Staff profile
Dr Robert Potvliege
Associate Professor
Affiliation | Telephone |
Associate Professor in the Department of Physics | +44 (0) 191 33 43698 |
Research interests
- atomic theory
- multiphoton processes in strong laser fields
Authored book
Chapter in book
Conference Paper
- Griffin, P., Weatherill, K., Macleod, S., Potvliege, R., & Adams, C. (2005, June). Loading of selected sites in an optical lattice using light-shift engineering. Presented at International Conference of Laser Spectroscopy, Aviemore
- Joachain, C., Kylstra, N., & Potvliege, R. (2002, December). Non-dipole and relativistic effects in laser-atom interactions
- Potvliege, R., & Smith, P. H. (1993, December). Stabilization of Excited States and Harmonic Generation: Recent Theoretical Results in the Sturmian-Floquet Approach
Journal Article
- Potvliege, R., & Wrathmall, S. (2025). CoOMBE: A suite of open-source programs for the integration of the optical Bloch equations and Maxwell-Bloch equations. Computer Physics Communications, 306, Article 109374.
- Brewin, A., Gallagher, L. A. P., Pritchett, J. D., Wong, H. Q. X., Potvliege, R. M., Clark, S. J., & Jones, M. P. A. (2024). Microwave-optical spectroscopy of Rydberg excitons in the ultrastrong driving regime. New Journal of Physics, 26(11), Article 113018.
- Vaillant, C. L., Jones, M. P. A., & Potvliege, R. M. (2024). Addendum: Multichannel quantum defect theory of strontium bound Rydberg states (2014 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 155001). Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 57(19), Article 199401.
- Potvliege, R. (2024). mqdtfit: A collection of Python functions for empirical multichannel quantum defect calculations. Computer Physics Communications, 300, Article 109172.
- Scott, J. P., Potvliege, R. M., Carty, D., & Jones, M. P. A. (2024). Trap induced broadening in a potential hydrogen lattice clock. Metrologia, 61(2), Article 025001.
- Potvliege, R. M., Nicolson, A., Jones, M. P. A., & Spannowsky, M. (2023). Deuterium spectroscopy for enhanced bounds on physics beyond the standard model. Physical Review A, 108(5), Article 052825.
- Rotunno, A. P., Berweger, S., Prajapati, N., Simons, M. T., Artusio-Glimpse, A. B., Holloway, C. L., Jayaseelan, M., Potvliege, R., & Adams, C. (2023). Detection of 3–300 MHz electric fields using Floquet sideband gaps by “Rabi matching” dressed Rydberg atoms. Journal of Applied Physics, 134(13), Article 134501.
- Robertson, E., Sibalic, N., Potvliege, R., & Jones, M. (2021). ARC 3.0: An expanded Python toolbox for atomic physics calculations. Computer Physics Communications, 261(107814), Article 107814.
- Jones, M., Potvliege, R., & Spannowsky, M. (2020). Probing new physics using Rydberg states of atomic hydrogen. Physical Review Research, 2(1), Article 013244.
- Ogden, T. P., Whittaker, K., Keaveney, J., Wrathmall, S., Adams, C., & Potvliege, R. (2019). Quasisimultons in Thermal Atomic Vapors. Physical Review Letters, 123(24), Article 243604.
- Vaillant, C., Potvliege, R., & Jones, M. (2015). Intercombination effects in resonant energy transfer. Physical Review A, 92(4), Article 042705.
- Vaillant, C., Jones, M., & Potvliege, R. (2014). Multichannel quantum defect theory of strontium bound Rydberg states. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 47(15), Article 155001.
- Jacobs, V., Burke, P., & Potvliege, R. (2014). Liouville-space R-matrix-Floquet description of atomic radiative processes involving autoionizing states in the presence of intense electromagnetic fields. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 47(2), Article 025401.
- Vaillant, C., Jones, M., & Potvliege, R. (2012). Long-range Rydberg–Rydberg interactions in calcium, strontium and ytterbium. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 45(13), Article 135004.
- Millen, J., Lochead, G., Corbett, G., Potvliege, R., & Jones, M. (2011). Spectroscopy of a cold strontium Rydberg gas. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44(18), Article 184001.
- Tanasittikosol, M., Pritchard, J., Maxwell, D., Gauguet, A., Weatherill, K., Potvliege, R., & Adams, C. (2011). Microwave dressing of Rydberg dark states. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44(18), Article 184020.
- Bason, M., Tanasittikosol, M., Sargsyan, A., Mohapatra, A., Sarkisyan, D., Potvliege, R., & Adams, C. (2010). Enhanced electric field sensitivity of rf-dressed Rydberg dark states. New Journal of Physics, 12, Article 065015.
- Potvliege, R., Mese, E., & Vucic, S. (2010). Multiphoton ionization and multiphoton resonances in the tunneling regime. Physical Review A, 81(5), Article 053402.
- Potvliege, R., & Vucic, S. (2009). Freeman resonances in high-order above-threshold ionization. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 42(5), Article 055603.
- Meṣe, E., & Potvliege, R. (2008). Quasienergy spectrum of complex atoms. Physical Review A, 77(2), Article 023414.
- Krajewska, K., Kaminski, J., & Potvliege, R. (2008). Long-lived resonances supported by a contact interaction in crossed magnetic and electric fields. Annals of Physics, 323, 2639-2653.
- Mese, E., & Potvliege, R. (2007). The quasienergy spectrum of argon from 400 to 800 nm. Laser Physics Letters, 4(5), 357-362
- Potvliege, R., & Vucic, S. (2006). Stark-shift induced resonances in multiphoton ionization. Physica Scripta, 74(4), C55-C60
- Potvliege, R., & Vucic, S. (2006). High-order above-threshold ionization of argon: plateau resonances and the Floquet quasienergy spectrum. Physical Review A, 74(2),
- Potvliege, R., & Adams, C. (2006). Photo-ionization in far-off-resonance optical lattices. New Journal of Physics, 8,
- Griffin, P., Weatherill, K., MacLeod, S., Potvliege, R., & Adams, C. (2006). Spatially selective loading of an optical lattice by light-shift engineering using an auxiliary laser field. New Journal of Physics, 8(11),
- Mese, E., & Potvliege, R. (2006). Ellipticity dependence of harmonic generation in atomic hydrogen. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 39(2), 431-442
- Chirilă, C., & Potvliege, R. (2005). Low-order above-threshold ionization in intense few-cycle laser pulses. Physical Review A, 71(2),
- Krajewska, K., Kaminski, J., & Potvliege, R. (2005). Stabilization Of Resonance States In Crossed Magnetic And Laser Fields In A Parabolic Quantum Well. Laser Physics, 15, 238-244
- Chirilă, C., Joachain, C., Kylstra, N., & Potvliege, R. (2004). Interaction of superintense laser pulses with relativistic ions. Physical Review Letters, 93(24),
- Chirila, C., Joachain, C., Kylstra, N., & Potvliege, R. (2004). Three-step Processes With Relativistic Ions. Laser Physics, 14, 190-193
- Potvliege, R. (2003). Light-Induced States of Atoms in Intense Laser Fields. Physica Scripta, 68, 18-.
- Joachain, C., Kylstra, N., & Potvliege, R. (2003). Atoms in intense, ultrashort laser pulses: non-dipole and relativistic effects. Journal of Modern Optics, 50, 313-329
- Chirilă, C., Kylstra, N., Potvliege, R., & Joachain, C. (2002). Nondipole effects in photon emission by laser-driven ions. Physical Review A, 66(6),
- Garland, L., Jaron, A., Kaminski, J., & Potvliege, R. (2002). Off-shell effects in laser-assisted electron scattering at low frequency. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 35(13), 2861-2872.
- Kylstra, N., Potvliege, R., & Joachain, C. (2002). Photon Emission By Ions Interacting With Short Intense Laser Pulses. Laser Physics, 12, 409-414
- Dorr, M., Kylstra, N., & Potvliege, R. (2001). Photoionization By Ultrashort Pulses In The High-intensity Limit. Laser Physics, 11, 250-254
- Bauer, J., Plucinski, L., Piraux, B., Potvliege, R., Gajda, M., & Krzywinski, J. (2001). Ionization of hydrogen atoms by intense vacuum ultraviolet radiation. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 34, 2245-2254
- Kylstra, N., Potvliege, R., & Joachain, C. (2001). LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Photon emission by ions interacting with short intense laser pulses: beyond the dipole approximation. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 34, L55-L61.
- Potvliege, R., & Zehnlé, V. (2001). Complex scaling calculation of the decaying quantum-propagation modes of neutral atoms in a magnetic guide. Physical Review A, 63, 025601-
- Caron, C., & Potvliege, R. (2000). propBG: A program for calculating the intensity and the far-field profile of harmonics emitted by a dilute gas irradiated by an intense Gaussian or Bessel-Gauss laser beam. Computer Physics Communications, 126, 269-293
- Potvliege, R., Kylstra, N., & Joachain, C. (2000). LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Photon emission by He⁺ in intense ultrashort laser pulses. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 33, L743-L748.
- Jaron, A., Mese, E., & Potvliege, R. (2000). Floquet analysis of laser-induced continuum structures. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 33, 1487-1505.
- Potvliege, R. (2000). Disappearance of the dressed bound states in photodetachment from a short-range potential by an intense high-frequency laser field. Physical Review A, 62, 013403-
- Caron, C., & Potvliege, R. (2000). Free-space propagation of ultrashort pulses: space-time couplings in Gaussian pulse beams. Journal of Modern Optics, 46, 1881-1891
- Potvliege, R. (2000). Waveletlike Basis Function Approach To The Propagation Of Paraxial Beams. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and image science, 17, 1043-1047.
- Potvliege, R. (2000). Role Of The Magnetic Component Of The Incident Field In The Adiabatic Stabilization Of Circular States. Laser Physics, 10, 143-146
- Day, H., Piraux, B., & Potvliege, R. (2000). Multistate non-Hermitian Floquet dynamics in short laser pulses. Physical Review A, 61, 031402-
- Dörr, M., & Potvliege, R. (2000). LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Adiabatic stabilization in photodetachment by ultrashort pulses. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 33, L233-L238.
- Potvliege, R. (1999). A Program For Time-independent Calculations Of Multiphoton Processes In One-electron Atomic Systems. Laser Physics, 9, 413-415
- Caron, C., & Potvliege, R. (1999). Optimum conical angle of a BesselGauss beam for low-order harmonic generation in gases. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 16, 1377-1384
- Caron, C., & Potvliege, R. (1999). Bessel-modulated Gaussian beams with quadratic radial dependence. Optics Communications, 164, 83-93
- Potvliege, R. (1999). Adiabatic stabilization in a two-color field. Physical Review A, 60, 1311-1313
- Potvliege, R. (1998). STRFLO: a program for time-independent calculations of multiphoton processes in one-electron atomic systems I. Quasienergy spectra and angular distributions. Computer Physics Communications, 114, 42-93.
- Piraux, B., & Potvliege, R. (1998). Adiabatic stabilization of a circular state: Theory compared to experiment. Physical Review A, 57, 5009-5012
- Caron, C., & Potvliege, R. (1998). Phase matching and harmonic generation in Bessel Gauss beams. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 15, 1096-1106
- Day, H., Fearnside, A., & Potvliege, R. (1997). Shifted channel wave numbers in approximate Floquet calculations. Physical Review A, 56, 2447-2450.
- Fearnside, A., Potvliege, R., & Shakeshaft, R. (1995). Light-induced states of H and H⁻, shadow states, and the dressed potential. Physical Review A, 51, 1471-1481.
- Dörr, M., Joachain, C., Potvliege, R., & VučiĆ, S. (1994). Born-Floquet theory of laser-assisted electron-atom collisions. Physical Review A, 49, 4852-4863.
- Dorr, M., Joachain, C., Potvliege, R., & Vucic, S. (1994). Born-floquet Theory Of Electron-atom Collisions In The Presence Of A Laser Field. Zeitschrift für Physik. D, Atoms, molecules and clusters, 29, 245-246.
- Rottke, H., Wolff-Rottke, B., Feldmann, D., Welge, K., Dörr, M., Potvliege, R., & Shakeshaft, R. (1994). Atomic hydrogen in a strong optical radiation field. Physical Review A, 49, 4837-4851.
- Potvliege, R., & Smith, P. H. (1994). Two-color ionization of hydrogen for frequencies in the 2:3 ratio. Physical Review A, 49, 3110-3113
- Potvliege, R., & Smith, P. H. (1993). Adiabatic stabilization of excited states of H in an intense linearly polarized laser field. Physical Review A, 48, 46-
- Potvliege, R., & Smith, P. (1992). Two-colour multiphoton ionization of hydrogen by an intense laser field and one of its harmonics. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 25, 2501-2516.
- Dörr, M., Feldmann, D., Potvliege, R., Rottke, H., Shakeshaft, R., Welge, K., & Wolff-Rottke, B. (1992). The energy spectrum of photoelectrons produced by multiphoton ionization of atomic hydrogen. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 25, L275-L280.
- Dörr, M., Potvliege, R., Proulx, D., & Shakeshaft, R. (1992). Erratum: Multiphoton processes in an intense laser field. VI. Two-color ionization with incommensurable frequencies [Phys. Rev. A 44, 574 (1991)]. Physical Review A, 45, 2142-
- Madajczyk, J., Pont, M., Potvliege, R., Shakeshaft, R., & Taylor, H. (1992). Photoionization of atomic hydrogen dressed by a circularly polarized CO2-laser field. Physical Review A, 45, 4848-4854.
- Pont, M., Potvliege, R., Shakeshaft, R., & Smith, P. H. (1992). Geometric phases in multiphoton ionization. Physical Review A, 46, 555-566
- Pont, M., Potvliege, R., Shakeshaft, R., & Teng, Z.-J. (1992). Low-frequency theory of multiphoton ionization. II. General formulation and further results for ionization of H(1s). Physical Review A, 45, 8235-8251.
- Potvliege, R., & Smith, P. (1991). Two-colour multiphoton ionization of hydrogen by an intense laser field and its third harmonic. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 24, L641-L646.
- Dörr, M., Potvliege, R., Proulx, D., & Shakeshaft, R. (1991). Multiphoton processes in an intense laser field. VI. Two-color ionization with incommensurable frequencies. Physical Review A, 44, 574-583.
- Dörr, M., Potvliege, R., Proulx, D., & Shakeshaft, R. (1991). Multiphoton processes in an intense laser field. V. The high-frequency regime. Physical Review A, 43, 3729-3740
- Taieb, R., Veniard, V., Maquet, A., Vucic, S., & Potvliege, R. (1991). Light polarization effects in laser-assisted (e, 2e) collisions: a Sturmian approach. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 24, 3229-3240.
- Potvliege, R., & Joachain, C. (1990). State multipoles for the excitation of the n=2 manifold of atomic hydrogen by fast electrons and positrons. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 23, 841-851.
- Dörr, M., Potvliege, R., Proulx, D., & Shakeshaft, R. (1990). Multiphoton detachment of H⁻ and the applicability of the Keldysh approximation. Physical Review A, 42, 4138-4150.
- Dörr, M., Potvliege, R., & Shakeshaft, R. (1990). Multiphoton processes in an intense laser field: III. Resonant ionization of hydrogen by subpicosecond pulses. Physical Review A, 41, 558-561.
- Dörr, M., Potvliege, R., & Shakeshaft, R. (1990). Atomic hydrogen irradiated by a strong laser field: Sturmian basis calculations of rates for high-order multiphoton ionization, Raman scattering, and harmonic generation. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 7, 433-448
- Dörr, M., Potvliege, R., & Shakeshaft, R. (1990). Tunneling ionization of atomic hydrogen by an intense low-frequency field. Physical Review Letters, 64, 2003-2006
- Shakeshaft, R., Potvliege, R., Dörr, M., & Cooke, W. (1990). Multiphoton processes in an intense laser field. IV. The static-field limit. Physical Review A, 42, 1656-1668.
- Dörr, M., & Potvliege, R. (1990). Resonances that originate from shadow poles of the scattering matrix in multiphoton processes. Physical Review A, 41, 1472-1476.
- Potvliege, R., & Shakeshaft, R. (1990). Multiphoton processes in an intense laser field. II. Partial rates and angular distributions for ionization of atomic hydrogen at 532 nm. Physical Review A, 41, 1609-1619.
- Pont, M., Shakeshaft, R., & Potvliege, R. (1990). Low-frequency theory of multiphoton ionization. Physical Review A, 42, 6969-6972
- Vucic, S., Potvliege, R., & Joachain, C. (1989). Second Born triple differential cross sections for the coplanar asymmetric ionisation of He(2¹S) and He(2³S) by fast electrons and positrons. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 22, 3519-3527.
- Potvliege, R., & Shakeshaft, R. (1989). High-order above-threshold ionization of hydrogen in perturbation theory. Physical Review A, 39, 1545-1548
- Potvliege, R., & Shakeshaft, R. (1989). High-order Harmonic-generation And Raman-scattering By Hydrogen In Perturbation-theory. Zeitschrift für Physik. D, Atoms, molecules and clusters, 11, 93-94.
- Potvliege, R., & Shakeshaft, R. (1989). Multiphoton processes in an intense laser field: Harmonic generation and total ionization rates for atomic hydrogen. Physical review. A, General physics, 40, 3061-3079.
- Potvliege, R. (1989). The structure of the Glauber third-order optical potential. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 22, 907-912.
- Joachain, C., & Potvliege, R. (1988). Differential cross sections for positron-atomic-hydrogen inelastic scattering at intermediate energies. Physical review. A, General physics, 38, 4337-4339.
- Potvliege, R., & Shakeshaft, R. (1988). Time-independent theory of multiphoton ionization of an atom by an intense field. Physical review. A, General physics, 38, 4597-4621.
- Vucic, S., Potvliege, R., & Joachain, C. (1988). CORRIGENDUM: Third-order optical model analysis of e+/-H(2s), e+/-He(2¹S) and e+/-He(2³S) elastic scattering at intermediate energies. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 21, 2801-
- Potvliege, R., & Shakeshaft, R. (1988). Nonperturbative calculation of partial differential rates for multiphoton ionization of a hydrogen atom in a strong laser field. Physical review. A, General physics, 38, 1098-1100.
- Potvliege, R., & Shakeshaft, R. (1988). Movement and interplay of the bound state, resonance, and shadow poles of the scattering amplitude in multiphoton processes. Physical review. A, General physics, 38, 6190-6203.
- Potvliege, R., & Shakeshaft, R. (1988). Determination of the scattering matrix by use of the Sturmian representation of the wavefunction: choice of basis wavenumber. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 21, L645-L650.
- Potvliege, R., Furtado, F., & Joachain, C. (1987). Multichannel optical mole theory of proton-hydrogen and proton-helium elastic scattering at intermediate energies. Journal of physics. B. Atomic and molecular physics, 20, 1771-1787.
- Joachain, C., & Potvliege, R. (1987). Importance of absorption effects on fast positron-argon differential cross sections. Physical review. A, General physics, 35, 4873-4875.
- Vuić, S., Potvliege, R., & Joachain, C. (1987). Second Born triple-differential cross sections for the coplanar asymmetric ionization of H(2s) by fast electrons. Physical review. A, General physics, 35, 1446-1449.
- Vucic, S., Potvliege, R., & Joachain, C. (1987). Third-order optical model analysis of e+or-H(2s), e+or-He(2¹S) and e+or-He(2³S) elastic scattering at intermediate energies. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 20, 3157-3169
- Shakeshaft, R., & Potvliege, R. (1987). Approximate theory for multiphoton ionization of an atom by an intense field. Physical Review A, 36, 5478-5481
- Joachain, C., Piraux, B., Potvliege, R., Furtado, F., & Byron, F. (1985). Unitarised eikonal-Born series theory of (e, 2e) reactions in atomic hydrogen. Physics Letters A, 112, 138-140.
- Byron, F., Jr., J., C.j., P., & M., R. (1985). Elastic and inelastic scattering of electrons and positrons by atomic hydrogen at intermediate and high energies in the unitarised eikonal-Born series method. Journal of physics. B. Atomic and molecular physics, 18, 1637-1660.
- Potvliege, R., & Joachain, C. (1985). Coherent electron impact excitation of the n=2 states of atomic hydrogen at intermediate energies. Journal of physics. B. Atomic and molecular physics, 18, L585-L588.
- McDowell, M., Edmunds, P., Potvliege, R., Joachain, C., Shingal, R., & Bransden, B. (1984). The angular distribution of asymmetry in scattering of spin-polarised electrons by spin-polarised hydrogen atoms. II. Journal of physics. B. Atomic and molecular physics, 17, 3951-3963.
- Byron, F., Jr., J., C.j., P., & M., R. (1982). Unitarisation of the eikonal-Born series method for electron-atom and positron-atom collisions. Journal of physics. B. Atomic and molecular physics, 15, 3915-3943.
- Byron, F., Jr., J., C.j., P., & M., R. (1981). Unitarisation of the eikonal-Born series method for electron- and positron-atom collisions. Journal of physics. B. Atomic and molecular physics, 14, L609-L615.
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