Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Sociology | +44 (0) 191 33 41497 |
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing | +44 (0) 191 33 41497 |
Fellow of the Institute for Medical Humanities |
Sarah Banks has a background in community development and worked in the voluntary sector and local authority social services before joining Durham University. Her degrees are in philosophy, social history and social work. Her research interests include professional ethics, community development and community-based participatory research.
Sarah co-founded the Centre for Social Justice and Community Action at Durham University, which promotes and supports participatory action research for social justice. She is co-convenor of the UK Participatory Research Network and coordinates the Ethics Working Group of the International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research. She also co-convenes the Social Work Ethics Research Group of the European Social Work Research Association. She coordinated production of ethical guidelines in the UK for community-based participatory research and internationally for participatory health research. She is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research, a long-standing Board Member of Durham Community Action and a Trustee of the Society for the Furtherance of Critical Philosophy.
Recent books include: Ethics, Equity and Community Development (edited with Peter Westoby); Co-producing Research: A Community Development Approach (co-edited); Ethics in Participatory Research for Health and Social Well-being (edited with Mary Brydon-Miller); Participatory Research for Health and Social Well-Being (co-authored); the fifth edition of Ethics and Values in Social Work; the edited collection Ethical Issues in Youth Work (2nd edition); Ethics in Professional Life: Virtues for Health and Social Care (co-authored with Ann Gallagher) and the edited collection: Practising Social Work Ethics around the World: Cases and Commentaries (co-edited with Kirsten Nøhr).
Recent research projects include work on innovation and learning in participatory research, green social prescribing for young people, ethical challenges for social workers during Covid-19, civic participation and community development, household debt and community organising, ethical challenges in community-based participatory research.
Read about
Participatory Research Innovation and Learning Lab
Ethical Challenges for Social Workers during Covid-19
The Connected Communities research project, Imagine
Action research with Thrive Teesside on high cost credit in poor households
Research interests
- Professional ethics, community development, community-based participatory research.
Authored book
- Banks, S. (2021). Ethics and Values in Social Work. (5th edition). Bloomsbury
- Banks, S. (2016). ソーシャルワークの倫理と価値 (Ethics and Values in Social Work). (4th edition in Japanese). 法律文化社 (Horitsu Bunksha)
- Banks, S., Rifkin, F., Davidson, H., Holmes, C., & Moore, N. (2014). Performing Ethics: Using participatory theatre to explore ethical issues in community-based participatory research. Centre for Social Justice and Community Action, Durham University
- Banks, S. (2014). Ethics. Policy Press
- Banks, S. (2014). 社會工作倫理與價值 (Ethics and Values in Social Work). (4th Edition in Chinese). Hungyeh Publishing
- Banks, S. (2012). Ethics and Values in Social Work. (4th edition). Palgrave Macmillan
- Banks, S., & Gallagher, A. (2009). Ethics in professional life: virtues for health and social care. Palgrave Macmillan
- Butcher, H., Banks, S., Henderson, P., & Robertson, J. (2007). Critical Community Practice. Policy Press
- Banks, S. (2004). Ethics, Accountability and the Social Professions. Palgrave Macmillan
Chapter in book
- Banks, S. (2019). Ethics, equity and community development: Mapping the terrain. In S. Banks, & P. Westoby (Eds.), Ethics, equity and community development (3-35). Policy Press
- Banks, S., & Brydon-Miller, M. (2019). Ethics in participatory research. In S. Banks, & M. Brydon-Miller (Eds.), Ethics in participatory research for health and social well-being : cases and commentaries (1-30). Routledge
- Banks, S., Armstrong, A., Bonner, A., Hall, Y., Harman, P., Johnston, L., Levi, C., Smith, K., & Taylor, R. (2019). Between research and community development: Negotiating a contested space for collaboration and creativity. In S. Banks, A. Hart, K. Pahl, & P. Ward (Eds.), Co-producing research : a community development approach (21-48). Policy Press
- Banks, S. (2018). Cultivating researcher integrity: virtue-based approaches to research ethics. In N. Emmerich (Ed.), Virtue ethics in the conduct and governance of social science research (21-44). Emerald.
- Banks, S. (2018). Practising professional ethical wisdom: the role of 'ethics work' in the social welfare field. In D. Carr (Ed.), Cultivating character and virtue in professional practice (55-69). Routledge
- Banks, S. (2016). Professional Integrity: From Conformity to Commitment. In R. Hugman, & J. Carter (Eds.), Rethinking values and ethics in social work (49-63). Palgrave Macmillan
- Meade, R., Shaw, M., & Banks, S. (2016). Politics, power and community development: an introductory essay. In R. Meade, M. Shaw, & S. Banks (Eds.), Politics, power and community development (1-30). Policy Press
- Banks, S. (2015). Action research for social justice: researching and organising on issues of household debt. In L. Hardwick, R. Smith, & A. Worsley (Eds.), Innovations in social work research : using methods creatively (18-39). Jessica Kingsley
- Banks, S. (2015). Social Work Ethics. In J. Wright (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences (782-788). (2nd ed). Elsevier.
- Banks, S. (2012). Global ethics for social work? A case-based approach. In S. Banks, & K. Nøhr (Eds.), Practising social work ethics around the world : cases and commentaries (1-31). Routledge
- Banks, S. (2011). Re-gilding the ghetto: community work and community development in 21st-century Britain. In M. Lavalette (Ed.), Radical social work today : social work at the crossroads (165-185). Policy Press.
- Banks, S. (2010). From Professional Ethics to Ethics in Professional Life: Reflections on Learning and Teaching in Social Work. In D. Zavirsek, B. Rommelspacher, & S. Staub-Bernasconi (Eds.), Ethical dilemmas in social work : international perspectives (119-132). Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana
Edited book
- Banks, S., & Westoby, P. (Eds.). (2019). Ethics, equity and community development. Policy Press
- Banks, S., Hart, A., Pahl, K., & Ward, P. (Eds.). (2019). Co-producing research: a community development approach. Policy Press
- Banks, S., & Brydon-Miller, M. (Eds.). (2019). Ethics in participatory research for health and social well-being: Cases and commentaries. Routledge
- Meade, R., Shaw, M., & Banks, S. (Eds.). (2016). Politics, power and community development. Policy Press
- Banks, S., Butcher, H., Orton, A., & Robertson, J. (Eds.). (2013). Managing Community Practice: Principles, Policies and Programmes (Second Edition). Policy Press
- Banks, S., & Nohr, K. (Eds.). (2012). Practising Social Work Ethics Around the World: Cases and Commentaries. Routledge
- Banks., S., & Armstrong, A. (Eds.). (2012). Ethics in community-based participatory research: Case studies, case examples and commentaries. National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement
- Banks, S. (Ed.). (2010). Ethical Issues in Youth Work. Routledge
- Banks, S., Butcher, H., Henderson, P., & Robertson, J. (Eds.). (2003). Managing Community Practice: Principles, Policies and Programmes. Policy Press
- Banks, S., & Nohr, K. (Eds.). (2003). Teaching Practical Ethics for the Social Professions. FESET
Journal Article
- Banks, S., & Bartlett, D. (online). Innovation in Youth Work? Young People and Mental Well-being
- Banks, S. (online). Ethical Challenges for Social Work
- Narayanan, P., Brear, M., Shabangu, P., Groot, B., van den Eijnde, C., & Banks, S. (online). Ethical Issues in Participatory Action Research on Covid-appropriate Behaviour and Vaccine Hesitancy in India: A Case with Commentaries. Ethics and Social Welfare, 17(2), 221-228.
- Tayebi, N. S., von Köppen, M., Plunger, P., Börner, S., & Banks, S. (online). Researching with Care – Participatory Health Research with Afghan Women Refugees in Germany During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case with Commentaries. Ethics and Social Welfare, 17(2), 229-235.
- Banks, S., Bertotti, T., Cairns, L., Shears, J., Shum, M., Sobočan, A. M., Strom, K., & Úriz, M. J. (2024). Social work beyond the pandemic: Exploring social work values for a new eco-social world. International Social Work, 67(4), 890-904.
- Banks, S. (2024). Pandemic ethics and beyond: Creating space for virtues in the social professions. Nursing Ethics, 31(1), 28-38.
- Banks, S., Shevellar, L., & Narayanan, P. (2023). Ethical issues in community development: setting the scene. Community Development Journal, 58(1),
- Odo, C. O., Nwatu, U. L., Makkieh, M., Ametepe, P. E. K., & Banks, S. (2023). Law Versus Morality: Cases and Commentaries on Ethical Issues in Social Work Practice. Ethics and Social Welfare, 17(1), 83-89.
- Adia, D., & Banks, S. (2023). Ethical Issues in Hospital-based Social Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case from Uganda, with a Commentary. Ethics and Social Welfare, 17(1), 90-97.
- Banks, S., & Rutter, N. (2021). Pandemic ethics: Rethinking rights, responsibilities and roles in social work. The British Journal of Social Work, 52(6), 3460 - 3479.
- Banks, S., & von Köppen, M. (2021). Ethical Issues for Practice and Research in Congregate Settings During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Cases and Commentaries. Ethics and Social Welfare, 15(3), 328-335.
- Banks, S., Cai, T., de Jonge, E., Shears, J., Shum, M., Sobočan, A., Strom, K., Truell, R., Úriz, M., & Weinberg, M. (2020). Practising ethically during Covid-19: social work challenges and responses. International Social Work, 63(5), 569-583.
- Banks, S., Zasada, M., Jago, R., Gallagher, A., Austin, Z., & van der Gaag, A. (2020). Social Workers under the Spotlight: An Analysis of Fitness to Practise Referrals to the Regulatory Body in England, 2014–2016. The British Journal of Social Work, 50(2), 326-347.
- Banks, S., Cai, T., de Jonge, E., Shears, J., Shum, M., Sobočan, A., Strom, K., Truell, R., Úriz, M., & Weinberg, M. (2020). Ethical practice under Covid-19. Social Work 2020 under Covid-19, 5th edition,
- Kong, S. T., Banks, S., Brandon, T., Chappell, S., Charnley, H., Hwang, S. K., Rudd, D., Shaw, S., Slatcher, S., & Ward, N. (2020). Extending Voice and Autonomy through Participatory Action Research: Ethical and Practical Issues. Ethics and Social Welfare, 14(2), 220-229.
- Gallagher, A., Banks, S., Jago, R., Zasada, M., Austin, Z., & van der Gaag, A. (2020). Exploring the Context of Fitness to Practise Concerns About Social Workers in England: Explanations Beyond Individuals. Ethics and Social Welfare, 14(2), 187-203.
- Juhila, K., Ranta, J., Raitakari, S., & Banks, S. (2020). Relational Autonomy and Service Choices in Social Worker–Client Conversations in an Outpatient Clinic for People Using Drugs. The British Journal of Social Work, 51(1), 170-186.
- Weinberg, M., & Banks, S. (2019). Practising Ethically in Unethical Times: Everyday Resistance in Social Work. Ethics and Social Welfare, 13(4), 361-376.
- Lucas, G., Zasada, M., Gallagher, A., Jago, R., Banks, S., Zubin, A., & van der Gaag, A. (2019). Understanding complaints about paramedics: a qualitative exploration in a UK context. Australasian journal of paramedicine, 16, 1-7.
- Austin, Z., van der Gaag, A., Gallagher, A., Jago, R., Banks, S., Lucas, G., & Zasada, M. (2018). Understanding Complaints to Regulators About Paramedics in the UK and Social Workers in England: Findings from a Multi-Method Study. Journal of medical regulation, 104(3), 19-28.
- van der Gaag, A., Jago, R., Austin, Z., Zasada, M., Banks, S., Lucas, G., & Gallagher, A. (2018). Why do paramedics have a high rate of self-referral?. Journal of Paramedic Practice, 10(5), 205-210
- Gallagher, A., Zasada, M., Jago, R., Austin, Z., Banks, S., Lucas, G., & van der Gaag, A. (2018). Fitness-to-practise concerns and preventative strategies. Journal of Paramedic Practice, 10(4), 163-169
- Saario, S., Räsänen, J.-M., Raitakari, S., Banks, S., & Juhila, K. (2018). Doing ‘Ethics Work’ Together: Negotiating Service Users’ Independence in Community Mental Health Meetings. Ethics and Social Welfare, 12(4), 370-386.
- Banks, S., Herrington, T., & Carter, K. (2017). Pathways to co-impact: action research and community organising. Educational Action Research, 25(4), 541-559.
- Armstrong, A., & Banks, S. (2017). Organizing for change: North Tyneside Community Development Project and its legacy. Community Development Journal, 52(2), 290-312.
- Banks, S., & Carpenter, M. (2017). Researching the local politics and practices of radical Community Development Projects in 1970s Britain. Community Development Journal, 52(2), 226-246.
- Scully, J. L., Banks, S., Song, R., & Haq, J. (2017). Experiences of Faith Group Members Using New Reproductive and Genetic Technologies: A Qualitative Interview Study. Human Fertility, 20(1), 22-29.
- Banks, S. (2016). Everyday ethics in professional life: social work as ethics work. Ethics and Social Welfare, 10(1), 35-52.
- Banks, S., Armstrong, A., Booth, M., Brown, G., Carter, K., Clarkson, M., Corner, L., Genus, A., Gilroy, R., Henfrey, T., Hudson, K., Jenner, A., Moss, R., Roddy, D., & Russell, A. (2014). Using co-inquiry to study co-inquiry: community-university perspectives on research collaboration. Journal of community engagement and scholarship, 7(1), 37-47
- Robinson, P., Macnaghten, P., Banks, S., Bickersteth, J., Kennedy, A., Richardson, Y., Shaw, S., & Sylvestre, I. (2014). Responsible scientists and a citizens’ panel: New storylines for creative engagement between science and the public. The Geographical Journal, 180(1), 83-88.
- Banks, S. (2013). Negotiating personal engagement and professional accountability: professional wisdom and ethics work. European Journal of Social Work, 16(5), 587-604.
- Banks, S., Armstrong, A., Carter, K., Graham, H., Hayward, P., Henry, A., Holland, T., Holmes, C., Lee, A., McNulty, A., Moore, N., Nayling, N., Stokoe, A., & Strachan, A. (2013). Everyday ethics in community-based participatory research. Contemporary Social Science, 8(3), 263-277.
- Flaherty, J., & Banks, S. (2013). In whose interest? the dynamics of debt in poor households. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 21(3), 219-232.
- Carter, K., Banks, S., Armstrong, A., Kindon, S., & Burkitt, I. (2013). Issues of Disclosure and Intrusion: Ethical Challenges for a Community Researcher. Ethics and Social Welfare, 7(1), 92-100.
- Banks, S. (2011). 'Ethics in an age of austerity: Social work and the evolving New Public Management. Journal of Social Intervention: Theory and Practice, 20(2), 5-23
- Banks, S. (2010). Interprofessional Ethics: A Developing Field? Notes from the Ethics & Social Welfare Conference. Ethics and Social Welfare, 4(3), 280-294.
- Banks, S. (2010). Integrity in professional life: issues of conduct, commitment and capacity. The British Journal of Social Work, 40(7), 2168-2184.
- Banks, S. (2009). Ethics that Work? A Critical Review of Ethics and Values in Teaching and Practice—Papers from the Ethics & Social Welfare Conference, London. Ethics and Social Welfare, 3(1), 54-76.
- Banks, S. (2009). From professional ethics to ethics in professional life : implications for learning, teaching and study. Ethics and Social Welfare, 3(1), 55-63.
- Banks, S. (2009). From Professional Ethics to Ethics in Professional Life: Implications for Learning, Teaching and Study. Ethics and Social Welfare, 3(1), 55-63
- Banks, S., Hugman, R., Healy, L., Bozalek, V., & Orme, J. (2008). Global Ethics for Social Work: Problems and Possibilities - Papers from the Ethics & Social Welfare Symposium, Durban, July 2008. Ethics and Social Welfare, 2(3), 276-290.
- Banks, S. (2008). Critical commentary: social work ethics. The British Journal of Social Work, 38(6), 1238-1249.
- Banks, S. (2008). Ethics and Social Welfare: The State of Play. Ethics and Social Welfare, 2(1), 1-9.
- Banks, S. (2007). Between equity and empathy: social professions and the new accountability. Social work & society, 5(3), 11-22
- Banks, S., & Orton, A. (2007). The grit in the oyster: community development workers in a modernizing local authority. Community Development Journal, 42(1), 97-113.
- Banks, S., Scully, J., & Shakespeare, T. (2006). Ordinary ethics: lay people's deliberations on social sex selection. New Genetics and Society, 25(3), 289-303.
- Scully, J., Shakespeare, T., & Banks, S. (2006). Gift not commodity? Lay people deliberating social sex selection. Sociology of Health & Illness, 28(6), 749-767.
- Scully, J., Banks, S., & Shakespeare, T. (2006). Chance, choice and control: Lay debate on prenatal social sex selection. Social Science & Medicine, 63(1), 21-31.
- Banks, S., & Vickers, T. (2006). Empowering communities through active learning: challenges and contradictions
- Banks, S., & Williams, R. (2005). Accounting for Ethical Difficulties in Social Welfare Work: Issues, Problems and Dilemmas. The British Journal of Social Work, 35(7), 1005-1022.
- Banks, S. (2005). The ethical practitioner in formation: issues of courage, competence and commitment. Social Work Education, 24(7), 737-753.
- Banks, S. (2004). Professional integrity, social work and the ethics of distrust
- Banks, S. (2003). From oaths to rulebooks: a critical examination of codes of ethics for the social professions. European Journal of Social Work, 6(2), 133-144.
- Banks, S., Burlison, P., & Shakespeare, T. (2002). Youth work and biomedicine: an exploratory study. Youth & Policy, 74(Winter 2001/2), 18-39
- Banks, S., & Shenton, F. (2001). Regenerating neighbourhoods: a critical look at the role of community capacity building. Local Economy, 16(4), 286-298
- Banks, S. (2001). Ethical dilemmas for the social professions: work in progress with social education students in Europe
- Banks, S., & Immam, U. (2000). Principles, Rules and Qualities: An Ethical Framework for Youth Work. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 9(1), 65-82.
- Banks, S. (1999). The social professions and social policy: proactive or reactive. European Journal of Social Work, 2(3), 327-339.
- Banks, S. (1998). Professional Ethics in Social Work - What Future?. The British Journal of Social Work, 28, 213-231
- Banks, S. (1998). Codes of Ethics and Ethical Conduct: A Veiw from the Caring Professions. Public Money & Management, 18(1), 27-30.
Newspaper/Magazine Article
Other (Digital/Visual Media)
- Banks, S. (2014). "Ethics work in the social domain", talk given at the Humanistic University, Utrecht, February 2014
- Banks, S. (2013). Forum Theatre: Participatory ethics through participatory theatre, film, December 2013
- Banks, S., & et al. (2022). Community-based participatory research: A guide to ethical principles and practice (2nd edition). National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement, Bristol; Centre for Social Justice and Community Action, Durham University
- Banks, S., Cairns, L., Bertotti, T., Shears, J., Shum, S., Sobočan, A., Strom, K., & Úriz, M. (2022). Beyond the Pandemic: Exploring Social Work Ethics and Values as a Contribution to a New Eco-social World. International Federation of Social Workers
- Rutter, N., & Banks, S. (2021). Rethinking Rights, Responsibilities and Risks: Ethical Challenges for UK Social Workers during Covid-19. British Association of Social Workers
- Banks, S., Rutter, N., & Shears, J. (2021). Ethical reflections in challenging times: A resource for social work practitioners and educators. British Association of Social Workers
- Banks, S., Bertotti, T., Shears, J., Shum, M., Sobočan, A. M., Strom, K., & Úriz, M. J. (2021). Pandemic ethics: A resource for social work students, educators and practitioners. International Federation of Social Workers
- Banks, S., Cai, T., de Jonge, E., Shears, J., Shum, M., Sobočan, A., Strom, K., Truell, R., Úriz, M., & Weinberg, M. (2020). Ethical Challenges for Social Workers during Covid-19: A Global Perspective. International Federation of Social Workers
- Banks, S. (2020). Practising During Pandemic Conditions: Ethical Guidance for Social Workers. International Federation of Social Workers
- van der Gaag, A., Lucas, G., Zasada, M., Gallagher, A., Jago, R., Banks, S., & Zubin, A. (2017). People like us? Understanding complaints about paramedics and social workers. London: Health and Care Professions Council
- Banks, S., Brown, G., Flaherty, J., Herrington, T., & Waters, M. (2013). Debt on Teesside: Pathways to Financial Inclusion, Final Report. Centre for Social Justice and Community Action, Durham University
- Banks, S., Brown, G., Flaherty, J., Herrington, T., & Waters, M. (2013). Debt on Teesside: Pathways to Financial Inclusion, Research Briefing. Centre for Social Justice and Community Action, Durham University
- Banks, S. (2012). Community-based participatory research: A guide to ethical principles and practice. National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement, Bristol and Centre for Social Justice and Community Action, Durham University
- Banks, S. (2011). Community-based participatory research: ethical challenges. Arts and Humanities Research Council
Working Paper