Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Geography | +44 (0) 191 33 41871 |
Advisory Board Member in the Centre for Death and Life Studies | |
Co-Director in the Institute for Medical Humanities | +44 (0) 191 33 48144 |
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing | +44 (0) 191 33 41871 |
Research interests
- Wellbeing and Community Wellbeing
- Critical Medical Humanities
- Spaces and practices of care of the body
- Arts, health and wellbeing
Esteem Indicators
- 2019: Key-note speaker 19th International Medical Geography Symposium, Queenstown, New Zealand:
- 2019: Key-note speaker, Conference on Existential Medical Humanities, Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden Swedish Network for Medical Humanities:
- 2016: Key-note speaker, ISRF funding workshop on 'Financialisation, Social Investment and Wellbeing' Roskilde, Denmark:
- 2015: Invited key-note speaker at the International Workshop: Medical humanities: Exploring advantages and disadvantages in an emerging interdisciplinary field, University of Lund, Sweden.:
- 2014: Invited member: WHO international steering group, the cultural determinants of wellbeing, WHO Copenhagen:
- 2014: Invited speaker: History, humanities and global health, WHO Geneva.:
- 2014: Invited speaker: The rise of well-being in public health, WHO Copenhagen.:
- 2014: Invited speaker, seminar series on Politics of Wellbeing:
- 2014: Key-note speaker: Annual Conference of the Nordic Network for Health Research within Social Sciences (NNHSH), Helsinki, Finland:
Chapter in book
- Atkinson, S. (in press). Art Spaces. In G. Andrews, V. Crooks, J. Pearce, & J. Messina. (Eds.), COVID-19 and Similar Futures: Pandemic Geographies. Springer Verlag
- Atkinson, S. (in press). Reanimating the radical possibilities of wellbeing: commentary on Part 1 approaching wellbeing. In B. Searle, J. Pykett, & M. Alfaro-Simmonds (Eds.), The Modern Guide to Wellbeing Research (23-28). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Atkinson, S. (2021). Resilience. In M. Botha, & P. Waugh (Eds.), Future theory : a Bloomsbury handbook to critical concepts. Bloomsbury
- Hunt, R., & Atkinson, S. (2020). GeoHumanities and Health. In S. Atkinson, & R. Hunt (Eds.), GeoHumanities and Health (1-19). Springer Verlag.
- Tan, M., & Atkinson, S. (2019). Multiplicity and Encounters of Cultures of Care in Advanced Ageing. In S. Atkinson, & R. Hunt (Eds.), Geohumanities and health (241-259). Springer Verlag.
- Atkinson, S. (2019). Wellbeing and the wild, blue 21st-century ctizen. In R. Foley, R. Kearns, T. Kistemann, & B. Wheeler (Eds.), Blue space, health and wellbeing : hydrophilia unbounded (190-204). Taylor and Francis
- Atkinson, S. (2017). Mixing and fixing: managing and imagining the body in a global world. In C. Herrick, & D. Reubi (Eds.), Global health and geographical imaginaries (54-71). Routledge
- Atkinson, S. (2017). Health and Wellbeing. In D. Richardson, N. Castree, M. Goodchild, L. Weidong, A. Kobayashi, & R. Marston (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. Wiley-Blackwell/AAG.
- Atkinson, S. (2016). Care, kidneys and clones: the distance of space, time and imagination. In A. Whitehead, A. Woods, S. Atkinson, J. Macnaughton, & J. Richards (Eds.), The Edinburgh companion to the critical medical humanities (611-626). Edinburgh University Press
- Atkinson, S., & Vaguet, A. (2011). La Mondialisation à la Loupe des Géographes de la Santé. In S. Fleuret, & A. Hoyez (Eds.), Santé et Géographie: Nouveaux Regards (15-37). Economica
- Atkinson, S. (2007). Health and Disease. In I. Douglas, R. Huggett, & C. Perkins (Eds.), Companion encyclopaedia of geography : from local to global (157-168). Routledge
- Atkinson, S. (2006). Approaches to studying decentralisation. In R. Saltman, V. Bankauskaite, & K. Vrangbaek (Eds.), Decentralization in health care: strategies and outcomes. OUP
- Atkinson, S. (2002). Local management and the quality of urban health services: prenatal care in Northwest Brazil. In R. Akhtar (Ed.), Urban Health in the Third World. APH Publishing Corporation
Edited book
- Atkinson, S., & Hunt, R. (Eds.). (2019). Geohumanities and Health. Springer Verlag.
- Whitehead, A., Woods, A., Atkinson, S., Macnaughton, J., & Richards, J. (Eds.). (2016). The Edinburgh Companion to the Critical Medical Humanities. Edinburgh University Press
- Atkinson, S., Fuller, S., & Painter, J. (Eds.). (2012). Wellbeing and place. Ashgate Publishing
Journal Article
- Atkinson, S., Bradby, H., Gadebusch Bondio, M., Macnaughton, J., Hallberg, A., & Söderfeldt, Y. (online). Seeing the value of experiential knowledge through COVID-19. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences,
- Atkinson, S. (2024). Cultural contexts of adolescent anxiety: Paradox, ambivalence, and disjuncture. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 10, Article 101081.
- Atkinson, S. (2021). The Toxic Effects of Subjective Wellbeing and Potential Tonics. Social Science & Medicine, 288, Article 113098.
- Curtis, S., Cunningham, N., Pearce, J., Congdon, P., Cherrie, M., & Atkinson, S. (2021). Trajectories in mental health and socio-spatial conditions in a time of economic recovery and austerity: a longitudinal study in England, 2011-2017. Social Science & Medicine, 270, Article 113654.
- Atkinson, S. (2021). Adolescent anxiety through the wrong end of the telescope. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 5(11), 777-778.
- Atkinson, S. (2020). Commentary: Wellbeing, Space and Society. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 1, Article 100015.
- Atkinson, S., Bagnall, A.-M., Corcoran, R., South, J., & Curtis, S. (2020). Being well together: individual subjective and community wellbeing. Journal of Happiness Studies, 21(5), 1903-1921.
- Curtis, S., Congdon, P., Atkinson, S., Corcoran, R., Peasgood, T., & MaGuire, R. (2020). Adverse conditions for wellbeing at the neighbourhood scale in England: potential and challenges for operationalising indicators relevant to wellbeing in and of places. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 1, Article 100009.
- Tupper, E., Atkinson, S., & Pollard, T. (2020). Doing more with movement: constituting healthy publics in a movement volunteering programme. Palgrave communications, 6, Article 94.
- Coyle, L., & Atkinson, S. (2019). Vulnerability as practice in diagnosing multiple conditions. Medical Humanities, 45(3), 278-287.
- Coyle, L., & Atkinson, S. (2018). Imagined Futures in Living with Multiple Conditions: Positivity, Relationality and Hopelessness. Social Science & Medicine, 198, 53-60.
- de Leeuw, S., Donovan, C., Schafenacker, N., Kearns, R., Neuwelt, P., Squier, S. M., McGeachan, C., Parr, H., Frank, A. W., Coyle, L.-A., Atkinson, S., El-Hadi, N., Shklanka, K., Shooner, C., Beljaars, D., & Anderson, J. (2018). Geographies of Medical and Health Humanities: A Cross-Disciplinary Conversation. Geohumanities, 4(2), 285-334.
- Stickley, T., Parr, H., Atkinson, S., Daykin, N., Clift, S., de Nora, T., Hacking, S., Camic, P., Joss, T., White, M., & Hogan, S. (2017). Arts, health & wellbeing: reflections on a national seminar series and building a UK research network. Arts and Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, 9(1), 14-25.
- Schwanen, T., & Atkinson, S. (2015). Geographies of wellbeing: an introduction. The Geographical Journal, 181(2), Article 98-101.
- Atkinson, S., Foley, R., & Parr, H. (2015). Introduction: Spatial Perspectives and Medical Humanities. Journal of Medical Humanities, 36(1), 1-4.
- Atkinson, S., Evans, B., Woods, A., & Kearns, R. (2015). ‘The Medical’ and ‘health’ in a critical medical humanities. Journal of Medical Humanities, 36(1), 71-81.
- Atkinson, S., & Scott, K. (2015). Stable and destabilised states of subjective wellbeing: dance and movement as catalysts of transition. Social and Cultural Geography, 16(1), 75-94.
- Medeiros, R., & Atkinson, S. (2013). Performance of the local health system and contingent influences in Northeast-Brazil: breaking vicious and virtuous circles. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 18(11), 3431-3442.
- Atkinson, S. (2013). Beyond components of wellbeing: the effects of relational and situated assemblage. Topoi, 32(2), 137-144.
- Atkinson, S., & White, M. (2013). Beyond the Local Agenda: International Perspectives in Community-based Arts and Health. Arts and Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, 5(3), 175-176.
- Atkinson, S., & Rubidge, T. (2013). Managing the spatialities of arts-based practices with school children: an inter-disciplinary exploration of engagement, movement and well-being. Arts and Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, 5(1), 39-50.
- White, M., Atkinson, S., & Meagher, M. E. (2013). International perspectives on the development of research-guided practice in community-based arts in health. Special Issue of eleven papers and an overview
- Atkinson, S., & Rubinelli, S. (2012). Narrative in cancer research and policy: voice, knowledge and context. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 84(Supplement 2), S11-S16.
- Atkinson, S., & Robson, M. (2012). Arts and health as a practice of liminality: managing the spaces of transformation for social and emotional wellbeing with primary school children. Health & Place, 18(6), 1348-1355.
- Swan, P., & Atkinson, S. (2012). Managing evaluation: a community arts organisation's perspective. Arts and Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, 4(3), 217-229.
- Atkinson, S. (2011). Moves to measure wellbeing must support a social model of health. eBMJ (London), 343(7832), Article d7323.
- Atkinson, S. (2011). Scales of Care and Responsibility: debating the surgically globalised body. Social and Cultural Geography, 12(6), 623-637.
- Atkinson, S., & Joyce, K. (2011). The place and practices of wellbeing in local governance. Environment and planning. C, Government and policy, 29(1), 133-148.
- Atkinson, S., Lawson, V., & Wiles, J. (2011). Care of the body: spaces of practice. Social and Cultural Geography, 12(6), 563-572.
- Atkinson, S., Macnaughton, J., Saunders, C., & Evans, M. (2010). Cool Intimacies of Care for Contemporary Clinical Practice. The Lancet, 376(9754), 1732-1733.
- Atkinson, S., & Ayers, A. (2010). The Potential of the Internet for Alternative Caring Practices for Health. Anthropology and Medicine, 17(1), 75-86.
- Atkinson, S., & Medeiros, R. (2009). Explanatory models of influences on the construction and expression of user satisfaction. Social Science & Medicine, 68(11), 2089-2096.
- Medeiros, R., & Atkinson, S. (2009). Health reform in Ceará: the process of decentralization in the 1990s. [A Reforma de Saúde no Ceará: o processo de descentralização na década de 1990]. O Público e o Privado (Impresso), 13, 11-27
- Atkinson, S., Cohn, A., Ducci, M., Fernandes, L., & Smyth, F. (2008). Promotion and prevention within a decentralized framework: changing health care in Brazil and Chile. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 23(2), 153-171.
- Fleuret, S., & Atkinson, S. (2007). Wellbeing, health and geography: a critical review and research agenda. New Zealand Geographer, 63(2), 106-118.
- Atkinson, S. (2007). Telling talking: discourse and practice in context. Critical Policy Studies, 1(2), 184-199.
- Milligan, C., Atkinson, S., Conradson, D., Skinner, M., & Wiles, J. (2007). Geographies of care - a commentary
- Danichevski, K., Balabanova, D., McKee, D., & Atkinson, S. (2006). The fragmentary federation: experiences with the decentralised health system in Russia. Health Policy and Planning, 21(3), 183-194.
- Atkinson, S., Cohn, A., Ducci, M., & Gideon, J. (2005). Implementation of promotion and prevention activities in decentralized health systems: comparative case studies from Chile and Brazil. Health Promotion International, 20(2), 167-175.
- Atkinson, S., Fernandes, L., Caprara, A., & Gideon, J. (2005). Prevention and promotion in decentralised rural health systems: a comparative study from Northeast Brazil. Health Policy and Planning, 20(2), 69-79.
- Atkinson, S., & Haran, D. (2005). Individual and district scale determinants of users' satisfaction with primary health care in developing countries. Social Science & Medicine, 60(3), 501-513.
- Atkinson, S., & Haran, D. (2004). Back to basics: does decentralization improve health system performance? Evidence from Ceará in north-east Brazil. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 81(11), 822-827
- Few, R., Harpham, T., & Atkinson, S. (2003). Urban primary health care in Africa: a comparative analysis of city-wide public sector projects in Lusaka and Dar es Salaam. Health & Place, 9(1), 45-53.
- Atkinson, S. (2002). Political cultures, health systems and health policy. Social Science & Medicine, 55(1), 113-124.
- Atkinson, S., Medeiros, R., Oliveira, P., & Almeida, R. (2000). Going down to the local: incorporating social organisation and political culture into assessments of decentralised health care. Social Science & Medicine, 51(4), 619-636.
Other (Print)
- Curtis, S., Congdon, P., Atkinson, S., Corcoran, R., MaGuire, R., & Peasgood, T. (2019). Individual and local area factors associated with self-reported wellbeing, perceived social cohesion and sense of attachment to one’s community: analysis of the Understanding Society Survey. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
- Atkinson, S., Bagnall, A., Corcoran, R., & South, J. (2017). What is Community Wellbeing? Conceptual Review. [No known commissioning body]
Supervision students
Charlotte Lock
Research Postgraduate (PhD)
Nic Kendall
Research Postgraduate (PhD)
Victoria Empson
Research Postgraduate (PhD)
Yasmin Zhuang-Mackie
Research Postgraduate (PhD)
Yuan Zhang
Research Postgraduate (PhD)