Staff profile
Professor Rik Van Nieuwenhove
Professor of Medieval Thought
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor of Medieval Thought in the Department of Theology and Religion | +44 (0) 191 33 43604 |
Member of the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies |
Research Interests
Medieval Theology (especially Thomas Aquinas)
Theology of the Trinity
Fourteenth Century spirituality of the Low Countries (especially Ruusbroec)
Authored book
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2022). Introduction to Medieval Theology [Second Edition]. (2nd; revised and expanded ed.). Cambridge University Press
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2022). Introduction to Medieval Theology: Second Edition. (2nd rev. ed.). Cambridge University Press.
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2021). Thomas Aquinas and Contemplation. Oxford University Press
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2012). An Introduction to Medieval Theology. Cambridge University Press.
- Van Nieuwenhove, R., & Marmion, D. (2011). An Introduction to the Trinity. Cambridge University Press
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2003). Jan van Ruusbroec, Mystical Theologian of the Trinity. University of Notre Dame Press
Book review
Chapter in book
- Crozier, W., & Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2020). The Trinity. In The Oxford Handbook of Mystical Theology (465-485). Oxford University Press
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2020). Trinitarian Indwelling. In E. Howells, & M. McIntosh (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of mystical theology (388-403). Oxford University Press
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2019). Protest Theism, Aquinas, and Suffering. In K. Kilby, & R. Davies (Eds.), Suffering and the Christian life (71-86). Bloomsbury
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2018). Art, Contemplation and intellectus. Aquinas and Gadamer in conversation. In L. Nelstrop, & H. Appleton (Eds.), Art and mysticism : interfaces in the medieval and modern periods (70-86). Routledge
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2018). Catholic Piety from Ruusbroec and the Devotio Moderna to the Legacy of Pierre de Bérulle. In L. Ayres, & M. Volpe (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Catholic Theology. Oxford University Press.
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2016). Ruusbroec’s notion of the contemplative life and his understanding of the human person. In R. Faesen, & J. Arblaster (Eds.), Mystical Anthropology - Authors from the Low Countries (73-88). Routledge
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2016). Commitments to Medieval Mystical Texts within Contemporary Contexts: Some Reflections on Medieval Mystical Texts as ‘Classic’ Texts in the Gadamerian Sense. In S. Kikuchi, & P. Cooper (Eds.), Commitments to Medieval Mystical Texts within Contemporary Contexts (239-253). Peeters Publishers
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2015). Late Medieval Atonement Theologies. In F. A. Murphy, & S. Troy (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of Christology (250-264). Oxford University Press.
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2014). Ruusbroec, Jordaens, and Herp on the Common Life: the Transformation of a Spiritual Ideal. In R. Faesen (Ed.), A Companion to Ruusbroec (204-236). Brill Academic Publishers.
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2013). The Tradition of Medieval Theology as a Source for Doing Theology in Post-modern Times: Gratuity and Transcendence in Medieval Theology. In C. Dickinson, L. Boeve, & T. Merrigan (Eds.), The Shaping of Tradition. Context and Normativity (173-184). Peeters Publishers
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2013). The Sacrament of Marriage. In E. Conway (Ed.), Priesthood Today (369-380). Veritas
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2013). Retrieving a Sacramental Worldview in a Mechanistic World. In F. Depoortere, & J. Haers (Eds.), To Discern Creation in a Scattering World (539-558). Peeters Publishers
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2012). The Saving Work of Christ. In B. Davies, & E. Stump (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Aquinas (436-447). Oxford University Press
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2009). Trinity, Faith and Mysticism: The Need for a Medieval Ressourcement. In D. Marmion, & G. Thiessen (Eds.), Trinity and Salvation. Theological, Spiritual and Aesthetic Perspectives (65-80). Peter Lang
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2005). Experience and Mystical Theology in the Fourteenth Century. An Examination of Ruusbroec. In L. Boeve, H. Geybels, & S. Van den Bossche (Eds.), Encountering Transcendence. Contributions to a Theology of Christian Experience (411-424). Peeters Publishers
Edited book
- Van Nieuwenhove, R., Faesen, R., & Rolfson, H. (Eds.). (2008). Late Medieval Mysticism of the Low Countries
- Van Nieuwenhove, R., & Wawrykow, J. (Eds.). (2005). The Theology of Thomas Aquinas. University of Notre Dame Press
Journal Article
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (online). Charity, Intellect, and Contemplation in St Thomas Aquinas: Contemporary Relevance
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2023). Providence, Divine Causality, and the Gratuitousness of Love: A Thomist Perspective. New Blackfriars, 104(1114), 796-817.
- Nieuwenhove, R. V. (2023). Thomas Aquinas on the Sacrifice of Christ and the Eucharist: A Defence. New Blackfriars, 104(1109), 4-22.
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2022). Trinity, regiratio and mind: an exploration of the systematic-theological resources of Ruusbroec's regirative model. International Journal of Systematic Theology, 24(4), 505-522.
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2022). Divine Nothingness, Ecstasy and Self-transcendence in the Evangelical Pearl. Medieval Mystical Theology, 31(1), 33 - 40.
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2019). Searching for a Connection: Prayer and contemplation 'broadly conceived' in Thomas Aquinas. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses (Gedrukt), 95(2), 283-298.
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2019). St Thomas Aquinas on salvation, making satisfaction, and restoration of friendship with God. The Thomist, 83, 521-545
- in Aquinas. New Blackfriars, 100(1088), 410-424.
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2017). Contemplation, Intellectus, and Simplex Intuitus in Aquinas: Recovering a Neoplatonic Theme. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 91(2), 199-225.
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2017). "Recipientes per contemplationem, tradentes per actionem": The Relation between the Active and Contemplative Lives according to Thomas Aquinas. The Thomist, 81(1), 1-30.
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2016). Aquinas on Contemplation: a Neglected Topic.
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2016). Contemplation, Attention, and the Distinctive Nature of Catholic Education. Journal of Catholic higher education, 35, 193-209
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2014). Contemplation and Sacraments: How to Make Sense of Sacraments in an Allegedly De-Ontologised World: an Encounter between Gadamer and Thomas Aquinas. Louvain Studies, 38, 111-125
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2010). Catholic Theology in the Thirteenth Century and the Origins of Secularisation. Irish Theological Quarterly, 75, 339-354
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2009). The Religious Disposition as a Resource to Resist Instrumentalisation. The Heythrop Journal, 50, 689-696
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2005). The Christian Response to Suffering and the Significance of the Model of the Church as Body of Christ
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2005). Albert Camus, Simone Weil and the Absurd. Irish Theological Quarterly, 70, 343-354.
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2004). The Religious and the Aesthetic Attitude. Literature and Theology, 18(2), 174-186.
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2004). Karl Rahner, Theologian of the Experience of God?. Louvain Studies, 29, 92-106
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2003). St Anselm and St Thomas Aquinas on 'Satisfaction': Or how Catholic and Protestant understandings of the Cross differ. Angelicum (Roma), 80, 159-176
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2001). In the Image of God: the Trinitarian Anthropology of St Bonaventure, St Thomas Aquinas and the Blessed Jan van Ruusbroec - Part II. Irish Theological Quarterly, 66, 227-237
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2001). In the Image of God: the Trinitarian Anthropology of St Bonaventure, St Thomas Aquinas and the Blessed Jan van Ruusbroec - Part I. Irish Theological Quarterly, 66, 109-123
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2001). The Franciscan Inspiration of Ruusbroec's Mystical Theology - Ruusbroec in Dialogue with Bonaventure and Thomas Aquinas
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2000). Neoplatonism, Regiratio and Trinitarian Theology. A Look at Ruusbroec. Hermathena, 169, 169-188
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (2000). Ruusbroec: Apophatic Theologian or Phenomenologist of the Mystical Experience?. The Journal of Religion, 80(1), 83-105.
- Van Nieuwenhove, R. (1998). Meister Eckhart and Jan van Ruusbroec: A Comparison. Medieval Philosophy and Theology, 7, 157-193
Scholarly Edition
Supervision students
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Charles Rennie
PhD student
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Reverend Jamie McMorrin
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