Staff profile
Affiliation |
Chair in Global Law and SETI Policy in the Durham Law School |
Professor Bohlander has been the International Co-Investigating Judge in the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia since 2015. From 2017 until 2022, he was also an international judge at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers. He joined Durham University in 2004 as a full professor, having previously been a life-tenured member of the German judiciary since 1991. He has published widely on German law, English and Welsh criminal law, comparative and international criminal law, and Islamic law.
Since 2020, his main focus has been on the consequences of a potential contact with extraterrestrial intelligence for human law and society in the wider sense.
Publications on SETI and UAP research
Warten auf Godot - Sinn und Unsinn der gegenwärtigen Debatte zur UAP Disclosure
Letter to The Guardian - 14 Feb 2025
Contact with extraterrestrial intelligence and human law
Alien encounter narratives in a forensic environment
Rechtliche Aspekte des Kontakts mit ausserirdischer Intelligenz
Es ist an der Zeit, dass die Menschheit ein planetares Speziesbewusstsein entwickelt
"Joining the galactic club": what price admission?
Metalaw - What is it good for?
News items
Radio interview on Canadian Global News Radio 980 CKNW on US congressional UAP hearings
How would humans react to contact with extraterrestrials? - The Debrief
Academics at Durham law school and St Andrews university launch global online survey
Human life after contact with extraterrestrial civilisations - Call for contributions
"Joining the Galactic Club" finalist in 2023 Canopus Awards
Grounding the SETI and UAP debate
"Take me to your lawyer" - The Micah Hanks Programme | Podcast
Research interests
- Contact with extraterrestrial intelligence and its impact on human law
- Legal aspects of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)
- International and comparative criminal law
Authored book
- Bohlander, M. (2023). Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Human Law: The Applicability of Rules of War and Human Rights. Brill Academic Publishers.
- Bohlander, M. (2021). Principles of German Criminal Procedure (2nd edition). (2nd). Bloomsbury Professional/Hart
- Bohlander, M. (2012). Principles of German Criminal Procedure. Hart Publishing
- Bohlander, M. (2011). مبانی حقوق کیفری آلمان (Farsi translation of Principles of German Criminal Law, 2009). MajdLaw Publishers
- Bohlander, M. (2010). قانون مجازات آلمان (Farsi translation of The German Criminal Code - A Modern English Translation, 2008). MajdLaw Publishers
- Bohlander, M. (2009). Principles of German Criminal Law. Hart Publishing
- Bohlander, M. (2008). The German Criminal Code: A Modern English Translation. Hart Publishing
- Bohlander, M. (2001). Gerichtliche Sanktionen gegen Anwälte wegen Mißbrauchs von Verfahrensrechten - Eine Studie zum institutionellen Rollenverständnis von Rechtsanwälten gegenüber den Gerichten. Shaker
- Bohlander, M. (1999). Widerruf der Strafaussetzung bei Verstoß gegen Weisungen - Eine Untersuchung zum Bewährungswiderruf de lege lata et ferenda unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des amerikanischen, englischen und spanischen Rechts. Shaker
- Bohlander, M., & Latour, C. (1998). The German Judiciary in the Nineties - A Study of the Recruitment, Promotion and Remuneration of Judges in Germany. Shaker
- Bohlander, M. (1992). Verteidigernotdienst im strafprozessualen Ermittlungsverfahren - Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zur Übertragbarkeit der britischen Duty Solicitor Schemes auf das deutsche Strafverfahren. Peter Lang
Book review
- Bohlander, M. (2018). Book review of Comparative Criminal Law, written by Albin Eser. International Criminal Law Review, 18(4), 735-738.
- Bohlander, M. (2018). Joint review of John E. Ackerman/Eugene O'Sullivan, Practice and Procedure of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, 2000, and John R.W.D. Jones, The Practice of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, 2000. International Criminal Law Review, 173-176
- Bohlander, M. (2009). Otto Triffterer (ed.), Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, 2nd ed., 2008. International Criminal Law Review, 855-857
- Bohlander, M. (2009). Tahir Wasti, The Application of Islamic Criminal Law in Pakistan - Sharia in Practice, 2009. International Criminal Law Review, 858-859
- Bohlander, M. (2008). Frank Neubacher/Anne Klein (eds.), Vom Recht der Macht zur Macht des Rechts: Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur Zukunft internationaler Strafgerichte, 2006. International Criminal Law Review, 383-384
- Bohlander, M. (2008). Peter J. Richards, Extraordinary Justice - Military Tribunals in Historical and International Context, 2007. International Criminal Law Review, 706-707
- Bohlander, M. (2008). Mashood Baderin, International Law and Islamic Law, 2008. International Criminal Law Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2008). Ndiva Kofele-Kale, The International Law of Responsibility for Economic Crimes - Holding State Officials Individually Liable for Acts of Fraudulent Enrichment, 2006. International Criminal Law Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2008). Manuel Ladiges, Die Bekämpfung nicht-staatlicher Angreifer im Luftraum, 2007. International Criminal Law Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2008). Dawn Rothe & Christopher Mullins, Symbolic Gestures and the Generation of Global Social Control, 2006. International Criminal Law Review, 384-385
- Bohlander, M. (2008). Boas/Bischoff/Reid, International Law Practitioner Library, Vol. I: Forms of Responsibility in International Criminal Law, 2007. International Criminal Law Review, 710-711
- Bohlander, M. (2008). Cyril Laucci, Digest of the Jurisprudence of the Special Court for Sierra Leone 2003 - 2005, 2007. International Criminal Law Review, 385-386
- Bohlander, M. (2008). Geert-Jan A. Knoops, Defenses in Contemporary International Criminal Law, 2008. International Criminal Law Review, 711-712
- Bohlander, M. (2008). Ruth A. Kok, Statutory Limitations in International Criminal Law, 2007. International Criminal Law Review, 705-706
- Bohlander, M. (2008). Vladimir Tochilovsky, Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court and the European Court of Human Rights, Procedure and Evidence, 2008. International Criminal Law Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2008). Cyril Laucci, The Annotated Digest of the International Criminal Court 2004 - 2006, 2007. International Criminal Law Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2008). Karsten Gaede, Fairness als Teilhabe - Das Recht auf konkrete und wirksame Teilhabe durch Verteidigung gemäß Art. 6 EMRK, 2007. International Criminal Law Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2008). Stefan van Heeck, Die Weiterentwicklung des formellen Völkerstrafrechts, 2006. International Criminal Law Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2008). Christopher W. Mullins & Dawn L. Rothe, Blood, Power and Bedlam - Violations of International Criminal Law in Post-Colonial Africa, 2008. International Criminal Law Review, 707-708
- Bohlander, M. (2008). George P. Fletcher, The Grammar of Criminal Law, Volume One: Foundations, 2007. International Criminal Law Review, 699-705
- Bohlander, M. (2008). Michael Schmitt/Jelena Pejic (eds.), International Law and Armed Conflict: Exploring the Faultlines, 2007. International Criminal Law Review, 708-709
- Bohlander, M. (2007). Kreß/Broomhall/Lattanzi/Santori (eds.), The Rome Statute and Domestic Legal Orders, Vol. II, 2005. International Criminal Law Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2007). Das amerikanische Strafverfahren als Element der Besatzungspolitik in Deutschland, 2005. International Criminal Law Review, 549-550
- Bohlander, M. (2007). Van Baarda/Verweij (eds.), Military Ethics, The Dutch Approach: A Practical Guide, 2006. International Criminal Law Review, 550-551
- Bohlander, M. (2005). Héctor Olásolo, Corte Penal Internacional, Dónde Investigar?, 2003. International Criminal Law Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2005). Francis Pakes, Comparative Criminal Justice, 2004. International Criminal Law Review, 503-504
- Bohlander, M. (2005). Mireille Delmas-Marty, Towards a Truly Common Law, Europe as a Laboratoryfor Legal Pluralism, 2002. International Criminal Law Review, 504-505
- Bohlander, M. (2005). Esin Örücü, The Enigma of Comparative Law, Variations on a Theme for theTwenty-First Century, 2004. International Criminal Law Review, 505-506
- Bohlander, M. (2005). Jan Schlösser, Soziale Tatherrschaft, Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Täterschaft in organisatorischen Machtapparaten, 2004. International Criminal Law Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2005). Christine van den Wyngaert/Guy Stessens/Liesbeth Janssens (eds.) International Criminal Law, A Collection of International and European Instruments, 3rd revised edition, 2005,. International Criminal Law Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2005). International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Judicial Reports 2000, Parts 1 and 2, 2005. International Criminal Law Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2005). Rob Blekxtoon/Wouter van Ballegooij (eds.), Handbook on the EuropeanArrest Warrant, 2005. International Criminal Law Review, 502-503
- Bohlander, M. (2005). Rachel Kerr, The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia,An Exercise in Law, Politics and Diplomacy, 2004. International Criminal Law Review, 506-510
- 2002. International Criminal Law Review, 129-130
- Bohlander, M. (2004). John R.W.D. Jones and Steven Powles, International Criminal Practice, 3rd edition, 2003. International Criminal Law Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2004). Robert Esser, Auf dem Weg zu einem europäischen Strafverfahrensrecht, 2002. International Criminal Law Review, 128-129
- Bohlander, M. (2004). Gerd Hankel, Die Leipziger Prozesse, Deutsche Kriegsverbrechen und ihre strafrechtliche Verfolgung nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg, 2003. International Criminal Law Review,
- Justice in Islam, Judicial Procedure in the Shari’a, 2003. International Criminal Law Review, 551-552
- Bohlander, M. (2004). ICTY, Judicial Reports 1997, vols 1 and 2, United Nations, 2004. International Criminal Law Review,
- Justice, Psychological Perspectives on Criminal Justice Systems, 2003. International Criminal Law Review, 125-128
- Bohlander, M. (2004). Rodney Dixon & Karim Khan, Archbold International Criminal Courts, Practice, Procedure & Evidence, 2003. International Criminal Law Review, 121-123
- Bohlander, M. (2004). Jean Pradel, Droit pénal comparé, 2nd edition, 2002. International Criminal Law Review, 130-131
- Bohlander, M. (2004). M. Cherif Bassiouni, Introduction to International Criminal Law, 2003. International Criminal Law Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2004). M. Cherif Bassiouni (ed.), Post-Conflict Justice, 2002. International Criminal Law Review, 123-124
- Bohlander, M. (2004). Review of Robert W. Bennett, Talking it Through - Puzzles of American Democracy. Swiss Political Science Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2004). Richard May & Marieke Wierda, International Criminal Evidence, 2002. International Criminal Law Review, 120-121
- Bohlander, M. (2004). Patricia Schneider, Internationale Gerichtsbarkeit als Instrument friedlicher Streitbeilegung, Von einer empirisch fundierten Theorie zu einem innovativenKonzept, 2003. International Criminal Law Review, 124-125
- Bohlander, M. (2003). Towards an International Criminal Procedure, Christoph Safferling, 2001. International Criminal Law Review, 183-187
- Thaman, 2002. International Criminal Law Review, 187-188
- Bohlander, M. (2003). Neighbours in Law – Are Common Law and Civil Law Moving Closer Together?, Papers in honour of Barbara Huber on her 65th birthday, AlbinEser/Christiane Rabenstein (eds.), 2001. International Criminal Law Review, 188-189
- Bohlander, M. (2002). ICTY Judicial Reports/TPIR Recueils Judiciaires 1996, vols. I and II, 2002. International Criminal Law Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2002). International Criminal Law, Ilias Bantekas/Susan Nash and Mark Mackarel, 2001. International Criminal Law Review, 410-411
- Bohlander, M. (2002). European Criminal Law, Geert Corstens and Jean Pradel, 2002. International Criminal Law Review, 416-417
- Sadat, Bruce Zagaris and Sharon A. Williams, 2000. International Criminal Law Review, 411-412
- Bohlander, M. (2002). The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence2001, 2001,. International Criminal Law Review, 420-421
- Bohlander, M. (2002). International Criminal Law, Kriangsak Kittichaisaree, 2001. International Criminal Law Review, 418-419
- Current Developments, Horst Fischer, Claus Kreß and Sascha Rolf Lüder (eds.), 2001. International Criminal Law Review, 412-414
- Bohlander, M. (2002). Craig M. Bradley, Criminal Procedure - A Worldwide Study, 1999. International Criminal Law Review, 373-374
- Bohlander, M. (2002). Basic Documents and Case Law 1995–2000, International Criminal Tribunalfor Rwanda, CD-ROM, United Nations, 2001. International Criminal Law Review, 415-416
- Bohlander, M. (2002). The International Criminal Court, Elements of Crimes and Rules of Procedure and Evidence, Roy S. Lee (ed.), 2001. International Criminal Law Review, 419-420
- Bohlander, M. (2002). Der Allgemeine Teil des Völkerstrafrechts, Ansätze einer Dogmatisierung,Kai Ambos, 2002,. International Criminal Law Review, 417-418
- Bohlander, M. (2002). Defenses in Contemporary International Criminal Law, Geert-Jan G.J. Knoops, 2001. International Criminal Law Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2002). International Criminal Law, A Collection of International and European Instruments, Christine van den Wyngaert (ed.), 2nd ed., 2000,. International Criminal Law Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2002). The International Criminal Court and the Transformation of International Law – Justice for the New Millenium, Leila Nadya Sadat, 2002,. International Criminal Law Review,
- Bohlander, M. (2002). Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, André Klip and Göran Sluiter (eds.), vols. I (ICTY 1993–1998), 1999, II (ICTR 1994–1999), 2001, and III (ICTY 1997–1999), 2001,. International Criminal Law Review, 414-415
Chapter in book
- Bohlander, M. (2024). Nachwort. In Die kosmische Krise - Warum Außeriridische uns nicht retten werden by Daniel Gerritzen (303-306). Matthes & Seitz
- Bohlander, M. (2023). Germany. In M. Bohlander, G. Kemp, & M. Webster (Eds.), Public Health Crisis Management and Criminal Liability of Governments - A Comparative Study of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Hart/Bloomsbury
- Bohlander, M. (2023). Strafrechtswissenschaft und Völkerstrafrecht. In D. Brodowski, & A. Morsch (Eds.), Das Recht vorandenken?: Reflexionen über die Rolle der (Straf-)Rechtswissenschaft. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
- Bohlander, M. (2021). Article 1 – The Court. In K. Ambos (Ed.), Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (17 - 25). (4th). CH Beck/Hart/NOMOS
- Bohlander, M. (2021). Article 36 - Qualifications, nomination and election of judges. In K. Ambos (Ed.), Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1446 - 1457). (4th). CH Beck/Hart/NOMOS
- Bohlander, M. (2021). Commodification of Justice – A Personal View on Managerial Performance Indicators in the Judicial Context (Reprint). In S. Shetreet, & H. Chodosh (Eds.), Challenged Justice: In Pursuit of Judicial Independence. Brill/Martinus Nijhoff.
- Bohlander, M. (2019). “External Stakeholder Benevolence”: An Emerging Policy Paradigm in International Criminal Justice? – Critical reflections on the Paris Declaration 2017 and the Oslo Recommendations 2018 on the efficiency and legitimacy of international courts. In G. Z. Capaldo (Ed.), Global community yearbook of international law and jurisprudence 2018 (21-67). Oxford University Press.
- Bohlander, M. (2018). “The Global Panopticon”: Mass surveillance and data privacy intrusion as a crime against humanity?. In M. Böse, M. Bohlander, A. Klip, & O. Lagodny (Eds.), Justice without borders : essays in honour of Wolfgang Schomburg (73-102). Brill | Nijhoff.
- Bohlander, M. (2017). Accusatoire/inquisitoire. In O. Beauvallet (Ed.), Dictionnaire encyclopédique de la Justice Pénale Internationale. Berger Levrault
- Bohlander, M. (2016). Article 36 - Qualifications, nomination and election of judges. In O. Triffterer, & K. Ambos (Eds.), Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court : a commentary (1216-1225). (3rd ed.). C.H. Beck ; Hart ; Nomos
- Triffterer, O., & Bohlander, M. (2016). Article 1 - The Court. In O. Triffterer, & K. Ambos (Eds.), Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. (3rd ed.). C H Beck/Hart/Nomos
- Bohlander, M. (2015). Maqāṣid aš-šarī‘a und die Konversation zwischen islamischem und säkularem Recht – Vom Austausch von Monologen zum kritischen Dialog. In H.-G. Ebert (Ed.), Beiträge zum Islamischen Recht X : zu Ehren von Hilmar Krüger (13-30). Peter Lang.
- Bohlander, M. (2015). Paradise postponed? For a judge-led generic model of international criminal procedure and an and to ‘draft-as-you-go’. In M. Ambrus, & R. A. Wessel (Eds.), Netherlands yearbook of international law 2014 : between pragmatism and predictability : temporariness in international law (331-355). T.M.C Asser Press.
- Bohlander, M. (2015). From Marx to Majewski: A review of the law on voluntary intoxication in the former German Democratic Republic. In B. Livings, A. Reed, & N. Wake (Eds.), Mental condition defences and the criminal justice system : perspectives from law and medicine (275-294). Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Bohlander, M. (2015). The Politics of Avoiding the G-Word. In T. Mkrtchyan, N. Movsesyan, & A. Naghdalyan (Eds.), Against the Crime of Genocide (69-72). Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Armenia
- Bohlander, M. (2014). Blood Music on Darwin’s Radio – Musings on social network data transparency, cyborg technology, science fiction and the future perception of human rights. In G. Ziccardi Capaldo (Ed.), The global community : yearbook of international law and jurisprudence 2013 (45-64). Oxford University Press
- Bohlander, M. (2014). Open Justice or Open Season? - Should the media report the names of suspects and defendants?. In T. Brooks (Ed.), Shame Punishment (547-564). Ashgate Publishing
- Bohlander, M. (2014). Transfer of Defences. In A. Reed, & M. Bohlander (Eds.), General Defences in Criminal Law - Domestic and Comparative Perspectives. Routledge
- Bohlander, M. (2014). Nullum crimen sine poena – Zur Unberechenbarkeit völkerstrafrechtlicher Lehrenbildung. In H. Alwart, A. Hallmann., & K. Krämer. (Eds.), Freiheit und Freiheitsverluste in Rechtsregime, Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft. Mohr Siebeck
- Bohlander, M. (2014). Laienbeteiligung und adversarisches Verfahrensmodell - A match made in Heaven?. In M. Kudratov, & F. C. Schroeder (Eds.), Die strafprozessuale Hauptverhandlung zwischen inquisitorischem und adversatorischem Modell: Eine rechtsvergleichende Analyse am Beispiel des deutschen und des zentralasiatischen Strafprozessrechts (167-180). Peter Lang
- Bohlander, M. (2013). Volver a Radbruch - La necesidad de retomar de raíz el diálogo entre common law y Derecho continental, en atención al ejemplo de la justicia penal internacional. In A. Herrera García, & E. Ferrer Mac-Gregor (Eds.), Diálogo Jurisprudencial entre Tribunales Constitucionales y Cortes Internacionales. Tirant lo Blanch
- Bohlander, M., & Akçam, T. (2013). Echoes of the Genocide – Reflections on Turkey’s Treatment of Armenian Property Rights. In A. Oriolo, & A. Vigorito (Eds.), Festschrift in Honour of Giuliana Capaldo (267 - 292). OUP
- Bohlander, M., & Rothe, D. L. (2012). “Spock was wrong” – Global Student Views on Head-of-State and Regime Assassination as a Means of Avoiding Collateral Civilian Damage in Armed Conflicts. In G. Z. Capaldo (Ed.), The global community : yearbook of international law and jurisprudence 2010 (69-127). Oxford University Press
- Bohlander, M., & Schomburg, W. (2012). Act on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters. In W. Schomburg, O. Lagodny, S. Gleß, & T. Hackner (Eds.), Internationale Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen = International cooperation in criminal matters (581-620). (5th ed.). C.H. Beck
- Reed, A., & Bohlander, M. (2011). Introduction. In A. Reed, & M. Bohlander (Eds.), Loss of control and diminished responsibility : domestic, comparative and international perspectives (1-8). Ashgate Publishing
- Bohlander, M. (2011). When the bough breaks – Defences and sentencing options available in battered-women and similar scenarios under German Criminal Law. In A. Reed, & M. Bohlander (Eds.), Loss of control and diminished responsibility : domestic, comparative and international perspectives (247-270). Ashgate Publishing
- Bohlander, M. (2011). Separation of Powers and the International Judiciary – A vision of institutional judicial independence in international law. In S. Shetreet, & C. Forsyth (Eds.), Culture of judicial independence : conceptual foundations and practical challenges. Martinus Nijhoff
- Bohlander, M., & Rothe, D. L. (2010). Assassination of regime elites versus collateral civilian damage?. In D. L. Rothe, & C. W. Mullins (Eds.), State crime : current perspectives (245-261). Rutgers University Press
- Bohlander, M., & Rothe, D. L. (2010). Legal Precedent, Jurisprudence, and State Crime: Pinochet and Crimes Against Humanity. In D. L. Rothe, & C. W. Mullins (Eds.), State crime : current perspectives (162-184). Rutgers University Press
- Bohlander, M. (2010). Introduction. In M. Bohlander (Ed.), Globalization of criminal justice (xi-xxv). Ashgate Publishing
- Bohlander, M. (2010). Flexible Judges or Flexing the Political Muscle?. In L. De Groot-van Leeuwen, & W. Rombouts (Eds.), Separation of powers in theory and practice: an international perspective (123-138). Wolf Legal Publishers
- Bohlander, M. (2010). No Country for Old Men? - Age limits for judges at international criminal tribunals. In Indian yearbook of international law and policy. Satyam Law International
- Bohlander, M. (2009). Comment on Case No.ICTR-95-1B-T, T. Ch. III, 28 April 2005, Judgement and Sentence, Prosecutor v. Mikaeli Muhimana. In A. Klip, & G. Sluiter (Eds.), Annotated leading cases of International Criminal Tribunals : The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 2005 (516-523). Hart ; Intersentia
- Bohlander, M. (2009). Killing many to save a few? Preliminary Thoughts about Avoiding Collateral Civilian Damage by Assassination of Regime Elites. In K. H. Kaikobad, & M. Bohlander (Eds.), International law and power: perspectives on legal order and justice - Essays in honour of Colin Warbrick (207-234). Martinus Nijhoff
- Bohlander, M. (2008). Ne bis in idem. In C. Bassiouni (Ed.), International criminal law (541-560). (3rd ed.). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
- Bohlander, M. (2008). The General Part: Judicial Developments. In C. Bassiouni (Ed.), International criminal law (517-540). (3rd ed.). Martinus Nijhoff
- Bohlander, M. (2007). The International Criminal Judiciary : Problems of Judicial Selection, Independence and Ethics. In M. Bohlander (Ed.), International criminal justice : a critical analysis of institutions and procedures (325-390). Cameron May
- Bohlander, M. (2007). Better Regulation by Abdication? - Remarks on Parliamentary Democracy and Governmental Law-Making. In S. Weatherill (Ed.), Better Regulation (149-154). Hart Publishing
- Bohlander, M. (2006). Laienrichter in der Strafjustiz - Ein Vergleich am Beispiel der Rechtsordnungen von England, Spanien und Frankreich. In H.-P. Marutschke (Ed.), Laienrichter in Japan, Deutschland und Europa - Japanisch-Deutsches Symposium, Doshisha University Law School, Kyoto, 15 May 2005 (62-86). Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
- Bohlander, M. (2006). Introduction and Overview. In M. Bohlander, R. Boed, & R. J. Wilson (Eds.), Defense in International Criminal Proceedings-Cases, Materials and Commentary. Transnational Publishers
- Bohlander, M. (2006). Right to Counsel. In M. Bohlander, R. Boed, & R. J. Wilson (Eds.), Defense in International Criminal Proceedings - Cases, Materials and Commentary. Transnational Publishers
- Bohlander, M. (2005). Comment on Prosecutor v. Krnojelac, Judgment of 15 March 2002. In A. Klip, & G. Sluiter (Eds.), Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals
- Bohlander, M. (2005). Internationalisierte Strafgerichte auf nationaler Ebene - Kosovo, Kambodscha, Sierra Leone und Timor-Leste (with Justice Renate Winter, Sierra Leone Special Court). In S. Kirsch (Ed.), Internationale Strafgerichtshöfe
- Bohlander, M. (2004). The influence of academic research on the jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia – A first overview. In The Global Community: Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2003 (195-209)
- Bohlander, M. (2004). Das Verfahrensrecht des Jugoslawientribunals – Überblick und Beispiele zu grundlegenden Aspekten der Rechtsfindung. In Internationalisierung des Strafrechts – Fortschritt oder Verlust an Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Schriftenreihe der Strafverteidigervereinigungen
- Bohlander, M. (2004). Anspruch und Wirklichkeit des Völkerstrafrechts. In H. Roggeman, & et al. (Eds.), Working Papers of the Interuniversitäres Rechtszentrum Split/Berlin
- Bohlander, M. (2003). Anspruch und Wirklichkeit des Völkerstrafrechts. In M. Haedrich, & E. Eichenhofer (Eds.), Staatswissenschaften im Dialog - Schillerhausgespräche 2001
- Bohlander, M. (2003). Kosovo: The legal framework of the prosecution and the courts. In K. Ambos, & M. Othman (Eds.), New Approaches in International Criminal Justice: Kosovo, East Timor, Sierra Leone and Cambodia Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law (21-59). Iuscrim Verlag
- Bohlander, M. (2003). The Defence. In G. Boas, & W. Schabas (Eds.), International Criminal Law Developments in the Case Law of the ICTY (35 - 74). Martinus Nijhoff
- Bohlander, M., & Findlay, M. (2003). The use of domestic sources as a basis for international criminal law principles. In G. Z. Capaldo (Ed.), 2002 The Global Community, Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence (3-26). Oceana Publications
- Bohlander, M. (2003). Reprint of Zum Einsatz von Videotechnologie bei der Vernehmung kindlicher Zeugen, Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft 107 (1995). In O. Lagodny (Ed.), Der Strafprozeß vor neuen Herausforderungen. Nomos
- Bohlander, M. (2002). Possible Conflicts of Jurisdiction with the Ad Hoc International Criminal Tribunals. In A. Cassese, P. Gaeta, & J. R. Jones (Eds.), The Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court: A Comentary. OUP
- Bohlander, M. (2000). Plea bargaining before the ICTY. In R. May, & et al. (Eds.), Essays in ICTY Procedure and Evidence - Essays in Honour of President Gabrielle Kirk McDonald. Kluwer Law International
- Bohlander, M. (2000). Völkerrecht als Grundlage internationaler Strafverfahren?. In J. Hasse, & et al. (Eds.), Humanitäres Völkerrecht
- Bohlander, M. (2000). Criticizing Judges in Germany. In M. Addo (Ed.), Freedom of Expression and the Criticism of Judges. Ashgate Publishing
Conference Paper
- Bohlander, M. (2018, December). Commodification of Justice – A personal view on managerial performance indicators in the judicial context. Presented at Contemporary trends in justice systems
- Bohlander, M. (2004, December). The Transfer of Cases from International Criminal Tribunals to National Courts
Edited book
- Bohlander, M., Kemp, G., & Webster, M. (Eds.). (2023). Public Health Crisis Management and Criminal Liability of Governments - A Comparative Study of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Hart/Bloomsbury
- Bohlander, M., Reed, A., Simpson, B., & Adams, V. (. (Eds.). (2022). Fault in Criminal Law - A Research Companion. Routledge
- Bhojani, A.-R., de Rooi, L., & Bohlander, M. (Eds.). (2020). Visions of Sharīʿa - Contemporary Discussions in Shīī͑ Legal Theory. Brill Academic Publishers
- Reed, A., Bohlander, M., Wake, N., Engleby, E., & Adams, V. (Eds.). (2018). Homicide in Criminal Law: A Research Companion. Routledge/Taylor & Francis
- Böse, M., Bohlander, M., Klip, A., & Lagodny, O. (Eds.). (2018). Justice without Borders - Essays in Honour of Wolfgang Schomburg. Brill | Nijhoff
- Bohlander, M., Reed, A., Wake, N., & Smith, E. (Eds.). (2017). Consent - Domestic and Comparative Perspectives. Routledge/Taylor & Francis
- Bohlander, M., & Birkett, D. (Eds.). (2014). Codification of Criminal Law. Ashgate Publishing
- Bohlander, M. (Ed.). (2014). A Modern History of German Criminal Law. Springer Verlag
- Reed, A., & Bohlander., M. (Eds.). (2014). General Defences in Criminal Law - Domestic and Comparative Perspectives. Ashgate Publishing
- Reed, A., & Bohlander, M. (Eds.). (2013). Participation in Crime - Domestic and Comparative Perspectives. Ashgate Publishing
- Reed, A., & Bohlander, M. (Eds.). (2011). Loss of Control and Diminished Responsibility - Domestic, Comparative and International Perspectives. Ashgate Publishing
- Bohlander, M. (Ed.). (2010). Globalization of Criminal Justice. Ashgate Publishing
- Kaikobad, K. H., & Bohlander, M. (Eds.). (2009). International Law and Power: Perspectives on Legal Order and Justice - Essays in Honour of Colin Warbrick. Martinus Nijhoff
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Journal Article
- Bohlander, M. (online). „Es ist an der Zeit, dass die Menschheit ein planetares Speziesbewusstsein entwickelt.“. Bild de Wissenschaft, 28-30
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- Bohlander, M. (2025). Warten auf Godot - Sinn und Unsinn der gegenwärtigen Debatte zur UAP Disclosure. Raumfahrt Concret, 136(1), 26 - 29
- Bohlander, M. (2024). Going Federal – A longitudinal study of 196 judges’ career trajectories to the German Federal Court of Justice from 2000 to 2020. Journal of Comparative Law,
- Bohlander, M. (2024). Rechtliche Aspekte des Kontakts mit außerirdischer Intelligenz Science-Fiction oder ernstzunehmendes Szenario?. Raumfahrt Concret, 132(2), 20 -22
- Bohlander, M. (2024). Alien encounter narratives in a forensic environment. Journal of Anomalistics (Zeitschrift für Anomalistik), 24(2), 427–468.
- Bohlander, M. (2022). Heimtücke, Gemeingefährlichkeit und Werkzeugbegriff bei riskantem Führen von Fahrzeugen – insbesondere bei „Raserfällen“. Neue Justiz, 7, 310 - 312
- Bohlander, M. (2022). Abandoning Dishonesty – A Brief German Comment on the State of the Law after Ivey. Journal of Criminal Law, 86(3), 170-178.
- Bohlander, M. (2022). 语言、文化、法律传统和国际刑事司法 (Translation of: Language, Culture, Legal Traditions, and International Criminal Justice, Journal of International Criminal Justice 2014; 12 (3): 491–513)
- Bohlander, M. (2021). Metalaw – What is it good for?. Acta Astronautica, 188, 400-404.
- Bohlander, M. (2021). Joining the “Galactic Club”: What Price Admission? – A hypothetical case study of the impact of human rights on a future accession of humanity to interstellar civilisation networks . Futures, 132, Article 102801.
- Bohlander, M. (2021). Case Note: Germany – Balancing the right of a parliamentary commission of enquiry to access classified evidence from anti-terrorist undercover operations with the requirements of national security – “Anis Amri Case”. Public Law, 2021(3), 638-641
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- Bohlander, M. (2019). 国家刑法与《罗马规约》第7条中对LGBT群体的定罪. Chinese Criminal Law Review, 269-289
- Bohlander, M. (2018). ការបដិសេធភ័ស្តុតាង ៖ ករណីការថតសម្លេងតាមទូរស័ព្ទ បទអត្ថាធិប្បាយ លើសាលក្រម សំណុំរឿង ៣៣៦/២០០៥ ចុះថ្ងៃទី ១៥ ខែ មីនា ឆ្នាំ ២០០៥ និង លេខ ៤៦៣/២០០៥ ចុះថ្ងៃទី ១៣ ខែ មេសា ឆ្នាំ ២០០៥ របស់តុលាការកំពូលប្រទេស អេស្ប៉ាញ (ផ្នែកព្រហ្មទណ្ឌ). Bulletin of the Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia,
- Bohlander, M. (2017). Selbstverschuldete Intoxikation im Strafrecht der früheren DDR – Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion des Vorlagebeschlusses BGH 3 StR 63/15 vom 20. Dezember 2016. Neue Justiz, 2017(9),
- Bohlander, M. (2015). Of Higher Intentions and Lower Expectations. A report about a failed survey project on using maqāṣid al-shari‛ah as a means of comparative governance research. European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance, 2(3), 187-211.
- Bohlander, M. (2015). "Statute? What statute?" - norm hierarchy and judicial law-making in international criminal law at the example of the special tribunal for Lebanon. Statute Law Review, 36(2), 186-190.
- Bohlander, M. (2014). Criminalising LGBT persons under national criminal law and Article 7(1)(h) and (3) of the ICC Statute. Global Policy, 5(4), 401-414.
- Bohlander, M. (2014). Murder by YouTube - Anti-Islamic Speech and Homicide Liability. Journal of Islamic state practices in international law, 10(2), 7-42
- Bohlander, M. (2014). Sisters in Law – Using Maqāṣid al-Shari‘ah to Advance the Conversation between Islamic and Secular Legal Thinking. Arab Law Quarterly, 28(3), 257-277.
- Bohlander, M. (2014). Language, culture, legal traditions and international criminal justice. Journal of International Criminal Justice, 12(3), 491-513.
- Bohlander, M. (2014). Political Islam and Non-Muslim Religions - A Lesson from Lessing for the Arab Transition. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 25(1), 27-47.
- Bohlander, M. (2013). Vicarious Criminal Liability of Parents for Offences Committed by their Children?. Criminal law & justice weekly, 177(48), 791-792.
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- Bohlander, M. (2013). Ägyptens neue Verfassung – Ein islamistischer Staatsstreich?. GAIR-Mitteilungen, 77-82
- Bohlander, M. (2012). 'There is no compulsion in religion': Freedom of religion, responsibility to protect (R2P) and crimes against humanity at the example of the Islamic blasphemy laws of Pakistan. Journal of Islamic state practices in international law, 8(1), 36-66
- Bohlander, M. (2012). Volver a Radbruch. InDret, 2012(2),
- Bohlander, M. (2012). Case Note on Amtsgericht Köln, Judgment No. 528 Ds 30/11, Germany of 21 September 2011 and Landgericht Köln, Judgment No. 151 Ns 169/11, Germany of 7 May 2012 (Criminal liability for not medically indicated male circumcision based on religious tradition). Oxford Journal of Law and Religion,
- Bohlander, M. (2011). Retrospective reductions in the severity of substantive criminal law – The lex mitior principle and the impact of Scoppola v Italy No. 2. Criminal law review, 627-641
- Bohlander, M. (2011). Radbruch Redux: The need for revisiting the conversation between common and civil law at root level at the example of international criminal justice. Leiden Journal of International Law, 24(2), 393-410.
- Bohlander, M. (2011). Basic Concepts of German Criminal Procedure – An Introduction
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- Bohlander, M. (2011). Battered Women and Failed Attempts to Kill the Abuser – Labelling and Doctrinal Inconsistency in English Homicide Law. Journal of Criminal Law, 75(4), 279-288.
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- Bohlander, M. (2010). Death of an Appellant – The termination of the appellate proceedings in the case of Rasim Delic at the ICTY. Criminal Law Forum, 21(3-4), 495-509.
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- Bohlander, M. (2010). Transferred malice and transferred defences: A critique of the traditional doctrine and arguments for a change in paradigm. New Criminal Law Review: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal, 13(3), 555-624.
- Bohlander, M. (2010). The Conflict between the Serious Crime Act 2007 and section 1(4)(b) Criminal Attempts Act 1981 – A missed repeal?. Criminal law review, 6, 483-488
- Bohlander, M. (2010). Problems of Transferred Malice in Multiple-Actor Scenarios. Journal of Criminal Law, 74(2), 145-162.
- Bohlander, M. (2009). Pride and Prejudice or Sense and Sensibility? A pragmatic proposal for the recruitment of judges at the ICC and other international criminal courts. New Criminal Law Review: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal, 12(4), 529-542.
- Bohlander, M. (2009). Comment: The Remains of the Day - Whole Life Sentences after Bieber. Journal of Criminal Law, 73(1), 30-47.
- Bohlander, M., & Hedayati-Kakhki, M. M. (2009). Criminal Justice under Shari’ah in the 21st Century - An Inter-Cultural View. Arab Law Quarterly, 23(4), 417-436.
- Bohlander, M. (2007). Uluslararasi Ceza Yargisi: Yargisal Secim, Bagimsizlik ve Etik Sorunlari. Uluslararası suçlar ve tarih, 5 - 68
- Bohlander, M. (2006). In Extremis - Hijacked airplanes, 'collateral damage' and the limits of criminal law. Criminal law review, 579-592
- Bohlander, M. (2006). Of shipwrecked sailors, unborn children, conjoined twins and hijacked airplanes - Taking human life and the defence of necessity. Journal of Criminal Law, 70, 147-161
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- Bohlander, M. (2006). Case Comment on Bundesgerichtshof, Judgment of 12 July 2005, Case No. 1 StR 65/05. Journal of Criminal Law, 131-135
- Bohlander, M. (2006). Referring an indictment from the ICTY and ICTR to another court - Rule 11bis and the consequences for the law of extradition. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 55(1), 219-226
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- Bohlander, M. (2006). Case Comment: To what extent are decisions of the European Court of Human Rights binding on domestic courts when interpreting domestic law
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- Bohlander, M. (2006). Evidence before the International Criminal Court - Basic Principles. ERA Forum, 543-554
- Bohlander, M. (2005). The Sexual Offences Act 2003 and the Tyrrell Principle - Criminalising the Victims?. Criminal law review, 701-713
- Bohlander, M. (2005). A fool for a client. Criminal Law Forum, 16, 159-173.
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- Bohlander, M. (2005). Prosecution appeals against acquittals in bench trials - The Criminal Justice Act 2003 and the Government's Fear of the Dark. Journal of Criminal Law, 69, 326-329
- Bohlander, M. (2005). Can the Iraqi Special Tribunal sentence Saddam Hussein to Death?. Journal of International Criminal Justice, 463-468
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- Bohlander, M. (2005). Take it from me...-The role of the judge and lay assessors in deciding questions of law in appeals to the Crown Court. Journal of Criminal Law, 69, 442-448
- Bohlander, M. (2005). Superior Orders, Unjust War and the Soldier’s Conscience
- Bohlander, M. (2003). Last Exit Bosnia - Transferring War Crimes Prosecution from the International Tribunal to Domestic Courts. Criminal Law Forum, 14(1), 59 - 99.
- Bohlander, M. (2002). The JAC Draft Criminal Code of Kosovo of 13 August 2001 - Some comments on war crimes, crimes against humanity and Security Council Resolution 1244. Kosovo Legal Studies,
- Bohlander, M. (2001). The direct application of international criminal law in Kosovo. Kosovo Legal Studies,
- Bohlander, M. (2001). International Criminal Tribunals and their Power to Punish Contempt and False Testimony. Criminal Law Forum,
- Bohlander, M. (2000). Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic: Waiting to Exhale. Criminal Law Forum, 11, 217-248.
- Bohlander, M. (2000). International Criminal Defense Ethics. San Diego International Law Journal,
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- Bohlander, M. (1997). Anerkenntnis im schriftlichen Vorverfahren nach Verteidigungsanzeige. Neue Juristische Wochenschrift,
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- Bohlander, M. (1992). Public Peace Rational Discourse and the Law of Blasphemy. The Anglo-American law review,
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Newspaper/Magazine Article
- Bohlander, M. (1994). Expendiency over due process
- Bohlander, M. (1993). Listing for Criminal Trials - A German Example
Other (Print)
- Bohlander, M. (2014). We must not hesitate to call the Islamic State’s crimes genocide
- Bohlander, M. (1991). Private Hilfspolizisten - Anzeige durch Privatpersonen und Ermittlungspflicht der Verwaltungsbehörde im Ordnungswidrigkeitenverfahren
Scholarly Edition