Staff profile
Martina Veresvarska
PGR Student

Affiliation |
PGR Student in the Department of Physics |
Journal Article
- Veresvarska, M., Scaringi, S., Knigge, C., Paice, J., Buckley, D. A. H., Segura, N. C., de Martino, D., Groot, P. J., Ingram, A., Irving, Z. A., & Szkody, P. (2024). Discovery of persistent quasi-periodic oscillations in accreting white dwarfs: a new link to X-ray binaries. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 534(4), 3087-3103.
- Irving, Z. A., Altamirano, D., Scaringi, S., Veresvarska, M., Knigge, C., Castro Segura, N., De Martino, D., & Iłkiewicz, K. (2024). Burst-induced spin variations in the accreting magnetic white dwarf PBC J0801.2–4625. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 530(4), 3974-3985.
- Paice, J. A., Scaringi, S., Castro Segura, N., Sahu, A., Iłkiewicz, K., Coppejans, D. L., De Martino, D., Knigge, C., & Veresvarska, M. (2024). Evolution of spin in the intermediate polar CC sculptoris. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 531(1), L82-L86.
- Veresvarska, M., Scaringi, S., Hagen, S., De Martino, D., Done, C., Ilkiewicz, K., Knigge, C., & Littlefield, C. (2024). The Peculiar Bursting Nature of CP Pup. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 529(1), 664-672.
- Iłkiewicz, K., Scaringi, S., Veresvarska, M., De Martino, D., Littlefield, C., Knigge, C., Paice, J. A., & Sahu, A. (2024). Classifying Optical (Out)bursts in Cataclysmic Variables: The Distinct Observational Characteristics of Dwarf Novae, Micronovae, Stellar Flares, and Magnetic Gating. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 962(2), Article L34.
- Scaringi, S., Breivik, K., Littenberg, T. B., Knigge, C., Groot, P. J., & Veresvarska, M. (2023). Cataclysmic variables are a key population of gravitational wave sources for LISA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 525(1), L50-L55.
- McHardy, I. M., Beard, M., Breedt, E., Knapen, J. H., Vincentelli, F. M., Veresvarska, M., Dhillon, V. S., Marsh, T. R., Littlefair, S. P., Horne, K., Glew, R., Goad, M. R., Kammoun, E., & Emmanoulopoulos, D. (2023). First detection of the outer edge of an AGN accretion disc: very fast multiband optical variability of NGC 4395 with GTC/HiPERCAM and LT/IO:O. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519(3), 3366-3382.
- Veresvarska, M., & Scaringi, S. (2022). Outer disc edge: properties of low-frequency aperiodic variability in ultracompact interacting binaries. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518(4), 5576-5589.