Staff profile
Following my first degree in Sociology, I went on to practice and then qualify as a social worker in 1980. I worked as a Probation Officer, specialising in diversion with young offenders until 1988, when I went on to take up a policy role with The Children’s Society. At the same time, I completed further postgraduate study, gaining my MPhil (on juvenile diversion) in 1989 and my PhD (on values and practice in child care) in 1995.
I moved to the University of Leicester in 2000, leading the social work qualifying masters programme there. In 2006, I joined De Montfort University as Professor of Social Work Research, before coming to Durham University in 2012.
As a practitioner, educator and researcher, my primary area of interest has been young people and crime, on which I have published widely. I have also developed an interest in research methods in social work, particularly participatory approaches; the sociology of childhood; social work theory (notably around the subject of ‘power’); interprofessional learning; and working with people with learning difficulties.
Current areas of interest include:
a) Participatory models of practice in youth justice
b) Models of evaluation in interprofessional education
c) Power, networks and their implications for social work
d) Innovations in social work education
I have supervised a variety of Phd projects, including studies of children’s residential care, travellers and the care system, child care in Qatar, post adoption contact and decision-making in children’s services. I would welcome Phd proposals in any of my areas of interest, and in social work with children and young people more broadly.
Authored book
- Smith, R. (2017). Diversion in Youth Justice: What Can We Learn from Historical and Contemporary Practices?. Taylor and Frnacis
- Case, S., Johnson, P., Manlow, D., Smith, R., & Williams, K. (2017). Criminology. (1). OUP
- Smith, R. (2014). Youth Justice: Ideas, Policy, Practice. (3rd ed.). Routledge
- Smith, R. (2011). Doing Justice to Young People: Youth Crime and Social Justice. Willan/Routledge
- Smith, R. (2010). A Universal Child?. Palgrave Macmillan
- Smith, R. (2009). Doing Social Work Research. McGraw Hill/Open University Press
- Smith, R. (2008). Social Work with Young People. Polity Press
- Smith, R. (2008). Social Work and Power. Basingstoke
Chapter in book
- Smith, R. Social work as policy innovator: challenges and possibilities in the UK. In U. Klammer, S. Leiber, & S. Leitner (Eds.), Social Work and the Making of Social Policy (21 - 36). Bristol University Press.
- Smith, R. (2017). Universal Service Provision for Children and Young People: A Challenge for Policy Makers. In P. Dolan, & N. Frost (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Global Child Welfare (75-84). Routledge
- Smith, R. (2016). Acting as a Critical Friend: Developmental Evaluations, Service Users and the Role of the Researcher. In L. Hardwick, R. Smith, & A. Worsley (Eds.), Innovations in Social Work Research: Using Methods Creatively (124-137). Jessica Kingsley Publishers
- Smith, R. (2015). Troubled, Troubling or Troublesome? Troubled Families and the Changing Shape of Youth Justice. In M. Wasink, & S. Santatzoglou (Eds.), The Management of Change in Criminal Justice (49-63). Palgrave Macmillan
- Smith, R. (2014). Social Work Research in the UK: Staking Our Claim. In J. Hämäläinen, B. Littlechild, & M. Špiláčková (Eds.), Social work research across Europe : methodological positions and research practice. Part II (119-136). ERIS (European Research Institute for Social Work)
- Smith, R. (2013). Professionalism and practice-focused research. In J. Parker, & M. Doel (Eds.), Professional Social Work (116-131). Sage/Learning Matters
- Smith, R. (2012). Why participatory research? Exploring principles and practice. In J. Fleming, & T. Boeck (Eds.), Involving children and young people in health and social care research (28-37). Routledge
- Smith, R. (2012). Der einzige Weg zum Spiel? Sozialarbeit der Markt und ,die Gesellschaft'. Trends in der Sozialarbeit Grossbritaniens. In H.-J. Dahme, & N. Wohlfahrt (Eds.), Produktionsbedingungen Sozialer Arbeit in Europa (33-50). Schneider Verlag Hohengehren
- Smith, R., & Littlechild, B. (2011). Social work with young offenders. In K. Wilson, G. Ruch, M. Lymbery, & A. Cooper (Eds.), Social Work: An introduction to contemporary practice (535-565). (2nd). Pearson Longman
- Smith, R. (2010). Childhood, Culture and Social Work. In K. Hicham, B. Abdelhamid, C. Gaucher, & R. Smith (Eds.), Travail Social à l’Epreuve des Coopération Ouvertes et des Coopérations Fermées: Enjeu Capital pour le Développement Humain (79-98). Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah
- Smith, R. (2010). Young People, Crime and Justice. In K. Hicham, B. Abdelhamid, C. Gaucher, & R. Smith (Eds.), Travail Social à l’Epreuve des Coopération Ouvertes et des Coopérations Fermées: Enjeu Capital pour le Développement Humain (99-128). Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah
- Smith, R. (2009). Inter-professional learning and multi-professional practice for PQ. In P. Higham (Ed.), Post-Qualifying Social Work Practice (135-147). SAGE Publications
- Smith, R., & Littlechild, B. (2008). Social work with young offenders. In K. Wilson, G. Ruch, M. Lymbery, & A. Cooper (Eds.), Social Work: An introduction to contemporary practice (512-536). Pearson Longman
- Smith, R. (2008). Interventions: Responsibility, Rights or Reconciliation?. In B. Stout, J. Yates, & B. Williams (Eds.), Applied Criminology (118-134). SAGE Publications
- Smith, R. (2008). From child protection to child safety. In M. Calder (Ed.), Contemporary Risk Assessment (3-14). Russell House Publishing
Edited book
- Hardwick, L., Smith, R., & Worsley, A. (Eds.). (2016). Innovations in Social Work Research. Jessica Kinglsey
- Hicham, K., Abdelhamid, B., Gaucher, C., & Smith, R. (Eds.). (2010). Travail Social à l’Epreuve des Coopération Ouvertes et des Coopérations Fermées: Enjeu Capital pour le Développement Humain. Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah
Journal Article
- Disney, T., Crossley, S., King, H., Phillips, J., Robson, I., & Smith, R. (online). Family Hubs and the vulnerable care ecologies of child and family welfare in austerity. The Geographical Journal,
- Gray, P., & Smith, R. (2024). Youth justice and social harm: Towards a ‘theory of the good’. Criminology & Criminal Justice,
- Smith, R. (2024). Evaluating Fast Track Social Work-Qualifying Programmes: Have We Learnt Anything?. The British Journal of Social Work, 54(3), 939-957.
- Scourfield, J., Carpenter, J., Warner, N., Maxwell, N., Venn, L., Stepanova, E., O’Donnell, C., Jones, R., Elliott, M., & Smith, R. (2023). Retention in statutory social work from fast-track child and family programs. Journal of Social Work, 23(6), 1022-1042.
- Haines, K., Case, S., Smith, R., Joe Laidler, K., Hughes, N., Webster, C., Goddard, T., Deakin, J., Johns, D., Richards, K., & Gray, P. (2021). Children and Crime: In the Moment. Youth Justice, 21(3), 275-298.
- King, H., Crossley, S., & Smith, R. (2021). Responsibility, resilience and symbolic power. Sociological Review, 69(5), 920-936.
- Gray, P., & Smith, R. (2021). Shifting Sands: The reconfiguration of neoliberal youth penality. Theoretical Criminology, 25(2), 304-324.
- Smith, R. (2021). Diversion, Rights and Social Justice. Youth Justice, 21(1), 18-32.
- Case, S., & Smith, R. (2021). The life course of delinquency: reflections on the meaning of trajectories, transitions and turning points in youth justice. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 45(4), 391-404.
- Shenton, F., & Smith, R. (2021). Behaviour Management or Institutionalised Repression? Children’s Experiences of Physical Restraint in Custody. Children & Society, 35(1), 159-175.
- Smith, R., & Gray, P. (2019). The Changing Shape of Youth Justice: Models of Practice. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 19(5), 554-571.
- Smith, R., Venn, L., Carpenter, J., Stepanova, E., & Patsios, D. (2019). 'Strivers', 'doers' and 'seekers': social workers and their commitment to the job. Child & Family Social Work, 24(4), 441-448.
- Gray, P., & Smith, R. (2019). Governance Through Diversion in Neoliberal Times and the Possibilities for Transformative Social Justice. Critical Criminology, 27, 575-590.
- Smith, R. (2018). Reconsidering value perspectives in child welfare. The British Journal of Social Work, 48(3), 616-632.
- Domac, S., Anderson, E., & Smith, R. (2016). Learning to be interprofessional through the use of reflective portfolios?. Social Work Education, 35(5), 530-546.
- Anderson, E., Smith, R., & Hammick, M. (2016). Evaluating an Interprofessional Education Curriculum: A theory-informed approach. Medical Teacher, 38(4), 385-394.
- Domac, S., Anderson, E., O'Reilly, M., & Smith, R. (2015). Assessing interprofessional competence using a prospective reflective portfolio. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 29(3), 179-187.
- Smith, R. (2014). Towards a 'welfare + rights' model in youth justice. Critical and Radical Social Work, 2(3), 287-303.
- Smith, R. (2014). Re-inventing Diversion. Youth Justice, 14(2), 109-121.
- Creaney, S., & Smith, R. (2014). Youth justice back at the crossroads. Safer Communities, 13(2), 83-87.
- Smith, R. (2013). Castells, Power and Social Work. The British Journal of Social Work, 43(8), 1545-1561.
- Smith, R. (2012). Values, Practice and meaning in Social Work Research. European Journal of Social Work, 15(4), 433-448.
- Smith, R. (2011). Developing restorative practice: contemporary lessons from an English juvenile diversion project of the 1980s. Contemporary Justice Review, 14(4), 425-438.
- Smith, R. (2011). Where Now for Youth Justice?. British Journal of Community Justice, 9(1/2), 69-80
- Smith, R. (2010). Social Work, Risk, Power. Sociological Research Online, 15(1),
- Smith, R. (2010). Children’s Rights and Youth Justice: 20 Years of No Progress. Child Care in Practice, 16(1), 3-17.
- Smith, R., Anderson, L., & Thorpe, L. (2010). Learning from lives together: medical and social work students’ experiences of learning from people with disabilities in the community. Health and Social Care in the Community, 18(3), 229-240.
- Smith, R. (2009). Childhood, Agency and Youth Justice. Children & Society, 23(4), 252-264.
- Smith, R., & Anderson, L. (2008). Interprofessional learning: aspiration or achievement?. Social Work Education, 27(7), 759-776.
Other (Print)
- Todd, L., Pini, S., Mathai, M., Wood, M., & et al. (2024). A country that works for all children and young people: An evidence-based plan for building the foundations of a new "Sure Start" in and around education settings. Child of the North and Centre for Young Lives
- Smith, R., McLenachan, J., Venn, L., Weich, H., & Anthony, D. (2013). Step Up to Social Work Programme Evaluation 2012: The Regional Partnerships and Employers Perspectives. [No known commissioning body]
- Smith, R., Hine, J., & Fleming, J. (2012). Embedding Participation: UR Boss 2nd Interim Evaluation Report. [No known commissioning body]
- Smith, R., McIntosh, B., & Mattingly, M. (2011). Raising Your Game: Context and Implementation. [No known commissioning body]
- Smith, R., & Fleming, J. (2011). UR Boss Legal Service: Interim Evaluation Report. [No known commissioning body]
- Smith, R., Khabbache, H., Berdai, A., & Gaucher, C. (2011). Report of the Second Spring Institute: Open and Closed Co-operation in Social Work. [No known commissioning body]
- Smith, R., & Welford, J. (2010). Evaluation of Derby Youth Crime Prevention Initiative. [No known commissioning body]
- Smith, R., Boeck, T., Fleming, J., & Thorp, L. (2009). Volunteering and Faith Communities in England. [No known commissioning body]
- Smith, R., Marsh, P., & Forrester, D. (2008). An Audit of Funding for Social Work Research,. [No known commissioning body]