlt, J., Bance, P., Cornish, S., Marago, O., & Foot, C. (2000). Measurement of elastic cross section for cold cesium collisions. Physical Review A, 61(3), art. no.-032707
- Meyer, V., Bagayev, S., Baird, P., Bakule, P., Boshier, M., Breitruck, A., Cornish, S., Dychkov, S., Eaton, G., Grossmann, A., Hubl, D., Hughes, V., Jungmann, K., Lane, I., Liu, Y., Lucas, D., Matyugin, Y., Merkel, J., zu Putlitz, G., Reinhard, I., …Yakhontov, V. (2000). Pulsed laser spectroscopy in muonium and deuterium. Hyperfine Interactions, 127(1-4), 197-200.
- Meyer, V., Bagayev, S., Baird, P., Bakule, P., Boshier, M., Breitruck, A., Cornish, S., Dychkov, S., Eaton, G., Grossmann, A., Hubl, D., Hughes, V., Jungmann, K., Lane, I., Liu, Y., Lucas, D., Matyugin, Y., Merkel, J., Putlitz, G., Reinhard, I., …Yakhontov, V. (2000). Measurement of the 1s-2s energy interval in muonium. Physical Review Letters, 84(6), 1136-1139.
- Cornish, S., Liu, Y., Lane, I., Baird, P., Barwood, G., Taylor, P., & Rowley, W. (2000). Interferometric measurements of I-127(2) reference frequencies for 1S-2S spectroscopy in muonium, hydrogen, and deuterium. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 17(1), 6-10.
- Roberts, J., Claussen, N., Cornish, S., & Wieman, C. (2000). Magnetic field dependence of ultracold inelastic collisions near a Feshbach resonance. Physical Review Letters, 85(4), 728-731.
- Cornish, S., Claussen, N., Roberts, J., Cornell, E., & Wieman, C. (2000). Stable Rb-85 Bose-Einstein condensates with widely tunable interactions. Physical Review Letters, 85(9), 1795-1798.
- Hopkinson, D., Cornish, S., Edwards, N., Baird, P., Cockburn, A., & Cameron, K. (1996). DFB laser diode operation at 77 K. Measurement Science and Technology, 7(5), 792-795.
Supervision students
Adarsh Raghuram
PGR Student
Archie Baldock
PGR Student
Bethan Humphreys
PGR Student
Ce Li
PGR Student
Chris Cumming
David Lowit
Francesca Blondell
Joe Bloomer
PGR Student
Albert Tao
PGR Student
Mark Bengyel
Saif Salim
Jeff Bai
Tom Hepworth
PGR Student