Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Senior Research Administrator in the Department of History | |
Senior Research Administrator in the Department of Theology and Religion |
Since April 2014 I have worked as a Research Assistant/Project Officer at Durham University, first for the Hearing the Voice research group and later for the Research Group at School of Education. In latter, the projects I have contributed to have consisted of evaluating Widening Participation programmes in higher education, conducting qualitative analysis into the changes in the practical work in science at GCSE and A Levels, and evaluating children's library renovations. I would be especially interested in studying either comparative educational research (focus on Finnish education system) or transfer effects in music education.
Research interests
- Transfer effects of Music education (social benefits)
- Music and well-being
- Social mobility (Widening Participation) through higher education
- Comparing Finnish education system to the UK system
- Early Years language learning
Esteem Indicators
- 2000: SEMPRE Research Award: presentation in Hull, November 2013
- 2000: Two-year grant: post-graduate studies at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland 2011-2012
Chapter in book
- Younger, K., & Eerola, P. (2018). Feedback from Teachers on a Widening Participation Intervention: Targeting, Context and Networking. In G. Atherton, S. Kendall, M. Naughton, & M. Webster (Eds.), Widening access throughout the student lifecycle (21-34). Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Eerola, P.-S. (2009). Jyväskylästä ja Oulusta valmistuneiden musiikinopettajien sijoittuminen työelämään. (How music teachers trained in the Universities of Jyväskylä and Oulu have found their place in the job market.). In Musiikki kuuluu kaikille (227-232). Koulujen Musiikinopettajat ry 100 vuotta. Helsinki
Conference Paper
Journal Article
- Eerola, P.-S. (online). Mitä musiikki kouluille antaa? Musiikinopettajien näkemyksiä opetuksensa tavoitteista ja sisällöistä sekä oppiaineensa erityisyydestä. (What is music in schools for? How music teachers see the objectives, contents and speciality of their subject.)
- Eerola, P.-S. (online). Musiikin opiskelun siirtovaikutuksia - katsaus empiirisiin tutkimuksiin. (The transfer effects of music education: A review of empirical evidence.)
- Burgoyne, K., Hargreaves, S., Akhter, N., Cramman, H., Eerola, P., Einbeck, J., & Menzies, V. (online). Lack of effect of a parent‐delivered early language intervention: Evidence from a randomised controlled trial completed during COVID‐19. JCPP Advances, Article e12279.
- Eerola, P.-S., & Eerola, T. (2013). Extended Music Education Enhances the Quality of School Life. Music Education Research, 16(1), 88-104.
Masters Thesis
Other (Digital/Visual Media)
- Cramman, H., Kind, V., Kind, P., Lyth, A., Gray, H., Younger, K., Eerola, P., & Coe, R. (2019). Monitoring practical science in schools and colleges, school data 2016-2017. [Data].
- Cramman, H., Kind, V., Kind, P., Lyth, A., Gray, H., Younger, K., Eerola, P., & Coe, R. (2019). Monitoring practical science in schools and colleges, higher education data 2016-2018. [Data].
- Eerola, P.-S., Eerola, T., Himberg, T., Louhivuori, J., Pitkänen, P.-L., & Saarikallio, S. (. (2009). (ESCOM 2009) Jyväskylä, Finland. [Data]
- Menzies, V., Eerola, P.-S., Zhang, Q., Cramman, H., & Einbeck, J. (2024). Evaluating the impact of the Parents and Children Together (PACT) programme on the language skills of 3- to 4-year-old nursery children A two-armed randomised trial. Educational Endowment Foundation
- Menzies, V., Cramman, H., Eerola, P., Hugill-Jones, J., Akhter, N., & Einbeck, J. (2022). Parents and Children Together (PACT) Evaluation Report. [No known commissioning body]
- Cramman, H., Menzies, V., Gray, H., Mee, D., & Eerola, P. (2020). Baseline Evaluation of the Durham Commission on Creativity and Education Report. [No known commissioning body]
- Cramman, H., Kind, V., Lyth, A., Gray, H., Younger, K., Gemar, A., Eerola, P., Coe, R., & Kind, P. (2019). Monitoring practical science in schools and colleges. [No known commissioning body]