Staff profile
Affiliation |
Professor in the Department of Anthropology |
I have worked at Durham University since 1986. My research is focused principally around mobilities in Africa and combines ethnographic approaches with a strong interest in spatial perspectives. I have undertaken extensive field research in diverse African countries - Nigeria, Ghana, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, Tunisia and South Africa- and consider myself primarily an Africanist, though I have also been involved in field studies in Brazil, India, Papua New Guinea and the UK. I currently lead a collaborative research study of young men's walking practices in low income neighbourhoods in South Africa, in collaboration with the University of the Western Cape and the NGO Transaid. This builds from a previous [2019-2023] three-country ESRC GCRF-funded study I led in South Africa, Nigeria and Tunisia: 'Youth engagement and skills acquisition within Africa's transport sector: promoting a gender agenda towards transitions into meaningful work'.
Other research I have conducted mostly relates to mobility issues [mobile phones as virtual mobility, gender and transport, transport-energy linkages, older people's mobility and access to services, Intermediate Means of Transport, off-road communities and issues of physical access, social networks of refugee youth] or to marketing and trade [market institutions, conflict in market place trade, gender issues in rural trade, contract farming, local agricultural labour markets].
Uneven power relationships and associated issues of exclusion are linking themes through my work, much of which has a strong gender component. Associated with this is a focus on developing innovative participatory methodologies for effective field research (notably co-investigation involving children, young women, young men and older people trained as peer researchers; mobile methods; networked approaches). I am a co-Director of Durham's Centre for Social Justice and Community Action.
Topics on which I have supervised British and overseas postgraduates include: women working in the transport sector in Kenya, female peer leaders and sport for development in Zambia, gender and embodied mobility in Ghana, gendering of sustainability in Cuban organic agriculture, transport impacts on agricultural production in Ghana, microcredit and transport in Ghana, road impacts on women's health in Nepal, masculinities and microfinance in Colombia, trust and farmer-trader relations in Ghana, decentralisation and poverty alleviation in Ghana, gender and fuelwood knowledges in Kenya, sanitation issues in Nigeria, empowerment in Honduras.
I have undertaken advisory work for diverse organisations, including international NGOs, the British Council, UNHabitat, DFID [Africa Community Access Programme AFCAP] and the African Development Bank.
Research Projects
• Transport and youth employment in Africa: transforming the gender agenda [focus on young women as transport user and workers in the sector, Abuja, Cape Town and Tunis].
• Mobility practices of vulnerable populations in Africa, urban and rural [including COVID impacts]
• Participatory Action Research: peer research applications in the transport sector
• Mobility, age and inter-generational relations [Tanzania, Nigeria]
• Women’s employment in the transport sector [Global South]
• Women’s energy poverty, vulnerabilities and precarity in the everyday [peri-urban Nigeria]
• Mobile phones – impacts on young people’s lives and life chances in Africa [Ghana, Malawi, South Africa]
• Women’s livelihoods and market access, Africa
• Children, transport and mobility in sub-Saharan Africa: developing a child-centred evidence base to improve policy and change thinking across Africa
Research interests
- Children and young people
- Gendered mobilities
- Market institutions
- Mobile phones/ICTs
- Older people's mobility
- Participatory methodologies
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Transport, mobility and social exclusion
Authored book
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Robson, A., & Mashiri, M. (2017). Young People’s Daily Mobilities in Sub-Saharan Africa: Moving Young Lives. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Alikhan, F., Kyei, P., Mawdsley, E., Porter, G., Saraswati Raju, S., Townsend, J., & Varma, R. (2007). NGOs and the State in the Twenty-First Century: Ghana and India. INTRAC
- Mawdsley, E., Townsend, J., Porter, G., & Oakley, P. (2002). Knowledge, power and development agendas: NGOs North and South. INTRAC
Chapter in book
- Dungey, C. E., Ahmad, H., Yahaya, J. M., Adamu, F., Dayil, P. B., De Lannoy, A., & Porter, G. (2023). Dangers in the Third Place: Walking, Public Transport and the Experiences of Young Girls in Cape Town and Abuja. In Z. Moody, A. Berchtold-Sedooka, S. Camponovo, P. D. Jaffé, & F. Darbellay (Eds.), School Journey as a Third Place: Theories, Methods and Experiences Around The World. Anthem Press
- Porter, G., Dungey, C., Akoshi, M., Bullus, P., Houiji, R., Matomane, S., Mohammed, A., Musa, A., Nasser, W., & Usman, U. (2023). Peer research, power and ethics: Navigating participatory research in an Africa-focused mobilities study before and during Covid-19. In B. Percy-Smith, N. P. Thomas, C. O'Kane, & A. T.-D. Imoh (Eds.), A Handbook of Children and Young People’s Participation: Conversations for Transformational Change. (2nd Edition). Routledge.
- Porter, G., & Omwega, N. (2022). Experiences of Women Workers in the African Road Transport Sector. In T. Wright, L. Budd, & S. Ison (Eds.), Women, Work and Transport (55-69). Emerald.
- Porter, G., & Dungey, C. (2021). Innovative field research methodologies for more inclusive transport planning: Review and prospect. In R. H. Pereira, & G. Boisjoly (Eds.), Social Issues in Transport Planning (273-303). Elsevier.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Munthali, A., & Robson, E. (2019). Physical and virtual mobility for youth employment in Malawi: reflections on findings from two research projects. In K. Roelen, R. Morgan, & Y. Tafere (Eds.), Putting children first : new frontiers in the fight against child poverty in Africa. ibidem Press
- Porter, G., Tewodros, A., & Gorman, M. (2018). Mobility, transport and older people’s well being in sub-Saharan Africa: review and prospect. In A. Curl, & C. Musselwhite (Eds.), Geographies of transport and ageing (75-100). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., de Lannoy, A., Gunguluza, N., Mashiri, M., & Bango, A. (2017). Exploring the intersection between physical and virtual mobilities in urban South Africa: reflections from two youth-centred studies. In T. Uteng, & K. Lucas (Eds.), Urban mobilities in the Global South (59-75). Routledge
- Porter, G., Heslop, A., Bifandimu, F., Sibale, E., Tewodros, A., & Gorman, M. (2014). Exploring intergenerationality and ageing in rural Kibaha, Tanzania: methodological innovation through co-investigation with older people. In R. Vanderbeck, & N. Worth (Eds.), Intergenerational space (259-272). Routledge
- Porter, G. (2014). Exploring collaborative research methodologies in the pursuit of sustainable futures. In P. Sillitoe (Ed.), Sustainable development: an appraisal from the Gulf region (419-435). Berghahn Journals
- Porter, G. (2013). Urban transport in Cape Coast, Ghana: A social sustainability analysis. Case study prepared for UNHabitat Sustainable Urban Transport: Global Report on Human Settlements 2013. Global report on human settlements : sustainable urban transport. Durham University
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Robson, E., Munthali, A., Mashiri, M., Tanle, A., Maponya, A., & Dube, S. (2012). Perspectives on Young People’s Daily Mobility, Transport and Service Access in Sub-Saharan Africa. In M. Grieco, & J. Urry (Eds.), Mobilities : new perspectives on transport and society (65-90). Ashgate Publishing
- Porter, G., Abane, A., Blaufuss, K., & Owusu Acheampong, F. (2011). Children’s rights, mobility and transport in Ghana: access to education and health services. In R. K. Ame, D. L. Agbényiga, & N. A. Apt (Eds.), Children’s rights in Ghana : reality or rhetoric ? (113-128). Lexington Books
- Hampshire, K., Porter, G., Kilpatrick, K., Kyei, P., Adjaloo, M., & Oppong, G. (2011). Bridging the Child Right gap in a refugee context: survival strategies and impact on inter-generational relations. In R. Ame, D. Agbenyiga, & N. Apt (Eds.), Children’s rights in Ghana: reality or rhetoric? (59-73.). Lexington
- Hampshire, K., Porter, G., Kilpatrick, K., Kyei, P., Adjaloo, M., & Oppong, G. (2011). The search for belonging: youth identities and transitions to adulthood in an African refugee context. In L. Holt (Ed.), Geographies of Children, Youth and Families (83-94). Routledge
- Porter, G., Blaufuss, K., & Owusu Acheampong, F. (2010). Filling the family's transport gap in sub-Saharan Africa: young people and load carrying in Ghana. In L. Holt (Ed.), Geographies of children, youth and families : an international perspective (189-202). Routledge
- Lyon, F., & Porter, G. (2010). Evolving institutions of trust: personalized and institutional bases of trust in Nigerian and Ghanaian food trading. In M. Saunders, D. Skinner, G. Dietz, N. Gillespie, & R. Lewicki (Eds.), Organizational trust : a cultural perspective (255-278). Cambridge University Press
- Porter, G. (2009). Children, (im)mobility and transport in sub-Saharan Africa: implications for meeting the MDGs. In M. Grieco, M. Ndulo, D. Bryceson, G. Porter, & T. McCray (Eds.), Africa, transport and the millennium development goals : achieving an internationally set agenda (177-195). Cambridge Scholars
- Porter, G., Lyon, F., & Potts, D. (2009). Urban food supply in sub-Saharan Africa in the twenty-first century: the role of trading and market institutions. In S. Shapiro, M. Tadajewski, & C. Schultz (Eds.), Macromarketing – a global focus: Marketing systems, societal development, equity & poverty (220-243). SAGE Publications
- Townsend, J., Mawdsley, E., & Porter, G. (2008). Development hegemonies and local outcomes: Women and NGOs in low income countries. In E. Kofman, & G. Youngs (Eds.), Globalization: Theory and Practice (87-97). (3rd ed.). Continuum
- Porter, G., & Lyon, F. (2006). Social capital as culture? Promoting cooperative action in Ghana. In S. Radcliffe (Ed.), Culture and development in a globalizing world : geographies, actors, and paradigms (150-169). Routledge
- Lyon, F., & Porter, G. (2005). The social relations of economic life and networks of civic engagement: social capital and targeted development in West Africa. In R. Cline-Cole, & E. Robson (Eds.), West African worlds: local and regional paths through development, modernity and globalisation. . Pearson Education
- Townsend, J., Mawdsley, E., & Porter, G. (2003). Development hegemonies and local outcomes: women and NGOs in low-income countries. In E. Koffman, & G. Youngs (Eds.), Globalization: theory and practice. (2nd). Continuum
- Townsend, J., Mawdsley, E., & Porter, G. (2002). Challenges for NGOs. In V. Desai, & R. Potter (Eds.), The Arnold Companion to Development Studies. Arnold
- Porter, G., Young, E., Dzietror, A., & Awumbila, M. (1999). Participatory and interdisciplinary research in practice: a case study from coastal Ghana. In R. Blench (Ed.), Natural Resource Management in Ghana and its socio-economic context (178-190). Overseas Development Institute
- Porter, G. (1999). Methodes de terrain pour l'etude du role des marches ruraux periodiques dans les pays en developpement. In G. Scott, & D. Griffon (Eds.), Prix, produits et paysans: methode pour analyser la commercialisationa agricole dans les pays en developpement. Karthala
- Porter, G. (1995). Field method for exploring the role of the indigenous rural periodic market in developing countries. In G. Scott (Ed.), Prices, products and people: analysing agricultural markets in developing countries. Lynne Rienner
- Porter, G. (1995). Adapting to environment and market: trade and marketing in northern Nigeria. In J. Binns (Ed.), People and environment in Africa. Wiley
- Porter, G. (1990). Trade and inequality in Borno, north-east Nigeria. In K. Swindell, M. Mortimore, & J. Baba (Eds.), Inequality and development: case studies from the Third World (331-355). MacMillan
- Porter, G. (1990). Retailing in northern Nigeria: patterns of continuity and change. In A. Findlay, R. Paddison, & J. Dawson (Eds.), Retailing environments in developing countries (66-86). Routledge
Conference Paper
- Porter, G., & Blaufuss, K. (2002, December). Children, transport and traffic in Ghana. Presented at International Workshop on children and traffic, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Porter, G. (1998, December). Linking the global and the local: marketing and production issues in the Brazilian sugar industry. Presented at Proceedings of the 6th International conference on marketing and development., Black sea university, Mangalia, Romania
- Armah, A., Clark, S., & Porter, G. (1997, December). Coping responses and strategies in the coastal zone of south-east Ghana: a case study in the Anloga area. Presented at International seminar on the coastal zone of West Africa, Accra, Ghana
- Clark, S., Foster-Smith, R., & Porter, G. (1997, December). A systems approach to the development of a management information system for the coastal ecosystem of Ghana. Presented at International seminar on the coastal zone of West Africa, Accra, Ghana
- Nevett, T., & Porter, G. (1996, December). Perspectives on geography and advertising. Presented at American Marketing Association winter conference: marketing issues in a new era, Hilton Head, South Carolina
- Porter, G. (1996, December). Marketing, geography and qualitative research in developing areas. Presented at Marketing issues in a new era, University of Indiana
- Porter, G. (1995, December). Marketing Transkei's agricultural produce: challenges of integration in the new South Africa. Presented at 5th International conference on marketing and development, Beijing
- Porter, G. (1994, December). Women in the market place: case studies from northern Nigeria. Presented at International conference on women and public space, Athens National Technical University, Greece
- Porter, G. (1993, December). Changing accessibility and reorganisation of rural markets in Nigeria. Presented at 4th International conference on marketing and development, San Jose, Costa Rica
Edited book
- Porter, G., Townsend, J., & Hampshire, K. (Eds.). (2014). Children and young people as knowledge producers. Routledge
- Grieco, M., Ndulo, M., Bryceson, D., Porter, G., & McCray, T. (Eds.). (2009). Africa, transport and the Millennium Development Goals: achieving an internationally set agenda. Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Fernando, P., & Porter, G. (Eds.). (2002). Balancing the load: women, gender and transport. Zed Books
Journal Article
- Porter, G., Rink, B., Maskiti, B., Clark, S., & Barber, C. (2025). Young men’s daily mobility needs and practices in two low income neighbourhoods of Cape Town: reflections on first mile experiences, using an innovative community peer research methodology. African Transport Studies, 3, Article 100033.
- Porter, G., Murphy, E., Adamu, F., Dayil, P. B., Dungey, C., Maskiti, B., de Lannoy, A., Clark, S., Ahmad, H., & Yahaya, M. J. (2025). Young women’s travel safety and the journey to work: reflecting on lived experiences of precarious mobility in three African cities (and the potential for transformative action). Journal of Transport Geography, 123, Article 104109.
- Murphy, E. C., Han, S., Keskes, H., & Porter, G. (2024). Driven out: women’s employment, the transport sector and social reproduction in Grand Tunis. Journal of Gender Studies, 33(3), 341-356.
- Porter, G., Murphy, E., Adamu, F., Dayil, P. B., Han, S., Dungey, C., Maskiti, B., de Lannoy, A., Clark, S., O'Connor, E., & Ambrosini, S. (2023). The lived experiences of women workers in Africa's transport sector: Reflections from Abuja, Cape Town and Tunis. Journal of Transport Geography, 112, Article 103695.
- Murphy, E. C., Porter, G., Aouidet, H., Dungey, C., Han, S., Houiji, R., Jlassi, M., Keskes, H., Mansour, H., Nasser, W., Riahi, H., Riahi, S., & Zaghoud, H. (2023). ‘No place for a woman’: Access, exclusion, insecurity and the mobility regime in grand tunis. Geoforum, 142, Article 103753.
- Porter, G., Murphy, E. C., Adamu, F., Delannoy, A., & Dungey, C. (2023). Everyday mobility practices and the ethics of care: young women's reflections on social responsibility in the time of COVID-19 in three African cities. Mobilities, 18(1), 21-36.
- Porter, G., Murphy, E., Han, S., Mansour, H., Keskes, H., Dungey, C., Clark, S., & der Weijde, K. V. (2022). Improving young women’s access to safe mobility in a low-income area of Tunis: Challenges and opportunities pre- and post-Covid. Transportation Research Procedia, 60,
- Porter, G., Murphy, E., Adamu, F., Dayil, P., De Lannoy, A., Han, S., Mansour, H., Dungey, C., Ahmad, H., Maskiti, B., S, C., & Van der Weidje, K. (2021). Women's mobility and transport in the peripheries of three African cities: Reflecting on early impacts of COVID-19. Transport Policy, 110, 181-190.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., De Lannoy, A., Tanle, A., & Owusu, S. (2020). Mobile phones, gender, and female empowerment in sub-Saharan Africa: studies with African youth. Information Technology for Development, 26(1), 180-193.
- Porter, G., & Turner, J. (2019). Meeting Young People’s Mobility and Transport Needs: Review and Prospect. Sustainability, 11(22), Article 6193.
- Mulongo, G., Porter, G., & Tewodros, A. (2019). Gendered politics in rural roads: gender mainstreaming in Tanzania's transport sector. Transport, 173(2), 87-96.
- Porter, G., & Hampshire, K. (2018). Youth livelihoods in the cellphone era: perspectives from urban Africa. Journal of International Development, 30(4), 539-558.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., Tanle, A., Owusu, S., de Lannoy, A., & Bango, A. (2017). Connecting with home, keeping in touch: physical and virtual mobility across stretched families in sub-Saharan Africa. Africa, 88(2), 404-424.
- Lucas, K., & Porter, G. (2016). Mobilities and livelihoods in urban development contexts: Introduction. Journal of Transport Geography, 55, 129-131.
- Porter, G. (2016). Reflections on co-investigation through peer research with young people and older people in sub-Saharan Africa. Qualitative Research, 16(3), 293-304.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Milner, J., Munthali, A., Robson, E., De Lannoy, A., Bango, A., Gunguluza, N., Mashiri, M., Tanle, A., & Abane, A. (2016). Mobile phones and education in sub-Saharan Africa: from youth practice to public policy. Journal of International Development, 28(1), 22-39.
- Porter, G. (2016). Mobilities in rural Africa: new connections, new challenges. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 106(2), 434-441.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., Bango, A., de Lannoy, A., Gunguluza, N., Tanle, A., Owusu, S., & Milner, J. (2015). Intergenerational relations and the power of the cell phone: perspectives on young people’s phone usage in Sub-Saharan Africa. Geoforum, 64, 37-46.
- Porter, G. (2015). Mobile phones, mobility practices, and transport organization in sub-Saharan Africa. Mobility in history, 6(1), 81-88.
- Porter, G. (2014). Transport services and their impact on poverty and growth in rural sub-Saharan Africa: a review of recent research and future research needs. Transport Reviews, 34(1), 25-45.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Dunn, C., Hall, R., Levesley, M., Burton, K., Robson, S., Abane, A., Blell, M., & Panther, J. (2013). Health impacts of pedestrian headloading: a review of the evidence with particular reference to women and children in sub-Saharan Africa. Social Science & Medicine, 88, 90-97.
- Porter, G., Tewodros, A., Bifandimu, F., Gorman, M., Heslop, A., Sibale, E., Awadh, A., & Kiswaga, L. (2013). Transport and mobility constraints in an aging population: health and livelihood implications in rural Tanzania. Journal of Transport Geography, 30, 161-169.
- Porter, G. (2013). Rural access, health and disability in sub-Saharan Africa; lessons for transport policy and practice from recent transport services research. World transport policy & practice, 19(2), 3-6
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., Mashiri, M., Tanle, A., Maponya, G., & Dube, S. (2012). Child porterage and Africa’s transport gap: evidence from Ghana, Malawi and South Africa. World Development, 40(10), 2136-2154.
- Porter, G. (2012). Reflections on a century of road transport developments in West Africa and their (gendered) impacts on the rural poor. EchoGéo, 20, 1-14.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., Mashiri, M., & Tanle, A. (2012). Youth, mobility and mobile phones in Africa: findings from a three-country study. Information Technology for Development, 18(2), 145-162.
- Porter, G. (2012). Mobile phones, livelihoods and the poor in Sub-Saharan Africa: review and prospect. Geography Compass, 6(5),
- Porter, G., Blaufuss, K., & Owusu Acheampong, F. (2012). Gendered patterns of IMT adoption and use: Learning from action research. Research in Transportation Economics, 34(1), 11-15.
- Hampshire, K., Porter, G., Owusu, S., Mariwah, S., Abane, A., Robson, E., Munthali, A., Mashiri, M., Maponya, G., & Bourdillon, M. (2012). Taking the long view: temporal considerations in the ethics of children’s research activity and knowledge production. Children's Geographies, 10(2),
- Hampshire, K., Porter, G., Owusu, S., Tanle, A., & Abane, A. (2011). Out of the reach of children? Young people’s health-seeking practices and agency in Africa’s newly-emerging therapeutic landscapes. Social Science & Medicine, 73(5), 702-710.
- Porter, G. (2011). 'I think a woman who travels a lot is befriending other men and that's why she travels': mobility constraints and their implications for rural women and girls in sub-Saharan Africa. Gender, Place and Culture, 18(1), 65-81.
- Hampshire, K., Porter, G., Mashiri, M., Dube, S., & Maponya, G. (2011). Proposing love on the way to school: daily mobility, sexuality and youth transitions in South Africa. Applied financial economics, 13(2), 217-231.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Tanle, A., Esia-Donkoh, K., Amoako, S., Agblorti, R., & Owusu, S. (2011). Mobility, education and livelihood trajectories for young people in rural Ghana: a gender perspective. Children's Geographies, 9(3-4), 395-410.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., & Abane, A. (2011). Children's mobility in Ghana: an overview of methods and findings from the Ghana research study. Society, biology & human affairs, 76(1), 1-14
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Munthali, A., & Robson, E. (2011). Mobility, surveillance and control of children and young people in the everyday: perspectives from sub-Saharan Africa. Surveillance & Society, 9(1/2), 114-131
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Tanle, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., Mashiri, M., Maponya, G., & Dube, S. (2011). Young people’s transport and mobility in sub-Saharan Africa: the gendered journey to school. Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 57(1), 61-79
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Mashiri, M., Dube, S., & Maponya, G. (2010). ‘Youthscapes’ and escapes in rural Africa: education, mobility and livelihood trajectories for young people in Eastern Cape, South Africa. Journal of International Development, 22(8), 1090-1101.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Bourdillon, M., Robson, E., Munthali, A., Abane, A., & Mashiri, M. (2010). Children as Research Collaborators: Issues and Reflections from a Mobility Study in Sub-Saharan Africa. American Journal of Community Psychology, 46(1-2), 215-227.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Robson, E., Munthali, A., Mashiri, M., & Tanle, A. (2010). Moving young lives: Mobility, immobility and inter-generational tensions in urban Africa. Geoforum, 41(5), 796-804.
- Porter, G. (2010). Transport planning in sub-Saharan Africa III: The challenges of meeting children and young people’s mobility and transport needs. Progress report 3. Progress in Development Studies, 10(2), 169-180.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., Mashiri, M., & Maponya, G. (2010). Where dogs, ghosts and lions roam: learning from mobile ethnographies on the journey to school. Children's Geographies, 8(2), 91-105.
- Porter, G., Lyon, F., Adamu, F., & Obafemi, L. (2010). Conflict and cooperation in market spaces: learning from the operation of local networks of civic engagement in African market trade. Human organization, 69(1), 31-42
- Porter, G. (2010). A moving issue: children and young people's transport and mobility constraints in Africa
- Porter, G. (2010). Older women and transport issues in sub-Saharan Africa
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., Mashiri, M., & Tanle, A. (2010). Youth transport, mobility and security in sub-Saharan Africa: the gendered journey to school. World transport policy & practice, 16(1), 51-71
- Robson, E., Porter, G., Hampshire, K., & Bourdillon, M. (2009). ‘Doing it right?’: working with young researchers in Malawi to investigate children, transport and mobility. Children's Geographies, 7(4), 467-480.
- Lyon, F., & Porter, G. (2009). Market institutions, trust and norms: exploring moral economies in Nigerian food systems. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 33(5), 903-920.
- Porter, G., & Abane, A. (2008). Increasing children’s participation in African transport planning: reflections on methodological issues in a child-centred research project. Children's Geographies, 6(2), 151-167.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Kyei, P., Adjaloo, M., Rapoo, G., & Kilpatrick, K. (2008). Linkages between livelihood opportunities and refugee-host relations: learning from the experiences of Liberian camp-based refugees in Ghana. Journal of Refugee Studies, 21(2), 230-252.
- Hampshire, K., Porter, G., Kilpatrick, K., Kyei, P., Adjaloo, M., & Oppong, G. (2008). Liminal spaces: changing inter-generational relations among long-term Liberian refugees in Ghana. Human organization, 67(1), 25-36
- Porter, G. (2008). Transport planning in sub-Saharan Africa II: putting gender into mobility and transport planning in Africa. Progress in Development Studies, 8(3), 281-289.
- Porter, G. (2007). Transport planning in sub-Saharan Africa. Progress in Development Studies, 7(3), 251-257.
- Porter, G., Lyon, F., & Potts, D. (2007). Market institutions and urban food supply in West and Southern Africa: a review. Progress in Development Studies, 7(2), 115-134.
- Porter, G., Blaufuss, K., & Owusu Acheampong, F. (2007). Youth, mobility and rural livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa: perspectives from Ghana and Nigeria. Africa insight, 37(3), 420-431
- Porter, G., & Lyon, F. (2006). Groups as a means or an end? Social capital and the promotion of cooperation in Ghana. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 24(2), 249-262.
- Mawdsley, E., Townsend, J., & Porter, G. (2006). Trust, accountability and face-to-face interaction in North-South NGO relations. Development in Practice, 15(1), 77-82.
- Binns, T., Porter, G., Nel, E., & Kyei, P. (2006). Decentralizing poverty? reflections on the experience of decentralisation and the capacity to achieve local development in Ghana and South Africa. Africa insight, 35(4), 21-31.
- Porter, G. (2005). From periodic markets to supermarkets: what hope for equitable and sustainable food markets in Africa?. Journal of Sustainable Development, 2(2), 2-8
- Townsend, J., Porter, G., & Mawdsley, E. (2004). Creating spaces of resistance: development NGOs and their clients in Ghana, India and Mexico. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 36(5), 871-889.
- Porter, G., Harris, F., Lyon, F., Dung, J., & Adepetu, A. (2003). Markets, ethnicity and environment in a vulnerable landscape: the case of small-scale vegetable production on the Jos Plateau, Nigeria, 1991-2001. The Geographical Journal, 169(4), 370-381.
- Porter, G. (2003). NGOs and poverty reduction in a globalizing world: perspectives from Ghana. Progress in Development Studies, 3(2), 131-145.
- Porter, G. (2002). Living in a walking world: rural mobility and social equity issues in sub-Saharan Africa. World Development, 30(2), 285-300.
- Townsend, J., Porter, G., & Mawdsley, E. (2002). The role of the transnational community of non-government organisations: governance or poverty reduction?. Journal of International Development, 14(6), 829-839
- Porter, G. (2002). Improving mobility and access for the off-road rural poor through Intermediate Means of Transport. World transport policy & practice, 8(4), 6-19
- Porter, G., Rufino-Dabat, C., & Ramos da Souza, H. (2001). Local labour markets and the reconfiguration of the sugar industry in north-east Brazil. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 33(5), 826-854.
- Porter, G. (2000). Market places in Nigeria: patterns of continuity and change
- Porter, G., & Young, E. (1998). Decentralised environmental management and popular participation in coastal Ghana. Journal of International Development, 10, 515-526
- Porter, G., Young, E., & Dzietror, A. (1998). Pressures on an intensive irrigated cash-crop system in coastal Ghana. Geoforum, 28(3-4), 329-40.
- Abbot, J., Chambers, R., Dunn, C., Harris, T., Merode, E., Porter, G., Townsend, J., & Weiner, D. (1998). Participatory GIS: opportunity or oxymoron
- Porter, G., & Philips-HOward, K. (1997). Comparing contracts. World Development, 25(2), 227-238
- Porter, G., & Phillips-Howard, K. (1997). Contract farming in South Africa: a case study from KwaZulu Natal. Geography, 82(1), 38-44
- Porter, G. (1997). Mobility and inequality in rural Nigeria: the case of off-road communities. Journal of Economic and Human Geography, 88(1), 65-76
- Porter, G., & Phillips-Howard, K. (1997). Agricultural issues in the former homelands of South Africa: the case of Transkei. Review of African Political Economy, 72, 185-202
- Phillips-Howard, K., & Porter, G. (1996). Small-scale irrigation and the reconstruction and development of Transkei, South Africa. Area, 28(3), 373-383
- Nevett, T., & Porter, G. (1996). Perspectives on advertising from the Geographical literature: a critical review. International Journal of Advertising, 15(4), 373-382
- Porter, G. (1996). Company rivalry and indigenous markets in early colonial Nigeria. Journal of Macromarketing, 16(1), 91-102
- Porter, G. (1996). Structural adjustment programmes and road transport deterioration in West Africa: a review. Geography, 81(4), 8-11
- Porter, G., & Phillips-Howard, K. (1996). Tensions and transformation in a tea enterprise: Transkei, South Africa. The Geographical Journal, 162(3), 287-294
- Porter, G. (1995). The impact of road construction on women's trade in rural Nigeria. Journal of Transport Geography, 3(1), 3-14
- Porter, G., & Phillips-Howard, K. (1995). Farmers, labourers and the company: exploring relationships on a Transkei contract farming scheme
- Porter, G. (1995). 'Third world' research by 'first world' geographers: an Africanist perspective. Area, 27(2), 139-141
- Porter, R. (1994). Outgrower barley cultivation on the Jos Plateau, Nigeria: a case study of agricultural innovation. The Geographical Journal, 160(3), 319-327
- Porter, G. (1994). Food marketing and urban food supply on the Jos Plateau, Nigeria: a comparison of large and small producer strategies under SAP
- Porter, G. (1993). Accessibility and the changing marketing system in Nigeria. Journal of Macromarketing, 13(2), 54-63
- Porter, G., & Phillips-Howard, Z. (1993). Escaping from rural hardship: street children in Umtata, South Africa. African urban quarterly, 9(3-4), 12-22
- Porter, G., & Phillips-Howard, K. (1993). Bitter brew? Barley growing in Nigeria
- Porter, G. (1992). The Nigerian census surprise. Geography, 77(4), 371-374
- Porter, G. (1990). West Africa: coping with recession
- Porter, G. (1989). A note on slavery, seclusion and agrarian change in northern Nigeria. Journal of African History, 30, 487-491
- Porter, G. (1988). Perspectives on trade, mobility and gender in a rural market system: Borno, north-east Nigeria. Journal of Economic and Human Geography, 79(2), 82-92
- Porter, G. (1986). Periodic rural markets in Borno, north-east Nigeria. Annals of Borno, 3, 107-125
- Porter, G. (1984). Traders' travel patterns: the case of part-time trade among the Kanuri of Borno
- Porter, G. (1979). The marketing of agricultural produce in Cheshire during the nineteenth century. Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 126, 139-155
- Porter, G. (1979). The value of farm notebooks: a new example from Cheshire
Other (Print)
- Porter, G., & Mawdsley, E. (2008). Mobility and development
- Porter, G. (1998). Off-road trading: some perspectives from Africa
- Porter, G. (1976). Fuel supply: contributions to the surveys and planning reports prepared by Max Lock Group [Nigeria] for the North East State Government, Nigeria [limited circulation]
- Porter, G. (1976). Agriculture: contributions to the surveys and planning reports prepared by Max Lock Group [Nigeria] for the North East State Government, Nigeria [limited circulation]
- Porter, G. (1976). Forestry: contributions to the surveys and planning reports prepared by Max Lock Group [Nigeria] for the North East State Government, Nigeria [limited circulation]
- Porter, G. (2013). Transport services and their impact on poverty and growth in rural sub-Saharan Africa. 2: Overview. Report to the Africa Community Access programme, London. Africa Community Access Programme (AFCAP)
- Porter, G. (2013). Transport services and their impact on poverty and growth in rural Sub-Saharan Africa. DFID Africa Community Access Programme
- Porter, G. (2012). Transport services and their impact on poverty and growth in rural sub-Saharan Africa: literature review. Report to the Africa Community Access Programme, London. Department for International Development (DFID), Africa Community Access Programme (AFCAP)
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Lolichen, P., Nandana Reddy, N., Abane, A., Mashiri, M., Buiten, D., Duna, Z., & Fernando, P. (2005). Improving policy on children's mobility and access through development of a participatory child-centred field methodology/toolkit. Report to the Department for International Development, May 2005. Department for International Development
- Porter, G., Lyon, F., Adamu, F., Obafemi, L., & Blench, R. (2005). Trade and markets in conflict development and conflict resolution in Nigeria. Policy Brief prepared for Nigerian government ministries and international donor agencies. [No known commissioning body]
- Porter, G., Lyon, F., & Network, T. N. M. (2005). Investigations on building a food marketing policy evidence base in Nigeria. Briefing Report. Department for International Development
- Porter, G., Owusu Acheampong, F., & Blaufuss, K. (2003). Socio-economic findings of the five village study: actions research to evaluate the impact on livelihoods of a set of post-harvest interventions in Ghana's off-road settlements. Report to the UK Department for International Development, June 2003. Department for International Development
- Porter, G. (2002). Intermediate means of transport : a review paper with special reference to Ghana. Department for International Development
- Porter, R. (1999). Workshop proceedings: Access to market opportunities in Ghana's off-road communities. [No known commissioning body]
- Porter, G. (1999). A literature and archival review of crop marketing and market accessibility issues with particular reference to Central Region, Ghana. [No known commissioning body]
- Porter, G. (1999). Access to market opportunities in Ghana's off-road communities: interim reports on fieldwork in Ghana: nos 1-3. [No known commissioning body]
- Porter, G., & Acheampong Owusu, F. (1999). A gazetteer of markets and roads serving Gomoa district. [No known commissioning body]
- Porter, G. (1999). Final technical report: access to market opportunities in Ghana's off-road communities. [No known commissioning body]
- Porter, G. (1999). Access to marekting opportunities in Ghana's off-road communities: a review of constraints and potential interventions in Ghana and Assin districts, Central Region. [No known commissioning body]
- Porter, G., Young, E., Dzietror, A., & Awumbila, M. (1998). Participatory approaches to the management of the coastal zone ecosystem in Ghana: Vol 2: database for Dangbe East, Gomoa and Keta districts, with an introduction by G. Porter. [No known commissioning body]
- Porter, G. (1998). Small-scale industry based on grasses, reed and palm products in coastal Ghana. [No known commissioning body]
- Porter, G. (1998). Resource endowment, access and management in coastal Ghana: archival sources. [No known commissioning body]
- Young, E., Porter, G., Awumbila, M., & Dzietror, A. (1998). Participatory GIS case studies. Case 3, Annex 3 of S. Luque, Use of geographic information systems for mineral resources and environmental management. [No known commissioning body]
- Porter, G. (1998). Participatory approaches to the management of the coastal zone ecosystem in Ghana. Vol 1: final summary report to the UK DFID. [No known commissioning body]
- Porter, G. (1997). Participatory approaches to the management of the coastal zone ecosystem in Ghana. Interim report. [No known commissioning body]
- Porter, G. (1997). Participatory approaches to the management of the coastal zone ecosysteme in Ghana. Interim report no. 7. [No known commissioning body]
- Porter, G. (1997). Research in the coastal zone ecosystem of Ghana: a position paper. [No known commissioning body]
- Porter, G. (1997). Participatory approaches to the management of the coastal zone ecosystem in Ghana. Interim report no. 2. [No known commissioning body]
- Porter, G., & Dzietror, A. (1996). Decentralization at the Environmental Progtection Agency: a review. [No known commissioning body]
- Clark, S., Foster-Smith, R., Porter, G., YOung, E., Armah, A., Dzietror, A., & Awumbila, M. (1996). A management information system for the coastal zone ecosystem of Ghan: its application to planning and developing multiple resource use strategies, vol 2. [No known commissioning body]
- Clark, S., Foster-Smith, R., Porter, G., Young, E., Armah, A., Dzietror, A., & Awumbila, M. (1996). A management information system for the coastal zone ecosystem of Ghan: its application to planning and developing multiple resource use strategies, vol 1. [No known commissioning body]
- Porter, G. (1996). Participatory approaches to environmental resource management issues in coastal Ghana: review and prospect of a programme. [No known commissioning body]
Working Paper
- Porter, G. (1993). Rural fuel supply and sales on the Jos Plateau [Part II of Fuelwood Studies]
- Porter, G. (1992). Rural markets on the Jos Plateau [incorporating a gazetteer]
- Porter, G. (1992). Food marketing and urban food supply on the Jos Plateau
- Porter, R. (1991). Barley cultivation for beer on the Jos Plateau: agricultural innovation as a response to structural adjustment
- Porter, G. (1991). The Derwentside project, 1989-1991: Department of Geography, University of Durham. Report to Enterprise in Higher Education, September 1991