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Professor Steve Abel

Professor, Mathematical & Theoretical Physics

Professor, Mathematical & Theoretical Physics in the Department of Mathematical Sciences41525 (Maths) or 43534 (Physics)
Professor in the Department of Physics+44 (0) 191 33 43534
Professor in the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology+44 (0) 191 33 43534

Research interests

  • Beyond the Standard Model
  • Supersymmetry and string model building

Esteem Indicators

  • 2000: 'International Collaboration': 'With M.Masip (Grenada), I.Kogan (Oxford), K.Freese (Ann Arbor),
    O.Lebedev (Sussex/Desy), C.Munoz (Madrid), G.Branco (Lisbon), G.Servant (SACLAY/Chicago), J-M.Frere (Brussels)'
  • 2000: 'Invitation to overseas centres': Cern Theory 6 month Scientific Associateship


Journal Article