Staff profile
Affiliation |
PhD Research in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures |
I am a PhD student and teaching assistant based at the Centre for Culture and Ecology, Durham University (UK). My research concerns the relationship between technology and human existence, with a particular focus on the role played by technologies in both shaping the process of human evolution and structuring scientific knowledge of this process. Following insights developed by contemporary philosophers such as Bernard Stiegler and Peter Sloterdijk, my research starts from the idea that our understanding of technology needs to be reconceived if we are to meet the challenges posed by the ongoing climatic, economic and social crises. I am a member of the transdisciplinary scientific collective Internation and on the editorial board of the journal Kaiak: A Philosophical Journey. My research has been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals such as Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, Philosophy and Technology and Technophany: A Journal for Philosophy and Technology.
Research interests
- Philosophy of Technology
- Science and Technology Studies (STS)
- World-Ecology
- Philosophical Anthropology
- Contemporary French and German Philosophy
Esteem Indicators
- 2000: Member in the Editorial Board of Kaiak: A Philosophical Journey:
- 2000: Member in the transdisciplinary scientific collective Internation:
- 2000: Co-convener of the CCE Reading Group, Centre for Culture and Ecology:
Book review
- Pavanini, M. (online). Filosofia dell’automatismo: Verso un’etica della corporeità. Orthotes: 2018. Philosophy kitchen,
- Pavanini, M. (2019). La funzione N: Sulla macchinazione filosofica in Gilles Deleuze. Kaiak, 6, 1-3
- Pavanini, M. (2019). Negare il mondo? Sullo spirito dell’India e la gnosi occidentale. Inschibboleth: 2019. Kaiak, 6, 1-3
- correzione delle buone notizie. Mimesis: 2015. Agalma (Testo stampato), 13, 113-115
Chapter in book
- Pavanini, M. (2023). Elementi di filosofia della nascita: Soggettivazione intrauterina e gestazione extrauterina. In E. Marra (Ed.), La filosofia e il suo fuori (149-175). Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici Press
- Pavanini, M. (2021). Ascesi, estasi e dipendenza: Contributi a un'antropologia storico-mediale, a partire da Sloterdijk. In E. de Conciliis (Ed.), Psicotropie: Annuario Kaiak 6 (161-184). Kaiak Edizioni
- Pavanini, M. (2021). Digital Individuation and the Occlusion of the Protentional System. In C. Pereira Martins (Ed.), Cyberpolitics: Political Philosophy of the Future (186-195). Instituto de Estudos Filosóficos
- Moore, G., Mylonas, N. A., Pavanini, M., Bossiere, M.-C., & Alombert, A. (2021). Planetary Detox and the Neurobiology of Ecological Collapse. In B. Stiegler, & T. I. Collective (Eds.), Bifurcate: There Is No Alternative (220-248). Open Humanities Press
- Pavanini, M. (2021). Gerald Moore. Il pharmakon, l'estrazione di dopamina e la società della dipendenza. In E. de Conciliis (Ed.), Psicotropie: Annuario Kaiak 6 (61-68). Kaiak Edizioni
- Pavanini, M. (2020). Produzione dello spazio del vizio: Il termotopo come fattore antropogenetico in Sloterdijk. In V. Cuomo (Ed.), Caldo/Freddo: Annuario Kaiak 5 (143-170). Kaiak Edizioni
- Pavanini, M. (2018). Co-immunologia: La declinazione ecologica del pensiero di Peter Sloterdijk. In I. Pelgreffi (Ed.), Ecologia: Teoria, natura, politica (207-222). Kaiak Edizioni
- Pavanini, M. (2016). Collettivi antropotecnici: La specificità della cultura mediterranea compresa attraverso le riflessioni di Peter Sloterdijk e Philippe Descola. In G. Baptist, A. Bonavoglia, & A. Meccariello (Eds.), Azioni parallele: Mediterranei (157-169). Aracne.
Conference Paper
- Pavanini, M. (2023, December). Human Constitutive Technicity: The Evolutionary Turn in the Philosophy of Technology. Presented at Phenomenology of Human-Technology Relation: A New Perspective on Technological Design, University of Bremen
- Pavanini, M. (2022, December). Sloterdijk’s and Stiegler’s Contribution to the Philosophy of Technology: The Paleoanthropological Turn. Presented at DesignLab, University of Twente
- Pavanini, M. (2022, December). The Paleoanthropological Turn in the Philosophy of Technology. Presented at Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Filosofia da Tecnologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
- Pavanini, M. (2022, December). Stiegler's Hyper-Materialism and the Laws of Matter. Presented at Law, Technology and the Human Conference, University of Kent
- Pavanini, M. (2021, December). Postumanismo e tecnicità costitutiva umana. Presented at Il postumanismo contemporaneo tra filosofia, cinema e letteratura, Collegio Ghislieri
- Pavanini, M. (2021, December). The Twofold Dimension of Human Constitutive Technicity. Presented at Budapest Workshop on Philosophy of Technology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Pavanini, M. (2021, December). Four Conflating Paradigms on Human Technicity. Presented at The Society for Philosophy and Technology Conference, Catholic University of Lille
- Pavanini, M. (2020, December). Stereotipia e frammentazione nell'individuazione digitale. Presented at Seminario Realismo Digitale, Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici
- Pavanini, M. (2020, December). La filosofia della tecnica di Bernard Stiegler. Presented at Seminari di filosofia contemporanea, University of Milano
- Pavanini, M. (2020, December). Anthropogenesis as a Technical Process. Presented at Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations, University of Twente
- Pavanini, M. (2019, December). Occlusione del sistema protenzionale e cortocircuito motivazionale. Presented at Summer School di Filosofia Teoretica 'Pensare il Futuro/Pensare al Futuro', Aldo Moro University of Bari
- Pavanini, M. (2019, December). The Occlusion of the Protentional System and the Stake of Digital Technologies. Presented at Cyberpolitics: Political Philosophy of the Future, University of Coimbra
- Pavanini, M. (2019, December). Contaminazioni e ibridazioni tra umanità e animalità. Presented at Dizionario #Frontiera, MACRO
- Pavanini, M. (2019, December). Can Inner Individuation Be Acquired Only through Outer Deindividuation? An Immunological Approach to the Question of Locality. Presented at Internal Seminar on Locality, Real Smart Cities Marie Skłodowska-Curie RISE Action Programme, Universidad de las Artes Guayaquil
- Pavanini, M. (2018, December). Welt- und Menschwerdung durch prototechnische Schaffung von Innenräumen: Ein bio-ontologischer Versuch ausgehend vom Denken Dieter Claessens. Presented at dia:logos – 3. Studentische Tagung für Philosophie, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
- Pavanini, M. (2017, December). Co-immunologia: La declinazione ecologica del pensiero di Peter Sloterdijk. Presented at Le parole del Novecento - XI Edizione 'Ecologia', Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici
Edited book
- Pavanini, M. (Ed.). (2020). Lo spazio dell'umano: Saggi dopo Sloterdijk. Kaiak Edizioni
- Pavanini, M. (Ed.). (2020). Tecnica: Figure e strutture dell'artificio. Kaiak Edizioni
Journal Article
- Ferreira de Barros, M., Pavanini, M., & Lemmens, P. (2023). Peter Sloterdijk’s Philosophy of Technology: From Anthropogenesis to the Anthropocene. Technophany: A Journal for Philosophy and Technology, 1(2), 84-123.
- Pavanini, M. (2022). Multistability and Derrida’s Différance: Investigating the Relations Between Postphenomenology and Stiegler’s General Organology. Philosophy & Technology, 35(1),
- Pavanini, M. (2020). Cosmotechnics from an Anthropotechnological Perspective. Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities, 25(4), 26-38.
- Pavanini, M. (2019). Ascesi, estasi e dipendenza: Contributi a un’antropologia storico-mediale, a partire da Sloterdijk. Kaiak, 6, 1-19
- Pavanini, M. (2019). L’istituzione come proprio dell’umano: Un approccio antropo-tecnologico. Discipline filosofiche (Testo stampato), 29(2), 31-50
- Pavanini, M. (2018). Non siamo mai stati carenti. La tecnicità costitutiva dell’esistenza umana secondo Paul Alsberg. S&F, 19, 144-154
- Pavanini, M. (2017). Genealogia dell’esercizio. L’influenza del pensiero di Nietzsche nello sviluppo del concetto di antropotecnica in Peter Sloterdijk. Esercizi filosofici, 12(2), 231-244
- Pavanini, M. (2017). Anthropotechnical Collectives: Sloterdijk’s and Descola’s Insights as an Interpretive Tool in Order to Understand Cultural Specificity. Philosophical news, 15, 137-147
- Pavanini, M. (2016). Corpi, linguaggio e verità. Il materialismo dionisiaco di Sloterdijk. Kaiak, 3, 1-12
- Pavanini, M. (2016). Per un’etica co-immunologica. La questione dell’Antropocene in Sloterdijk tra sferologia e antropotecnologia. Lo Sguardo, 22(3), 109-122
Scholarly Edition