Staff profile
Responsibilities within Department
I was the elected (2004-2007) and re-elected (2007-2010) Head of the Condensed Matter Physics research group, which is the largest research group in the Department. I am now a member of the Technical Review Committee.
Interdepartmental Responsibilities
I am Director of the newly formed Durham X-ray Centre. This combines all of the x-ray research at Durham conducted by over 40 staff in 8 Departments and 2 Faculties. It is the largest interdisciplinary research centre in the University.
Teaching activity
For 2010-11 I have a reduced teaching load and continue to teach both the Level 1 Waves and Optics course comprising of 12 lectures and also the Level 3 Statistical Physics course comprising 16 lectures and 3 example classes. I am the MSci project supervisor for three Level 4 MSci Research Projects on resonant x-ray scattering studies of charge and magnetic ordering. These projects often involve travel to undertake experiments on national or international synchrotron radiation sources. I also teach courses at synchrotron radiation summer schools both at Diamond and Internationally.
Research interests
Development of x-ray scattering techniques. X-ray scattering studies of strongly correlated electron systems such as transition metal oxides. This involves studies of the crystallographic structure, charge segregation, spin ordering and orbital ordering. Studies of spin and charge stripes in high temperature superconducting cuprates. Spin, charge and orbital ordering in collosal magnetoresistance manganites. High resolution studies and determination of critical exponents of spin and charge stripes in nickelates. Resonant polarised synchrotron x-ray studies at National (e.g. Diamond) and International synchrotron facilities (e.g. ESRF, Grenoble and NSLS, Brookhaven). Development of high energy (~100 keV) X-ray scattering at ESRF and Hasylab, Hamburg. The first group worldwide to undertake resonant soft (500 - 1500 eV) X-ray diffraction from single crystals and the first to directly observe orbital ordering at the L edges. The major focus of our research is now resonant soft x-ray scattering at Diamond, ESRF and NSLS. We have an EPSRC research grant for soft x-ray and neutron scattering studies of nanoscale ordering in strongly correlated electron systems.We designed and constructed an advanced diffractometer for resonant soft X-ray scattering for use on the new national synchrotron Diamond. The soft X-ray diffractometer RASOR was constructed in Japan by Toyama and is now a user instrument on I06 and I10 (BLADE) at Diamond. Our current research interests focus on multiferroics where we attempt to disentangle and uncover the interatomic interactions that lead to ferroelectricity and magnetoelectric coupling.
Research interests
- Neutron scattering
- Orbital Physics
- Resonant Soft X-ray scattering
- Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
- superconductors
- x-ray scattering
Esteem Indicators
- 2008: Director of the Durham X-ray Research Centre:
- 2007: Chairman of the Diamond Physical Sciences Peer Review Panel (2007-2010):
- 2007: Co-Editor in Chief of the Open access journal PhysMath Central B (2007-2010):
- 2006: International member of Brookhaven Laboratory NSLS Peer Review panel (2006-2008):
- 2006: Principal investigator on £878,157 CCLRC Facility Development grant to build a soft x-ray diffractometer (2006):
- 2006: Member of Diamond Peer Review Panel (2006-2008):
- 2006: Member of the CCLRC Facilty Development Advisory Board (2006-2008):
- 2006: Chairman of the CCLRC Soft X-ray Diffractometer Project Management Committee (2006-2009):
- 2004: Member of the CCLRC UK Science Advisory Council, Daresbury Laboratory (2004-2006):
- 2004: over £1.3 Million worth of facility beamtime obtained through competative peer review (2001-2004):
- 2003: Chairman of the I16 (Magnetism and Materials) beamline working party (DIAMOND) (2003-2007):
- 2003: Member of the Facility Access Panel -1 (Crystallography) at ISIS, RAL (2003-2008):
- 2002: Sir James Knott University Foundation Fellow:
- 2001: Member of the BM28 (XMaS) Programme Management Committee, which oversees the development of the EPSRC funded science programme of the beamline at the ESRF. (2001-2008):
- 2001: Durham Excellence in Teaching award:
- 1993: Leverhulme Research Fellow:
Conference Paper
- Bosson, C., Birch, M., Halliday, D., Knight, K., Tang, C., Kleppe, A., & Hatton, P. (2016, June). Crystal structure and cation disorder in bulk Cu2ZnSnS4 using neutron diffraction and X-ray anomalous scattering. Presented at 2016 IEEE 43rd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Portland, OR
- Du, C., Su, Y., Ghazi, M., Hatton, P., Collins, S., Brown, S., & Cheong, S. (2000, December). Synchrotron X-ray Scattering Studies Of Charge And Spin Stripes In Manganites. Presented at 1st Regional Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials (MSM-99), Tehran, Iran
- Ghazi, M. E., Du, C. H., Hatton, P. D., Brown, S., & Cheong, S. W. (2000, December). Dynamical and quenched disorder of 2-dimensional charge stripes in La5/3Sr1/3/NIO4. Presented at 1st Regional Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials (MSM-99), Tehran, Iran
- Monkman, A., Horsburgh, L., Vaschetto, M., Hatton, P., Burrows, H., Brown, W., & Pettersson, L. (1999, May). Structure property correlations in a new rigid rod luminescent conjugated polymer, polypyridine. Presented at Antec '99: Plastics Bridging The Millennia, New York City
- Maclean, J., Hatton, P., Crain, J., Piltz, R., & Clark, S. (1996, December). Structural refinement and stability of silicon XII. Presented at EUROPEAN POWDER DIFFRACTION: EPDIC IV, PTS 1 AND 2 Philips Anal X Ray; CLRC Daresbury Lab, BRANDRAIN 6, CH-8707 ZURICH-UETIKON, SWITZERLAND
- Hatton, P., Crain, J., Kawamura, H., & Akahama, Y. (1994, December). Comparative-studies Of Rotating Anode And Synchrotron-based Image Plate Systems. Presented at Joint Conference of the International-Association-for-Research-and-Advancement-of-High-Pressure-Science-and-Technology/American-Physical-Society-Topical-Group-on-Shock-Compression-of-Condensed-Matter, Colorado Springs
- Hatton, P., Crain, J., Ackland, G., Clark, S., & Piltz, R. (1994, December). Metastable Structures Of Tetrahedral Semiconductors. Presented at Joint Conference of the International-Association-for-Research-and-Advancement-of-High-Pressure-Science-and-Technology/American-Physical-Society-Topical-Group-on-Shock-Compression-of-Condensed-Matter, Colorado Springs
Journal Article
- Wilkins, S., Stojic, N., Beale, T., Binggeli, N., Bencok, P., Stanescu, S., Mitchell, J., Abbamonte, P., Hatton, P., & Altarelli, M. (online). Evidence of Orbital Ordering in Jahn-Teller Undistorted LaSr$_{2}$Mn$_{2}$O$_{7}$
- Su, Y., Du, C., Tanner, B., Hatton, P., Collins, S., Brown, S., Paul, D., & Cheong, S. (online). X-ray Scattering Studies Of Charge Stripes In Manganites And Nickelates
- Adams, D., Hatton, P., Shaw, A., & Tan, T. (online). VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY AT VERY HIGH-PRESSURES - ECLIPSED DECACARBONYLDIMANGANESE AND DECACARBONYLDIRHENIUM. Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical communications, 226-227
- Littlehales, M. T., Moody, S. H., Bereciartua, P. J., Mayoh, D. A., Parkin, Z. B., Blundell, T. J., Unsworth, E., Francoual, S., Balakrishnan, G., Alba Venero, D., & Hatton, P. D. (2024). Spin density waves and ground state helices in EuGa2.4Al1.6. Physical Review Research, 6(3), Article L032015.
- Littlehales, M. T., Moody, S. H., Turnbull, L. A., Huddart, B. M., Brereton, B. A., Balakrishnan, G., Fan, R., Steadman, P., Hatton, P. D., & Wilson, M. N. (2024). Demonstration of Controlled Skyrmion Injection Across a Thickness Step. Nano Letters, 24(22), 6813-6820.
- Littlehales, M., Turnbull, L., Wilson, M., Birch, M., Popescu, H., Jaouen, N., Verezhak, J., Balakrishnan, G., & Hatton, P. (2022). Enhanced skyrmion metastability under applied strain in FeGe. Physical Review B, 106(21), Article 214434.
- Turnbull, L., Littlehales, M., Wilson, M., Birch, M., Popescu, H., Jaouen, N., Verezhak, J., Balakrishnan, G., & Hatton, P. (2022). X-ray holographic imaging of magnetic surface spirals in FeGe lamellae. Physical Review B, 106(6), Article 064422.
- Twitchett-Harrison, A. C., Loudon, J. C., Pepper, R. A., Birch, M. T., Fangohr, H., Midgley, P. A., Balakrishnan, G., & Hatton, P. D. (2022). Confinement of Skyrmions in Nanoscale FeGe Device-like Structures. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 4(9), 4427 - 4437.
- Birch, M., Cortés-Ortuño, D., Litzius, K., Wintz, S., Schulz, F., Weigand, M., Štefančič, A., Mayoh, D., Balakrishnan, G., Hatton, P., & Schütz, G. (2022). Toggle-like current-induced Bloch point dynamics of 3D skyrmion strings in a room temperature nanowire. Nature Communications, 13(1), Article 3630.
- Brearton, R., Turnbull, L., Verezhak, J., Balakrishnan, G., Hatton, P., van der Laan, G., & Hesjedal, T. (2021). Deriving the skyrmion Hall angle from skyrmion lattice dynamics. Nature Communications, 12(1), Article 2723.
- Birch, M. T., Cortés-Ortuño, D., Khanh, N. D., Seki, S., Štefančič, A., Balakrishnan, G., Tokura, Y., & Hatton, P. D. (2021). Topological defect-mediated skyrmion annihilation in three dimensions. Communications Physics, 4(1),
- Moody, S., Nielsen, P., Wilson, M., Venero, D. A., Štefančič, A., Balakrishnan, G., & Hatton, P. (2021). Experimental evidence of a change of exchange anisotropy sign with temperature in Zn-substituted Cu2OSeO3. Physical Review Research, 3(4), Article 043149.
- Turnbull, L. A., Birch, M. T., Laurenson, A., Bukin, N., Burgos-Parra, E. O., Popescu, H., Wilson, M. N., Stefančič, A., Balakrishnan, G., Ogrin, F. Y., & Hatton, P. D. (2021). Tilted X-Ray Holography of Magnetic Bubbles in MnNiGa Lamellae. ACS Nano, 15(1), 387-395.
- Crisanti, M., Birch, M., Wilson, M., Moody, S., Štefančič, A., Huddart, B., Cabeza, S., Balakrishnan, G., Hatton, P., & Cubitt, R. (2020). Position-dependent stability and lifetime of the skyrmion state in nickel-substituted Cu2OSeO3. Physical Review B, 102(22), Article 224407.
- Birch, M., Moody, S., Wilson, M., Crisanti, M., Bewley, O., Štefančič, A., Balakrishnan, G., Fan, R., Steadman, P., Alba Venero, D., Cubitt, R., & Hatton, P. (2020). Anisotropy-induced depinning in the Zn-substituted skyrmion host Cu2OSeO3. Physical review B, 102(10), Article 104424.
- Wilson, M., Birch, M., Štefančič, A., Twitchett-Harrison, A., Balakrishnan, G., Hicken, T., Fan, R., Steadman, P., & Hatton, P. (2020). Stability and metastability of skyrmions in thin lamellae of Cu2OSeO3. Physical Review Research, 2(1), Article 013096.
- Birch, M., Cortés-Ortuño, D., Turnbull, L., Wilson, M., Groß, F., Träger, N., Laurenson, A., Bukin, N., Moody, S., Weigand, M., Schütz, G., Popescu, H., Fan, R., Steadman, P., Verezhak, J., Balakrishnan, G., Loudon, J., Twitchett-Harrison, A., Hovorka, O., Fangohr, H., …Hatton, P. (2020). Real-space imaging of confined magnetic skyrmion tubes. Nature Communications, 11, Article 1726.
- Mackenzie, R., Fumagalli, M., Theuns, T., Hatton, D. J., Garel, T., Cantalupo, S., Christensen, L., Fynbo, J. P., Kanekar, N., Møller, P., O’Meara, J., Prochaska, J. X., Rafelski, M., Shanks, T., & Trayford, J. (2019). Linking gas and galaxies at high redshift: MUSE surveys the environments of six damped Lyα systems at z ≈ 3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 487(4), 5070-5096.
- Wilson, M., Crisanti, M., Barker, C., Štefančič, A., White, J., Birch, M., Balakrishnan, G., Cubitt, R., & Hatton, P. (2019). Measuring the formation energy barrier of skyrmions in zinc-substituted Cu2OSeO3. Physical Review B, 99(17), Article 174421.
- Loudon, J. C., Twitchett-Harrison, A. C., Cortés-Ortuño, D., Birch, M. T., Turnbull, L. A., Štefančič, A., Ogrin, F. Y., Burgos-Parra, E. O., Bukin, N., Laurenson, A., Popescu, H., Beg, M., Hovorka, O., Fangohr, H., Midgley, P. A., Balakrishnan, G., & Hatton, P. D. (2019). Do Images of Biskyrmions Show Type-II Bubbles?. Advanced Materials, 31(16), Article 1806598.
- Štefančič, A., Moody, S., Hicken, T., Birch, M., Balakrishnan, G., Barnett, S., Crisanti, M., Evans, J., Holt, S., Franke, K., Hatton, P., Huddart, B., Lees, M., Pratt, F., Tang, C., Wilson, M., Xiao, F., & Lancaster, T. (2018). Origin of skyrmion lattice phase splitting in Zn-substituted Cu2OSeO3. Physical Review Materials, 2(11), Article 111402(R).
- Bosson, C. J., Birch, M. T., Halliday, D. P., Tang, C. C., Kleppe, A. K., & Hatton, P. D. (2017). Polymorphism in Cu2ZnSnS4 and new off-stoichiometric crystal structure types. Chemistry of Materials, 29(22), 9829-9839.
- Bosson, C., Birch, M., Halliday, D., Knight, K., Gibbs, A., & Hatton, P. (2017). Cation disorder and phase transitions in the structurally complex solar cell material Cu2ZnSnS4. Journal of Materials Chemistry A: materials for energy and sustainability, 5(32), 16672-16680.
- Frawley, T., Schoonmaker, R., Lee, S., Du, C.-H., Steadman, P., Strempfer, J., Ziq, K. A., Clark, S., Lancaster, T., & Hatton, P. (2017). Elucidation of the helical spin structure of FeAs. Physical Review B, 95(6), Article 064424.
- Liu, H.-J., Lin, J.-C., Fang, Y.-W., Wang, J.-C., Huang, B.-C., Gao, X., Huang, R., Dean, P. R., Hatton, P. D., Chin, Y.-Y., Lin, H.-J., Chen, C.-T., Ikuhara, Y., Chiu, Y.-P., Chang, C.-S., Duan, C.-G., He, Q., & Chu, Y.-H. (2016). A Metal-Insulator Transition of the Buried MnO2 Monolayer in Complex Oxide Heterostructure. Advanced Materials, 28(41), 9142-9151.
- Lee, S., Frawley, T., Yao, C., Lai, Y., Du, C.-H., Hatton, P., Wang, M., Chou, F., & Huang, D. (2016). Charge and spin coupling in magnetoresistive oxygen-vacancy strontium ferrate SrFeO3–δ. New Journal of Physics, 18(9), Article 093033.
- Lee, S.-H., Lai, Y.-C., Du, C.-H., Siegenfeld, A. F., Kao, Y.-J., Hatton, P. D., Prabhakaran, D., Su, Y., & Huang, D.-J. (2015). Inverse order-disorder transition of charge stripes. Physical review B, 92(20), Article 205114.
- Lancaster, T., Williams, R., Thomas, I., Xiao, F., Pratt, F., Blundell, S., Loudon, J., Hesjedal, T., Clark, S., Hatton, P., Ciomaga Hatnean, M., Keeble, D., & Balakrishnan, G. (2015). Transverse field muon-spin rotation signature of the skyrmion-lattice phase in Cu2OSeO3. Physical review B, 91(22), Article 224408.
- Beale, T., Wilkins, S., Johnson, R., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A., Steadman, P., Dhesi, S., & Hatton, P. (2012). Advances in the understanding of multiferroics through soft X-ray diffraction. European Physical Journal - Special Topics, 208(1), 99-106.
- Johnson, R., Tang, C., Evans, I., Bland, S., Free, D., Beale, T., Hatton, P., Bouchenoire, L., Prabhakaran, D., & Boothroyd, A. (2012). X-ray diffraction study of the temperature-induced structural phase transitions in SmVO3. Physical review B, 85(22), Article 224102.
- Johnson, R., Mazzoli, C., Bland, S., Du, C., & Hatton, P. (2011). Magnetically induced electric polarization reversal in multiferroic TbMn2O5: Terbium spin reorientation studied by resonant x-ray diffraction. Physical review B, 83(5), Article 054438.
- Beale, T., Wilkins, S., Johnson, R., Bland, S., Joly, Y., Forrest, T., McMorrow, D., Yakhou, F., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A., & Hatton, P. (2010). Antiferromagnetically Spin Polarized Oxygen Observed in Magnetoelectric TbMn2O5. Physical Review Letters, 105(8), Article 087203.
- Beale, T., Johnson, R., Joly, Y., Bland, S., Hatton, P., Bouchenoire, L., Mazzoli, C., Prabhakaran, D., & Boothroyd, A. (2010). Resonant x-ray scattering from the 4p quadrupole moment in YVO3. Physical review B, 82(2),
- Beale, T., Hase, T., Iida, T., Endo, K., Steadman, P., Marshall, A., Dhesi, S., van der Laan, G., & Hatton, P. (2010). RASOR: An advanced instrument for soft x-ray reflectivity and diffraction. Review of Scientific Instruments, 81(7), Article 073904.
- Du, C., Yao, C., Ling, D., Tang, M., Hsu, F., Liu, H., Hatton, P., & Ikeda, N. (2010). The modulated structure and ferromagnetic insulating state in a nine-layer BaRuO3. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 22(3),
- Johnson, R., Frawley, T., Manuel, P., Khalyavin, D., Adriano, C., Giles, C., Pagliuso, P., & Hatton, P. (2010). Magnetic structures of the anisotropic intermetallic compoundsEr2CoGa8andTm2CoGa8. Physical review B, 82(10),
- Bland, S., Detlefs, B., Wilkins, S., Beale, T., Mazzoli, C., Joly, Y., Hatton, P., Lorenzo, J., & Brabers, V. (2009). Full polarization analysis of resonant superlattice and forbidden x-ray reflections in magnetite. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 21(48), Article 485601.
- Wilkins, S., Forrest, T., Beale, T., Bland, S., Walker, H., Mannix, D., Yakhou, F., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A., Hill, J., Hatton, P., & McMorrow, D. (2009). Nature of the Magnetic Order and Origin of Induced Ferroelectricity in TbMnO3. Physical Review Letters, 103(20), Article 207602.
- Wilkins, S., Di Matteo, S., Beale, T., Joly, Y., Mazzoli, C., Hatton, P., Bencok, P., Yakhou, F., & Brabers, V. (2009). Critical reexamination of resonant soft x-ray Bragg forbidden reflections in magnetite. Physical review B, 79(20), Article 201102.
- Hatton, P., Johnson, R., Bland, S., Mazzoli, C., Beale, T., Du, C., & Wilkins, S. (2009). Magnetic structure determination using polarised resonant X-ray scattering. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 321(7), 810-813.
- Beale, T., Bland, S., Johnson, R., Hatton, P., Cezar, J., Dhesi, S., Zimmermann, M., Prabhakaran, D., & Boothroyd, A. (2009). Thermally induced rotation of 3d orbital stripes in Pr(Sr0.1Ca0.9)(2)Mn2O7. Physical review B, 79(5), Article 054433.
- Beale, T., Johnson, R., Bland, S., Hatton, P., Bouchenoir, L., Boothroyd, A., & Prabhakaran, D. (2009). Determining Crystal Field Distortions of YVO3 though X-ray Scattering. Solid State Phenomena, 152-153, 147-148
- Johnson, R., Bland, S., Mazzoli, C., Beale, T., Du, C., Detlefs, C., Wilkins, S., & Hatton, P. (2008). Determination of magnetic order of the rare-earth ions in multiferroic TbMn2O5. Physical review B, 78(10), Article 104407.
- Du, C., Ghazi, M., Hatton, P., Collins, S., Murphy, B., Kim, B., & Cheong, S. (2008). Study of the phase transition and charge ordering in single-crystalline Nd1/2Sr1/2MnO3 using x-ray scattering. Journal of Applied Physics, 104(2), Article 023517.
- Forrest, T., Bland, S., Wilkins, S., Walker, H., Beale, T., Hatton, P., McMorrow, D., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A., & Mannix, D. (2008). Ordering of localized electronic states in multiferroic TbMnO3: a soft x-ray resonant scattering study. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 20(42), Article 422205.
- Beale, T., Wilkins, S., Hatton, P., Abbamonte, P., Stanescu, S., & Paixao, J. (2007). Resonant soft X-ray magnetic scattering from the 4f and 3d electrons in DyFe4Al8: Magnetic interactions in a cycloidal antiferromagnet. Physical review B, 75(17),
- Wilkins, S., Stojic, N., Beale, T., Binggeli, N., Hatton, P., Bencok, P., Stanescu, S., Mitchell, J., Abbamonte, P., & Altarelli, M. (2006). Separating the causes of orbital ordering in LaSr2Mn2O7 using resonant soft x-ray diffraction. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 18(24), L323-L329.
- Hatton, P., Wilkins, S., Beale, T., Johal, T., Prabhakaran, D., & Boothroyd, A. (2005). Direct Observation of Orbital Ordering in Layered Manganites. Journal of superconductivity, 18(5), 687-691.
- Beale, T., Spencer, P., Hatton, P., Wilkins, S., von Zimmermann, M., Brown, S., Prabhakaran, D., & Boothroyd, A. (2005). Orbital bi-stripes in highly doped bilayer manganites. Physical review B, 72(6),
- Hatton, P., Wilkins, S., Beale, T., Johal, T., Prabhakaran, D., & Boothroyd, A. (2005). Resonant soft X-ray diffraction - in extremis. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 12(4), 434-441.
- Wilkins, S., Stojic, N., Beale, T., Binggeli, N., Castleton, C., Bencok, P., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A., Hatton, P., & Altarelli, M. (2005). Resonant soft x-ray scattering investigation of orbital and magnetic ordering in La0.5Sr1.5MnO4. Physical review B, 71(24), Article 245102.
- Hatton, P., Wilkins, S., Beale, T., Johal, T., Prabhakaran, D., & Boothroyd, A. (2005). Resonant soft x-ray scattering – a new probe of charge, spin, and orbital ordering in the manganites. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 290-291(2), 891-897.
- Spencer, P., Wilkins, S., Hatton, P., Brown, S., Hase, T., Purton, J., & Fort, D. (2005). Soft x-ray diffraction study of magnetic ordering in holmium. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17, 1725-1733
- Wilkins, S., Beale, T., Hatton, P., Purton, J., Bencok, P., Prabhakaran, D., & Boothroyd, A. (2005). Probing Orbital Order With Soft X-rays: The Case Of The Manganites. New Journal of Physics, 7,
- Parkinson, N., Hatton, P., Howard, J., Giblin, S., Terry, I., Ritter, C., Mok, B., & Wu, M. (2005). Study of the magnetic interactions in Ba2PrRu1-xCuxO6 using neutron powder diffraction. Journal of materials chemistry, 15(13), 1375-1383.
- Spencer, P., Ghazi, M., Wilkins, S., Hatton, P., Brown, S., Prabhakaran, D., & Boothroyd, A. (2005). Charge Stripe Glasses In La2-xsrxnio4 For 0.20 < X < 0.25. The European Physical Journal B, 46, 27-32.
- Parkinson, N., Hatton, P., Howard, J., Ritter, C., Ibberson, R., & Wu, M. (2004). Variable temperature neutron powder diffraction study to determine the magnetic interactions in Sr(2)LnRuO(6) (Ln = Ho and Tb). Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 16(43), 7611-7624.
- Ghazi, M., Spencer, P., Wilkins, S., Hatton, P., Mannix, D., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A., & Cheong, S. (2004). Incommensurate charge stripe ordering in La2-xSrxNiO4 for x=(0.33,0.30,0.275). Physical review B, 70(14),
- Hatton, P., Wilkins, S., Spencer, P., Roper, M., Lander, G., Prabhakaran, D., & Boothroyd, A. (2004). Soft X-ray Resonant Magnetic Diffraction. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 345, 11-14.
- Hatton, P., Wilkins, S., Beale, T., Johal, T., Bencock, P., Prabahkaran, D., & Boothroyd, A. (2004). Resonant Soft Energy X-ray Diffraction of Charge, Spin, and Orbital Ordering. Advances in solid state physics (1999. Internet), 44, 467-478.
- Wilkins, S., Spencer, P., Hatton, P., Collins, S., Roper, M., Prabhakaran, D., & Boothroyd, A. (2003). Direct observation of orbital ordering in La0.5Sr1.5MnO4 using soft x-ray diffraction. Physical Review Letters, 91(16), Article 167205.
- Wu, M., Mok, B., Wang, M., Yuan, D., Rao, S., Hatton, P., & Parkinson, N. (2003). Magnetic ordering in the mixed ruthenium-copper oxide Ba2Pr(Ru1-xCux)O-6 system. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 131(5-6), 1053-1057
- Wilkins, S., Spencer, P., Beale, T., Hatton, P., von Zimmermann, M., Brown, S., Prabhakaran, D., & Boothroyd, A. (2003). Charge ordering and structural distortions at low temperature in La2-2xSr1+2xMn2O7 (x=0.475 and 0.5). Physical Review B (Condensed Matter), 67(20),
- Wilkins, S., Hatton, P., Roper, M., Prabhakaran, D., & Boothroyd, A. (2003). Soft X-ray resonant magnetic diffraction. Physical Review Letters, 90(18), Article 187201.
- Parkinson, N., Hatton, P., Howard, J., Ritter, C., Chien, F., & Wu, M. (2003). Crystal and magnetic structures of A(2)YRu(1-x)Cu(x)O(6) with A = Sr, Ba and x=0.05 to 0.15. Journal of materials chemistry, 13(6), 1468-1474.
- Hatton, P., Wilkins, S., Spencer, P., Von zimmermann, M., & D'almeida, T. (2003). High Energy X-ray Scattering Studies Of Strongly Correlated Oxides. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 36, A157-A161.
- Wilkins, S., Spencer, P., Hatton, P., Tanner, B., Lafford, T., Spence, J., & Loxley, N. (2002). Novel diffractometer optimized for the study of weak superlattice reflections using crossed parabolic mirrors. Review of Scientific Instruments, 73(7), 2666-2671.
- Hatton, P., Ghazi, M., Wilkins, S., Spencer, P., Mannix, D., d'Almeida, T., Prabhakaran, P., Boothroyd, A., & Cheong, S. (2002). X-ray scattering studies of charge stripes in La2-xSrxNiO4 (x=0.20-0.33). Physica B: Condensed Matter, 318(4), 289-294
- Wilkins, S., Spencer, P., Hatton, P., Mannix, D., Brown, S., d'Almeida, T., & Cheong, S. (2002). Charge and orbital order in the electron doped magnanite (Bi,Ca)MnO3. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 318(4), 295-299
- Wilkins, S., Hatton, P., Liss, K., Ohler, M., Katsufuji, T., & Cheong, S. (2000). High-resolution high energy X-ray diffraction studies of charge ordering in CMR manganites and nickelates. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 14(29-31), 3753-3758
- Hatton, P., Ghazi, M., Brown, S., & Cheong, S. (2000). Critical fluctuations and quenched disordered two-dimensional charge stripes in La5/3Sr1/3NiO4. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 14(29-31), 3488-3493
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