Staff profile
Professor Simon Mathias
Professor, Chair of Board of Education
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor, Chair of Board of Education in the Department of Engineering |
Simon teaches hydraulics, hydrology and environmental engineering.
Simon's research focuses on the development of mathematical models to describe the movement of fluids and contaminants in porous media. He works on a range of different applications including groundwater recharge, carbon capture and storage, nutrient transport and rainfall runoff modelling.
Authored book
Conference Paper
Conference Proceeding
Edited book
- Gluyas, J., & Mathias, S. (Eds.). (2013). Geological storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) - Geoscience, technologies, environmental aspects and legal frameworks. Woodhead Publishing
- Wheater, H., Mathias, S., & Li, X. (Eds.). (2010). Groundwater Modelling in Arid and Semi-arid Areas. Cambridge University Press
Journal Article
- Mathias, S. A., Bolster, D., & Veremieiev, S. (2024). Two Film Approach to Continuum Scale Mixing and Dispersion with Equilibrium Bimolecular Reaction. Transport in Porous Media, 151(8), 1709-1727.
- Allgood, C., Llewellin, E. W., Humphreys, M. C. S., Mathias, S. A., Brown, R. J., & Vye‐Brown, C. (2024). Banding in the Margins of Basaltic Dykes Indicates Pulsatory Propagation During Emplacement. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129(4), Article e2023JB028007.
- Rahayu, R., Mathias, S. A., Reaney, S., Vesuviano, G., Suwerman, R., & Ramdhan, A. M. (2023). Impact of land cover, rainfall and topography on flood risk in West Java. Natural Hazards, 116(2), 1735-1758.
- Mathias, S. A., Sander, G. C., Leung, J., & Newall, S. R. (2023). Revisiting Salvucci’s Semi-analytical Solution for Bare Soil Evaporation with New Consideration of Vapour Diffusion and Film Flow. Transport in Porous Media, 147(2), 463-493.
- Ireson, A. M., Spiteri, R. J., Clark, M. P., & Mathias, S. A. (2023). A simple, efficient, mass-conservative approach to solving Richards' equation (openRE, v1.0). Geoscientific Model Development, 16(2), 659-677.
- Chen, T., Foulger, G. R., Tang, C., Mathias, S. A., & Gong, B. (2022). Numerical investigation on origin and evolution of polygonal cracks on rock surfaces. Engineering Geology, 311, Article 106913.
- Zhang, X., Li, Q., Mathias, S., Zheng, G., & Tan, Y. (2022). Effect of H2S content on relative permeability and capillary pressure characteristics of acid gas/brine/rock systems: A review. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 14(6), 2003-2033.
- Mathias, S. A., Reaney, S. M., & Kenabatho, P. K. (2021). Transmission loss estimation for ephemeral sand rivers in Southern Africa. Journal of Hydrology, 600, Article 126487.
- Amankwah, S., Ireson, A., Maulé, C., Brannen, R., & Mathias, S. (2021). A Model for the Soil Freezing Characteristic Curve That Represents the Dominant Role of Salt Exclusion. Water Resources Research, 57(8), Article e2021WR030070.
- Mathias, S. A., & Sander, G. C. (2021). Pseudospectral methods provide fast and accurate solutions for the horizontal infiltration equation. Journal of Hydrology, 598, Article 126407.
- Xu, L., Li, Q., Mathias, S. A., Tan, Y., Yang, D., & Fan, C. (2021). Strain characteristics and permeability evolution of faults under stress disturbance monitoring by fibre bragg grating sensing and pressure pulses. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 7(4), Article 93.
- Coumans, J., Llewellin, E., Wadsworth, F., Humphreys, M., Mathias, S., Yelverton, B., & Gardner, J. (2020). An experimentally validated numerical model for bubble growth in magma. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 402, Article 107002.
- Coumans, J. P., Llewellin, E. W., Humphreys, M. C., Nowak, M., Brooker, R. A., Mathias, S. A., & McIntosh, I. M. (2020). An experimentally-validated numerical model of diffusion and speciation of water in rhyolitic silicate melt. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 276, 219-238.
- Mathias, S., Dentz, M., & Liu, Q. (2020). Gas diffusion in coal powders is a multi-rate process. Transport in Porous Media, 131, 1037-1051.
- Mathias, S. A., Nielsen, S., & Ward, R. L. (2019). Storage Coefficients and Permeability Functions for Coal-Bed Methane Production Under Uniaxial Strain Conditions. Transport in Porous Media, 130(2), 627-636.
- Jayeoba, A., Mathias, S. A., Nielsen, S., Vilarrasa, V., & Bjørnarå, T. I. (2019). Closed-form equation for subsidence due to fluid production from a cylindrical confined aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 573, 964-969.
- Kelly, H. L., & Mathias, S. A. (2018). Capillary processes increase salt precipitation during CO2 injection in saline formations. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 852, 398-421.
- Hardwick, J., & Mathias, S. (2018). Masuda's sandstone core hydrate dissociation experiment revisited. Chemical Engineering Science, 175, 98-109.
- Mathias, S., Greenwell, H., Withers, C., Erdogan, A., McElwaine, J., & MacMinn, C. (2017). Analytical solution for clay plug swelling experiments. Applied Clay Science, 149, 75-78.
- Li, A., Davies, R. J., Mathias, S., Yang, J., Hobbs, R., & Wilson, M. (2017). Gas venting that bypasses the feather edge of marine hydrate, offshore Mauritania. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 88, 402-409.
- Mathias, S. A., Sorensen, J. P., & Butler, A. P. (2017). Soil moisture data as a constraint for groundwater recharge estimation. Journal of Hydrology, 552, 258-266.
- Li, A., Davies, R. J., & Mathias, S. (2017). Methane hydrate recycling offshore of Mauritania probably after the last glacial maximum. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 84, 323-331.
- Mathias, S., McIntyre, N., & Oughton, R. (2016). A study of non-linearity in rainfall-runoff response using 120 UK catchments. Journal of Hydrology, 540, 423-436.
- Mathias, S., & Moutsopoulos, K. (2016). Approximate solutions for Forchheimer flow during water injection and water production in an unconfined aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 538, 13-21.
- Goudarzi, S., Mathias, S., & Gluyas, J. (2016). Simulation of three-component two-phase flow in porous media using method of lines. Transport in Porous Media, 112(1), 1-19.
- Oostrom, M., White, M., Porse, S., Krevor, S., & Mathias, S. (2016). Comparison of relative permeability–saturation–capillary pressure models for simulation of reservoir CO2 injection. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 45, 70-85.
- Mathias, S., Gluyas, J., Goldthorpe, W., & Mackay, E. (2015). Impact of maximum allowable cost on CO2 storage capacity in saline formations. Environmental Science and Technology, 49(22), 13510-13518.
- Davies, R. J., Yang, J., Mathias, S., Hobbs, R., & Li, A. (2015). An irregular feather-edge and potential outcrop of marine gas hydrate along the Mauritanian margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 423, 202-209.
- Mathias, S., & Wen, Z. (2015). Numerical simulation of Forchheimer flow to a partially penetrating well with a mixed-type boundary condition. Journal of Hydrology, 524, 53-61.
- Hirst, C., Gluyas, J., & Mathias, S. (2015). The late field life of the East Midlands Petroleum Province; a new geothermal prospect?. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 48(2), 104-114.
- Mathias, S., Skaggs, T., Quinn, S., Egan, N., Finch, L., & Oldham, C. (2015). A soil moisture accounting-procedure with a Richards' equation-based soil texture-dependent parameterization. Water Resources Research, 51(1), 506-523.
- Mathias, S., McElwaine, J., & Gluyas, J. (2014). Heat transport and pressure buildup during carbon dioxide injection into depleted gas reservoirs. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 756, 89-109.
- Watson, F., Mathias, S., Daniels, S., Jones, R., Davies, R., Hedley, B., & van Hunen, J. (2014). Dynamic modelling of a UK North Sea saline formation for CO2 sequestration. Petroleum Geoscience, 20(2), 169-185.
- Bjørnarå, T., & Mathias, S. (2013). A pseudospectral approach to the McWhorter and Sunada equation for two-phase flow in porous media with capillary pressure. Computational Geosciences, 17(6), 889-897.
- Mathias, S., Gluyas, J., Mackay, E., & Goldthorpe, W. (2013). A statistical analysis of well production rates from UK oil and gas fields – Implications for carbon capture and storage. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 19, 510-518.
- Mathias, S., & Roberts, A. (2013). A Lambert W function solution for estimating sustainable injection rates for storage of CO2 in brine aquifers. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 17, 546-548.
- Mijic, A., Mathias, S., & LaForce, T. (2013). Multiple well systems with non-Darcy flow. Groundwater, 51(4), 588-596.
- Mathias, S., Gluyas, J., González Martínez de Miguel, G., Bryant, S., & Wilson, D. (2013). On the importance of relative permeability data for estimating CO2 injectivity in brine aquifers. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 12, 200-212.
- Howden, N., Burt, T., Worrall, F., Mathias, S., & Whelan, M. (2013). Farming for Water Quality: Balancing Food Security and Nitrate Pollution in UK River Basins. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103, 397-407.
- Hedley, B., Davies, R., Mathias, S., Hanstock, D., & Gluyas, J. (2013). Uncertainty in static CO2 storage capacity estimates: Case study from the North Sea, UK. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 3(3), 212-230.
- Davies, R., Mathias, S., Moss, J., Hustoft, S., & Newport, L. (2012). Hydraulic fractures: How far can they go?. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 37(1), 1-6.
- Davies, R., Thatcher, K., Mathias, S., & Yang, J. (2012). Deepwater canyons: An escape route for methane sealed by methane hydrate. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 323-324, 72-78.
- Yang, D., Xue, Z., & Mathias, S. (2012). Analysis of momentum transfer in a lid-driven cavity containing a Brinkman–Forchheimer medium. Transport in Porous Media, 92, 101-118.
- Hosseini, S., Mathias, S., & Javadpour, F. (2012). Analytical Model for CO2 Injection into Brine Aquifers-Containing Residual CH4. Transport in Porous Media, 94, 795-815.
- Watson, F., Mathias, S., van Hunen, J., Daniels, S., & Jones, R. (2012). Dissolution of CO2 from leaking fractures in saline formations. Transport in Porous Media, 94, 729-745.
- Mathias, S., Gluyas, J., González Martínez de Miguel, G., & Hosseini, S. (2011). Role of partial miscibility on pressure buildup due to constant rate injection of CO2 into closed and open brine aquifers. Water Resources Research, 47(12), Article W12525.
- Howden, N., Burt, T., Worrall, F., Mathias, S., & Whelan, M. (2011). Nitrate pollution in intensively farmed regions: What are the prospects for sustaining high-quality groundwater?. Water Resources Research, 47(6), Article W00L02.
- Klammler, H., Hatfield, K., Nemer, B., & Mathias, S. (2011). A trigonometric interpolation approach to mixed-type boundary problems associated with permeameter shape factors. Water Resources Research, 47(3), Article W03510.
- Davies, R., Mathias, S., Swarbrick, R., & Tingay, M. (2011). Probabilistic longevity estimate for the LUSI mud volcano, East Java. Journal of the Geological Society, 168, 517-523.
- Howden, N., Burt, T., Mathias, S., Worrall, F., & Whelan, M. (2011). Modelling long-term diffuse nitrate pollution at the catchment-scale: Data, parameter and epistemic uncertainty. Journal of Hydrology, 403(3-4), 337-351.
- Mathias, S., Fallah, A., & Louca, L. (2011). An approximate solution for toughness-dominated near-surface hydraulic fractures. International Journal of Fracture, 168, 93-100.
- aquifer. Transport in Porous Media, 89(3), 383-397.
- Mathias, S., Gluyas, J., Oldenburg, C., & Tsang, C.-F. (2010). Analytical solution for Joule-Thomson cooling during CO2 geosequestration in depleted oil and gas reservoirs. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 4(5), 806-810.
- Mathias, S. (2010). Transient divergent flow and transport in an infinite anisotropic porous formation. Groundwater, 48(3), 438-441.
- Mathias, S., & Todman, L. (2010). Step-drawdown tests and the Forchheimer equation. Water Resources Research, 46, Article W07514.
- Mathias, S., Tsang, C., & van Reeuwijk, M. (2010). Investigation of hydromechanical processes during cyclic extraction recovery testing of a deformable rock fracture. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 47(3), 517-522.
- Mathias, S., Hardisty, P., Trudell, M., & Zimmerman, R. (2009). Screening and selection of sites for CO2 sequestration based on pressure buildup. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 3(5), 577-585.
- Mathias, S., Hardisty, P., Trudell, M., & Zimmerman, R. (2009). Approximate Solutions for Pressure Buildup During CO2 Injection in Brine Aquifers. Transport in Porous Media, 79(2), 265-284.
- Mathias, S., Butler, A., Atkinson, T., Kachi, S., & Ward, R. (2009). A parameter sensitivity analysis of two Chalk tracer tests. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 42, 237-244.
- van Reeuwijk, M., Mathias, S., Simmons, C., & Ward, J. (2009). Insights from a pseudospectral approach to the Elder problem. Water Resources Research, 45,
- Ireson, A., Mathias, S., Wheater, H., Butler, A., & Finch, J. (2009). A model for flow in the chalk unsaturated zone incorporating progressive weathering. Journal of Hydrology, 365(3-4), 244-260.
- Mathias, S., & van Reeuwijk, M. (2009). Hydraulic fracture propagation with 3-D leak-off. Transport in Porous Media, 80(3), 1573-1634.
- Butler, A., Mathias, S., Gallagher, A., Peach, D., & Williams, A. (2009). Analysis of flow processes in fractured chalk under pumped and ambient conditions. Hydrogeology Journal, 17(8), 1849-1858.
- Mathias, S., Butler, A., & Zhan, H. (2008). Approximate solutions for Forchheimer flow to a well. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 134(9), 1318-1325.
- Mathias, S., Butler, A., & Wheater, H. (2008). Modelling radioiodine transport across a capillary fringe. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 99(4), 716-729.
- Mathias, S., Butler, A., Ireson, A., Jackson, B., McIntyre, N., & Wheater, H. (2007). Recent advances in modelling nitrate transport in the Chalk unsaturated zone. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 40, 353-359.
- Jackson, B., Wheater, H., Wade, A., Butterfield, D., Mathias, S., Ireson, A., Butler, A., McIntyre, N., & Whitehead, R. (2007). Catchment-scale modelling of flow and nutrient transport in the Chalk unsaturated zone. Ecological Modelling, 209(1), 41-52.
- Gooddy, D., Mathias, S., Harrison, I., Lapworth, D., & Kim, A. (2007). The significance of colloids in the transport of pesticides through Chalk. Science of the Total Environment, 385(1-3), 262-271.
- Mathias, S., & Butler, A. (2007). Flow to a finite diameter well in a horizontally anisotropic aquifer with wellbore storage. Water Resources Research, 43(7),
- Mathias, S., Butler, A., Peach, D., & Williams, A. (2007). Recovering tracer test input functions from fluid electrical conductivity logging in fractured porous rocks. Water Resources Research, 43(7),
- Mathias, S., & Butler, A. (2007). Shape factors for constant-head double-packer permeameters. Water Resources Research, 43(6),
- Mathias, S., & Butler, A. (2006). An improvement on Hvorslev's shape factors. Géotechnique, 56(10), 705-706.
- Jackson, B., Wheater, H., Mathias, S., McIntyre, N., & Butler, A. (2006). A simple model of variable residence time flow and nutrient transport in the chalk. Journal of Hydrology, 330(1-2), 221-234.
- Mathias, S., Butler, A., Jackson, B., & Wheater, H. (2006). Transient simulations of flow and transport in the Chalk unsaturated zone. Journal of Hydrology, 330(1-2), 10-28.
- Ireson, A., Wheater, H., Butler, A., Mathias, S., Finch, J., & Cooper, J. (2006). Hydrological processes in the Chalk unsaturated zone - Insights from an intensive field monitoring programme. Journal of Hydrology, 330(1-2), 29-43.
- Mathias, S., & Butler, A. (2006). Linearized Richards' equation approach to pumping test analysis in compressible aquifers. Water Resources Research, 42(6),
- Mathias, S., Butler, A., McIntyre, N., & Wheater, H. (2005). The significance of flow in the matrix of the Chalk unsaturated zone. Journal of Hydrology, 310(1-4), 62-77.
- Mathias, S., & Zimmerman, R. (2003). Laplace transform inversion for late-time behavior of groundwater flow problems. Water Resources Research, 39(10),
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Supervision students
Ekaterina Lgotina
Research Postgraduate – Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Node
Jorge Jacobo Davila
Omer Al-Kaabi
Research Postgraduate - Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Node