Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Associate Professor in the Department of Physics | +44 (0) 191 33 43663 |
Research Interests
Effects of optical turbulence in astronomy; astronomical site characterisation; high resolution imaging methods - adaptive optics; stellar interferometry; time-resolved photometry - scintillation correction, transiting exoplanets; robotic telescope systems.
Conference Paper
- Griffiths, R., Osborn, J., Farley, O., Butterley, T., Townson, M., & Wilson, R. (2023, January). The 24hSHIMM: a continuous day and night turbulence monitor for optical communications. Presented at Free-Space Laser Communications XXXV, San Francisco, United States
- Hartley, K., Farley, O., Townson, M. J., Osborn, J., & Wilson, R. W. (2022, July). Correction of photometric scintillation noise via tomographic wavefront sensing: simulation and on-sky demonstration. Presented at Adaptive Optics Systems VIII, Montréal, Canada
- Buscher, D., Doel, A., Andrews, N., Dunlop, C., Morris, P., Myers, R., Sharples, R., Vick, A., Zadrozny, A., Haniff, C., & Wilson, R. (1996, December). Novel adaptive optics with the Durham University ELECTRA system
- Gilmore, G., Longmore, A., Myers, R., & Wilson, R. (1996, December). United Kingdom adaptive optics programs
- Wilson, R., & Jenkins, C. (1994, December). Aspects of the theoretical performance of modal adaptive optics
- Wilson, R., Baldwin, J., Warner, P., & Buscher, D. (1992, December). N.R.M. Imaging of M Giant Stars at the William Herschel Telescope
Journal Article
- Beesley, L. F., Osborn, J., Wilson, R., Farley, O. J. D., Griffiths, R., & Love, G. D. (2024). Exploring atmospheric optical turbulence: observations across zenith angles. Applied Optics, 63(16), E48.
- Griffiths, R., Bardou, L., Butterley, T., Osborn, J., Wilson, R., Bustos, E., Tokovinin, A., Le Louarn, M., & Otarola, A. (2024). A comparison of next-generation turbulence profiling instruments at Paranal. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 529(1), 320 - 330.
- Hartley, K. E., & Wilson, R. W. (2023). Optimized temporal binning of comparison star measurements for differential photometry. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526(3), 3482-3494.
- Hartley, K. E., Farley, O. J. D., Townson, M. J., Osborn, J., & Wilson, R. W. (2023). Optical sparse telescope arrays and scintillation noise. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526(1), 1235-1245.
- Quatresooz, F., Griffiths, R., Bardou, L., Wilson, R., Osborn, J., Vanhoenacker-Janvier, D., & Oestges, C. (2023). Continuous daytime and nighttime forecast of atmospheric optical turbulence from numerical weather prediction models. Optics Express, 31(21), 33850-33872.
- Hartley, K. E., Farley, O. J., Townson, M. J., Osborn, J., & Wilson, R. (2023). First On-Sky Demonstration of a Scintillation Correction technique using Tomographic Wavefront Sensing. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520(3), 4134-4146.
- Perera, S., Wilson, R. W., Butterley, T., Osborn, J., Farley, O. J., & Laidlaw, D. J. (2023). SHIMM: a versatile seeing monitor for astronomy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520(4), 5475-5486.
- Griffiths, R., Osborn, J., Farley, O., Butterley, T., Townson, M. J., & Wilson, R. (2023). Demonstrating 24-hour continuous vertical monitoring of atmospheric optical turbulence. Optics Express, 31(4), 6730-6740.
- Guesalaga, A., Ayancán, B., Sarazin, M., Wilson, R., Perera, S., & Le Louarn, M. (2021). FASS: a turbulence profiler based on a fast, low-noise camera. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 501(2), 3030-3045.
- Laidlaw, D. J., Osborn, J., Morris, T. J., Basden, A. G., Gendron, E., Rousset, G., Townson, M. J., & Wilson, R. W. (2020). Automated wind velocity profiling from adaptive optics telemetry. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 491(1), 1287-1294.
- Wang, L., Gies, D. R., Lester, K. V., Guo, Z., Matson, R. A., Peters, G. J., Dhillon, V. S., Butterley, T., Littlefair, S. P., Wilson, R. W., & Maxted, P. F. (2020). The Pre-He White Dwarf in the Post-mass Transfer Binary EL CVn. Astronomical Journal, 159(1), Article 4.
- Föhring, D., Wilson, R., Osborn, J., & Dhillon, V. (2019). Atmospheric scintillation noise in ground-based exoplanet photometry. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489(4), 5098-5108.
- Farley, O., Osborn, J., Morris, T., Fusco, T., Neichel, B., Correia, C., & Wilson, R. (2019). Identifying optical turbulence profiles for realistic tomographic error in adaptive optics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 488(1), 213-221.
- Osborn, H., Kenworthy, M., Rodriguez, J., de Mooij, E., Kennedy, G., Relles, H., Gomez, E., Hippke, M., Banfi, M., Barbieri, L., Becker, I., Benni, P., Berlind, P., Bieryla, A., Bonnoli, G., Boussier, H., Brincat, S., Briol, J., Burleigh, M., Butterley, T., …Zhou, G. (2019). The PDS 110 observing campaign – photometric and spectroscopic observations reveal eclipses are aperiodic. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485(2), 1614-1625.
- Farley, O., Osborn, J., Morris, T., Sarazin, M., Butterley, T., Townson, M., Jia, P., & Wilson, R. (2018). Representative optical turbulence profiles for ESO Paranal by hierarchical clustering. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481(3), 4030-4037.
- Laidlaw, D. J., Osborn, J., Morris, T. J., Basden, A. G., Beltramo-Martin, O., Butterley, T., Gendron, E., Reeves, A. P., Rousset, G., Townson, M. J., & Wilson, R. W. (2018). Optimizing the accuracy and efficiency of optical turbulence profiling using adaptive optics telemetry for extremely large telescopes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483(4), 4341-4353.
- Osborn, J., Wilson, R., Sarazin, M., Butterley, T., Chacon, A., Derie, F., Farley, O., Haubois, X., Laidlaw, D., LeLouarn, M., Masciadri, E., Milli, J., Navarrete, J., & Townson, M. (2018). Optical turbulence profiling with Stereo-SCIDAR for VLT and ELT. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478(1), 825-834.
- Cafolla, C., Mathew, R., Edge, A., Swinbank, A., Lansbury, G., Wilson, R., Butterley, T., Lucey, J., Hardy, L., Littlefair, S., & Dhillon, V. (2017). SS Cancri: the shortest modulation-period Blazhko RR Lyrae. Information bulletin on variable stars, 63, Article 6213.
- Hardy, L., McAllister, M., Dhillon, V., Littlefair, S., Bours, M., Breedt, E., Butterley, T., Chakpor, A., Irawati, P., Kerry, P., Marsh, T., Parsons, S., Savoury, C., Wilson, R., & Woudt, P. (2017). Hunting for eclipses: high-speed observations of cataclysmic variables. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465(4), 4968-4984.
- Osborn, J., Butterley, T., Townson, M., Reeves, A., Morris, T., & Wilson, R. (2017). Turbulence velocity profiling for high sensitivity and vertical-resolution atmospheric characterization with Stereo-SCIDAR. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464(4), 3998-4007.
- Hardy, L., Butterley, T., Dhillon, V., Littlefair, S., & Wilson, R. (2015). pt5m – a 0.5 m robotic telescope on La Palma. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 454(4), 4316-4325.
- Osborn, J., Föhring, D., Dhillon, V., & Wilson, R. (2015). Atmospheric scintillation in astronomical photometry. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452(2), 1707-1716.
- Shepherd, H., Osborn, J., Wilson, R., Butterley, T., Avila, R., Dhillon, V., & Morris, T. (2014). Stereo-SCIDAR: optical turbulence profiling with high sensitivity using a modified SCIDAR instrument. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 437(4), 3568-3577.
- Föhring, D., Dhillon, V., Madhusudhan, N., Marsh, T., Copperwheat, C., Littlefair, S., & Wilson, R. (2013). ULTRACAM z′-band detection of the secondary eclipse of WASP-12b. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 435(3), 2268-2273.
- Osborn, J., Wilson, R. W., Dhillon, V., Avila, R., & Love, G. D. (2011). Conjugate-plane photometry: reducing scintillation in ground-based photometry. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 411(2), 1223-1230.
- Osborn, J., Wilson, R., Butterley, T., Shepherd, H., & Sarazin, M. (2010). Profiling the surface layer of optical turbulence with SLODAR. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 406(2), 1405-1408.
- Chun, M., Wilson, R., Avila, R., Butterley, T., Aviles, J., Wier, D., & Begnini, S. (2009). Mauna Kea ground-layer characterization campaign. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 394(3), 1121-1230.
- Wilson, R., Butterley, T., & Sarazin, M. (2009). The Durham/ESO SLODAR optical turbulence profiler. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 399(4), 2129-2138.
- Avila, R., Aviles, J., Wilson, R., Chun, M., Butterley, T., & Carrasco, E. (2008). LOLAS: an optical turbulence profiler in the atmospheric boundary layer with extreme altitude resolution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 387(4), 1511-1516.
- Basden, A., Butterley, T., Myers, R., & Wilson, R. (2007). Durham extremely large telescope adaptive optics simulation platform. Applied optics, 46(7), 1089-1098.
- Kellerer, A., Sarazin, M., Butterley, T., & WIlson, R. (2007). Method of estimating time scales of atmospheric piston and its application at Dome C (Antarctica). Applied optics-OT, 46(21), 4754-4762.
- Butterley, T., Wilson, R., & Sarazin, M. (2006). Determination of the profile of atmospheric optical turbulence strength from SLODAR data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 369(2), 835-845.
- Assemat, F., Wilson, R., & Gendron, E. (2006). Method for simulating infinitely long and non stationary phase screens with optimized memory storage. Optics Express, 14(3),
- Basden, A., Assemat, F., Butterley, T., Geng, D., Saunter, C., & Wilson, R. (2005). Acceleration of adaptive optics simulations using programmable logic. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 364(4), 1413-1418.
- Wilson, R., Wooder, N., Rigal, F., & Dainty, J. (2003). Estimation of anisoplanatism in adaptive optics by generalized SCIDAR profiling. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 339(2), 491-494.
- Wilson, R. (2002). SLODAR: measuring optical turbulence altitude with a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 337(1), 103-108.
- Michaille, L., Clifford, J., Dainty, J., Gregory, T., Quartel, J., Reavell, F., Wilson, R., & Wooder, N. (2001). Characterization of the mesospheric sodium layer at La Palma. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 328(4), 993-1000.
- Baldwin, J., Tubbs, R., Cox, G., Mackay, C., Wilson, R., & Andersen, M. (2001). Diffraction-limited 800 nm imaging with the 2.56 m Nordic optical telescope. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 368(1), L1-L4.
- Young, J., Baldwin, J., Boysen, R., Haniff, C., Lawson, P., Mackay, C., Pearson, D., Rogers, J., St.-Jacques, D., Warner, P., Wilson, D., & Wilson, R. (2000). New views of Betelgeuse: multi-wavelength surface imaging and implications for models of hotspot generation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 315, 635-645
- Michaille, L., Cañas, A., Dainty, J., Maxwell, J., Gregory, T., Quartel, J., Reavell, F., Wilson, R., & Wooder, N. (2000). A laser beacon for monitoring the mesospheric sodium layer at La Palma. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 318, 139-144
- Wilson, R., O'Mahony, N., Packham, C., & Azzaro, M. (1999). The seeing at the William Herschel Telescope. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 309, 379-387
- Wilson, R. (1998). Results of the JOSE site evaluation project for adaptive optics at the William Herschel Telescope
- Packham, C., O'Mahony, N., & Wilson, R. (1998). Recent developments in the Half Arcsecond Programme. New Astronomy Reviews, 42, 431-433
- St-Jacques, D., Cox, G., Baldwin, J., Mackay, C., Waldram, E., & Wilson, R. (1997). The JOSE atmospheric seeing monitor at the William Herschel Telescope. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 290, 66-74
- Wilson, R., Dhillon, V., & Haniff, C. (1997). The changing face of Betelgeuse. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 291, 819-
- Baldwin, J., Beckett, M., Boysen, R., Burns, D., Buscher, D., Cox, G., Haniff, C., Mackay, C., Nightingale, N., Rogers, J., Scheuer, P., Scott, T., Tuthill, P., Warner, P., Wilson, D., & Wilson, R. (1996). The first images from an optical aperture synthesis array: mapping of Capella with COAST at two epochs. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 306, L13-
- Wilson, R., & Jenkins, C. (1996). Adaptive optics for astronomy: theoretical performance and limitations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 278, 39-61
- Wilson, R., Baldwin, J., Buscher, D., & Warner, P. (1992). High-resolution imaging of Betelgeuse and Mira. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 257, 369-376
Other (Digital/Visual Media)
- Wilson, R., & Saunter, C. (2003). SLODAR: Profiling Atmospheric Turbulence at the WHT
- Packham, C., Wilson, R., Azzaro, M., O'Mahony, N., Fine, S., Gray, D., Reyes, V., & Martín, C. (2000). The Half Arcsecond Programme (I)
- Michaille, L., Quartel, J., Dainty, J., Wooder, N., Wilson, R., & Gregory, T. (2000). First Sodium Laser Beacon at La Palma
- Wilson, R., Baldwin, J., Warner, P., & Buscher, D. (1991). The changing surface of Betelgeuse
Supervision students
Jaya Chand
PGR Student