Staff profile
Professor Simon Gardiner
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Physics | +44 (0) 191 33 43683 |
Deputy Executive Dean (Education) in the Faculty of Science | +44 (0) 191 33 43683 |
I am originally from Hamilton, New Zealand. I initially studied Biology and Chemistry at the University of Waikato, before changing to Mathematics and Theoretical Physics,subsequently carrying out my doctoral studies in theoretical physics at the Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck, Austria. I then did postdoctoral work in Potsdam, Hannover, Oxford, and JILA (Colorado), before, in 2005, taking up a lectureship in the Durham University Department of Physics.
Research interests
Theoretical atomic physics, cold-atom physics, quantum nonlinear dynamics. At present, specifically, bright matter-wave solitons in attractively interacting Bose-Einstein condensates, and quantum resonance phenomena in periodically laser-pulsed clouds of cold atoms.Publications
Chapter in book
- Davis, M., Wright, T., Gasenzer, T., Gardiner, S., & Proukakis, N. (2017). Formation of Bose-Einstein Condensates. In N. Proukakis, D. Snoke, & P. Littlewood (Eds.), Universal Themes of Bose-Einstein Condensation (117-150). Cambridge University Press.
- Davis, M., Gardiner, S., Hanna, T., Nygaard, N., Proukakis, N., & Szymanska, M. (2013). Introduction to theoretical modelling. In N. Proukakis, S. Gardiner, M. Davis, & M. Szymanska (Eds.), Quantum Gases: Finite Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics (63-83). Imperial College Press.
- Billam, T., Marchant, A., Cornish, S., Gardiner, S., & Parker, N. (2013). Bright solitary matter waves: formation, stability and interactions. In B. Malomed (Ed.), Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, Self-trapping and Josephson Oscillations (403-455). Springer Verlag.
- Gardiner, S., & Billam, T. (2013). Number-conserving approaches for atomic Bose-Einstein condensates: an overview. In N. Proukakis, S. Gardiner, M. Davis, & M. Szymanska (Eds.), Quantum Gases: Finite Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics (133-145). Imperial College Press.
- Proukakis, N., Davis, M., & Gardiner, S. (2013). Selected theoretical comparisons for bosons. In N. Proukakis, S. Gardiner, M. Davis, & M. Szymanska (Eds.), Quantum Gases: Finite Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics (259-286). Imperial College Press.
Edited book
Journal Article
- Ribeiro, S., Juan-Delgado, A., & Gardiner, S. A. (2024). Determining the absolute number density of a thermal vapor via photon correlations. Physical Review A, 110(3), Article L031701.
- Campbell, J. M., Diefenthaler, M., Hobbs, T. J., Höche, S., Isaacson, J., Kling, F., Mrenna, S., Reuter, J., Alioli, S., Andersen, J. R., Andreopoulos, C., Ankowski, A. M., Aschenauer, E. C., Ashkenazi, A., Baker, M. D., Barrow, J. L., van Beekveld, M., Bewick, G., Bhattacharya, S., Bierlich, C., …Zapp, K. (2024). Event generators for high-energy physics experiments. SciPost Physics, 16(5), Article 130.
- Grimshaw, C. L., Billam, T. P., & Gardiner, S. A. (2022). Soliton Interferometry with Very Narrow Barriers Obtained from Spatially Dependent Dressed States. Physical Review Letters, 129(4), Article 040401.
- Ribeiro, S., & Gardiner, S. A. (2022). Quantum emission of light with densely packed driven dipoles. Physical Review A, 105(2), Article L021701.
- Amico, L., Boshier, M., Birkl, G., Minguzzi, A., Miniatura, C., Kwek, L.-C., Aghamalyan, D., Ahufinger, V., Anderson, D., Andrei, N., Arnold, A., Baker, M., Bell, T., Bland, T., Brantut, J., Cassettari, D., Chetcuti, W., Chevy, F., Citro, R., De Palo, S., …Yakimenko, A. (2021). Roadmap on Atomtronics: State of the art and perspective. AVS Quantum Science, 3(3), Article 039201.
- Ribeiro, S., Cutler, T. F., Adams, C. S., & Gardiner, S. A. (2021). Collective effects in the photon statistics of thermal atomic ensembles. Physical Review A, 104(1), Article 013719.
- Grimshaw, C. L., Gardiner, S. A., & Malomed, B. A. (2020). Splitting of two-component solitary waves from collisions with narrow potential barriers. Physical Review A, 101(4), Article 043623.
- Usui, A., Fogarty, T., Campbell, S., Gardiner, S. A., & Busch, T. (2020). Spin–orbit coupling in the presence of strong atomic correlations. New Journal of Physics, 22(1), Article 013050.
- Bettles, R. J., Lee, M. D., Gardiner, S. A., & Ruostekoski, J. (2020). Quantum and nonlinear effects in light transmitted through planar atomic arrays. Communications Physics, 3(1), Article 141.
- Wales, O. J., Rakonjac, A., Billam, T. P., Helm, J. L., Gardiner, S. A., & Cornish, S. L. (2020). Splitting and recombination of bright-solitary-matter waves. Communications Physics, 3, Article 51.
- Beswick, B. T., Hughes, I. G., & Gardiner, S. A. (2019). Lattice-depth measurement using continuous grating atom diffraction. Physical Review A, 100(6), Article 063629.
- Maucher, F., Skupin, S., Gardiner, S., & Hughes, I. (2019). An intuitive approach to structuring the three electric field components of light. New Journal of Physics, 21, Article 013032.
- Beswick, B. T., Hughes, I. G., & Gardiner, S. A. (2019). Lattice-depth measurement using multipulse atom diffraction in and beyond the weakly diffracting limit. Physical Review A, 99(1), Article 013614.
- Edmonds, M., Billam, T., Gardiner, S., & Busch, T. (2018). Noise-free generation of bright matter-wave solitons. Physical Review A, 98(6), Article 063626.
- Maucher, F., Skupin, S., Gardiner, S., & Hughes, I. (2018). Creating Complex Optical Longitudinal Polarization Structures. Physical Review Letters, 120(16), Article 163903.
- Helm, J., Billam, T., Rakonjac, A., Cornish, S., & Gardiner, S. (2018). Spin-Orbit-Coupled Interferometry with Ring-Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensates. Physical Review Letters, 120(6), Article 063201.
- Fekete, J., Chai, S., Gardiner, S., & Andersen, M. (2017). Resonant transfer of large momenta from finite-duration pulse sequences. Physical Review A, 95(3), Article 033601.
- Beswick, B., Hughes, I., Gardiner, S., Astier, H., Andersen, M., & Daszuta, B. (2016). epsilon-pseudoclassical model for quantum resonances in a cold dilute atomic gas periodically driven by finite-duration standing-wave laser pulses. Physical Review A, 94(6), Article 063604.
- Bettles, R. J., Gardiner, S. A., & Adams, C. S. (2016). Cooperative eigenmodes and scattering in one-dimensional atomic arrays. Physical Review A, 94(4), Article 043844.
- Maucher, F., Gardiner, S., & Hughes, I. (2016). Excitation of knotted vortex lines in matter waves. New Journal of Physics, 18(6), Article 063016.
- Bettles, R. J., Gardiner, S. A., & Adams, C. S. (2016). Enhanced optical cross section via collective coupling of atomic dipoles in a 2D array. Physical Review Letters, 116(10), Article 103602.
- Liu, I.-K., Pattinson, R., Billam, T., Gardiner, S., Cornish, S., Huang, T.-M., Lin, W.-W., Gou, S.-C., Parker, N., & Proukakis, N. (2016). Stochastic growth dynamics and composite defects in quenched immiscible binary condensates. Physical Review A, 93(2), Article 023628.
- Marchant, A., Billam, T., Yu, M., Rakonjac, A., Helm, J., Polo, J., Weiss, C., Gardiner, S., & Cornish, S. (2016). Quantum reflection of bright solitary matter waves from a narrow attractive potential. Physical Review A, 93(2), Article 021604(R).
- Rakonjac, A., Marchant, A., Billam, T., Helm, J., Yu, M., Gardiner, S., & Cornish, S. (2016). Measuring the disorder of vortex lattices in a Bose-Einstein condensate. Physical Review A, 93(1), Article 013607.
- Weiss, C., Cornish, S., Gardiner, S., & Breuer, H.-P. (2016). Superballistic center-of-mass motion in one-dimensional attractive Bose gases: Decoherence-induced Gaussian random walks in velocity space. Physical Review A, 93(1), Article 103605.
- Bettles, R., Gardiner, S., & Adams, C. (2015). Cooperative ordering in lattices of interacting two-level dipoles. Physical Review A, 92(6), Article 063822.
- Weiss, C., Gardiner, S., & Breuer, H.-P. (2015). From short-time diffusive to long-time ballistic dynamics: The unusual center-of-mass motion of quantum bright solitons. Physical Review A, 91(6), Article 063616.
- Polo, J., Ahufinger, V., Mason, P., Sridhar, S., Billam, T., & Gardiner, S. (2015). Analysis beyond the Thomas-Fermi approximation of the density profiles of a miscible two-component Bose-Einstein condensate. Physical Review A, 91(5), Article 053626.
- Helm, J., Cornish, S., & Gardiner, S. (2015). Sagnac interferometry using bright matter-wave solitons. Physical Review Letters, 114(13), Article 134101.
- Mason, P., & Gardiner, S. (2014). Number-conserving approaches to n-component Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A, 89(4), Article 043617.
- Helm, J., Rooney, S., Weiss, C., & Gardiner, S. (2014). Splitting bright matter-wave solitons on narrow potential barriers: Quantum to classical transition and applications to interferometry. Physical Review A, 89(3), Article 033610.
- Holdaway, D., Weiss, C., & Gardiner, S. (2014). Phase-matching condition for enhanced entanglement of colliding indistinguishable quantum bright solitons in a harmonic trap. Physical Review A, 89(1), Article 013611.
- Marchant, A., Billam, T., Wiles, T., Yu, M., Gardiner, S., & Cornish, S. (2013). Controlled formation and reflection of a bright solitary matter-wave. Nature Communications, 4, Article 1865.
- Holdaway, D., Weiss, C., & Gardiner, S. (2013). Collision dynamics and entanglement generation of two initially independent and indistinguishable boson pairs in one-dimensional harmonic confinement. Physical Review A, 87(4), Article 043632.
- Billam, T., Mason, P., & Gardiner, S. (2013). Second-order number-conserving description of nonequilibrium dynamics in finite-temperature Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A, 87(3), Article 033628.
- Gardiner, S., Gies, H., Jaeckel, J., & Wallace, C. (2013). Tunnelling of the 3rd kind: A test of the effective non-locality of quantum field theory. European Physical Society Letters, 101(6), Article 61001.
- Pattinson, R., Billam, T., Gardiner, S., McCarron, D., Cho, H., Cornish, S., Parker, N., & Proukakis, N. (2013). Equilibrium solutions for immiscible two-species Bose-Einstein condensates in perturbed harmonic traps. Physical Review A, 87(1), Article 013625.
- Helm, J., Billam, T., & Gardiner, S. (2012). Bright matter-wave soliton collisions at narrow barriers. Physical Review A, 85(5), Article 053621.
- Holdaway, D., Weiss, C., & Gardiner, S. (2012). Quantum theory of bright matter-wave solitons in harmonic confinement. Physical Review A, 85(5), Article 053618.
- Billam, T., & Gardiner, S. (2012). Coherence and instability in a driven Bose–Einstein condensate: a fully dynamical number-conserving approach. New Journal of Physics, 14, Article 013038.
- Billam, T., Wrathmall, S., & Gardiner, S. (2012). Variational determination of approximate bright matter-wave soliton solutions in anisotropic traps. Physical Review A, 85(1), Article 013627.
- Billam, T., Cornish, S., & Gardiner, S. (2011). Realizing bright-matter-wave-soliton collisions with controlled relative phase. Physical Review A, 83(4), Article 041602.
- Halkyard, P., Jones, M., & Gardiner, S. (2010). Rotational response of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates in ring traps. Physical Review A, 81(6), Article 061602.
- Wallis, A. O. G., Gardiner, S. A., & Hutson, J. M. (2009). Conical intersections in laboratory coordinates with ultracold molecules. Physical Review Letters, 103(8), Article 083201.
- Billam, T., & Gardiner, S. (2009). Quantum resonances in the delta-kicked harmonic oscillator. Physical Review A, 80(2),
- Saunders, M., Halkyard, P., Gardiner, S., & Challis, K. (2009). Fractional resonances in the atom-optical delta-kicked accelerator. Physical Review A, 79(2),
- Halkyard, P., Saunders, M., Gardiner, S., & Challis, K. (2008). Power-law behavior in the quantum-resonant evolution of the delta-kicked accelerator. Physical Review A, 78(6),
- Martin, A., Adams, C., & Gardiner, S. (2008). Bright solitary-matter-wave collisions in a harmonic trap: Regimes of solitonlike behavior. Physical Review A, 77(1),
- Saunders, M., Halkyard, P., Challis, K., & Gardiner, S. (2007). Manifestation of quantum resonances and antiresonances in a finite temperature dilute atomic gas. Physical Review A, 76(4),
- Gardiner, S., & Morgan, S. (2007). A number-conserving approach to a minimal self-consistent treatment of condensate and non-condensate dynamics in a degenerate Bose gas. Physical Review A, 75,
- Martin, A., Adams, C., & Gardiner, S. (2007). Bright matter-wave soliton collisions in a harmonic trap : regular and chaotic dynamics. Physical Review Letters, 98(2),
- Buchleitner, A., d'Arcy, M., Fishman, S., Gardiner, S., Guarneri, I., Ma, Z. .-Y., Rebuzzini, L., & Summy, G. (2006). Quantum Accelerator Modes from the Farey Tree. Physical Review Letters, 96(16),
- Ma, Z. .-Y., Burnett, K., d'Arcy, M., & Gardiner, S. (2006). Quantum random walks using quantum accelerator modes. Physical Review A, 73(1),
- Bach, R., Burnett, K., d'Arcy, M., & Gardiner, S. (2005). Quantum-mechanical cumulant dynamics near stable periodic orbits in phase space: Application to the classical-like dynamics of quantum accelerator modes. Physical Review A, 71,
- Ma, Z.-Y., d'Arcy, M., & Gardiner, S. (2004). Gravity-sensitive quantum dynamics in cold atoms. Physical Review Letters, 93,
- Góral, K., Köhler, T., Gardiner, S., Tiesinga, E., & Julienne, P. (2004). Adiabatic association of ultracold molecules via magnetic-field tunable interactions. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 37(17), 3457-3500.
- Henkel, C., & Gardiner, S. (2004). Decoherence of Bose-Einstein condensates in microtraps. Physical Review A, 69(4),
- Henkel, C., Gardiner, S., & Negretti, A. (2004). (De)coherence Physics With Condensates In Microtraps. Laser Physics, 14(4), 615-620
- Schlunk, S., d'Arcy, M., Gardiner, S., & Summy, G. (2003). Experimental observation of high-order quantum accelerator modes. Physical Review Letters, 90,
- Schlunk, S., d'Arcy, M., Gardiner, S., Cassettari, D., Godun, R., & Summy, G. (2003). Signatures of Quantum Stability in a Classically Chaotic System. Physical Review Letters, 90(5),
- Gardiner, S. (2002). (Quantum) chaos in Bose-Einstein condensates. Journal of Modern Optics, 49(12), 1971-1977.
- Albus, A., Gardiner, S., Illuminati, F., & Wilkens, M. (2002). Quantum field theory of dilute homogeneous Bose-Fermi mixtures at zero temperature: General formalism and beyond mean-field corrections. Physical Review A, 65(5),
- d'Arcy, M., Godun, R., Oberthaler, M., Summy, G., Burnett, K., & Gardiner, S. (2001). Approaching classicality in quantum accelerator modes through decoherence. Physical review E: Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 64(5),
- Gardiner, S., Gheri, K., & Zoller, P. (2001). Cavity-assisted quasiparticle damping in a Bose-Einstein condensate. Physical Review A, 63(5),
- Jaksch, D., Gardiner, S., Schulze, K., Cirac, J., & Zoller, P. (2001). Uniting Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Resonators. Physical Review Letters, 86(21), 4733-4736.
- Gardiner, S., Jaksch, D., Dum, R., Cirac, J., & Zoller, P. (2000). Nonlinear matter wave dynamics with a chaotic potential. Physical Review A, 62(2),
- Gardiner, S., Cirac, J., & Zoller, P. (1997). Quantum Chaos in an Ion Trap: The Delta-Kicked Harmonic Oscillator. Physical Review Letters, 79(24), 4790-4793.
- Gardiner, S., Cirac, J., & Zoller, P. (1997). Nonclassical states and measurement of general motional observables of a trapped ion. Physical Review A, 55(3), 1683-1694.
- Pellizzari, T., Gardiner, S., Cirac, J., & Zoller, P. (1995). Decoherence, continuous observation, and quantum computing: A cavity QED model. Physical Review Letters, 75(21), 3788-3791.