Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Visitor in the Department of Biosciences | +44 (0) 191 33 41254 |
Within the broad area of neuroscience my work centres on the mammalian muscle spindle, a mechanoreceptor that occurs in voluntary muscles and responds to length and changing length of the muscles, providing information to the central nervous system for use in controlling muscle activity. Knowledge of its structure and function is important at various levels ranging from the molecular biology of ion channels to the nature of control systems, and in various fields from basic physiology to clinical applications such as nerve repair and rehabilitation. I am currently collaborating with Dr. M. Hulliger of Calgary on the consequences of a pyridoxine-induced large-fibre sensory neuropathy on the sensory innervation of muscle and motor control; and with Dr. Guy Bewick of Aberdeen on the role of synaptic-like vesicles in the sensory endings of mechanoreceptors.
Research interests
- neurobiology
- structure and function of sensory receptors in muscle
Chapter in book
- Banks, R. (2018). Muscle Spindles and Tendon Organs ☆. In Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences (1-10). (rev. ed.). Elsevier.
- Banks, R. (2016). Muscle Spindles and Tendon Organs. In Reference Moduke in Biomedical Sciences (1-10). Elsevier
- Banks, R. (2014). Skeletal Muscle. In M. Caplan (Ed.), Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences. Elsevier.
- Banks, R. (2005). The muscle spindle. In P. Dyck, & P. Thomas (Eds.), Peripheral Neuropathy (131-150). (4). Elsevier Saunders
- Banks, R., & Barker, D. (2004). The muscle spindle. In A. Engel, & C. Franzini-Armstrong (Eds.), Myology (489-509). (3). McGraw-Hill
- Banks, R., Bewick, G., Reid, B., & Richardson, C. (2002). Evidence for activity-dependent modulation of sensory-terminal excitability in spindles by glutamate release from synaptic-like vesicles. In S. Gandevia, U. Proske, & D. Stuart (Eds.), Sensorimotor control of movement and posture (13-18). (2002). Springer Verlag.
- Banks, R. (1999). Histological staining methods. In U. Windhorst, & H. Johansson (Eds.), Modern techniques in neuroscience research (437-458). Springer Verlag
- Banks, R. (1999). Cytological staining methods. In U. Windhorst, & H. Johansson (Eds.), Modern techniques in neuroscience research (1-26). Springer Verlag
- Banks, R., Emonet-Denand, F., Gladden, M., & Sutherland, F. (1995). Evidence for static gamma innervation of long chain fibres. In A. Taylor, M. Gladden, & R. Durbaba (Eds.), Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems (216-218). Plenum Press
- Banks, R., Gladden, M., Sutherland, F., & Yoshimura, A. (1995). The sensory and motor innervation of the abductor digiti quinti medius muscle of the cat. In A. Taylor, M. Gladden, & R. Durbaba (Eds.), Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems (213-215). Plenum Press
- Banks, R., Emonet-Denand, F., Stacey, M., & Thiesson, D. (1995). The innervation of muscle spindles in an intrinsic muscle of the hind foot: the superficial lumbrical of the cat. In A. Taylor, M. Gladden, & R. Durbaba (Eds.), Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems (210-212). Plenum Press
- Banks, R., Decorte, L., Emonet-Denand, F., Gladden, M., & Sutherland, F. (1995). The exceptional structure of muscle spindles in superficial lumbrical muscles of the cat hind limb. In A. Taylor, M. Gladden, & R. Durbaba (Eds.), Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems (208-209). Plenum Press
- Scheepstra, K., Otten, E., Hulliger, M., & Banks, R. (1995). Modelling of chaotic and regular Ia afferent discharge during fusimotor stimulation. In A. Taylor, M. Gladden, & R. Durbaba (Eds.), Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems (325-327). Plenum Press
- Banks, R., Hulliger, M., Scheepstra, K., & Otten, E. (1995). Pacemaker competition and the role of preterminal-branch tree architecture: a combined morphological, physiological and modelling study. In A. Taylor, M. Gladden, & R. Durbaba (Eds.), Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems (255-260). Plenum Press
- Barker, D., & Banks, R. (1994). The muscle spindle. In A. Engel, & C. Franzini-Armstrong (Eds.), Myology (333-360). (2). McGraw-Hill
- Banks, R. (1992). Studies on the motor innervation of the cat's muscle spindle. In L. Jami, E. Pierrot-Deseilligny, & D. Zytnicki (Eds.), Muscle afferents and spinal control of movement (31-36). Pergamon Press
- Banks, R., & Barker, D. (1991). Neuronal specificites in the reinnervation of muscle spindles. In A. Wernig (Ed.), Plasticity of Motoneuronal Connections (241-249). Elsevier
- Banks, R., & Stacey, M. (1988). Quantitative studies on mammalian muscle spindles and their sensory innervation. In P. Hnik, T. Soukup, R. Vejsada, & J. Zelena (Eds.), Mechanoreceptors - Development, Structure and Function (263-269). Plenum Press
- Barker, D., & Banks, R. (1986). The muscle spindle. In A. Engel, & B. Banker (Eds.), Myology (309-341). (1). McGraw-Hill
- Banks, R., Barker, D., & Stacey, M. (1985). On the classification of intrafusal motor endings. In I. Boyd, & M. Gladden (Eds.), The muscle spindle (69-74). Macmillan
- Banks, R., Barker, D., & Stacey, M. (1981). Structural aspects of fusimotor effects on spindle sensitivity. In A. Taylor, & A. Prochazka (Eds.), Muscle receptors and movement (5-16). Macmillan
Conference Paper
- Watson, S., Zanato, C., Dall'Angello, S., Banks, R., Greig, I., Zanda, M., & Bewick, G. (2013, December). Development of fluorescent and biotinylated agonists for a novel glutamate receptor in mechanosensory terminals. Presented at International Union of Physiological Sciences, Birmingham, UK
- Watson, S., Zanato, C., Dall'Angello, S., Banks, R., Greig, I., Zanda, M., & Bewick, G. (2012, December). Pharmacological profile of non-canonical mGluR regulating mechanosensory nerve terminal firing. Presented at Physiology 2012, Edinburgh
- Durbaba, R., Rudd, D., Hulliger, M., & Banks, R. (2012, December). Assessment of myelin thickness and axon circularity in a dorsal root of the mouse. Presented at Physiology 2012, Edinburgh
- Banks, R., Cahusac, P., Watson, S., & Bewick, G. (2012, December). An ex vivo preparation of mouse pinna for recording afferent responses from guard hair follicles of hairy skin. Presented at Physiology 2012, Edinburgh
- Simon, A., Banks, R., & Bewick, G. (2010, December). A role for glutamate in regulating mechanosensory sensitivity: Further evidence from rat muscle spindle primary afferent terminals
- Watson, S., Aryiku, C., Banks, R., & Bewick, G. (2010, December). Comparison of gadolinium and FM1-43 as blockers of stretch-evoked firing of rat muscle spindle afferents
- Bewick, G., & Banks, R. (2010, December). The role of synaptic-like vesicles in control of mechanosensation in peripheral nerve terminals
- Shenton, F., Banks, R., & Bewick, G. (2010, December). In lanceolate endings of rat hair follicles the small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel SK3 is found mainly in glial cells. Presented at The Physiological Society Scientific Meeting on Sensory Functions, Durham, UK
- Paton, J., Banks, R., & Bewick, G. (2010, December). Modulation of afferent excitability and reflex responses by phospholipase D-coupled metabotropic glutamate receptors in the peripheral terminals of rat arterial baroreceptors
- Simon, A., Njå, A., Walaas, I., Banks, R., & Bewick, G. (2010, December). Synapsin I/II knock out disrupts mechanosensory terminal firing and motor behaviour
- Graca, A., Singh, P., Simon, A., Banks, R., & Bewick, G. (2010, December). Glutamatergic modulation of synaptic-like vesicle recycling in primary mechanosensory nerve terminals
- de Nooij, J., Simon, A., Doobar, S., Steel, K., Banks, R., Bewick, G., & Jessell, T. (2010, December). Whirlin function in proprioceptive mechanotransduction
- Simon, A., Banks, R., & Bewick, G. (2009, December). KCa channels regulate stretch-evoked afferent firing from muscle spindles
- Simon, A., Banks, R., & Bewick, G. (2009, December). Stretch-activated rat muscle spindle afferent discharge is inhibited by ENaC and TRP channel modulators. Presented at Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
- Singh, P., Simon, A., Banks, R., & Bewick, G. (2009, December). Glutamatergic modulation of vesicle turnover in primary mechanosensory endings
- Simon, A., Banks, R., & Bewick, G. (2009, December). P/Q type calcium and K(Ca) channel blockers increase afferent discharge from mechanosensory terminals. Presented at British Neuroscience Association
- Shenton, F., Bewick, G., & Banks, R. (2009, December). Immunocytochemical evidence for the presence of ENaC subunits in the sensory endings of rat muscle spindles. Presented at Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
- Shenton, F., Wollner, H., Bewick, G., & Banks, R. (2009, December). Immunogold labelling for glutamate in lanceolate endings of rat hairs
- Banks, R., Simon, A., Rowe, I., & Bewick, G. (2009, December). P/Q type Ca2+ channels and KCa channels regulate afferent discharge frequency in spindle mechanosensory terminals. Presented at Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
- Hulliger, M., & Banks, R. (2004, December). The relation between motor deficit and proprioceptive loss after large-fibre deafferentation by pyridoxine. Presented at 34th Annual Meeting, San Diego
- Banks, R., Hulliger, M., Otten, E., & Scheepstra, K. (1993, December). The Ia afferent of the muscle spindle as an example in the study of pacemaker interactions in branched myelinated axons, both model and real. Presented at XXXIInd Congress of the IUPS, Glasgow
- Sabbagh, R., Banks, R., & Evans, P. (1991, December). Pectoral asymmetry in the broiler chicken. Presented at 23rd Poultry Science Symposium, Edinburgh
- Stacey, M., Banks, R., & Barker, D. (1986, December). Sensory reinnervation of cat muscle spindles after nerve section. Presented at XXXth IUPS Congress, Vancouver, BC. Canada
Journal Article
- Banks, R. W., & Proske, U. (online). The evolution of muscle spindles. Experimental Physiology,
- Lee, C.-H., Lin, J.-H., Lin, S.-H., Chang, C.-T., Wu, Y.-W., Bewick, G., Banks, R. W., Gründer, S., Hochgeschwender, U., & Chen, C.-C. (2025). A role for proprioceptors in sngception. Science Advances, 11(5), Article eabc5219.
- Thompson, K. J., Watson, S., Zanato, C., Dall'Angelo, S., De Nooij, J. C., Pace‐Bonello, B., Shenton, F. C., Sanger, H. E., Heinz, B. A., Broad, L. M., Grosjean, N., McQuillian, J. R., Dubini, M., Pyner, S., Greig, I., Zanda, M., Bleakman, D., Banks, R. W., & Bewick, G. S. (2024). The atypical ‘hippocampal’ glutamate receptor coupled to phospholipase D that controls stretch‐sensitivity in primary mechanosensory nerve endings is homomeric purely metabotropic GluK2. Experimental Physiology, 109(1), 81-99.
- Banks, R. W. (2024). There and back again: 50 years of wandering through terra incognita fusorum. Experimental Physiology, 109(1), 6-16.
- Housley, S. N., Powers, R. K., Nardelli, P., Lee, S., Blum, K., Bewick, G. S., Banks, R. W., & Cope, T. C. (2024). Biophysical model of muscle spindle encoding. Experimental Physiology, 109(1), 55-65.
- McIntosh, J., Mekrouda, I., Dashti, M., Giuraniuc, C. V., Banks, R. W., Miles, G. B., & Bewick, G. S. (2023). Development of abnormalities at the neuromuscular junction in the SOD1-G93A mouse model of ALS: dysfunction then disruption of postsynaptic structure precede overt motor symptoms. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 16, Article 1169075.
- Kissane, R. W., Charles, J. P., Banks, R. W., & Bates, K. T. (2023). The association between muscle architecture and muscle spindle abundance. Scientific Reports, 13, Article 2830.
- Heinemann-Yerushalmi, L., Bornstein, B., Krief, S., Adler, R., Dassa, B., Leshkowitz, D., Kim, M., Bewick, G., Banks, R. W., & Zelzer, E. (2023). Molecular characterization of the intact mouse muscle spindle using a multi-omics approach. eLife, 12, Article e81843.
- Kissane, R. W., Charles, J. P., Banks, R. W., & Bates, K. T. (2022). Skeletal muscle function underpins muscle spindle abundance. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289(1976),
- Bewick, G. S., & Banks, R. W. (2021). Mechanotransduction channels in proprioceptive sensory nerve terminals: still an open question?. Current Opinion in Physiology, 20, 90-104.
- Blecher, R., Heinemann-Yerushalmi, L., Assaraf, E., Konstantin, N., Chapman, J. R., Cope, T. C., Bewick, G. S., Banks, R. W., & Zelzer, E. (2018). New functions for the proprioceptive system in skeletal biology. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 373(1759), Article 20170327.
- Lin, S.-H., Cheng, Y.-R., Banks, R. W., Min, M.-Y., Bewick, G. S., & Chen, C.-C. (2016). Evidence for the involvement of ASIC3 in sensory mechanotransduction in proprioceptors. Nature Communications, 7, Article 11460.
- Bewick, G., Cahusac, P., & Banks, R. (2016). Combined Recording of Mechanically Stimulated Afferent Output and Nerve Terminal Labelling in Mouse Hair Follicle Lanceolate Endings. Journal of Visualized Experiments, Article e53854.
- Banks, R. W. (2015). The innervation of the muscle spindle: a personal history. Journal of Anatomy, 227(2), 115-135.
- Song, Z., Banks, R. W., & Bewick, G. S. (2015). Modelling the mechanoreceptor’s dynamic behaviour. Journal of Anatomy, 227(2), 243-254.
- de Nooij, J. C., Simon, C. M., Simon, A., Doobar, S., Steel, K. P., Banks, R. W., Mentis, G. Z., Bewick, G. S., & Jessell, T. M. (2015). The PDZ-domain protein whirlin facilitates mechanosensory signaling in mammalian proprioceptors. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(7), 3073-3084.
- Bewick, G. S., & Banks, R. W. (2015). Mechanotransduction in the muscle spindle. Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology, 467(1), 175-190.
- Shenton, F., Bewick, G., & Banks, R. (2014). A study of the expression of small conductance calcium-activated potassium channels (SK1-3) in sensory endings of muscle spindles and lanceolate endings of hair follicles in the rat. PLoS ONE, 9(9),
- Lionikas, A., Smith, C. J., Smith, T. L., Bünger, L., Banks, R. W., & Bewick, G. S. (2013). Analyses of muscle spindles in the soleus of six inbred mouse strains. Journal of Anatomy, 223(3), 289-296.
- Banks, R. W., Cahusac, P. M., Graca, A., Kain, N., Shenton, F., Singh, P., Nj°a, A., Simon, A., Watson, S., Slater, C. R., & Bewick, G. S. (2013). Glutamatergic modulation of synaptic-like vesicle recycling in mechanosensory lanceolate nerve terminals of mammalian hair follicles. The Journal of Physiology, 591(10), 2523-2540.
- Simon, A., Shenton, F., Hunter, I., Banks, R. W., & Bewick, G. S. (2010). Amiloride-sensitive channels are a major contributor to mechanotransduction in mammalian muscle spindles. The Journal of Physiology, 588(1), 171-185.
- Banks, R., Hulliger, M., Saed, H., & Stacey, M. (2009). A comparative analysis of the encapsulated end-organs of mammalian skeletal muscles and of their sensory nerve endings. Journal of Anatomy, 214(6), 859-887.
- Hulliger, M., & Banks, R. W. (2009). A method for the study of the effects of combining multiple pseudorandom fusimotor stimulation on the responses of muscle-spindle primary-ending afferents. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 178(1), 103-115.
- Banks, R. (2008). of muscle spindles” by T. Kokkorogiannis. Brain Research Bulletin, 75, 504-506
- Simon, A., Banks, R., & Bewick, G. (2008). Attenuation of stretch-activated discharge of rat muscle spindle afferents by ENaC channel inhibitors. Proceedings of the Physiological Society, 10,
- Hulliger, M., & Banks, R. (2006). The relation between motor deficit and proprioceptiveloss after large-fibre sensory neuropathy. Gait & Posture, 21,
- Banks, R. (2006). An allometric analysis of the number of muscle spindles in mammalian skeletal muscles. Journal of Anatomy, 208(6), 753-768.
- Bewick, G. S., Reid, B., Richardson, C., & Banks, R. W. (2005). Autogenic modulation of mechanoreceptor excitability by glutamate release from synaptic-like vesicles: evidence from the rat muscle spindle primary sensory ending. The Journal of Physiology, 562(2), 381-394.
- Bewick, G., Duncan, R., Eddie, W., Maguire, C., & Banks, R. (2004). Glutamate-enhanced muscle spindle excitability – inhibition by PLD-coupled metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonists. The Journal of Physiology, 557P,
- Hulliger, M., Bishop, G., Tyson, R., Sutherland, G., & Banks, R. (2000). The effects of deafferentation on gait in the cat: sensorimotor syndrome and recovery. The Journal of Physiology, 525, 8-9S
- Bewick, G. S., Reid, B., & Banks, R. W. (2000). Investigating the role of small clear vesicles in vertebrate mechanosensory endings using rat muscle spindles. The Journal of Physiology, 528, 62-63P
- Banks, R., Richardson, C., & Bewick, G. (2000). Immunocytochemical demonstration of glutamate in the sensory terminals of rat muscle spindles. The Journal of Physiology, 528,
- Banks, R., & Hulliger, M. (2000). Cross-correlation analysis of the effects of combining multiple pseudo-random fusimotor inputs on the responses of muscle-spindle primary afferents in peroneus tertius of the anaesthetized cat. The Journal of Physiology, 527P,
- Petit, J., Banks, R., & Laporte, Y. (1999). Testing the classification of static axons using different patterns of random stimulation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 81, 2823-2832
- Banks, R. (1998). Histological evidence for multiple, occlusive encoding sites in cat tendon organs. Journal of Anatomy, 192(3),
- Banks, R., Hulliger, M., & Scheepstra, K. (1998). Correlated histological and physiological observations on a case of common sensory output and motor input of the bag1 fibre and a chain fibre in a cat tenuissimus spindle. Journal of Anatomy, 193, 373-381.
- Banks, R. (1998). On the number of spindles in mammalian muscles. The Journal of Physiology, 511,
- Banks, R., Hulliger, M., Scheepstra, K., & Otten, E. (1997). Pacemaker activity in a sensory ending with multiple encoding sites: the cat muscle-spindle primary ending. The Journal of Physiology, 498, 177-199.
- Hulliger, M., Banks, R., & Gemmill, J. (1996). A method for the study of the effects of combining multiple pseudorandom fusimotor inputs on the responses of muscle-spindle primary endings in peroneus tertius of the anaesthetized cat. The Journal of Physiology, 494,
- Banks, R., & Emonet-Denand, F. (1996). Characteristic properties of superficial lumbrical spindles in the cat hind limb, related to their bag1 fibres. Journal of Anatomy, 189, 65-71
- Eltarhouni, A., & Banks, R. (1995). The distribution of calretinin in muscle receptors of the cat. The Journal of Physiology, 487,
- Banks, R. (1994). Intrafusal motor innervation: a quantitative histological analysis of tenuissimus muscle spindles in the cat. Journal of Anatomy, 185, 151-172
- Banks, R. (1994). The motor innervation of mammalian muscle spindles. Progress in Neurobiology, 43, 323-362.
- Barker, D., Banks, R., & Berry, R. (1993). Comparison of muscle-receptor recovery after nerve repairs using neural and non-neural grafts of two lengths
- Banks, R. (1991). A quantitative histological analysis of the intrafusal motor innervation of the cat tenuissimus muscle. The Journal of Physiology, 438,
- Banks, R. (1991). The distribution of static gamma axons in the tenuissimus muscle of the cat. The Journal of Physiology, 442, 489-512.
- Adal, M., & Banks, R. (1990). Ultrastructural observations on native and foreign reinnervation of muscle spindles in relation to mechanosensory function in the anaesthetized cat. The Journal of Physiology, 420,
- Banks, R., & Stacey, M. (1990). A quantitative analysis of the sensory innervation of cat tenuissimus muscle spindles. The Journal of Physiology, 429,
- Banks, R., & Barker, D. (1989). Specificities of afferents reinnervating cat muscle spindles after nerve section. The Journal of Physiology, 408, 345-372.
- Banks, R. (1988). On the motor innervation of cat tenuissimus muscle spindles. The Journal of Physiology, 406,
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- Banks, R. (1987). Responses to small-amplitude sinusoidal stretching of cat peroneus brevis muscle spindles reinnervated after nerve section. The Journal of Physiology, 391,
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- Banks, R. (1986). Observations on the primary sensory ending of tenuissimus muscle spindles in the cat. Cell and Tissue Research, 246, 309-319.
- Banks, R., Barker, D., & Stacey, M. (1985). Form and classification of motor endings in mammalian muscle spindles. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 225, 195-212.
- Banks, R., Barker, D., & Brown, H. (1985). Sensory reinnervation of muscles following nerve section and suture in cats. Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume), 10-B, 340-344
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