Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics | +44 (0) 191 33 43018 |
2005-present Department of Physics, University of Durham, UK
2002-2005 Department of Physics, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
1999-2002 Departamento de Astronomia y Astrofisica, Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Santiago, Chile
1998-1999 Department of Physics, University of Durham, UK
Research interests
- Early-type galaxies
- Galaxy clusters
- Galaxy formation and evolution
- Gravitational lensing
- Multi-wavelength astronomy
- Stellar and dark-matter content of galaxies
Conference Paper
- Thatte, N. A., Melotte, D., Neichel, B., Le Mignant, D., Rees, P., Clarke, F., Ferraro-Wood, V., Gonzalez, O., Jones, M., Álvarez Urueña, A., Vilaseca, H., Arribas Mocoroa, S., Caballero, J. A., Carracedo Carballal, G. J., Estrada Piqueras, A., Ferro, I., García García, M., Lamperti, I., Pereira Santaella, M., Perna, M., …York, A. (2024, June). HARMONI at ELT: project status and instrument overview. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X, Yokohama, Japan
- Richard, J., Giroud, R., Laurent, F., Krajnovic, D., Jeanneau, A., Bacon, R., Abreu, M., Adamo, A., Araujo, R., Bouché, N., Brinchmann, J., Cai, Z., Castro Rodriguez, N., Calcines, A., Chapuis, D., Claeyssens, A., Cortese, L., Daddi, E., Davison, C., Goodwin, M., …Zheng, J. (2024, June). The Blue Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (BlueMUSE) on the VLT: science drivers and overview of instrument design. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X, Yokohama, Japan
Journal Article
- Jin, S., Trager, S. C., Dalton, G. B., Aguerri, J. A. L., Drew, J. E., Falcón-Barroso, J., Gänsicke, B. T., Hill, V., Iovino, A., Pieri, M. M., Poggianti, B. M., Smith, D. J. B., Vallenari, A., Abrams, D. C., Aguado, D. S., Antoja, T., Aragón-Salamanca, A., Ascasibar, Y., Babusiaux, C., Balcells, M., …Zurita, C. (2024). The wide-field, multiplexed, spectroscopic facility WEAVE: Survey design, overview, and simulated implementation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 530(3), 2688-2730.
- Ballard, D. J., Smith, R. J., Enzi, W. J. R., Collett, T. E., & Turner, H. C. (2024). Gravitational imaging through a triple source plane lens: revisiting the ΛCDM-defying dark subhalo in SDSSJ0946+1006. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528(4), 7564-7586.
- Turner, H. C., Smith, R. J., & Collett, T. E. (2024). Two-dimensional kinematics and dynamical modelling of the ‘Jackpot’ gravitational lens from deep MUSE observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528(2), 3559-3575.
- Nightingale, J., Smith, R. J., He, Q., O’Riordan, C. M., Kegerreis, J. A., Amvrosiadis, A., Edge, A. C., Etherington, A., Hayes, R. G., Kelly, A., Lucey, J. R., & Massey, R. J. (2023). Abell 1201: detection of an ultramassive black hole in a strong gravitational lens. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521(3), 3298-3322.
- Poci, A., & Smith, R. J. (2022). Comparing lensing and stellar orbital models of a nearby massive strong-lens galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512(4), 5298-5310.
- Smith, R. J. (2022). Probing cool giants in unresolved galaxies using fluctuation eigenspectra: A demonstration using high-resolution MUSE observations of NGC 5128. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 509(4), 5737-5746.
- Smith, R. J., & Collett, T. E. (2021). A fully-spectroscopic triple-source-plane lens: the Jackpot completed. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 505(2), 2136-2140.
- Collett, T. E., & Smith, R. J. (2020). A Triple Rollover: A third multiply-imaged source at z~6 behind the Jackpot gravitational lens. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 497(2), 1654-1660.
- Lucey, J. R., Smith, R. J., & Collier, W. P. (2020). MNELLS: The MUSE Nearby Early-Type Galaxy Lens Locator Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 494(1), 271-292.
- Smith, R. J. (2020). Discovering novae in early-type galaxies with MUSE: A chance find in NGC 1404, and 12 more candidates from an archival search. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 494(1), L1-L5.
- Smith, R. J., Collier, W. P., Ozaki, S., & Lucey, J. R. (2020). Subaru FOCAS IFU observations of two z=0.12 strong-lensing elliptical galaxies from SDSS MaNGA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 493(1), L33-L38.
- Smith, R. J. (2020). Evidence for Initial Mass Function Variation in Massive Early-Type Galaxies. Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 58, 577-615.
- Smith, R. J., Lucey, J. R., & Collier, W. P. (2018). "Upper-limit lensing": constraining galaxy stellar masses with singly imaged background sources. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481(2), 2115-2124.
- Alton, P., Smith, R., & Lucey, J. (2018). KINETyS II: Constraints on spatial variations of the stellar initial mass function from K-band spectroscopy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478(4), 4464-4486.
- Collier, W. P., Smith, R. J., & Lucey, J. R. (2018). A new strong-lensing galaxy at z=0.066: Another elliptical galaxy with a lightweight IMF. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478(2), 1595-1600.
- Lucey, J. R., Smith, R. J., Schechter, P. L., Bosh, A. S., & Levine, S. E. (2018). A New Quadruple-image Gravitational Lens in an Edge-on Disk Galaxy at z = 0.0956. Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society, 2(2), Article 62.
- Collett, T. E., Oldham, L. J., Smith, R. J., Auger, M. W., Westfall, K. B., Bacon, D., Nichol, R. C., Masters, K. L., Koyama, K., & van den Bosch, R. (2018). A precise extragalactic test of General Relativity. Science, 360(6395), 1342-1346.
- Lucey, J. R., Schechter, P. L., Smith, R. J., & Anguita, T. (2018). Serendipitous discovery of quadruply imaged quasars: two diamonds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 476(1), 927-932.
- Smith, R. J., Lucey, J. R., & Edge, A. C. (2017). Stellar dynamics in the strong-lensing central galaxy of Abell 1201: a low stellar mass-to-light ratio, a large central compact mass and a standard dark matter halo. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 471(1), 383-393.
- Smith, R. J., & Edge, A. C. (2017). An extended cold gas absorber in a central cluster galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 471(1), L66-L70.
- Beifiori, A., Mendel, J. T., Chan, J. C., Saglia, R. P., Bender, R., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., Galametz, A., Houghton, R. C., Prichard, L. J., Smith, R., Stott, J. P., Wilman, D. J., Lewis, I. J., Sharples, R., & Wegner, M. (2017). The KMOS Cluster Survey (KCS). I. The Fundamental Plane and the Formation Ages of Cluster Galaxies at Redshift 1.4 < Z < 1.6. Astrophysical Journal, 846(2), Article 120.
- Collier, W. P., Smith, R. J., & Lucey, J. R. (2017). Improved mass constraints for two nearby strong-lensing elliptical galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope Imaging. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473(1), 1103-1107.
- Newman, A., Smith, R., Conroy, C., Villaume, A., & van Dokkum, P. (2017). The Initial Mass Function in the Nearest Strong Lenses from SNELLS: Assessing the Consistency of Lensing, Dynamical, and Spectroscopic Constraints. Astrophysical Journal, 845(2), Article 157.
- Smith, R. J., Lucey, J. R., & Edge, A. C. (2017). A counter-image to the gravitational arc in Abell 1201: Evidence for IMF variations, or a 10^10 M⊙ black hole?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 467(1), 836-848.
- Alton, P. D., Smith, R. J., & Lucey, J. R. (2017). KINETyS: Constraining spatial variations of the stellar initial mass function in early-type galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 468(2), 1594-1615.
- Smith, R. J. (2017). A strong-lensing elliptical galaxy in the MaNGA survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 464(1), L46-L50.
- Smith, R. J., Alton, P. D., Lucey, J. R., Conroy, C., & Carter, D. (2015). The IMF-sensitive 1.14-μm Na i doublet in early-type galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 454(1), L71-L75.
- Smith, R., Lucey, J., & Conroy, C. (2015). The SINFONI Nearby Elliptical Lens Locator Survey: discovery of two new low-redshift strong lenses and implications for the initial mass function in giant early-type galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 449(4), 3441-3457.
- Smith, R. J. (2014). Variations in the initial mass function in early-type galaxies: a critical comparison between dynamical and spectroscopic results. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 443(1), L69-L73.
- Hickinbottom, S., Simpson, C., James, P., Ibar, E., Carter, D., Boselli, A., Collins, C., Davies, J., Dunne, L., Eales, S., Fuller, C., Mobasher, B., Peletier, R., Phillipps, S., Smith, D., Smith, R., & Valentijn, E. (2014). A surprising consistency between the far-infrared galaxy luminosity functions of the field and Coma. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 442(2), 1286-1293.
- Taranu, D. S., Hudson, M. J., Balogh, M. L., Smith, R. J., Power, C., Oman, K. A., & Krane, B. (2014). Quenching star formation in cluster galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 440(3), 1934-1949.
- Head, J., Lucey, J., Hudson, M., & Smith, R. (2014). Dissecting the red sequence: the bulge and disc colours of early-type galaxies in the Coma cluster. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 440(2), 1690-1711.
- Lansbury, G., Lucey, J., & Smith, R. (2014). Barred S0 galaxies in the Coma cluster. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 439(2), 1749-1764.
- Rawle, T. D., Lucey, J. R., Smith, R. J., & Head, J. (2013). S0 galaxies in the Coma cluster : environmental dependence of the S0 offset from the Tully-Fisher relation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 433(3), 2667-2692.
- Smith, R., & Lucey, J. (2013). A giant elliptical galaxy with a lightweight initial mass function. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 434(3), 1964-1977.
- Merluzzi, P., Busarello, G., Dopita, M. A., Haines, C. P., Steinhauser, D., Mercurio, A., Rifatto, A., Smith, R. J., & Schindler, S. (2013). ACCESS – V. Dissecting ram-pressure stripping through integral-field spectroscopy and multiband imaging. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 429(2), 1747–1773.
- Smith, R. J., Lucey, J. R., Price, J., Hudson, M. J., & Phillipps, S. (2012). Environmental quenching and hierarchical cluster assembly: evidence from spectroscopic ages of red-sequence galaxies in Coma. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419(4), 3167-3180.
- Hammer, D. M., Hornschemeier, A. E., Salim, S., Smith, R., Jenkins, L., Mobasher, B., Miller, N., & Ferguson, H. (2012). Deep ultraviolet luminosity functions ar the infall region of the Coma Cluster. Astrophysical Journal, 745(2),
- Smith, R. J., Lucey, J. R., & Carter, D. (2012). The stellar initial mass function in red-sequence galaxies: 1-μm spectroscopy of Coma cluster galaxies with Subaru/FMOS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 426(4), 2994-3007.
- Smith, R. J., Lucey, J. R., & Carter, D. (2012). What drives the ultraviolet colours of passive galaxies?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 421(4), 2982-2997.
- Haines, C., Merluzzi, P., Busarello, G., Dopita, M., Smith, G., La Barbera, F., Gargiulo, A., Raychaudhury, S., & Smith, R. (2011). ACCESS - IV. The quenching of star formation in a cluster population of dusty S0s. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 417(4), 2831–2845.
- Carter, D., Pass, S., Kennedy, J., Karick, A. M., & Smith, R. J. (2011). The spatial distribution and origin of the FUV excess in early-type galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 414(4), 3410–3423.
- Haines, C. P., Busarello, G., Merluzzi, P., Smith, R. J., Raychaudhury, S., Mercurio, A., & Smith, G. P. (2011). ACCESS - II. A complete census of star formation in the Shapley supercluster - UV and IR luminosity functions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 412(1), 127–144.
- Haines, C., Busarello, G., Merluzzi, P., Smith, R., Raychaudhury, S., Mercurio, A., & Smith, G. (2011). ACCESS - III. The nature of star formation in the Shapley supercluster. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 412(1), 145–160.
- Peng, E., Ferguson, H., Goudfrooij, P., Hammer, D., Lucey, J., Marzke, R., Puzia, T., Carter, D., Balcells, M., Bridges, T., Chiboucas, K., del Burgo, C., Graham, A., Guzmán, R., Hudson, M., Matkovic, A., Merritt, D., Miller, B., Mouhcine, M., Phillipps, S., …Verdoes Kleijn, G. (2011). The HST/ACS Coma Cluster Survey. IV. Intergalactic Globular Clusters and the Massive Globular Cluster System at the Core of the Coma Galaxy Cluster. Astrophysical Journal, 730(1), Article 23.
- Hammer, D., Kleijn, G., Hoyos, C., den Brok, M., Balcells, M., Ferguson, H., Goudfrooij, P., Carter, D., Guzman, R., Peletier, R., Smith, R., Graham, A., Trentham, N., Peng, E., Puzia, T., Lucey, J., Jogee, S., Aguerri, A., Batcheldor, D., Bridges, T., …Valentijn, E. (2010). THE HST/ACS COMA CLUSTER SURVEY. II. DATA DESCRIPTION AND SOURCE CATALOGS. Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 191(1), 143-159.
- Smith, R. J., Lucey, J. R., Hammer, D., Hornschemeier, A. E., Carter, D., Hudson, M. J., Marzke, R. O., Mouhcine, M., Eftekharzadeh, S., James, P., Khosroshahi, H., Kourkchi, E., & Karick, A. (2010). Ultraviolet tails and trails in cluster galaxies: a sample of candidate gaseous stripping events in Coma. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 408(3), 1417-1432.
- Hammer, D., Hornschemeier, A., Mobasher, B., Miller, N., Smith, R., Arnouts, S., Milliard, B., & Jenkins, L. (2010). Deep GALEX observations of the Coma Cluster: source catalog and galaxy counts. Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 190(1), 43-57.
- Price, J., Phillipps, S., Huxor, A., Smith, R., & Lucey, J. (2010). The stellar populations of bright coma cluster galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 411(4), 2558-2585.
- Merluzzi, P., Mercurio, A., Haines, C., Smith, R., Busarello, G., & Lucey, J. (2010). ACCESS: NIR luminosity function and stellar mass function of galaxies in the Shapley supercluster environment. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 402(2), 753-766.
- Rawle, T., Smith, R. J., & Lucey, J. (2010). Stellar population gradients in early-type cluster galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 401(2), 852-866.
- Hudson, M. J., Stevenson, J. B., Smith, R. J., Wegner, G. A., Lucey, J. R., & Simard, L. (2010). Colours of bulges and discs within galaxy clusters and the signature of disc fading on infall. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 409(1), 405-420.
- Haines, C. P., Smith, G. P., Egami, E., Ellis, R. S., Moran, S. M., Sanderson, A. J. R., Merluzzi, P., Busarello, G., & Smith, R. J. (2009). LOCUSS: The mid-infrared Butcher-Oemler effect. Astrophysical Journal, 704(1), 126–136.
- Price, J., Phillipps, S., Huxor, A., Trentham, N., Ferguson, H., Marzke, R., Hornschemeier, A., Goudfrooij, P., Hammer, D., Tully, R., Chiboucas, K., Smith, R., Carter, D., Merritt, D., Balcells, M., Erwin, P., & Puzia, T. (2009). TheHST/ACS Coma Cluster Survey - V. Compact stellar systems in the Coma Cluster. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 397(4), 1816–1835.
- Miller, N. A., Hornschemeier, A. E., Mobasher, B., Bridges, T. J., Hudson, M. J., Marzke, R. O., & Smith, R. J. (2009). The radio luminosity function and galaxy evolution in the Coma Cluster. Astronomical Journal, 137(5), 4450–4467.
- Allanson, S. P., Hudson, M. J., Smith, R. J., & Lucey, J. R. (2009). The Star Formation Histories of Red-Sequence Galaxies, Mass-to-Light Ratios and the Fundamental Plane. Astrophysical Journal, 702(2), 1275-1296.
- Smith, R. J., Lucey, J. R., Hudson, M. J., & Bridges, T. J. (2009). Abundance ratios in red-sequence galaxies over a wide mass range: the `X-planes' for magnesium, calcium, carbon and nitrogen. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 398(1), 119-132.
- Smith, R. J., Lucey, J. R., Hudson, M. J., Allanson, S. P., Bridges, T. J., Hornschemeier, A. E., Marzke, R. O., & Miller, N. A. (2009). A spectroscopic survey of dwarf galaxies in the Coma cluster: stellar populations, environment and downsizing. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 392(4), 1265-1294.
- Smith, R. J., Lucey, J. R., & Hudson, M. J. (2009). Ages and metallicities for quiescent galaxies in the Shapley supercluster: driving parameters of the stellar populations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 400(4), 1690-1705.
- Gargiulo, A., Haines, C., Merluzzi, P., Smith, R., Barbera, F. L., Busarello, G., Lucey, J., Mercurio, A., & Capaccioli, M. (2009). On the origin of the scatter around the Fundamental Plane: correlations with stellar population parameters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 397(1), 75-89.
- Carter, D., Goudfrooij, P., Mobasher, B., Ferguson, H., Puzia, T., Aguerri, A., Balcells, M., Batcheldor, D., Bridges, T., Davies, J., Erwin, P., Graham, A., Guzman, R., Hammer, D., Hornschemeier, A., Hoyos, C., Hudson, M., Huxor, A., Jogee, S., Komiyama, Y., …Kleijn, G. (2008). The Hubble Space Telescope advanced camera for surveys coma cluster survey. I. Survey objectives and design. Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 176(2), 424-437.
- Rawle, T., Smith, R., Lucey, J., Hudson, M., & Wegner, G. (2008). Near ultraviolet-infrared colours of red-sequence galaxies in local cluster. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 385(4), 2097-2106.
- Rawle, T., Smith, R. J., Lucey, J., & Swinbank, A. (2008). Stellar population gradients in early-type cluster galaxies with VIMOS IFU. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 389(4), 1891-1904.
- Smith, R. J., Marzke, R. O., Hornschemeier, A. E., Bridges, T. J., Hudson, M. J., Miller, N. A., Lucey, J. R., Vázquez, G. A., & Carter, D. (2008). A large population of recently quenched red-sequence dwarf galaxies in the outskirts of the Coma cluster. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 386(1), L96-L100.
- Smith, R., Lucey, J., & Hudson, M. (2007). A deep AAOmega survey of low-luminosity galaxies in the Shapley supercluster: stellar population trends. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 381(3), 1035-1052.
- Edwards, L. O. V., Hudson, M. J., Balogh, M. L., & Smith, R. J. (2007). Line emission in the brightest cluster galaxies of the NOAO Fundamental Plane and Sloan Digital Sky Surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 379(1), 100–110.
- Smith, R., Hudson, M., Lucey, J., Nelan, J. A., & Wegner, G. (2006). The NOAO Fundamental Plane Survey - III. Variations in the stellar populations of red-sequence galaxies from the cluster core to the virial radius. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 369, 1419-1436.
- Nelan, J., Smith, R., Hudson, M., Wegner, G., Lucey, J., Moore, S., Quinney, S., & Suntzeff, N. (2005). NOAO fundamental plane survey II: Age and metallicity along the red sequence from line-strength data. Astrophysical Journal, 632(1), 137-156.
- Smith, R. J. (2005). Synthesis of Hα absorption in old stellar systems: formation of the cluster red sequence by ‘downsizing’. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 359(3), 975–984.
- Smith, R. J., Blakeslee, J. P., Lucey, J. R., & Tonry, J. (2005). Discovery of Strong Lensing by an Elliptical Galaxy at z=0.0345. Astrophysical Journal, 625(2), L103-L106.
- : Smith, R., Hudson, M., Nelan, J., Moore, S., Quinney, S., Wegner, G., Lucey, J., Davies, R., Malecki, J., Schade, D., & Suntzeff, N. (2004). NOAO fundamental plane survey. I. Survey design, redshifts, and velocity dispersion data. Astronomical Journal, 128(4), 1558-1569.
- Hudson, M., Smith, R., Lucey, J., & Branchini, E. (2004). Streaming motions of galaxy clusters within 12 000 km/s - V. The peculiar velocity field. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 352(1), 61-75.
- Smith, R. J. (2003). X-ray emission properties of galaxies in Abell 3128. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 344(2), L17–L21.
- Kuntschner, H., Smith, R. J., Colless, M., Davies, R. L., Kaldare, R., & Vazdekis, A. (2002). Early-type galaxies in low-density environments. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 337(1), 172–198.
- Smith, R. J., Lucey, J., Schlegel, D., Hudson, M. J., Baggley, G., & Davies, R. L. (2001). Streaming motions of galaxy clusters within 12 000 km/s - II. New photometric data for the Fundamental Plane. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 327(1), 249–264.
- Kuntschner, H., Lucey, J., Smith, R., Hudson, M., & Davies, R. (2001). On the dependence of spectroscopic indices of early-type galaxies on age, metallicity and velocity dispersion. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 323(3), 615-629.
- Hudson, M. J., Lucey, J. R., Smith, R. J., Schlegel, D. J., & Davies, R. L. (2001). Streaming motions of galaxy clusters within 12 000 km/s - III. A standardized catalogue of Fundamental Plane data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 327, 265-295.
- Smith, R. J., Lucey, J. R., Hudson, M. J., Schlegel, D. J., & Davies, R. L. (2000). Streaming motions of galaxy clusters within 12000 km/s - I. New spectroscopic data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 313, 469-490.
- Hudson, M. J., Smith, R. J., Lucey, J. R., Schlegel, D. J., & Davies, R. L. (1999). A Large-scale Bulk Flow of Galaxy Clusters. Astrophysical Journal, 512(2), L79-L82.
- Hudson, M. J., Lucey, J. R., Smith, R. J., & Steel, J. (1997). Galaxy clusters in the Perseus-Pisces region -- II. The peculiar velocity field. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 291(3), 488–504.
- Smith, R., Lucey, J., Hudson, M., & Steel, J. (1997). Galaxy clusters in the Perseus-Pisces region -- I. Spectroscopic and photometric data for early-type galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 291(3), 461–487.
Supervision students
Hannah Turner
PGR Student