Staff profile
Professor Bob Holdsworth
Professor of Structural Geology
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor of Structural Geology in the Department of Earth Sciences | +44 (0) 191 33 42299 |
2004 – present: Professor, Earth Sciences, University of Durham
2001 – 2004: Reader, Geological Sciences, University of Durham
1998 – 2001: Senior Lecturer, Geological Sciences, University of Durham
1989 – 1998: Lecturer, Geological Sciences, University of Durham
1987 – 1989: Lecturer, University of Reading
1985 – 1987: Lecturer, Geology, University of Liverpool
Career Research Highlights
Bob’s main research interests lie in the study of the structure, mechanics and transport properties of weak fault zones using fieldwork, microstructure and rock deformation experiments. Together with Nicola De Paola and Stefan Nielsen, he has recently established the Rock Mechanics Laboratory in the Earth Sciences Department at Durham. He has also pioneered studies of fractured basement reservoirs and the role played by pre-existing structures in controlling crustal deformation patterns at all scales. His international expertise in these areas has led to significant industry funding for his research, most notably in work related to the Clair oil field, the largest remaining asset in the UKCS. He also provides expert advice to the nuclear industry (new builds, geological disposal of waste) and is a member of the Office of Nuclear Regulation (ONR) Expert Panel in Seismic Hazard and Climate Change, contributing expertise on reactivation and capable faulting in the UK. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2022.
Bob has published 220 peer-reviewed papers and has edited 12 books. Since 2001, he has obtained research funding in excess of £2.9 Million. He is a former Head of Department (twice) and NERC KE Fellow.
Committee and Society Service
2022-Present: Chair, Scottish Geology Trust
2013 – 2016: PRC Panel Chair (RATE and Oil & Gas Decommissioning Programmes) NERC
2015 - 2016: NERC Anniversary Ambassador
2011 – present: Office of Nuclear Regulation (ONR) Expert Panel in Seismic Hazard and Climate Change (nuclear new-builds and geological disposal of radioactive waste)
2012 – 2015: Durham University NERC Liaison Group (Chair from 2012)
2010 – 2012: Peer Review College Member NERC
2009 – 2013: NERC KE Fellow, representing the Institute for Hazards, Risk and Resilience and the Durham Energy Institute NERC
Pre-2009: Special Advisor in Structural Geology for RAE 2008; Council Member, Geological Society of London; President of the Tectonic Studies Group Geological Society of London
Conferences and Workshops
2017: Convenor of Special Session 'Dynamics in Mobile Belts' JpGU-AGU, Tokyo.
2014: Convenor of Conference: 'Geometry and Growth of Normal Faults’,Geological Society of London.
2011: Convenor: Special Session on; 'Fault zone structure, mechanics and evolution in nature and laboratory' - EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
2011: Co-organizer - Tectonic Studies Group Annual Meeting: Research in Progress, Durham.
2010: Convened Special Session on; 'Deformation Mechanisms, Microstructures, and Frictional Properties of Upper Crustal Fault Zones' - EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
2009: Convenor: Scientific session TS26: 'Tectonic Reactivation Processes and Fault Zone Weakening' - AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
Editorial Roles
2017- present: Editorial Board Member, Nature Scientific Reports
2017 – present: Editorial Advisory Board Member, GEOLOGY
2013 – 2016; 2023: Associate Editor, GEOLOGY
2013 – present: Editorial Advisory Board Member, Journal of Structural Geology
2004 – 2006: Editorial Advisory Board Member, Geology
2004 – 2012: Editor, Journal of Structural, Geology
1998 – 2004: Series Editor, Geological Society of London, Special Publications
Membership of Organizations and Societies
Fellow, Geological Society of America
Fellow, Higher Education Academy
Fellow, Geological Society of London
Member, American Geophysical Union
Member, European Geosciences Union
Prizes & Awards
2023: Dewey Medal - Geological Society of London
2022: Fellowship - Royal Society of Edinburgh
2018: Durham University Impact & Engagement Award for ‘Fractured Basement Reservoirs’
2018: Runner-up in the 2018 NERC Impact Awards (Economic Category) for project: “Opening-up a New Type of Petroleum Reservoir to Supply Energy to the UK”
2018: Coke Medal - Geological Society of London
2017: Clough Medal - Edinburgh Geological Society
2007: Vice Chancellor's award for Excellence in Doctoral Supervision - Durham University
2006: Aberconway Medal - Geological Society of London
2004: Elected Fellow - Geological Society of America
2000: Lyell Fund - for 'excellence in published research' - Geological Society of London
Bob's PhD students have also won several major international awards, including:
Ramsay Medal (6 times: Nic De Paola 2006, Juilin Guo 2010, Steve Smith 2011, Rich Walker 2012, Chris Harbord 2018; Kit Hardman 2021)
GSL Young Author/Early Career Award (Nic De Paola 2005, Kit Hardman 2021, Alex Tamas 2023)
GSL Presidents Award (Steve Smith 2008)
AGU Best Paper (twice: Steve Smith,2008, Rachael Bullock 2014)
EGU Tectonics and Structural Geology Division Outstanding Young Scientists Award (Steve Smith 2013).
Recent Research Grants and Consultancy
2015 - NERC capital grant (as Co-I), “HiFAST, A portable, high-frequency acquisition system to measure dynamic stress and strain in natural rocks experimentally deformed at seismic, high strain-rates”
2015 - BP: "Understanding the Clair Field Fractured Basement: Implcations for Reservoir Appraisal"
2014 - EDC Philippines, "Fracture systems in a volcanic geothermal field, Philippines"
2013 - NERC Oil & Gas Catalyst Award (as Co-I): "Commercial development & application of the Re-Os geochronometer"
2012 - Clair Joint Venture Group: "Re-Os Geochronology, Scotland"
2011 - Clair Joint Venture Group: "Fracturing in the Orcadian Basin"
2011 - NERC Standard Grant (as Co-I): "Fault lubrication during earthquake propagation in thermally unstable rocks"
2009 - Statoil/SINDRI: "Fractures in Crystalline Rocks"
2009 - Leverhulme Fellowship: "Frictional slip localisation along weak faults"
2009 - NERC KE Fellowship
Research Interests
Reactivation tectonics in continental settings.
Long-term and dynamic weakening mechanisms along faults.
Fractured crystalline reservoirs.
Strain partitioning in deformation zones.
Flow kinematics in crustal and mantle shear zones.
Study areas: NW Scotland, Greenland, Newfoundland, Brazil, SW Cyprus, California, Central Norway, Shetland, Faroes, Northern England, SW England, SE Scotland, Italy, Japan, Vietnam, Middle East, Philippines.
Selected Invited Keynotes
2017: AAPG ICE, London:"Cracked and full of sand: insights into how fractures enable ingress of oil into crystalline basement"
2017: EGU Annual General Meeting, Vienna: "Tectonic Inheritance, Reactivation and Long Term Fault Weakening Processes"
2016: JpGU Dynamics of Mobile Belts Conference, Takayama, Japan: "Going Beyond Brittle Deformation: Insights into Seismogenic Slip Processes from Natural and Experimental Faults".
2015: AGU Annual General Meeting, San Francisco:"Beyond Brittle Deformation: Insights into Seismogenic Slip Processes from Natural and Experimental Faults"
2013: Tectonic Studies Group: “Geological constraints on fault dynamic weakening mechanisms from natural slip surfaces in carbonate faults.”
2010: Padova University International Workshop on Faults and Seismicity: "When seismic faults go bad: some geological insights into the causes of weakening & creep"
2009: AGU Annual General Meeting, San Francisco: "The microstructural character and evolution of fault rocks from the SAFOD core and potential weakening mechanisms along the San Andreas Fault"
2009: AGU Annual General Meeting, San Francisco: “Continental basement inheritance and multiscale rifted ocean margin architectures: case studies from the N Atlantic-Greenland region.”
Esteem Indicators
- 2018: Coke Medal:
Awarded by the Geological Society of London for outstanding research and contributions to the geosciences community.
- 2018: NERC Impact Award (Runner-up):
Runner-up in the 2018 NERC Impact Awards (Economic Category) for project: “Opening-up a New Type of Petroleum Reservoir to Supply Energy to the UK”
- 2018: Durham University Impact & Engagement Award: Overall winner for Impact Case Study on ‘Fractured Basement Reservoirs’
Authored book
Chapter in book
- Pless, J., McCaffrey, K., Jones, R., Holdsworth, R., Conway, A., & Krabbendam, M. (2015). 3D characterization of fracture systems using Terrestrial Laser Scanning: an example from the Lewisian basement of NW Scotland. In F. Richards, N. Richardson, S. Rippington, R. Wilson, & C. Bond (Eds.), Industrial structural geology : principles, techniques and integration (125-141). The Geological Society.
- Holdsworth, R., Alsop, G., & Strachan, R. (2007). Tectonic stratigraphy and structural continuity of the northernmost Moine Thrust Zone and Moine Nappe, Scottish Caledonides. In A. Ries (Ed.), Continental Tectonics. Geological Society, London, Spec
- Alsop, G., & Holdsworth, R. (2007). Flow perturbation folding in shear zones. In A. Ries (Ed.), Continental Tectonics. Geological Society, London, Spec
- Jones, R., McCaffrey, K., Wilson, R., & Holdsworth, R. (2005). Digital field data acquisition: towards increased quantification of uncertainty during geological mapping. In A. Curtis, & R. Wood (Eds.), Geological prior information : informing science and engineering (43-56). The Geological Society
- Alsop, G., & Holdsworth, R. (2004). Shear zone folds: records of flow perturbations or structural inheritance?. In G. Alsop, R. Holdsworth, K. McCaffrey, & M. Hand (Eds.), Flow Processes in Faults and Shear Zones (177-199). The Geological Society
- Alsop, G., & Holdsworth, R. (2004). Shear zones - an introduction and overview. In G. Alsop, R. Holdsworth, K. McCaffrey, & M. Hand (Eds.), Flow Processes in Faults and Shear Zones (1-9). Geological Society, London, Spec.
- McCaffrey, K., Sleight, J., Pugliese, S., & Holdsworth, R. (2003). Fracture formation and evolution in crystalline rocks: Insights from attribute analysis. In N. Petford, & K. McCaffrey (Eds.), Hydrocarbons in Crystalline rocks (109-124). Geological Society of London Special Publication.
- Storti, F., Holdsworth, R., & Salvini, F. (2003). Intraplate strike-slip deformation belts. In F. Storti, R. Holdsworth, & F. Salvini (Eds.), Intraplate Strike-Slip Deformation Belts (1-14). Spec. Publ. Geol. Soc
- Storti, F., Holdsworth, R., & Salvini, F. (2003). Preface. In F. Storti, R. Holdsworth, & F. Salvini (Eds.), Intraplate Strike-Slip Deformation Belts. Spec. Publ. Geol. Soc.
- Turner, J., & Holdsworth, R. (2002). Extensional Tectonics: Regional-scale Processes. In R. Holdsworth, & J. Turner (Eds.), Extensional Tectonics: Regional-scale Processes (part 1) (1-9). The Geological Society
- Turner, J., & Holdsworth, R. (2002). Extensional tectonics: faulting and related processes. In R. Holdsworth, & J. Turner (Eds.), Extensional Tectonics: Faulting & Related Processes (Part 2) (1-9). The Geological Society
- Holdsworth, R., Strachan, R., Magloughlin, J., & Knipe, R. (2001). Preface. In R. Holdsworth, R. Strachan, J. Magloughlin, & R. Knipe (Eds.), The Nature and Tectonic Significance of Fault Zone Weakening. Spec. Publ. Geol. Soc
- Holdsworth, R., Hand, M., Miller, J., & Buick, I. (2001). Continental reactivation and reworking: an introduction. In J. Miller, R. Holdsworth, I. Buick, & M. Hand (Eds.), Continental Reactivation and (1-12). Spec. Publ. Geol. Soc.
- Holdsworth, R., Stewart, M., Imber, J., & Strachan, R. (2001). The structure and rheological evolution of reactivated continental fault zones: a review and case study. In J. Miller, J. Holdsworth, R. Holdsworth, I. Buick, & M. Hand (Eds.), Continental Reactivation and Reworking (115-137). Geological Society Publishing House.
- Rutter, E., Holdsworth, R., & Knipe, R. (2001). The nature and tectonic significance of fault zone weakening: an introduction. In R. Holdsworth, R. Strachan, J. Magloughlin, & R. Knipe (Eds.), The Nature and Tectonic Significance of Fault Zone Weakening (1-11). The Geological Society.
- Beacom, L., Holdsworth, R., McCaffrey, K., & Anderson, T. (2001). A quantitative study of the influence of pre-existing heterogeneities upon fracture-zone development during basement reactivation. In R. Holdsworth, R. Strachan, J. Magloughlin, & R. Knipe (Eds.), The Nature and Tectonic Significance of Fault Zone Weakening (195-211). Spec. Publ. Geol. Soc
- Holdsworth, R., Woodcock, N., & Strachan, R. (2000). Geological framework of Britain and Ireland. In N. Woodcock, & R. Strachan (Eds.), The Geological Framework of Britain and Ireland (19-37). Blackwell
- Strachan, R., & Holdsworth, R. (2000). Proterozoic sedimentation, orogensis and magmatism on the Laurentian Craton (2500-750Ma). In N. Woodcock, & R. Strachan (Eds.), The Geological History of Britain and Ireland (52-72). Blackwell
- Strachan, R., & Holdsworth, R. (2000). Late Neoproterozoic (
- Jones, R., & Holdsworth, R. (1998). Oblique simple shear in transpression zones. In R. Holdsworth, R. Strachan, & J. (. Dewey (Eds.), Continental Transpressional and Transtensional Tectonics (35-40). Spec. Publ. Geol. Soc
- Holdsworth, R., Strachan, R., & Dewey, J. (1998). Preface. In R. Holdsworth, R. Strachan, & J. Dewey (Eds.), Continental Transpressional and Transtensional Tectonics. Spec. Publ. Geol. Soc
- Dewey, J., Holdsworth, R., & Strachan, R. (1998). Transpression and transtension zones. In R. Holdsworth, R. Strachan, & J. Dewey (Eds.), Continental Transpressional and Transtensional (1-14). Spec. Publ. geol. Soc
- D'Lemos, R., & Holdsworth, R. (1995). Sm-Nd isotopic characteristics in the northeastern Gander Zone, Newfoundland Appalachians. In J. Hibbard, C. van Staal, & P. Cawood (Eds.), Current Perspectives in the Appalachian - Caledonian Orogen (239-252). Special Paper of the Geological Association of Canada
- Strachan, R., Chadwick, R., Friend, C., Holdsworth, R., & Tribe, I. (1995). New Perspectives on the Caledonian Orogeny in the North-East Greenland. In J. Hibbard, C. van Staal, & P. Cawood (Eds.), Current Perspectives in the Appalachian - Caledonian Orogen (303-322). Special Paper of the Geological Association of Canada
- Holdsworth, R., Strachan, R., & Harris, A. (1994). Moine Supergroup. In W. Gibbons, & A. Harris (Eds.), A Revised Correlation of Precambrian Rocks in the British Isles (23-32). Spec. Rep. of the geol. Soc
- Holdsworth, R., & Grant, C. (1990). Convergence - related 'dynamic spreading' in a mid-crustal ductile thrust zone: a possible orogenic wedge model. In R. Knipe, & E. Rutter (Eds.), Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics (491-500). Spec. Publ. geol. Soc
- Barr, D., Strachan, R., Holdsworth, R., & Roberts, A. (1988). Summary of the geology of the Moine. In I. Allison, & et al. (Eds.), An Excursion Guide to the Moine Geology of the Scottish Highlands (11-38). Scottish Academic Press
- Moorhouse, S., Moorhouse, V., & Holdsworth, R. (1988). Excursion 12: North Sutherland. In I. Allison, & et al. (Eds.), An Excursion Guide to the Moine Geology of the Scottish Highlands (216-49). Scottish Academic Press
Conference Paper
Edited book
- Alsop, G., McCaffrey, K., Holdsworth, R., & Hand, M. (Eds.). (2004). Flow Processes in Faults and Shear Zones
- Storti, F., Holdsworth, R., & Salvini, F. (Eds.). (2003). Intraplate Strike-Slip Deformation Belts
- Turner, J., & Holdsworth, R. (Eds.). (2002). Extensional Tectonics: Faulting & Related Processes (Part 2). The Geological Society
- Turner, J., & Holdsworth, R. (Eds.). (2002). Extensional Tectonics: Regional-scale Processes (part 1). The Geological Society
- Miller, J., Holdsworth, R., Buick, I., & Hand, M. (Eds.). (2001). Continental Reactivation and Reworking
- Holdsworth, R., Strachan, R., Magloughlin, J., & Knipe, R. (Eds.). (2001). The Nature and Tectonic Significance of Fault Zone Weakening
- Holdsworth, R., Strachan, R., & Dewey, J. (Eds.). (1998). Continental Transpressional and Transtensional Tectonics
Journal Article
- Holdsworth, R., Alsop, G., McErlean, M., Strachan, R., Burns, I., Graham, S., & Blackbourn, G. (online). Tongue (Sheet 114E, Solid) 1:50,000 Map sheet
- Strachan, R., Holdsworth, R., Alsop, G., & Butler, R. (online). Loch Eriboll (Sheet 114W, Solid)
- Strachan, R. A., Kirkland, C. L., Finlay, A. J., Wray, D. S., Metcalfe, J. H., & Holdsworth, R. E. (2024). U–Pb apatite geochronology shows multiple thermal overprints within the Neoarchean foreland basement of the Faroe–Shetland Terrane. Journal of the Geological Society, 181(5),
- Armitage, T. B., Holdsworth, R. E., Strachan, R. A., Dempsey, E. D., Walker, R. J., Alvarez-Ruiz, D. T., & Lloyd, G. E. (2024). Overprinting orogenic events, ductile extrusion and strain partitioning during Caledonian transpression, NW Mainland Shetland. Journal of Structural Geology, 180, Article 105088.
- Tamas, A., Holdsworth, R. E., Tamas, D. M., Dempsey, E. D., Hardman, K., Bird, A., Roberts, N. M. W., Lee, J., Underhill, J. R., McCarthy, D., McCaffrey, K. J. W., & Selby, D. (2023). Older than you think: using U–Pb calcite geochronology to better constrain basin-bounding fault reactivation, Inner Moray Firth Basin, western North Sea. Journal of the Geological Society, 180(5),
- Utley, T. A., Holdsworth, R. E., Walker, R. J., Dempsey, E. D., McCaffrey, K. J., Dichiarante, A., & Jones, T. L. (2023). An onshore-offshore interpretation of structures in the Devonian rocks of the Pentland Firth, Scotland using high resolution bathymetry and drone-enabled field observations. Journal of Structural Geology, 174, Article 104922.
- Utley, T. A. G., Holdsworth, R. E., Blackbourn, G. A., Dempsey, E., Strachan, R. A., McCaffrey, K. J. W., Morton, A. C., Bird, A. F., Jones, R. R., Saßnowski, A., & Walker, R. J. (2023). Strike-slip influenced stratigraphic and structural development of the Foula Sandstone Group, Shetland: implications for offshore Devonian basin development on the northern UK continental shelf. Journal of the Geological Society, 180(3),
- Watts, L. M., Holdsworth, R. E., Roberts, D., Sleight, J. M., & Walker, R. J. (2023). Structural evolution of the reactivated Møre–Trøndelag Fault Complex, Fosen Peninsula, Norway. Journal of the Geological Society, 180(3),
- Tamas, A., Holdsworth, R. E., Tamas, D. M., Dempsey, E. D., Hardman, K., Bird, A., Underhill, J. R., McCarthy, D., McCaffrey, K. J., & Selby, D. (2023). Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry Coupled with In Situ Fieldwork and U-Pb Geochronology to Decipher Multi-Phase Deformation Processes: A Case Study from Sarclet, Inner Moray Firth Basin, UK. Remote Sensing, 15(3), Article 695.
- Hardman, K., Holdsworth, R., Scott, L., Dempsey, E., & McCaffrey, K. (2023). Mid-crustal reactivation processes linked to frictional melting and deep void development during seismogenic slip: examples from the Lewisian Complex, NW Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 180(2),
- Hardman, K., Holdsworth, R., Palladino, G., Prosser, G., Killingback, Z., & McCaffrey, K. (2023). Geology and evolution of fissure systems in fractured basement rocks, Calabria, southern Italy: implications for sub-unconformity reservoirs and aquifers. Journal of the Geological Society, 180(3),
- Tamas, A., Holdsworth, R. E., Underhill, J. R., Tamas, D. M., Dempsey, E. D., McCarthy, D. J., McCaffrey, K. J., & Selby, D. (2022). Correlating deformation events onshore and offshore in superimposed rift basins: The Lossiemouth Fault Zone, Inner Moray Firth Basin, Scotland. Basin Research, 34(4), 1314-1340.
- Trice, R., Hiorth, C., & Holdsworth, R. (2022). Fractured basement play development on the UK and Norwegian rifted margins. Geological Society Special Publications, 495, 73-97.
- Tamas, A., Holdsworth, R. E., Underhill, J. R., Tamas, D. M., Dempsey, E. D., Hardman, K., Bird, A., McCarthy, D., McCaffrey, K. J., & Selby, D. (2022). New onshore insights into the role of structural inheritance during Mesozoic opening of the Inner Moray Firth Basin, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 179(2), jgs2021-066.
- Roberts, N. M., & Holdsworth, R. E. (2022). Timescales of faulting through calcite geochronology: A review. Journal of Structural Geology, 158,
- Urai, J., Holdsworth, R., & Kettermann, M. (2021). A new model for the growth of normal faults developed above pre-existing structures: COMMENT. Geology, 49(9),
- Dempsey, E., Holdsworth, R., Selby, D., Bird, A., Young, B., & Le Cornu, C. (2021). A revised age, structural model and origin for the North Pennine Orefield in the Alston Block, northern England: intrusion (Whin Sill)-related base metal (Cu–Pb–Zn–F) mineralization. Journal of the Geological Society, 178(4), jgs2020-226.
- Pozzi, G., De Paola, N., Nielsen, S., Holdsworth, R., Tesei, T., Thieme, M., & Demouchy, S. (2021). Coseismic fault lubrication by viscous deformation. Nature Geoscience, 14(6), 437-442.
- Gillespie, P. A., Holdsworth, R., Long, D., Williams, A., & Gutmanis, J. (2021). Introduction: geology of fractured reservoirs. Journal of the Geological Society, 178(2), Article jgs2020-197.
- Alsop, G., Strachan, R., Holdsworth, R., & Burns, I. (2021). Geometry of folded and boudinaged pegmatite veins emplaced within a strike-slip shear zone: A case study from the Caledonian orogen, northern Scotland. Journal of Structural Geology, 142, Article 104233.
- Campbell, L., Lloyd, G., Phillips, R., Walcott, R., & Holdsworth, R. (2021). Stress fields of ancient seismicity recorded in the dynamic geometry of pseudotachylyte in the Outer Hebrides Fault Zone, UK. Journal of the Geological Society, 178(1), jgs2020-101.
- McCaffrey, K., Holdsworth, R., Pless, J., Franklin, B., & Hardman, K. (2020). Basement reservoir plumbing: Fracture aperture, length and topology analysis of the Lewisian Complex, NW Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 177(6), 1281-1293.
- Armitage, T. B., Watts, L. M., Holdsworth, R. E., & Strachan, R. A. (2020). Late Carboniferous dextral transpressional reactivation of the crustal-scale Walls Boundary Fault, Shetland: the role of pre-existing structures and lithological heterogeneities. Journal of the Geological Society, 178, Article jgs2020-078.
- Holdsworth, R., Trice, R., Hardman, K., McCaffrey, K., Morton, A., Frei, D., Dempsey, E., Bird, A., & Rogers, S. (2020). The nature and age of basement host rocks and fissure fills in the Lancaster field fractured reservoir, West of Shetland. Journal of the Geological Society, 177(5), 1057-1073.
- Strachan, R., Alsop, G., Ramezani, J., Frazer, R., Burns, I., & Holdsworth, R. (2020). Patterns of Silurian deformation and magmatism during sinistral oblique convergence, northern Scottish Caledonides. Journal of the Geological Society, 177(5), 893-910.
- Pastoriza-Primaleon, L., McCaffrey, K. J., & Holdsworth, R. E. (2020). Fracture Attribute and Topology Characteristics of a Geothermal Reservoir: Southern Negros, Philippines. Journal of the Geological Society, 177(5), 1092-1106.
- Hardman, K., Holdsworth, R. E., Dempsey, E., & McCaffrey, K. (2020). The nature and significance of rift-related, near-surface fissure fill networks in fractured carbonates below regional unconformities. Journal of the Geological Society, 177(6), 1168-1185.
- Holdsworth, R., Selby, D., Dempsey, E., Scott, L., Hardman, K., Fallick, A., & Bullock, R. (2020). The nature and age of Mesoproterozoic strike-slip faulting based on Re-Os geochronology of syn-tectonic copper mineralization, Assynt Terrane, NW Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 177(4), 686-699.
- Schiffer, C., Doré, A. G., Foulger, G. R., Franke, D., Geoffroy, L., Gernigon, L., Holdsworth, R., Kusznir, N., Lundin, E., McCaffrey, K., Peace, A., Petersen, K. D., Phillips, T., Stephenson, R., Stoker, M. S., & Welford, K. (2020). Structural inheritance in the North Atlantic. Earth-Science Reviews, 206, Article 102975.
- dos Santos, I. M., L. Pinheiro, R. V., Holdsworth, R. E., Nogueira, A. C. R., Santos, H. P., & Domingos, F. H. G. (2020). Basement-cover relationships and deformation in The Northern Paraguai Belt, central Brazil: Implications for the Neoproterozoic-early palaeozoic history of western Gondwana. Journal of the Geological Society, 177(3), 475-491.
- Killingback, Z., Holdsworth, R., Walker, R., Nielsen, S., Dempsey, E., & Hardman, K. (2020). A bigger splat: The catastrophic geology of a 1.2-b.y.-old terrestrial megaclast, northwest Scotland. Geology, 49(2), 180-184.
- Dichiarante, A., Holdsworth, R., Dempsey, E., McCaffrey, K., & Utley, T. (2020). Outcrop-scale manifestations of reactivation during multiple superimposed rifting and basin inversion events: the Devonian Orcadian Basin, northern Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 178(1),
- Roberts, N. M., Lee, J. K., Holdsworth, R. E., Jeans, C., Farrant, A. R., & Haslam, R. (2020). Near-surface Palaeocene fluid flow, mineralisation and faulting at Flamborough Head, UK: new field observations and U–Pb calcite dating constraints. Solid Earth, 11(5), 1931-1945.
- Dichiarante, A. M., McCaffrey, K. J., Holdsworth, R. E., Bjørnarå, T. I., & Dempsey, E. D. (2020). Fracture attribute scaling and connectivity in the Devonian Orcadian Basin with implications for geologically equivalent sub-surface fractured reservoirs. Solid Earth, 11(6), 2221-2244.
- Benítez-Pérez, J. M., Castiñeiras, P., Gómez-Barreiro, J., Martínez Catalán, J. R., Kylander-Clark, A., & Holdsworth, R. E. (2020). Unraveling the origins and P-T-t evolution of the allochthonous Sobrado unit (Órdenes Complex, NW Spain) using combined U–Pb titanite, monazite and zircon geochronology and rare-earth element (REE) geochemistry. Solid Earth, 11(6), 2303-2325.
- Kinny, P., Strachan, R., Fowler, M., Clark, C., Davis, S., Jahn, I., Taylor, R., Holdsworth, R., & Dempsey, E. (2019). The Neoarchaean Uyea Gneiss Complex, Shetland: an onshore fragment of the Rae Craton on the European Plate. Journal of the Geological Society, 176(5), 847-862.
- Holdsworth, R., McCaffrey, K., Dempsey, E., Roberts, N., Hardman, K., Morton, A., Feely, M., Hunt, J., Conway, A., & Robertson, A. (2019). Natural fracture propping and earthquake-induced oil migration in fractured basement reservoirs. Geology, 47(8), 700-704.
- Wilson, P., McCaffrey, K., & Holdsworth, R. (2019). Magma-driven accommodation structures formed during sill emplacement at shallow crustal depths: The Maiden Creek sill, Henry Mountains, Utah. Geosphere, 15(4), 1368-1392.
- Pozzi, G., De Paola, N., Holdsworth, R. E., Bowen, L., Nielsen, S. B., & Dempsey, E. D. (2019). Coseismic ultramylonites: An investigation of nanoscale viscous flow and fault weakening during seismic slip. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 516, 164-175.
- Holdsworth, R., Morton, A., Frei, D., Gerdes, A., Strachan, R., Dempsey, E., Warren, C., & Whitham, A. (2019). The nature and significance of the Faroe-Shetland Terrane: linking Archaean basement blocks across the North Atlantic. Precambrian Research, 321, 154-171.
- Pastoriza, L., Holdsworth, R. E., McCaffrey, K., & Dempsey, E. (2018). Tectonic evolution of the Southern Negros Geothermal Field and implications for the development of fractured geothermal systems. Geofluids, 2018, Article 6025038.
- Pozzi, G., De Paola, N., Nielsen, S., Holdsworth, R., & Bowen, L. (2018). A new interpretation for the nature and significance of mirror-like surfaces in experimental carbonate-hosted seismic faults. Geology, 46(7), 583-586.
- Bubeck, A., Walker, R., Imber, J., Holdsworth, R., MacLeod, C., & Holwell, D. (2017). Extension parallel to the rift zone during segmented fault growth: application to the evolution of the NE Atlantic. Solid Earth, 8(6), 1161-1180.
- Harbord, C. W., Nielsen, S. B., De Paola, N., & Holdsworth, R. E. (2017). Earthquake nucleation on rough faults. Geology, 45(10), 931-934.
- Wilkinson, M., McCaffrey, K., Jones, R., Roberts, G., Holdsworth, R., Gregory, L., Walters, R., Wedmore, L., Goodall, H., & Iezzi, F. (2017). Near-field fault slip of the 2016 Vettore Mw 6.6 earthquake (Central Italy) measured using low-cost GNSS. Scientific Reports, 7, Article 4612.
- Sagi, D., De Paola, N., McCaffrey, K., & Holdsworth, R. (2016). Fault and fracture patterns in low porosity chalk and their potential influence on sub-surface fluid flow—A case study from Flamborough Head, UK. Tectonophysics, 690(A), 35-51.
- Wilson, P., McCaffrey, K., Wilson, R., Jarvis, I., & Holdsworth, R. (2016). Deformation structures associated with the Trachyte Mesa intrusion, Henry Mountains, Utah: Implications for sill and laccolith emplacement mechanisms. Journal of Structural Geology, 87, 30-46.
- Dichiarante, A., Holdsworth, R., Dempsey, E., Selby, D., McCaffrey, K., Michie, U., Morgan, G., & Bonniface, J. (2016). New structural and Re–Os geochronological evidence constraining the age of faulting and associated mineralization in the Devonian Orcadian Basin, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 173(3), 457-473.
- De Paola, N., Holdsworth, R., Viti, C., Collettini, C., & Bullock, R. (2015). Can grain size sensitive flow lubricate faults during the initial stages of earthquake propagation?. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 431, 48-58.
- Holdsworth, R., Dempsey, E., Selby, D., Darling, J., Feely, M., Costanzo, A., Strachan, R., Waters, P., Finlay, A., & Porter, S. (2015). Silurian–Devonian magmatism, mineralization, regional exhumation and brittle strike-slip deformation along the Loch Shin Line, NW Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 172(6), 748-762.
- Bullock, R., De Paola, N., & Holdsworth, R. (2015). An experimental investigation into the role of phyllosilicate content on earthquake propagation during seismic slip in carbonate faults. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 120(5), 3187-3207.
- Dempsey, E., Holdsworth, R., Imber, J., Bistacchi, A., & Di Toro, G. (2014). A geological explanation for intraplate earthquake clustering complexity: the zeolite-bearing fault/fracture networks in the Adamello Massif (Southern Italian Alps). Journal of Structural Geology, 66, 58-74.
- Vernon, R., Holdsworth, R., Selby, D., Dempsey, E., Finlay, A., & Fallick, A. (2014). Structural characteristics and Re–Os dating of quartz-pyrite veins in the Lewisian Gneiss Complex, NW Scotland: Evidence of an Early Paleoproterozoic hydrothermal regime during terrane amalgamation. Precambrian Research, 246, 256-267.
- Bullock, R. J., De Paola, N., Holdsworth, R. E., & Trabucho-Alexandre, J. (2014). Lithological controls on the deformation mechanisms operating within carbonate-hosted faults during the seismic cycle. Journal of Structural Geology, 58, 22-42.
- Walker, R., Holdsworth, R., Armitage, P., & Faulkner, D. (2013). Fault zone permeability structure evolution in basalts. Geology, 41(1), 59-62.
- Walker, R., Holdsworth, R., Imber, J., Faulkner, D., & Armitage, P. (2013). Fault zone architecture and fluid flow in interlayered basaltic volcaniclastic crystalline sequences. Journal of Structural Geology, 51, 92-104.
- Walker, R., Holdsworth, R., Imber, J., & Ellis, D. (2012). Fault zone evolution in layered basalt sequences: a case study from the Faroe Islands, NE Atlantic Margin. GSA Bulletin, 124(7-8), 1382-1393.
- Alsop, G., & Holdsworth, R. (2012). The three dimensional shape and localisation of deformation within multilayer sheath folds. Journal of Structural Geology, 44, 110-128.
- Smith, S., Holdsworth, R., & Collettini, R. (2011). Interactions between low-angle normal faults and plutonism in the upper crust: Insights from the Island of Elba, Italy. GSA Bulletin, 123(1-2), 329-346.
- Holdsworth, R., van Diggelen, E., Spiers, C., de Bresser, J., Walker, R., & Bowen, L. (2011). Fault rocks from the SAFOD core samples: Implications for weakening at shallow depths along the San Andreas Fault, California. Journal of Structural Geology, 33(2), 132-144.
- Smith, S., Holdsworth, R., Collettini, C., & Pearce, M. (2011). The microstructural character, evolution and mechanical significance of fault rocks associated with a continental low-angle normal fault: The Zuccale fault, Elba Island, Italy. Geological Society Special Publications, 359(1), 97-113.
- Walker, R., Holdsworth, R., Imber, J., & Ellis, D. (2011). The development of cavities and clastic infills along fault-related fractures in Tertiary basalts on the NE Atlantic margin. Journal of Structural Geology, 33(2), 92-106.
- Walker, R., Holdsworth, R., Imber, J., & Ellis, D. (2011). Onshore evidence for progressive changes in rifting directions during continental break-up in the NE Atlantic. Journal of the Geological Society, 168(1), 27-48.
- Wilson, R., Holdsworth, R., Wild, L., McCaffrey, K., England, R., Imber, J., & Strachan, R. (2010). Basement-influenced rifting and basin development: a reappraisal of post-Caledonian faulting patterns in the North Coast Transfer Zone, Scotland. Geological Society Special Publications, 335(1), 795-826.
- Collettini, C., Viti, C., Smith, S., & Holdsworth, R. (2009). The development of interconnected talc networks and weakening of continental low-angle normal faults. Geology, 37(6), 567-570.
- Jones, R., McCaffrey, K., Clegg, P., Wilson, R., Holliman, N., Holdsworth, R., Imber, J., & Waggott, S. (2009). Integration of regional to outcrop digital data: 3D visualisation of multi-scale geological models. Computers and Geosciences, 35(1), 4-18.
- Smith, S., Collettini, C., & Holdsworth, R. (2008). Recognizing the seismic cycle along ancient faults: CO2-induced fluidization of breccias in the footwall of sealing low-angle normal fault. Journal of Structural Geology, 30(8), 1034-1046.
- Jefferies, S., Holdsworth, R., Shimamoto, T., Takagi, H., Lloyd, G., & Spiers, C. (2006). Origin and mechanical significance of foliated cataclastic rocks in the cores of crustal-scale faults: Examples from the Median Tectonic Line, Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111,
- Wilson, R., McCaffrey, K., Holdsworth, R., Imber, J., Jones, R., Welbon, A., & Roberts, D. (2006). Complex fault patterns, transtension and structural segmentation of the Lofoten Ridge, Norwegian Margin: using digital mapping to link onshore and offshore geology. Tectonics, 25(4),
- Jefferies, S., Holdsworth, R., Wibberley, C., Shimamoto, T., Spiers, C., Niemeijer, A., & Lloyd, G. (2006). The nature and importance of phyllonite development in crustal-scale fault cores: an example from the Median Tectonic Line, Japan. Journal of Structural Geology, 28(2), 220-235.
- Collettini, C., De Paola, N., Holdsworth, R. E., & Barchi, M. (2006). The development and behaviour of low-angle normal faults during Cenozoic asymmetric extension in the Northern Apennines, Italy. Journal of Structural Geology, 28(2), 333-352.
- Healy, D., Jones, R., & Holdsworth, R. (2006). Three-Dimensional Brittle Shear Fracturing by Tensile Crack Interaction. Nature, 439, 64-67.
- Wilson, R., Klint, K., van Gool, J., McCaffrey, K., Holdsworth, R., & Chalmers, J. (2006). Faults and fractures in central West Greenland: onshore expression of continental break-up and sea-floor spreading in the Labrador – Baffin Bay Sea
- McCaffrey, K., Holdsworth, R., Imber, J., Clegg, P., De Paola, N., Jones, R., Hobbs, R., Holliman, N., & Trinks, I. (2005). Putting the geology back into Earth models. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 86(46), 461-466.
- McCaffrey, K., Jones, R., Holdsworth, R., Wilson, R., Clegg, P., Imber, J., Holliman, N., & Trinks, I. (2005). Unlocking the spatial dimension: digital technologies and the future of geoscience fieldwork. Journal of the Geological Society, 162(6), 927-938.
- Imber, J., Holdsworth, R., McCaffrey, K., Wilson, R., Jones, R., England, R., & Gjeldvik, G. (2005). Early Tertiary sinistral transpression and fault reactivation in the western Vøring Basin, Norwegian Sea: implications for hydrocarbon exploration and pre-break up deformation in ocean margin basins. AAPG Bulletin, 89(8), 1043-1069.
- Jones, R., Holdsworth, R., McCaffrey, K., Clegg, P., & Tavarnelli, E. (2005). Scale dependence, strain compatibility and heterogeneity of three-dimensional deformation during mountain building: a discussion. Journal of Structural Geology, 27(7), 1190-1204.
- De Paola, N., Holdsworth, R., & McCaffrey, K. (2005). The influence of lithology and pre-existing structures on reservoir-scale faulting patterns in transtensional rift zones. Journal of the Geological Society, 162(3), 471-480.
- De Paola, N., Holdsworth, R., McCaffrey, K., & Barchi, M. (2005). Partitioned transtension: an alternative to basin inversion models. Journal of Structural Geology, 27(4), 607-625.
- Clegg, P., & Holdsworth, R. (2005). Complex deformation as a result of strain partitioning in transpression zones: an example from the Leinster Terrane, SE Ireland. Journal of the Geological Society, 162, 187-202
- Wilson, R., McCaffrey, K., Jones, R., Imber, J., Clegg, P., & Holdsworth, R. (2005). Lofoten has its faults! Detailed fault analysis and 3D digital mapping in the Norway's Lofoten Islands. Geoscientist, 15(2), 4-9
- Clegg, P., Trinks, I., McCaffrey, K., Holdsworth, R., Jones, R., Hobbs, R., & Waggott, S. (2005). Towards the Virtual Outcrop. Geoscientist, 15(1), 8-9
- Trinks, I., Clegg, P., McCaffrey, K., Jones, R., Hobbs, R., Holdsworth, R., Holliman, N., Imber, J., Waggott, S., & Wilson, R. (2005). Mapping and analyzing virtual outcrops. Visual Geosciences, 10, 13-19.
- Alsop, G., & Holdsworth, R. (2005). Discussion on “Evidence for non-plane strain flattening along the Moine thrust, Loch Strath nan Aisinnin, North-West Scotland” by Mathew Strine and Steven F. Wojtal. Journal of Structural Geology, 27, 781-784
- Collettini, C., & Holdsworth, R. (2004). Fault zone weakening and character of slip along low-angle normal faults: insights from the Zuccale fault, Elba, Italy. Journal of the Geological Society, 161(6), 1039-1052.
- Jones, R., Holdsworth, R., Clegg, P., McCaffrey, K., & Tavarnelli, E. (2004). Inclined transpression. Journal of Structural Geology, 26(8), 1531-1548.
- Watts, L. M., Sherlock, S., Holdsworth, R. E., & Roberts, D. (2004). Dating fault reactivation by Ar/Ar laserprobe: an alternative view of apparently cogenetic mylonite-pseudotachylyte assemblages. Journal of the Geological Society, 161(3), 335-338
- Tavernelli, E., Holdsworth, R., Clegg, P., Jones, R., & McCaffrey, K. (2004). The anatomy and evolution of a transpressional imbricate zone, Southern Uplands, Scotland. Journal of Structural Geology, 26, 1341-1360.
- Holdsworth, R. (2004). Weak faults - rotten cores. Science, 303, 181-182
- Alsop, G., & Holdsworth, R. (2004). The geometry and kinematics of sheath folds. Journal of Structural Geology, 26, 1561-1590.
- Imber, J., Strachan, R., Holdsworth, R., & Butler, C. (2002). The initiation and early tectonic significance of the Outer Hebrides Fault Zone, Scotland. Geological Magazine, 139(6), 609-619.
- Holdsworth, R., Tavarnelli, E., & Clegg, P. (2002). The nature and regional significance of structures in the Gala Group of the Southern Uplands terrane, Berwickshire coast, southeastern Scotland. Geological Magazine, 139(6), 707-717.
- Alsop, G., & Holdsworth, R. (2002). The geometry and kinematics of flow perturbation folds. Tectonophysics, 350(2), 99-125.
- Holdsworth, R., Tavarnelli, E., Clegg, P., Pinheiro, R., Jones, R., & McCaffrey, K. (2002). Domainal deformation patterns and strain partitioning during transpression: an example from the Southern Uplands terrane, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 159(4), 401-415.
- Cook, C., Holdsworth, R., & Styles, M. (2002). The emplacement of peridotites and associated oceanic rocks from the Lizard Complex, southwest England. Geological Magazine, 139(1), 27-45.
- Imber, J., Holdsworth, R., Butler, C., & Strachan, R. (2001). A reappraisal of the Sibson-Scholz fault zone model: The nature of the frictional to viscous (‘brittle-ductile’) transition along a long-lived crustal-scale fault, Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Tectonics, 20(5), 601-624.
- Nutman, A., Green, D., Cook, C., Styles, M., & Holdsworth, R. (2001). SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of the exhumation of the Lizard Peridotite and its emplacement over crustal rocks: constraints for tectonic models. Journal of the Geological Society, 158, 809-820
- Stewart, M., Strachan, R., Martin, M., & Holdsworth, R. (2001). Constraints on early sinistral displacements along the Great Glen Fault Zone, Scotland: structural setting, U-Pb geochronology and emplacement of the syn-tectonic Clunes tonalite. Journal of the Geological Society, 158, 821-830
- Pinheiro, R., & Holdsworth, R. (2000). Evolução tectonoestratigráfica dos sistemas transcorrentes Carajás e cinzento, Cinturão Itacaiúnas, na borda leste do Craton Amazônico, Pará. Brazilian Journal of Geology, 30(4), 597-606
- Cook, C., Holdsworth, R., Styles, M., & Pearce, J. (2000). Pre-emplacement structural history recorded by mantle peridotites: an example from the Lizard Complex, SW England. Journal of the Geological Society, 157, 1049-1064
- Holdsworth, R., & Pinheiro, R. (2000). The anatomy of shallow-crustal transpressional structures: insights from the the Archaean Carajás Fault Zone, Amazon, Brazil. Journal of Structural Geology, 22, 1105-1123.
- Stewart, M., Holdsworth, R., & Strachan, R. (2000). Deformation processes and weakening mechanisms within the. Journal of Structural Geology, 22, 543-560.
- Holdsworth, R., Bailey, W., & Swarbrick, R. (2000). Kinematic history of a reactivated oceanic suture: the Mamonia Complex Suture Zone, SW Cyprus. Journal of the Geological Society, 157, 1107-1126
- Styles, M., Cook, C., & Holdsworth, R. (2000). The Geology of the Lizard Complex: 100 years of progress. Proceedings of the Ussher Society, 10(1),
- Roberts, A., & Holdsworth, R. (1999). Linking onshore and offshore structures: Mesozoic extension in the Scottish Highlands. Journal of the Geological Society, 156, 1061-1064
- Dewey, J., Holdsworth, R., & Strachan, R. (1999). Discussion on transpression and transtension zones: reply. Journal of the Geological Society, 156, 1048-1050
- Stewart, M., Strachan, R., & Holdsworth, R. (1999). The structure and early kinematic history of the Great Glen Fault Zone, Scotland. Tectonics, 18, 326-342
- Tavarnelli, E., & Holdsworth, R. (1999). How long do structures take to form in transpression zones? A cautionary tale from California. Geology, 27, 1063-1066.
- Holdsworth, R., McErlean, M., & Strachan, R. (1999). Discussion on the influence of country rock structural architecture during pluton emplacement: The Loch Loyal Syenites, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 156, 1238-1239
- Alsop, G., & Holdsworth, R. (1999). Vergence and facing patterns in large-scale sheath folds. Journal of Structural Geology, 21, 1335-1349.
- Holdsworth, R., McErlean, M., & Strachan, R. (1999). The influence of country rock structural architecture during pluton emplacement: The Loch Loyal Syenites, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 156, 163-175
- Beacom, L., Anderson, T., & Holdsworth, R. (1999). Using basement hosted clastic dykes as syn-rifting palaeostress indicators: an example from the basal Stoer Group, Scotland. Geological Magazine, 136, 301-310
- Pinheiro, R., & Holdsworth, R. (1998). The structure of the Carajas N-4 Ironstone deposit and associated rocks: relationship to Archaean strike-slip tectonics and basement reactivation in the Amazon region, Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 10, 305-319
- Cook, C., Holdsworth, R., & Styles, M. (1998). The tectonic evolution of peridotites in the Lizard ophiolite complex, south-west England
- Rogers, G., Hyslop, E., Strachan, R., Paterson, B., & Holdsworth, R. (1998). The structural setting and U-Pb geochronology of Knoydartian pegmatites in W. Inverness-shire: evidence for Neoproterozoic tectonothermal events in the Moine of NW Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 155, 685-696
- Jones, R. R., Holdsworth, R., & Bailey, W. (1997). Lateral extrusion in transpression zones: the importance of boundary conditions. Journal of Structural Geology, 19, 1201-1217
- Butler, R., Holdsworth, R., & Lloyd, G. (1997). The role of basement reactivation in continental deformation. Journal of the Geological Society, 154, 69-72
- Imber, J., Holdsworth, R., Butler, C., & Lloyd, G. (1997). Fault zone weakening processes along the reactivated Outer Hebrides Fault Zone, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 154, 105-110
- Stewart, M., Strachan, R., & Holdsworth, R. (1997). Direct field evidence for sinistral displacements along the Great Glen Fault Zone - late Caledonian reactivation of a regional basement structure ?. Journal of the Geological Society, 154, 135-140
- Pinheiro, R., & Holdsworth, R. (1997). Reactivation of Archaean strike-slip fault systems, Amazon region, Brazil. Journal of the Geological Society, 154, 99-104
- Holdsworth, R., Butler, C., & Roberts, A. (1997). The recognition of reactivation during continental deformation. Journal of the Geological Society, 154, 73-78
- D'Lemos, R., Schofield, D., Holdsworth, R., & King, T. (1997). Deep crustal and local rheological controls on siting and reactivation of fault and shear zones, northeastern Newfoundland. Journal of the Geological Society, 154, 117-122
- Alsop, G., Holdsworth, R., & Strachan, R. (1996). Transport-parallel cross-folds in a mid-crustal Caledonian thrust stack, Northern Scotland. Journal of Structural Geology, 18, 783-790
- Butler, C., Holdsworth, R., & Strachan, R. (1995). Evidence for Caledonian sinistral strike-slip motion and associated fault zone weakening, Outer Hebrides Fault Zone, NW Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 152, 743-746
- Pinheiro, R., & Holdsworth, R. (1995). Significado tectonico da clivagem transectando dobras em Serra Pelada, estado do Pará. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Série Ciências da Terra, 7, 259-278
- Holdsworth, R. (1994). The structural evolution of the Gander - Avalon terrane boundary: A reactivated transpression zone in the NE Newfoundland Appalachians. Journal of the Geological Society, 151, 629-646
- Strachan, R., Friderichsen, J., Holdsworth, R., & Jepsen, H. (1994). Regional geology and Caledonian structure, Dronning Louise Land, North-East Greenland
- Floyd, P., Holdsworth, R., & Steele, S. (1993). Geochemistry of the Start Complex greenschists: Rhenohercynian MORB ?. Geological Magazine, 130, 345-352
- Alsop, G., & Holdsworth, R. (1993). The distribution, geometry and kinematic significance of Caledonian buckle folds in the western Moine Nappe, Sutherland. Geological Magazine, 130, 353-362
- Holdsworth, R., D'Lemos, R., McErlean, M., & O'Brien, S. (1993). Deformation of the Cape Freels Granite related to dextral displacements along the Dover Fault, N.E. Newfoundland. Current research - Newfoundland. Geological Survey Branch, 93(1), 221-228
- Holdsworth, R., & O'Brien, S. (1993). A reconnaissance structural study along the Gander Zone - Avalon Zone boundary between Terra Nova Lake and the Ackley Granite, Newfoundland. Current research - Newfoundland. Geological Survey Branch, 93(1), 229-237
- Strachan, R., Holdsworth, R., Friderichsen, J., & Jepsen, H. (1992). Regional Caledonian structure within an oblique convergence zone, Dronning Louise Land, NE Greenland. Journal of the Geological Society, 149, 359-371
- Soper, N., Strachan, R., Holdsworth, R., Gayer, R., & Greiling, R. (1992). Sinistral transpression and the Silurian closure of Iapetus. Journal of the Geological Society, 149, 871-880
- Holdsworth, R. (1991). The geology and structure of the Gander - Avalon boundary zone in northeastern Newfoundland. Current research - Newfoundland. Geological Survey Branch, 91(1), 109-126
- Holdsworth, R., & Strachan, R. (1991). Interlinked system of ductile strike-slip and thrusting formed by Caledonian sinistral transpression in northeastern Greenland. Geology, 19, 510-13.
- Friderichsen, J., Holdsworth, R., Jepsen, H., & Strachan, R. (1990). Caledonian and pre-Caledonian geology of Dronning Louise Land, North-East Greenland
- Holdsworth, R. (1990). Progressive deformation structures associated with ductile thrusts in the Moine Nappe, Sutherland, N. Scotland. Journal of Structural Geology, 12, 443-52.
- Holdsworth, R. (1989). The geology and structural evolution of a Caledonian fold and ductile thrust zone, Kyle of Tongue region, Sutherland, N. Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 146, 809-23
- Holdsworth, R. (1989). Late brittle deformation in a Caledonian ductile thrust wedge: new evidence for gravitational collapse in the Moine Thrust sheet, Sutherland, Scotland. Tectonophysics, 170, 17-28
- Holdsworth, R. (1989). The Start - Perranporth Line: a Devonian terrane boundary in the Variscan orogen of SW England?. Journal of the Geological Society, 146, 419-21
- Holdsworth, R. (1988). The stereographic analysis of facing. Journal of Structural Geology, 10, 219-23.
- Holdsworth, R., & Strachan, R. (1988). The structural age and possible origin of the Vagastie Bridge granite and associated intrusions, Central Sutherland. Geological Magazine, 125, 613-20
- Strachan, R., & Holdsworth, R. (1988). Basement - cover relationships and structure within the Moine rocks of central and southeast Sutherland. Journal of the Geological Society, 145, 23-36
- Roberts, A., Strachan, R., Harris, A., Barr, D., & Holdsworth, R. (1987). The Sgurr Beag Nappe - a reassessment of the stratigraphy and structure of the Northern Highland Moine. GSA Bulletin, 98, 497-506
- Holdsworth, R., Harris, A., & Roberts, A. (1987). The stratigraphy, structure and regional significance of the Moine rocks of Mull, Argyll-shire, W. Scotland. Geological Journal, 22, 83-107
- Holdsworth, R., Harris, A., Barr, D., & Roberts, A. (1986). Discussion of the structural evolution in the Moine of northwest Scotland: a Caledonian linked thrust system?. Geological Magazine, 123, 455-6
- Barr, D., Holdsworth, R., & Roberts, A. (1986). Caledonian ductile thrusting within a Precambrian metamorphic complex: the Moine of N.W. Scotland. GSA Bulletin, 97, 754-64
- Roberts, A., Smith, D., Harris, A., & Holdsworth, R. (1985). Discussion of the structural setting and tectonic significance of the Glen Dessary Syenite, Inverness-shire. Journal of the Geological Society, 142, 713-18
- Holdsworth, R., & Roberts, A. (1984). Early curvilinear fold structures and strain in the Moine of the Glen Garry region, Inverness-shire. Journal of the Geological Society, 141, 327-38
- Long, J., Daniels, S., Holdsworth, R., Oxlade, D., Woods, C., Gilment, S., Roberts, A., Jarvis, Z., & Jones, R. Integrated Zechstein Study: Fracture Analysis Report. [No known commissioning body]
- Daniels, S., Long, J., Tucker, M., Mawson, M., Holdsworth, R., Wilkinson, M., & Gluyas, J. (2016). The Integrated Zechstein Study: An Overview. [No known commissioning body]
- Daniels, S., Holdsworth, R., Tucker, M., Oxlade, D., Vsemirnova, E., Roberts, A., Wilkinson, M., Woods, C., & Jarvis, Z. (2016). Integrated Zechstein Study: Observations of Breccia and Breccia Pipes at Marsden Bay, Tyne and Wear. [No known commissioning body]
- Holdsworth, R., & McCaffrey, K. (2016). Understanding the Clair field basement and its associated fracture systems: implications for reservoir appraisal. [No known commissioning body]
- Jones, R., Imber, J., Holdsworth, R., & McCaffrey, K. (2007). Outcrop Data as an Analogue to HEX Lewisian Basement Acreage: Analysis of Fracturing on Lewis & Harris, Outer Hebrides. Consultancy Report commissioned by Hurricane Exploration plc. [No known commissioning body]
- Holdsworth, R., McCaffrey, K., Jones, R., & Imber, J. (2007). Outcrop Data as an Analogue to HEX Lewisian Basement Acreage: Characterisation of Lewisian Fracturing in Scotland & the Møre-Trøndelag Fault Zone in Norway. Consultancy Report commissioned by Hurricane Exploration plc. [No known commissioning body]
- O'Brien, S., & Holdsworth, R. (1992). Geological development of the Avalon Zone, the easternmost Gander Zone, and the ductile Dover Fault in the Glovertown (NTS 2D/9, East Half) map area, eastern Newfoundland. [No known commissioning body]
- O'Brien, S., O'Neill, P., & Holdsworth, R. (1991). Preliminary geological map of part of the Glovertown 2D/9 map area, Newfoundland. [No known commissioning body]