Staff profile
Dr Markian Prokopovych
Professor (Modern European Cultural History)
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor (Modern European Cultural History) in the Department of History | +44 (0) 191 33 41075 |
Associate Fellow in the Institute of Advanced Study |
Markian Prokopovych specialises in the history of Eastern and Central Europe in the long nineteenth century and works on urban cultures, architecture, museums, music, migration and the press. He is the author of Habsburg Lemberg: Architecture, Public Space and Politics in the Galician Capital, 1772-1914 (2008), In the Public Eye: The Budapest Opera House, the Audience and the Press, 1884-1918 (2014) and a co-author of Liberalism, Nationalism and Design Reform in the Habsburg Empire: Museums of Design, Industry and the Applied Arts (2020) and The Museum Age in Austria-Hungary: Art and Empire in the Long Nineteenth Century (2021). He has had fellowships, lectureships and guest professorships in Oxford, Berlin, Frankfurt an der Oder, Budapest, Florence, Vienna and Birmingham. He has a working knowledge of most of the languages in the region of Eastern and Central Europe. He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and organises the annual conferences of the Urban History Group.
Research interests
- Modern European History
- Cultural and urban history
- East-Central Europe
- The Habsburg Empire and the successor states
- Ukraine
- Museums and visual culture
- Migration
Authored book
- Rampley, M., Prokopovych, M., & Veszpremi, N. (2021). The Museum Age in Austria-Hungary: Art and Empire in the Long Nineteenth Century. Penn State University Press
- Rampley, M., Prokopovych, M., & Veszpremi, N. (2020). Liberalism, Nationalism and Design Reform in the Habsburg Empire: Museums of Design, Industry and the Applied Arts. Routledge.
- Prokopovych, M. (2014). In the Public Eye: The Budapest Opera House, the Audience and the Press, 1884-1918. (Musikkulturen europäischer Metropolen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert). Böhlau Verlag
- Prokopovych, M. (2008). Habsburg Lemberg: Architecture, Public Space, and Politics in the Galician Capital, 1772-1914. Purdue University Press
Book review
- Prokopovych, M. (online). I. Lihaciu: Czernowitz 1848–1918
- Prokopovych, M. (online). S. Zimmermann: Divide, Provide and Rule
- Prokopovych, M. (online). Review of Balus, Wojciech, Krakau zwischen Traditionen und Wegen in die Moderne: Zur Geschichte der Architektur und der Öffentlichen Grünanlagen im 19. Jahrhundert
- Prokopovych, M. (2017). The Ukrainian West: Culture and the Fate of the Empire in Soviet Lviv by William Jay Risch
- Prokopovych, M. (2013). Troubled Times: Writing Fin-de-siècle Petersburg
Chapter in book
- Prokopovych, M. Eastern, East-Central and South-Eastern European Cities, 1850-2000. In D. Brantz, & G. Sonkoly (Eds.), Cambridge Urban History of Europe. Cambridge University Press
- Prokopovych, M. (2021). Museums and Their Publics: Visitors, Societies, and the Press. In The Museum Age in Austria-Hungary: Art and Empire in the Long Nineteenth Century (180-212). Penn State University Press
- Prokopovych, M. (2021). The Museum and the City: Art, Municipal Programs, and Urban Agendas. In The Museum Age in Austria-Hungary: Art and Empire in the Long Nineteenth Century (51-81). Penn State University Press
- Prokopovych, M. (2020). Semperian Trajectories: Architectural Development of Design Museums. In Liberalism, Nationalism and Design Reform in the Habsburg Empire (91-123). Routledge
- Prokopovych, M. (2020). Educating the Public: Schools of Design and Applied Arts as Educational and Reform Institutions. In M. Rampley, M. Prokopovych, & N. Veszprémi (Eds.), Liberalism, Nationalism and Design Reform in the Habsburg Empire (124-150). Routledge
- Prokopovych, M. (2020). Governing Taste: Fin-de-siècle Cracow, Its Art Museums and the Urban Elite in the Shaping of the Modern Metropolis. In B. de Munck, S. Gunn, & T. Hulme (Eds.), Powers of the City: New Approaches to Governance and Rule in Urban Europe since 1500. (Routledge Advances in Urban History). Routledge
- Prokopovych, M., Bethke, C., & Scheer, T. (2019). Language Diversity in the Late Habsburg Empire: Foreword from the Editors. In M. Prokopovych, C. Bethke, & T. Scheer (Eds.), Language Diversity in the Late Habsburg Empire (1-11). Brill Academic Publishers
- Prokopovych, M. (2019). Das Opernnetzwerk: Wiener Operntradition und der habsburgische Kulturraum. In D. Meyer, O. Rathkolb, A. Láng, & O. Láng (Eds.), Geschichte der Oper in Wien (132-153). Molden
- Prokopovych, M. (2018). Mapping Migration and the Materiality of Identification in Fin-de-siècle Vienna and Budapest. In A. Winter, & H. Greefs (Eds.), Migration, Regulation and Materialities of Identification in European cities, 1500-1930s (193-216). Routledge
- Prokopovych, M. (2017). Prostitution in Budapest in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. In J.-M. Chaumont, M. Rodriguez Garcia, & P. Servais (Eds.), Trafficking in Women (1924-1926) (38-43). United Nations.
- Prokopovych, M. (2017). Prostitution in Prague in the nineteenth and the early twentieth century. In J.-M. Chaumont, M. Rodriguez Garcia, & P. Servais (Eds.), Trafficking in Women (1924-1926) (185-190). United Nations.
- Prokopovych, M. (2017). Prostitution in Vienna in the nineteenth century. In J.-M. Chaumont, M. Rodriguez Garcia, & P. Servais (Eds.), Trafficking in Women (1924-1926) (232-237). United Nations.
- Prokopovych, M. (2012). Az Opera, a tömeg és a sajtó. Botrány a megnyitón: Budapest 1884. In I. H. Németh, E. Szívós, & Á. Toth (Eds.), A város és társadalma: Tanulmányok Bácskai Vera tiszteletére (258-267). Hajnal István Kör
- Prokopovych, M. (2010). From Gypsy Music to Wagner without a Transition? The Musical Taste of the Budapest Urban Public in the Late Nineteenth Century. In S. O. Müller, P. Ther, J. Toelle, & G. zur Nieden (Eds.), Oper im Wandel der Gesellschaft: Kulturtransfers und Netzwerke des Musiktheaters im modernen Europa (69-88). (Musikkulturen europäischer Metropolen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert). Böhlau Verlag Wien
- Prokopovych, M. (2010). Spectacles of 1809: Napoleonic, Russian and Austrian Troops in Lemberg. In C. Nubola, & A. Würgler (Eds.), Ballare col nemico? Reazioni all’espansione francese in Europa tra entusiasmo e resistenza (1792-1815) / Mit dem Feind tanzen? Reaktionen auf die französische Expansion in Europa zwischen Begeisterung und Protest (1792-1815) (214-254). Societa edittrice il Mulino and Duncker / Humbot
- Prokopovych, M. (2009). 'Instead, I saw a little man'. The reception of Verdi in the late nineteenth-century Hungary. In P. Stachel, & P. Ther (Eds.), Wie europäisch ist die Oper? Das Musiktheater als Zugang zu einer kulturellen Topographie Europas (161-174). Böhlau Verlag Wien
- Prokopovych, M. (2007). Staging Empires and Nations: Politics in the Public Space of Habsburg Lemberg. In R. Jaworski, & P. Stachel (Eds.), Die Besetzung des öffentlichen Raumes. Politische Plätze, Denkmäler und Straßennamen im europäischen Vergleich (427-453). Frank & Timme GmbH
- Prokopovych, M. (2004). New Monumentality and Capital Cities. A Discursive Analysis of Berlin, Vienna, Budapest and Prague Around 1900. In P. Stachel, & C. Szabo-Knotik (Eds.), Urbane Kulturen in Zentraleuropa um 1900 (37-54). Passagen Verlag
Edited book
Journal Article
- Prokopovych, M. (2018). The City and the Museum: Cracow's Collections and Their Publics in the Long Nineteenth Century. Austrian History Yearbook, 49, 166-186.
- Prokopovych, M. (2017). Celebrating Hungary? Johann Strauss's Der Zigeunerbaron and the Press in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna and Budapest. Austrian Studies, 25, 118-135.
- Prokopovych, M. (2016). Urban History of Overseas Migration in Habsburg Central Europe: Vienna and Budapest in the Late Nineteenth Century. Journal of migration history, 2(2), 330-351.
- Prokopovych, M., & Feys, T. (2016). Transience, Overseas Migration and the Modern European City. Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Cities and Overseas Migration in the Long Nineteenth Century’. Journal of migration history, 2(2), 209-222.
- Prokopovych, M. (2013). Introduction. Urban History, 40(1), 28-31.
- Prokopovych, M. (2013). Introduction: music, the city and the modern experience. Urban History, 40(04), 597-605.
- Prokopovych, M. (2013). Scandal at the Opera: Politics, the Press, and the Public at the Inauguration of the Budapest Opera House in 1884. Austrian History Yearbook, 44, 88-107.
- Prokopovych, M. (2009). Lemberg (Lwów, L'viv) Architecture, 1772–1918: If Not the Little Vienna of the East, or the National Bastion, What Else?. East Central Europe, 36(1), 100-129.
- Prokopovych, M., Janowski, M., Iordachi, C., & Trencsenyi, B. (2006). Editorial Introduction for the Special issue on Urban History of East Central Europe. East Central Europe, 33(1), 1-6.
- Prokopovych, M. (2006). The Lemberg Garden: Political Representation in Public Greenery Under the Habsburg Rule. East Central Europe, 33(1), 71-98.
- Prokopovych, M. (2000). The Trap of Western Periphery Reading. Discursive Analysis of Berlin, Vienna, Budapest and Prague around 1900
Other (Digital/Visual Media)