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Dr Noura Al Moubayed

Associate Professor

Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science
Associate Fellow in the Institute of Advanced Study
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing


In her role as an Associate Professor in Computer Science, Dr. Noura Al Moubayed has been heavily involved in advancing the field of machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL), particularly within healthcare contexts. Her focus has been on developing innovative ML and DL solutions aimed at addressing critical challenges in patient care. She leads numerous research projects and a lab of over 15 researchers, working on developing cutting-edge machine learning and deep learning solutions. Over the last seven years of her academic career, she has secured funding for 21 projects from various organisations such as EPSRC, IUK, NIHR, ERDF, and UKRI, totalling over £6 million. Her research has attracted media coverage and has been featured on BBC, ITV, Time Magazine, Wired Magazine, and NewScientist. In 2019, she was recognised among the top 20 women in AI in the UK by RE•WORK. Dr Al Moubayed also serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence and N8 CIR Machine Learning team lead for Durham

Drawing upon her expertise and leadership as the Head of Applied ML and AI at  Evergreen Life, Dr. Al Moubayed has the practical experience necessary to effectively transition research findings into real-world deployment, ensuring tangible impacts on healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.

Dr. Al Moubayed has over 10 years of extensive research experience in explainable machine learning and natural language processing. She has also contributed significantly to research on AI gender and racial fairness and has dedicated significant efforts to creating explainable ML models tailored for predicting organ failure in chemotherapy patients, aiming to enhance patient well-being and overall quality of life. This marks a significant advancement in precision medicine and patient-centred care.This project is funded under the Biomedical Catalyst grant in collaboration with UCL, UCL Hospitals, and Evergreen Life Ltd.

Additionally, her research on predicting Accident & Emergency (A&E) admissions and readmissions using explainable machine learning has been recognised and endorsed by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and formed part of a Department of Health and Social Care policy briefing on addressing winter pressures in the NHS and also won the best talk award at the Society for Acute Medicine International Conference 2023.

Industrial Collaborators

Furhat Rotobtics

Cievert Ltd

Cardon RMP

WordNerds Ltd

Geoteric Ltd

Geospatial Research Ltd


Research interests

  • Machine Learning for Healthcare
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning
  • Explainable Machine Learning
  • Multimodal Machine Learning
  • Anomaly Detection
  • Social Robotics
  • Brain Computer Interfaces
  • Evolutionary Computation

Esteem Indicators


Chapter in book

Conference Paper

Doctoral Thesis

Journal Article

Supervision students