Staff profile
Professor N Reissland

Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Psychology | 43287, 43278 (lab) |
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing | +44 (0) 191 33 43287 |
My research interests are in early mother-infant interaction starting prenatally from around 12 weeks of gestational age. I am currently working on the effect of maternal stress and depression on infant cognitive, emotional and social development.
Press Contacts
I am available for Press contact about
* Fetal development
* Fetal development
*mother-infant interaction
* infant and child play
* infant and child emotional, social and cognitive development
* maternal postnatal depression and stress
* infant and child play
* infant and child emotional, social and cognitive development
* maternal postnatal depression and stress
Research interests
- prenatal to postnatal development
- fetal development
- premature infant development
- maternal stress and depression
- mother-infant interaction
Esteem Indicators
- 2022: expert member on the Social Sciences panel for the Irish Research Council Laureate Awards (IRCLA) 2021/22: Starting and Consolidator Laureate Awards Programme | Funding | Irish Research Council
- 2021: Athena Swan Equality Assessment panel:
- 2020: Athena Swan Equality Assessment panel:
- 2017: Invited address Royal Society of Psychiatrists: Invited address Royal Society of Psychiatrists ( Nov 2017)
- 2017: Invited CPD accredited lecture: Invited CPD accredited lecture entitled: Fetal development and the effects of 4D scanning on prenatal attachment: making the fetus a person Nottingham Small Steps Lottery funded program (2017).
- 2017: Invited plenary address,The Japan Academy of Neursonology,Japan: June 2017, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan: The 36th Annual Congress of The Japan Academy of Neursonology: invited plenary address entitled: The potential of assessing fetal neurobehavioral development using the Fetal Observable Movement System (FOMS)
- 2017: Athena Swan Equality Assessment panel: Athena Swan Equality charter mark Assessment panel assesing 4 Departments/Universities Feb 2017
- 2017: Athena Swan Race Equality Charter Mark review panel: Athena Swan Race Equality Charter Mark review panel Feb 2016
- 2017: Member of the Inner Assessment Board Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS): Member of the Inner Assessment Board Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS) Postdoctoral Assessment Board (2014, 2017) reviewing Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship applications meeting 12 and 13 April 2017 in Dublin at the headquarter of the Irish Research Council
- 2016: Associate Editor Infant and Child Development:
- 2016: Distinguished memorial lecture, Society for New Fetal Medicine and Science, Japan: November 2016, Otsu Japan: The 4th Conference of the Society for New Fetal Medicine and Science: “distinguished memorial lecture “ entitled: The untapped potential of using ultrasound to improve research and clinical practice
- 2016: Invite talk International Marcé Society Australia: Sept 2016, The International Marcé Society for Perinatal Mental Health: Melbourne, Australia: invited talk entitled: The effects of prenatal maternal stress and smoking on fetal behaviour.
- 2016: Invited Plenary Speaker: Society for New Fetal Medicine and Science, Otsu, Japan
- 2015: written evidence for NHS strategy: written evidence can be found under: NEWS and Resources/Parliament page
- 2015: Houses of Paliament: Evidence to the AAPG conception to age 2
- 2014: Editorial Board European Journal of Developmental Psychology:
- 2013: Govenor and member of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee:
- 2013: International Assessment Board evaluating the Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS) Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowships 2013: Asssessing postdoctoral grant applications (1-3 years) including ELEVATE Marie Curie International Mobility Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 2012: International Assessment Board (IAB) evaluating the Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS) Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowships 2012:
- 2012: Govenor TEWVMember of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee: Govenor of the Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS foundation trust. Member of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee. Member of the improving experience of carers sub-committee.
- 2011: International Assessment Board (IAB) evaluating the Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS) Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011: Invited member to serve on the board of the IRCHSS postdoctoral fellowships.
Authored book
Chapter in book
- Reissland, N., & Austen, J. (2018). Goal Directed Behaviours: The Development of Pre-Natal Touch Behaviours. In D. Corbetta, & M. Santello (Eds.), Reach-to-grasp behavior : brain, behavior, and modelling across the life span (3-17). Routledge.
- O’Donnell, K., Reissland, N., & Glover, V. (2017). New Insights into Prenatal Stress: Immediate- and Long-Term Effects on the Fetus and Their Timing. In G. Buonocore, & C. Bellieni (Eds.), Neonatal pain : suffering, pain, and risk of brain damage in the fetus and newborn (75-85). (2nd ed.). Springer Verlag.
Edited book
Journal Article
- Mohamed, S. H. M., Reissland, N., & Anand, K. J. S. (online). An Evidence-Based Discussion of Fetal Pain and Stress. Neonatology,
- Ustun-Elayan, B., Blissett, J., Covey, J., Schaal, B., & Reissland, N. (2025). Flavor learning and memory in utero as assessed through the changing pattern of olfactory responses from fetal to neonatal life. Appetite, 208, Article 107891.
- Reissland, N., Ustun, B., & Einbeck, J. (2024). The effects of lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic on fetal movement profiles. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 24(1), 56.
- Reissland, N., Matthewson, J., & Einbeck, J. (2023). Association between Hyperemesis Gravidarum in pregnancy on postnatal ability of infants to attend to a play task with their mother. Infant Behavior & Development, 71,
- Ustun, B., Covey, J., & Reissland, N. (2023). Chemosensory continuity from prenatal to postnatal life in humans: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 18(3), Article e0283314.
- Ustun, B., Reissland, N., Covey, J., Schaal, B., & Blisset, J. (2022). Flavor Sensing in Utero and Emerging Discriminative Behaviours in the Human Fetus. Psychological Science, 33(10), 1651-1663.
- Musa, A., Lane, A. R., & Ellison, A. (2022). The effects of induced optical blur on visual search performance and training. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75(2), 277-288.
- Froggatt, S., Reissland, N., Covey, J., & Kumardendran, K. (2021). Foetal mouth movements: Effects of nicotine. Acta Paediatrica: Nurturing the Child, 110(11), 3014-3020.
- Reissland, N., Einbeck, J., Wood, R., & Lane, A. (2021). Effects of maternal mental health on prenatal movement profiles in twins and singletons. Acta Paediatrica: Nurturing the Child, 110(9), 2553-2558.
- Froggatt, S., Reissland, N., & Covey, J. (2021). Risk Perception of Cigarette and E-cigarette use during Pregnancy: A Qualitative Postpartum Perspective. Midwifery, 94, Article 102917.
- Cox, H., James, A., Day, C., & Reissland, N. (2021). Feasibility of a psychoeducational group intervention to improve parental reflective functioning and bonding in pregnancy: A randomised trial. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 39(5), 499-515.
- Reissland, N., Wood, R., Einbeck, J., & Lane, A. (2020). Effects of maternal mental health on fetal visual preference for face-like compared to non-face like light stimulation. Early Human Development, 151, Article 105227.
- Froggatt, S., Reissland, N., & Covey, J. (2020). The effects of prenatal cigarette and e-cigarette exposure on infant neurobehaviour: A comparison to a control group. EClinicalMedicine, 28(100602), Article 100602.
- Reissland, N., Millard, A., Wood, R., Ustun, B., McFaul, C., Froggatt, S., & Einbeck, J. (2020). Prenatal effects of maternal nutritional stress and mental health on the fetal movement profile. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 302(1), 65-75.
- Froggatt, S., Covey, J., & Reissland, N. (2020). Infant neurobehavioural consequences of prenatal cigarette exposure: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Paediatrica: Nurturing the Child, 109(6), 1112-1124.
- Reissland, N., Wood, R., Einbeck, J., & Lane, A. (2020). Testing fetal abilities: A commentary on studies testing prenatal reactions to light stimulation
- Reissland, N., Makhmud, A., & Froggatt, S. (2019). Comparing a foetus diagnosed with Prader–Willi syndrome with non-affected foetuses during light and sound stimulation using 4D ultrasound. Acta Paediatrica: Nurturing the Child, 108(2), 375-376.
- Reissland, N., Froggatt, S., Reames, E., & Girkin, J. (2018). Effects of maternal anxiety and depression on fetal neuro-development. Journal of Affective Disorders, 241, 469-474.
- Sangawi, H., Adams, J., & Reissland, N. (2018). The Impact of Parenting Styles on Children Developmental Outcome: The Role of Academic Self-Concept as a Mediator. International Journal of Psychology, 53(5), 379-387.
- Sangawi, H., Adams, J., & Reissland, N. (2018). Individual Differences in Executive Function: The Role of Parental Monitoring as a Moderator. Journal of Attention Disorders, 25(3), 364-376.
- Soussignan, R., Dollion, N., Schaal, B., Durand, K., Reissland, N., & Baudouin, J.-Y. (2018). Mimicking emotions: how 3–12-month-old infants use the facial expressions and eyes of a model. Cognition and Emotion, 32(4), 827-842.
- Sangawi, H., Adams, J., & Reissland, N. (2018). Effects of parental intervention on behavioural and psychological outcomes for Kurdish parents and their children. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 24(5), 459-468.
- Reid, V. M., Dunn, K., Young, R. J., Amu, J., Donovan, T., & Reissland, N. (2017). The Human Fetus Preferentially Engages with Face-like Visual Stimuli. Current Biology, 27(12), 1825-1828.
- Longfier, L., Soussignan, R., Reissland, N., Leconte, M., Marret, S., Schaal, B., & Mellier, D. (2016). Emotional expressiveness of 5–6 month-old infants born very premature versus full-term at initial exposure to weaning foods. Appetite, 107, 494-500.
- Reissland, N., Lewis, S., Lal, M., & Patterson, L. (2016). What is ‘successful feeding’ on the neonatal intensive care unit? A psychologist’s perspective. MIDIRS midwifery digest, 26(2), 231-235
- Reissland, N., Francis, B., Buttanshaw, L., Austen, J., & Reid, V. (2016). Do fetuses move their lips to the sound that they hear? An observational feasibility study on auditory stimulation in the womb. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 2(1), Article 14.
- Harvey, H., Good, J., Mason, J., & Reissland, N. (2015). A Q-methodology study of parental understandings of infant immunisation: Implications for health-care advice. Journal of Health Psychology, 20(11), 1451-1462.
- Reissland, N., Austen, J., Hanaoka, U., AboEllail, M., Uematsu, R., & Hata, T. (2015). The potential use of the fetal observable movement system in clinical practice. Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 4(October-December), 426-433.
- Sangawi, S., Adams, J., & Reissland, N. (2015). The Effects of Parenting Styles on Behavioral Problems in Primary School Children: A Cross-Cultural Review. Asian Social Science, 11(22), 171-186.
- Reissland, N., Francis, B., Kumarendran, K., & Mason, J. (2015). Ultrasound observations of subtle movements: a pilot study comparing fetuses of smoking and non-smoking mothers. Acta Paediatrica: Nurturing the Child, 104(6), 596-603.
- Dunn, K., Reissland, N., & Reid, V. (2015). The functional foetal brain: A systematic preview of methodological factors in reporting foetal visual and auditory capacity. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 13, 43-52.
- Harvey, H., Reissland, N., & Mason, J. (2015). Parental reminder, recall and educational interventions to improve early childhood immunisation uptake: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Vaccine, 33(25), 2862-2880.
- Reissland, N., Aydin, E., Francis, B., & Exley, E. (2015). Laterality of foetal self-touch in relation to maternal stress. Laterality, 20(1), 82-94.
- Reissland, N. (2014). What the Fetal Face can tell Us: A Discussion of the Evidence, Implications and Potential for Further Research. Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 8(4), 336-343.
- Reissland, N., Francis, B., Aydin, E., Mason, J., & Schaal, B. (2014). The development of anticipation in the fetus: a longitudinal account of human fetal mouth movements in reaction to and anticipation of touch. Developmental Psychobiology, 56(5), 955-963.
- Reissland, N., Francis, B., Aydin, E., Mason, J., & Exley, K. (2014). Development of prenatal lateralization: evidence from fetal mouth movements. Physiology & Behavior, 131, 160-163.
- Reissland, N., Francis, B., & Mason, J. (2013). Can Healthy Fetuses Show Facial Expressions of “Pain” or “Distress”?. PLoS ONE, 8(6), Article e65530.
- Reissland, N., Francis, B., & Mason, J. (2012). Development of Fetal Yawn Compared with Non-Yawn Mouth Openings from 24-36 Weeks Gestation. PLoS ONE, 7(11), Article e50569.
- Reissland, N., Harvey, H., & Mason., J. (2012). Effects of maternal parity, depression and stress on two-month-old infant expression of pain. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 30(4), 363-376.
- Reissland, N., Mason, C., Schaal, B., & Lincoln, K. (2012). "Prenatal Mouth Movements: Can We Identify Co-Ordinated Fetal Mouth and LIP Actions Necessary for Feeding?". International Journal of Pediatrics, 2012, Article 848596.
- Reissland, N., Francis, B., Mason, J., & Lincoln, K. (2011). Do Facial Expressions Develop before Birth?. PLoS ONE, 6(8), Article e24081.
- Wilson, P., Puckering, C., McConnachie, A., Marwick, H., Reissland, N., & Gillberg, C. (2011). Inexpensive video cameras used by parents to record social communication in epidemiological investigations in early childhood – a feasibility study. Infant Behavior & Development, 34(1),
- Reissland, N., & Francis, B. (2010). The quality of fetal arm movements as indicators of fetal stress. Early Human Development, 86(12), 813-816.
- Reissland, N., & Burt, M. (2010). Bi-directional effects of depressed mood in the postnatal period on mother–infant non-verbal engagement with picture books. Infant Behavior & Development, 33(4), 613-618.
- Hopkins, B., & Reissland, N. (2010). Epilogue. Infant and Child Development, 19(1), 125-126.
- Reissland, N., & Hopkins, B. (2010). Introduction: towards a fetal psychology. Infant and Child Development, 19(1), 1-5.
- Reissland, N., Hopkins, B., Helms, P., & Williams, B. (2009). Maternal stress and depression and the lateralisation of infant cradling. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50(3), 263-269.
- Reissland, N., & Shepherd, J. (2006). The effect of maternal depressed mood on infant emotional reaction in a surprise-eliciting situation. Infant Mental Health Journal, 27(2), 173-187.
- Herrera, E., Reissland, N., & Shepherd, J. (2004). Maternal touch and maternal child-directed speech: effects of depressed mood in the postnatal period. Journal of Affective Disorders, 81(1), 29-39.
- Herrera, E., & Reissland, N. (2003). Maternal depressed mood and speech in face to face interaction with6-and-10-month-old infants. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 21(3), 245-245
- Reissland, N., & Herrera, E. (2003). Teasing and bullying: comparing mothers with and without depressed moodduring play with their babies. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 21(3), 248-249
- Reissland, N., Shepherd, J., & Herrera, E. (2003). The pitch of maternal voice: a comparison of mothers suffering from depressed mood and non-depressed mothers reading books to their infants. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 44(2), 255-261.
- Herrera, E., & Reissland, N. (2002). Maternal speech to 6 and 10 months old infants: a comparison of motherssuffering from depressed and non-depressed mood states. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 20(3), 176-177
- Reissland, N., Shepherd, J., & Cowie, L. (2002). The melody of surprise: maternal surprise vocalizations during play with her infant. Infant and Child Development, 11(3), 271-278.
- Reissland, N., & Shepherd, J. (2002). Gaze direction and maternal pitch in surprise-eliciting situations. Infant Behavior & Development, 24(4), 408-417.
- Reissland, N. (2001). The emergence of the speech capacity. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 20(3), 382-384
- Reissland, N. (2001). Maternal sub clinical postnatal depression and infant expression ofsurprise. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 19(3), 273-273
- Reissland, N. (2000). Expressing surprise: 2-10 month old infants' social referencing insurprise eliciting situations. Infant Mental Health Journal, 21(4-5), 356-356
- Reissland, N. (2000). The cradling bias in relation to pitch of maternal child-directedlanguage. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 18, 179-186.
- Reissland, N., & Stephenson, T. (1999). Turn-taking in early vocal interaction: a comparison of premature andterm infants' vocal interaction with their mothers. Child: Care, Health and Development, 25(6), 447-456
- Reissland, N., Shepherd, J., & Stephenson, T. (1999). Maternal verbal interaction in different situations with infants bornprematurely or at term. Infant and Child Development, 8(1), 39-48.
- Reissland, N. (1998). Context dependency in parental speech. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 16, 365-373.
- Reissland, N. (1998). The pitch of "real" and "rhetorical" questions directed by a father tohis daughter: A longitudinal case study. Infant Behavior & Development, 21(4), 793-798.
- Reissland, N. (1997). Emotional development - Sroufe,LA. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 15, 248-249.
- Reissland, N. (1996). Exploring affect - Demos,EV. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 14, 369-370
- Reissland, N., & Snow, D. (1996). Maternal pitch height in ordinary and play situations. Journal of Child Language, 23(2), 269-278
- Reissland, N. (1996). Mastery motivation in early childhood - Messer,DJ. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 14, 255-256
- Reissland, N. (1994). The Socialisation of Pride in Young Children. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 17(3), 541-552.
- Reissland, N., & Harris, P. (1991). CHILDRENS USE OF DISPLAY RULES IN PRIDE-ELICITING SITUATIONS. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 9, 431-435
- Reissland, N. (1990). PARENTAL FRAMEWORKS OF PLEASURE AND PRIDE. Infant Behavior & Development, 13(2), 249-256.
- Reissland, N., & Burghart, R. (1989). ACTIVE PATIENTS - THE INTEGRATION OF MODERN AND TRADITIONAL OBSTETRICPRACTICES IN NEPAL. Social Science & Medicine, 29(1), 43-52
- Reissland, N. (1989). CHILDREN IN THE FIELD - ANTHROPOLOGICAL EXPERIENCES - CASSELL,J. Man (London), 24(1), 174-175
- Reissland, N. (1988). NEONATAL IMITATION IN THE 1ST HOUR OF LIFE - OBSERVATIONS IN RURAL NEPAL. Developmental Psychology, 24(4), 464-469
- Reissland, N., & Burghart, R. (1988). THE QUALITY OF A MOTHERS MILK AND THE HEALTH OF HER CHILD - BELIEFS ANDPRACTICES OF THE WOMEN OF MITHILA. Social Science & Medicine, 27(5), 461-469
- Reissland, N., & Burghart, R. (1987). THE ROLE OF MASSAGE IN SOUTH-ASIA - CHILD HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT. Social Science & Medicine, 25(3), 231-239
- Reissland, N. (1986). PARENTAL PRAISE OF TODDLERS TASK-PERFORMANCE - A CROSS-SECTIONAL ANDLONGITUDINAL-STUDY. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 39, A143-A144
- Reissland, N. (1985). The development of concepts of simultaneity in childrens understanding of emotions. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 26(5), 811-824.
- Reissland, N. (1985). THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDRENS PLEASURE REACTION IN SIBLINGS PLAY - WORKIN PROGRESS. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 38(FEB), A24-A24
- Reissland, N. (1985). THE DEVELOPMENT OF TODDLERS PRIDE AND PLEASURE REACTIONS. Cahiers de psychologie cognitive, 5(3-4), 293-293
- Jaspars, J., Reissland, N., & Egerton, M. (1984). SCHERER DYNAMIC CHEMISTRY OF EMOTIONS. Cahiers de psychologie cognitive, 4(6), 607-613
- Reissland, N. (1983). Cognitive maturity and the experience of fear and pain in hospital. Social Science & Medicine, 17(18), 1389-1395.
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