Staff profile
Research interests
- Bayesian statistics: foundations, methodology, computation and applications
- Uncertainty quantification
- Ecotoxicology: statistical methods
- Risk assessment: food safety and related environmental aspects
- Statistical methodology: exact tests, random effects models
Esteem Indicators
- 2000: 'Editorial Duties': Associate editor (member of the editorial board) of the Statistician
(2002-3) , Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A (2004-7), Australia and New Zealand Journal of Statistics (2008-2020)
Chapter in book
- Craig, P., Goldstein, M., Seheult, A., & Smith, J. (1997). Pressure matching for hydrocarbon reservoirs: a case in the use of Bayes linear strategies for large computer experiments (and discussion). In G. E. al (Ed.), Case studies in Bayesian Statistics (37-93). Springer Verlag
- Craig, P., Goldstein, M., Seheult, A., & Smith, J. (1996). Bayes linear strategies for matching hydrocarbon reservoir history. In J. Bernardo, & et al. (Eds.), Bayesian Statistics 5 ( 69-95). Clarendon Press
Conference Paper
- da Silva-Junior, A., Einbeck, J., & Craig, P. (2016, July). Gradient test for generalised linear models with random effects. Presented at International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Rennes, France
- Craig, P. S. (2006, December). Uncertainty factors in ecotoxicological risk management. Presented at 4th Edinburgh Risk Conference., Edinburgh, UK
- Craig, P., Smith, J., Goldstein, M., & Seheult, A. (1995, December). Matching hydrocarbon reservoir history - a Bayes linear approach. Presented at Third International Applied Statistics in Industry Conference
Doctoral Thesis
Journal Article
- Mohimont, L., Anagnostopoulos, C., Anastassiadou, M., Castoldi, A. F., Cavelier, A., Coja, T., Craig, P., Crivellente, F., Dujardin, B., Hart, A., Hooghe, W., Jarrah, S., Machera, K., Menegola, E., Metruccio, F., & Sieke, C. (2024). Retrospective cumulative dietary risk assessment of craniofacial alterations by residues of pesticides. Reproductive Toxicology, 130, Article 108741.
- Sinclair, T., Craig, P., & Maltby, L. L. (2024). Climate warming shifts riverine macroinvertebrate communities to be more sensitive to chemical pollutants. Global Change Biology, 30(4), Article e17254.
- Liang, R., Sinclair, T. M., Craig, P. S., & Maltby, L. (2024). Spatial variation in the sensitivity of freshwater macroinvertebrate assemblages to chemical stressors. Water Research, 248, Article 120854.
- Hoffmann, S., Aiassa, E., Angrish, M., Beausoleil, C., Bois, F., Ciccolallo, L., Craig, P., de Vries, R., Dorne, J., Druwe, I., Edwards, S., Eskes, C., Georgiadis, M., Hartung, T., Kienzler, A., Kristjansson, E., Lam, J., Martino, L., Meek, B., Morgan, R., …Tsaioun, K. (2022). Application of evidence-based methods to construct mechanism-driven chemical assessment frameworks. ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, 39(3), 499-518.
- Charistou, A., Coja, T., Craig, P., Hamey, P., Martin, S., Sanvido, O., Chiusolo, A., Colas, M., & Istace, F. (2022). Guidance on the assessment of exposure of operators, workers, residents and bystanders in risk assessment of plant protection products. EFSA Journal, 20(1), 1-134.
- Craig, P. S., Dujardin, B., Hart, A., Hernández‐Jerez, A. F., Hougaard Bennekou, S., Kneuer, C., Ossendorp, B., Pedersen, R., Wolterink, G., & Mohimont, L. (2020). Cumulative dietary risk characterisation of pesticides that have acute effects on the nervous system. EFSA Journal, 18(4), Article e06087.
- Craig, P. S., Dujardin, B., Hart, A., Hernandez‐Jerez, A. F., Hougaard Bennekou, S., Kneuer, C., Ossendorp, B., Pedersen, R., Wolterink, G., & Mohimont, L. (2020). Cumulative dietary risk characterisation of pesticides that have chronic effects on the thyroid. EFSA Journal, 18(4), Article e06088.
- Kneuer, C., Charistou, A., Craig, P., Eleftheriadou, D., Engel, N., Kjaerstad, M., Krishnan, S., Laskari, V., Machera, K., Nikolopoulou, D., Pieper, C., Schoen, E., Spilioti, E., & Buist, H. (2018). Applicability of in silico tools for the prediction of dermal absorption for pesticides. EFSA Supporting Publications, 15(10), Article 1493E.
- Marques da Silva Júnior, A. H., Einbeck, J., & Craig, P. S. (2018). Fisher information under Gaussian quadrature models. Statistica Neerlandica, 72(2), 74-89.
- Benford, D., Halldorsson, T., Jeger, M. J., Knutsen, H. K., More, S., Naegeli, H., Noteborn, H., Ockleford, C., Ricci, A., Rychen, G., Schlatter, J. R., Silano, V., Solecki, R., Turck, D., Younes, M., Craig, P., Hart, A., Von Goetz, N., Koutsoumanis, K., Mortensen, A., …Hardy, A. (2018). Guidance on Uncertainty Analysis in Scientific Assessments. EFSA Journal, 16(1), Article e05123.
- Benford, D., Halldorsson, T., Jeger, M. J., Knutsen, H. K., More, S., Naegeli, H., Noteborn, H., Ockleford, C., Ricci, A., Rychen, G., Schlatter, J. R., Silano, V., Solecki, R., Turck, D., Younes, M., Craig, P., Hart, A., Von Goetz, N., Koutsoumanis, K., Mortensen, A., …Hardy, A. (2018). The principles and methods behind EFSA's Guidance on Uncertainty Analysis in Scientific Assessment. EFSA Journal, 16(1), Article e05122.
- Hardy, A., Benford, D., Halldorsson, T., Jeger, M. J., Knutsen, H. K., More, S., Naegeli, H., Noteborn, H., Ockleford, C., Ricci, A., Rychen, G., Schlatter, J. R., Silano, V., Solecki, R., Turck, D., Benfenati, E., Chaudhry, Q. M., Craig, P., Frampton, G., Greiner, M., …Younes, M. (2017). Guidance on the use of the weight of evidence approach in scientific assessments. EFSA Journal, 15(8), Article e04971.
- Buist, H., Craig, P., Dewhurst, I., Hougaard Bennekou, S., Kneuer, C., Machera, K., Pieper, C., Court Marques, D., Guillot, G., Ruffo, F., & Chiusolo, A. (2017). Guidance on dermal absorption. EFSA Journal, 15(6), Article e04873.
- Ockleford, C., Adriaanse, P., Berny, P., Brock, T., Duquesne, S., Grilli, S., Hernandez‐Jerez, A. F., Bennekou, S. H., Klein, M., Kuhl, T., Laskowski, R., Machera, K., Pelkonen, O., Pieper, S., Stemmer, M., Sundh, I., Teodorovic, I., Tiktak, A., Topping, C. J., Wolterink, G., …Rob, S. (2017). Scientific Opinion addressing the state of the science on risk assessment of plant protection products for in-soil organisms. EFSA Journal, 15(2), Article e04690.
- Belanger, S., Barron, M., Craig, P., Dyer, S., Galay-Burgos, M., Hamer, M., Marshall, S., Posthuma, L., Raimondo, S., & Whitehouse, P. (2016). Future needs and recommendations in the development of species sensitivity distributions: Estimating toxicity thresholds for aquatic ecological communities and assessing impacts of chemical exposures. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 13(4), 664-674.
- Oughton, R. H., & Craig, P. S. (2016). Hierarchical Emulation: a method for modeling and comparing nested simulators. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 4(1), 495-519.
- Topping, C. J., Craig, P. S., de Jong, F., Klein, M., Laskowski, R., Manachini, B., Pieper, S., Smith, R., Sousa, J. P., Streissl, F., Swarowsky, K., Tiktak, A., & van der Linden, T. (2015). Towards a landscape scale management of pesticides: ERA using changes in modelled occupancy and abundance to assess long-term population impacts of pesticides. Science of the Total Environment, 537, 159-169.
- Aagaard, A., Brock, T., Capri, E., Duquesne, S., Filipic, M., Hernandez-Jerez, A., Hirsch-Ernst, K., Hougaard Bennekou, S., Klein, M., Kuhl, T., Laskowski, R., Liess, M., Mantovani, A., Ockleford, C., Ossendorp, B., Pickford, D., Smith, R., Sousa, P., Sundh, I., Tiktak, A., …Streissl, F. (2015). Scientific Opinion addressing the state of the science on risk assessment of plant protection products for non-target arthropods. EFSA Journal, 13(2), Article 3996.
- Boobis, A., Flari, V., Gosling, J. P., Hart, A., Craig, P., Rushton, L., & Idahosa-Taylor, E. (2013). Interpretation of the margin of exposure for genotoxic carcinogens – Elicitation of expert knowledge about the form of the dose response curve at human relevant exposures. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 57, 106-118.
- Boothroyd, L., Craig, P., Crossman, R., & Perrett, D. (2013). Father absence and age at first birth in a western sample. American Journal of Human Biology, 25(3), 366-369.
- Hickey, G., Craig, P., Luttik, R., & De Zwart, D. (2012). On the quantification of intertest variability in ecotoxicity data with application to species sensitivity distributions. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 31(8), 1903-1910.
- Hickey, G., & Craig, P. (2012). Competing statistical methods for the fitting of normal species sensitivity distributions : recommendations for practitioners. Risk Analysis, 32(7), 1232-1243.
- Craig, P. S., Hickey, G. L., Luttik, R., & Hart, A. (2012). Species non-exchangeability in probabilistic ecotoxicological risk assessment. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 175(1), 243-262.
- Luttik, R., Hart, A., Roelofs, W., Craig, P., & Mineau, P. (2011). Variation in the level of protection afforded to birds and crustaceans exposed to different pesticides under standard risk assessment procedures. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 7(3), 459-465.
- Hickey, G. L., Craig, P. S., & Hart, A. (2009). On the application of loss functions in determining assessment factors for ecological risk. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72(2), 293-300.
- Hickey, G. L., Kefford, B. J., Dunlop, J. E., & Craig, P. S. (2008). Making Species Salinity Sensitivity Distributions Reflective of Naturally Occurring Communities: Using Rapid Testing and Bayesian Statistics. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27(11), 2403-2411.
- Craig, P. (2008). A new reconstruction of multivariate normal orthant probabilities. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 70(1), 227-243.
- Craig, P., Goldstein, M., Rougier, J., & Seheult, A. (2001). Bayesian forecasting for complex systems using computer simulators. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96(454), 717-729.
- Craig, P., Goldstein, M., Seheult, A., & Smith, J. (1998). Constructing partial prior specifications for models of complex physical systems. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series D, The statistician, 47(1), 37-53.
- Craig, P., Hall, R., Siney, P., Unsworth, A., & Wroblewski, B. (1998). Discrepancy between penetration depths deprived from radiographic and direct measurement of acetabular components,
- Craig, P., & Diffey, B. (1997). A prospective longitudinal study of the outdoor behaviour and symptoms of photosensitive patients. British Journal of Dermatology, 137, 391-394.
- Craig, P., & Seheult, A. (1996). Pseudo-likelihood estimation for a class of spatial Markov chains. Statistics and Computing, 6, 303-311
- Craig, P., Hall, R., Unsworth, A., Hardaker, C., Siney, P., & Wroblewski, B. (1995). Measurement of Wear in Retrieved Acetabular Sockets. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 209(4), 233-242.
Other (Print)
- Craig, P. (2001). Discussion of paper by Kennedy and O'Hagan
- Craig, P., Quinn, A., Diffey, B., & Farr, P. (1994). Definition of the Minimal Erythema Dose Used for Diagnostic Phototesting
- Craig, P. S. (2013). Exploring novel ways of using species sensitivity distributions to establish PNECs for industrial chemicals: Final report to Project Steering Group 3 April 2013. Statoil and Unilever
- Craig, P. (2008). Consequences of Increasing the Number of Species Tested - Appendix 7 to EFSA Opinion on the Science behind the Guidance Document on Risk Assessment for Birds and Mammals. European Food Safety Authority
- Panel, E. P. (2007). assessment of pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables. European Food Safety Authority
- Craig, P. (2006). Mathematical and statistical basis of options for risk calculations - Appendix to EFSA Opinion on possibility of lowering uncertainty factors if additional species used in assessment of acute and chronic risk to aquatic organisms. European Food Safety Authority
- Barcelo Culleres, D., Black, R., Boesten, J., Boobis, A., Hardy, A., Hart, A., Koepp, H., Luttik, R., Machera, K., Maroni, M., McGregor, D., Meyer, O., Moretto, A., Papadopoulou-Mourkidou, E., Petzinger, E., Savolainen, K., Schaeffer, A., Stenström, J., Steurbaut, W., Tsipi-Stefanitsi, D., …Walters, E. (2005). Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Plant health, Plant protection products and their Residues on a request from Commission related to the appropriate variability factor(s) to be used for acute dietary exposure assessment of pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables. European Food Safety Authority
- Barcelo Culleres, D., Black, R., Boesten, J., Boobis, A., Hardy, A., Hart, A., Koepp, H., Luttik, R., Machera, K., Maroni, M., McGregor, D., Meyer, O., Moretto, A., Papadopoulou-Mourkidou, E., Petzinger, E., Savolainen, K., Schaeffer, A., Stenström, J., Steurbaut, W., Tsipi-Stefanitsi, D., …Roelofs, W. (2005). Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Plant health, Plant protection products and their Residues on a request from EFSA related to the assessment of the acute and chronic risk to aquatic organisms with regard to the possibility of lowering the uncertainty factor if additional species were tested. European Food Safety Authority
Supervision students
Adam Iqbal