Staff profile
Affiliation |
Emeritus Professor in the School of Education |
Research interests
- Critique of educational research
- The importance of Not Knowing
- The moral psychology of self-belief
- Virtue epistemology
Esteem Indicators
- 2013: Chair: Philosophy of Education Society of GB (elected)
- 2013: Output Assessor: Research Excellence Framework (REF) Panel 25 (Education)
- 2013: Commissioned by Routledge publishers: To produce Major Themes in Education: Philosophy of Education II (5-vol anthology covering 1998-2013), to be published in 2014
Authored book
- Smeyers, P., & Smith, R. (2014). Understanding Education and Educational Research. Cambridge University Press.
- Smith, R., Blake, N., Smeyers, P., & Standish, P. (2000). Education in An Age of Nihilism. RoutledgeFalmer
- Smith, R., Blake, N., Smeyers, P., & Standish, P. (1998). Thinking Again: Education After Postmodernism. Bergin & Garvey
- Smith, R., Blake, N., & Standish, P. (1998). The Universities We Need: Higher Education after Dearing. Kogan Page
Chapter in book
- Smith, R. (2019). Work for the enquiring spirit. In M. Papastephanou (Ed.), Philosophically curious about curiosity (128-149). Cambridge Scholars
- Smith, P., & Standish, P. (2018). Seeing the Points of Connection. In S. Ramaekers, & N. Hodgson (Eds.), Past, present, and future possibilities for philosophy and history of education : finding space and time for research (33-46). Festschrift for Paul Smeyers
- Smith, R. (2018). Wittgenstein, Science and the Social Sciences. In P. Smeyers (Ed.), International handbook of philosophy of education (443-455). Springer Verlag.
- Smith, R. (2018). The furnace of instrumental reason. In P. Smeyers, & M. Depaepe (Eds.), Educational research : ethics, social justice, and funding dynamics (209-222). Springer Verlag.
- Smith, R. (2017). Slow learning and the multiplicity of meaning. In M. Peters, & J. Stickney (Eds.), A companion to Wittgenstein on education : pedagogical investigations (101-113). Springer Verlag.
- Smith, R. (2014). An epistemic monoculture and the university of reasons. In D. Lewin, A. Guilherme, & M. White (Eds.), New Perspectives in the Philosophy of Education: Ethics, Politics and Religion. Bloomsbury
- Smith, R. (2014). Mud and hair: an essay on the conditions of educational research. In P. Smeyers, & M. Depaepe (Eds.), Educational research : material culture and its representation (133-144). Springer Verlag.
- Smith, R. (2014). Re-reading Plato: the slow cure for knowledge. In M. Papastephanou, T. Strand, & A. Pirrie (Eds.), Philosophy as a lived experience : navigating through dichotomies of thought and action (23-37). Lit
- Smith, R. (2014). Citizenship, therapy and the politics of irony. In J. Baldacchino, S. Galea, & D. Mercieca (Eds.), My Teaching, My Philosophy. Kenneth Wain: A Lifelong Engagement with Education (303-316). Peter Lang
- Smith, R. (2014). Philosophy in its place. In L. Waks (Ed.), Leaders in Philosophy of Education (245-254). (2nd series). Rotterdam: Sense
- Smith, R. (2014). Educational research and the light of science. In A. Reid, & et al. (Eds.), A Companion to Research in Education (155-158). Springer: Dordrecht
- Smith, R. (2013). The philosopher and the writer. In J. Gingell (Ed.), Education and the common good : essays in honor of Robin Barrow (1-12). Routledge
- Smith, R. (2013). Interpretation: The Space of Text. In P. Smeyers, M. Depaepe, & E. Keiner (Eds.), Educational research : the importance and effects of institutional spaces (115-126). Springer Verlag.
- Smith, R. (2013). The Theology of Education to Come. In Educational Research: The Attraction of Psychology (147-157). Springer Verlag.
- Smith, R. (2013). University Futures. In R. Smith (Ed.), Education Policy: Philosophical Critique (147-160). Wiley
- Smith, R. (2012). The play of Socratic dialogue. In N. Vansieleghem, & D. Kennedy (Eds.), Philosophy for Children in Transition (52-65). Wiley
- Smith, R. (2011). A bubble for the spirit level: metricophilia, rhetoric and philosophy. In P. Smeyers, & M. Depaepe (Eds.), Educational Research: the ethics and aesthetics of statistics (189-204). Springer Verlag
- Smith, R. (2010). Writing the philosophy of education. In R. Bailey (Ed.), The Philosophy of Education: an introduction (158-166). Continuum
- Smith, R. (2010). Poststructuralism, postmodernism and education. In R. Bailey, & et al. (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Philosophy of Education (139-150). SAGE Publications
- Smith, R. (2009). Authenticity and higher education: the Nietzschean university in the twenty-first century. In T. E. Hart (Ed.), Nietzsche, Culture and Education (1-11). Ashgate Publishing
- Smith, R. (2009). Half a language: listening in the city of words. In P. Smeyers, & M. Depaepe (Eds.), Proofs, Arguments and other Reasonings. Springer Verlag
- Smith, R. (2009). Half a language: listening in the city of words. In P. Smeyers, & M. Depaepe (Eds.), Educational Research: Proofs, Arguments and Other Reasoning (149-160). Springer Verlag
- Smith, R. (2008). The Padagogisierung of Philosophy. In P. Smeyers, & M. Depaepe (Eds.), Educational Research: The Educationalisation of Social Problems (205-215). Springer Verlag
- Smith, R. (2007). Penelope's work: only disconnect. In P. Smeyers, & M. Depaepe (Eds.), Educational Research: Networks and Technologies (163-175). Springer Verlag
- Smith, R. (2005). Paths of judgement: the revival of practical wisdom. In W. Carr (Ed.), The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Philosophy of Education. (Reprint). RoutledgeFalmer
- Smith, R. (2003). Research and revelation: what really works?. In M. Depaepe, & P. Smeyers (Eds.), Beyond Empiricism: On Criteria for Educational Research (129-140). Leuven University Press
- Smith, R. (2000). Another space. In P. Dhillon, & P. Standish (Eds.), Lyotard: Just Education (125-139). Routledge
- Smith, R. (1998). The education of autonomous citizens. In D. Bridges (Ed.), Education, Autonomy and Democratic Citizenship (127-137). Routledge
Edited book
- Fulford, A., Lockrobin, G., & Smith, R. (Eds.). (2020). Philosophy and Community: Theories, Practices and Possibilities. Bloomsbury Academic
- Fulford, A., Lockrobin, G., & Smith, R. (Eds.). (2020). Philosophy and Community: Theories, Practices and Possibilities. Bloomsbury
- Torill, S., Smith, R., Pirrie, A., Gregoriou, Z., & Papastephanou, M. (Eds.). (2017). Philosophy as Interplay and Dialogue. . Münster, Vienna and Zurich: LIT Verlag
- Smith, R. (Ed.). (2013). Education Policy: Philosophical Critique. Wiley
- Smith, R., Bridges, D., & Smeyers, P. (. (Eds.). (2009). Evidence-based Educational Policy: What Evidence? What Basis? Whose Policy?. Blackwell
- Smith, R., & Bridges, D. (Eds.). (2007). Philosophy, Methodology and Educational Research. Blackwell
- Smith, R., Blake, N., Smeyers, P., & Standish, P. (Eds.). (2002). Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Blackwell
Journal Article
- Smith, R. (2023). Forms of knowledge and forms of philosophy. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 57(1), 65-76.
- Smith, R. (2022). Character education and the instability of virtue. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 56(6), 889-898.
- Smith, R. (2020). Unsettling Knowledge: Irony and Education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 54(3), 757-771.
- Smith, R. (2020). Writing Up and Down: The Language of Educational Research. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 54(3), 666-678.
- Smith, R. (2020). Wittgenstein, Pesquisa Educacional e a Captura da Ciência (Wittgenstein, educational research and the capture of science). Educação & Realidade, 45(3), Article e106764.
- Smith, R. (2018). The ancient quarrel and the dream of writing. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 52(4), 592-608.
- Conroy, J., & Smith, R. (2017). The ethics of Research Excellence. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 51(4), 693-708.
- Smith, R. (2016). The virtues of unknowing. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 50(2), 272-284.
- Smith, R. (2016). Metamorphosis and the management of change. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 50(1), 8-19.
- Smith, R. (2015). Educational research: the importance of the humanities. Educational Theory, 65(6), 739-754.
- Smith, R., & Keiner, E. (2015). Erziehung und Wissenschaft, Erklären und Verstehen. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 5, 665-682
- Smith, R. (2014). Judgement calls: the ethics of educational deliberation. Pedagogical Culture, 1, 101-114
- Smith, R. (2013). A strange condition of things: alterity and knowingness in Dickens' 'David Copperfield'. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 45(4), 371-382.
- Smith, R. (2012). University futures. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 46(4), 649-662.
- Smith, R. (2011). Beneath the skin: statistics, trust and status. Educational Theory, 61(6), 633-645.
- Smith, R. (2011). The play of Socratic dialogue. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 45(2), 221-233
- Smith, R. (2011). On dogs and children: judgements in the realm of meaning. Ethics and Education, 6(2),
- Smith, R. (2010). Social science and education: challenge and rhetoric
- Smith, R. (2010). Total parenting. Educational Theory, 60(3), 357-369
- Smith, R. (2009). Between the lines: philosophy, text and conversation
- Smith, R. (2008). The long slide to happiness. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 42(3-4), 559-573.
- Smith, R. (2008). Bildung: the liberation of the ideal
- Smith, R. (2008). Proteus rising: Re-imagining educational research. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 42(S1), 183-198.
- Smith, R. (2008). To school with the poets: philosophy, method and clarity. Paedagogica Historica, 44(6), 635-645.
- Smith, R. (2006). As if by Machinery: The Levelling of Educational Research. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 40(2), 157-168.
- Smith, R. (2006). Abstraction and finitude: education, chance and democracy. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 25(1-2), 19-35.
- Smith, R. (2006). On diffidence: the moral psychology of self-belief. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 40(1), 51-62.
- Smith, R., & Burbules, N. (2005). What it makes sense to say: Wittgenstein, rule-following and the nature of education. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 37(3), 417-422
- Smith, R. (2005). Dancing on the feet of chance: the uncertain university. Educational Theory, 55(2), 139-150
- Smith, R., & Smeyers, P. (2003). Two dogmas of measurement. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspective, 1(4), 279-285
- Smith, R. (2003). Unfinished business: education without necessity. Teaching in Higher Education, 8(4), 477-491
- Smith, R. (2003). Thinking with each other: the peculiar practice of the university. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 37(2), 309-323
- Smith, R. (2002). Self-esteem: The kindly apocalypse. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 36(1), 87-100.
- Smith, R. (2001). The demand of language: the justice of the différend, The School Field
- Smith, R. (1999). Paths of Judgement: the revival of practical wisdom. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 31(3), 327-340
Supervision students
Anne Outram Halstead
Research Student