Staff profile
Professor Martin Cann
Head of Department
Affiliation | Telephone |
Head of Department in the Department of Biosciences | +44 (0) 191 33 41330 |
Head Of Department in the Department of Biosciences | +44 (0) 191 33 43985 |
Visiting Professor in the Department of Chemistry | +44 (0) 191 33 43985 |
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing | +44 (0) 191 33 43985 |
We are based within the Department of Chemistry and work closely with physicists, chemists, and mathematicians.
Carbon dioxide sensing.
CO2 is essential for life. It is at the beginning of every life process as a fundamental substrate of photosynthesis or chemosynthesis and is at the end of every life process as the product of aerobic respiration and post-mortem decay. As such, it is not a surprise that this gas regulates such diverse processes as cellular chemical reactions, transport, maintenance of the cellular environment, behaviour and immunity. CO2 is a strategically importnt research target with relevance to crop responses to environmental change, insect vector borne disease and public health. However, we know very little of the direct interactions of CO2 with the cell, despite the importance of the gas to biology.
Our current work is directed toward understanding how CO2 impacts on cell function in diverse model systems, particularly through the carbamate post-translational modification on the lysine epsilon-amino group.
Research interests
- Bicarbonate
- Biochemistry
- Carbon dioxide
- Cell biology
- Hypercapnia
- Hypocapnia
- Inorganic carbon
- Molecular biology
- Signal transduction
Esteem Indicators
- 2023: Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry:
- 2022: RCUK Committee Membership: Chair Panel D
- 2021: Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology:
- 2020: Institute of Physics: Rosalind Franklin Silver Medal (co-awardee)
- 2003: Fellowship: Leverhulme Trust Research Fellow 2003-2005
Chapter in book
Conference Paper
Journal Article
- Nijjar, S., Brotherton, D., Butler, J., Dospinescu, V., Gannon, H. G., Linthwaite, V., Cann, M., Cameron, A., & Dale, N. (online). Multiple carbamylation events are required for differential modulation of Cx26 hemichannels and gap junctions by CO 2. The Journal of Physiology,
- Gibson, S. E. R., Frost, I., Hierons, S. J., Moses, T., Poon, W. C. K., West, S. A., & Cann, M. J. (2025). Bacteria encode post-mortem protein catabolism that enables altruistic nutrient recycling. Nature Communications, 16, Article 1400.
- Gannon, H. G., Riaz-Bradley, A., & Cann, M. J. (2024). A Non-Functional Carbon Dioxide-Mediated Post-Translational Modification on Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase of Arabidopsis thaliana. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(2), Article 898.
- Gannon, H. G., & Cann, M. J. (2023). Near atmospheric carbon dioxide activates plant ubiquitin cross-linking. BBA Advances, 4, Article 100096.
- Blake, L. I., & Cann, M. J. (2022). Carbon Dioxide and the Carbamate Post-Translational Modification. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 9, Article 825706.
- Guillen-Garcia, A., Gibson, S., Jordan, C., Ramaswamy, V., Linthwaite, V., Bromley, E., Brown, A., Hodgson, D., Blower, T., Verlet, J., Degiacomi, M., Palsson, L.-O., & Cann, M. (2022). Allophycocyanin A is a carbon dioxide receptor in the cyanobacterial phycobilisome. Nature Communications, 13, Article 5289.
- Linthwaite, V., Pawloski, W., Pegg, H., Townsend, P., Thomas, M., Brown, A., Hodgson, D., Lorimer, G., Fushman, D., & Cann, M. (2021). Ubiquitin is a carbon dioxide-binding protein. Science Advances, 7(39), Article eabi5507.
- Linthwaite, V. L., & Cann, M. J. (2021). A methodology for carbamate post-translational modification discovery and its application in Escherichia coli. Interface Focus, 11(2), Article 20200028.
- Nijjar, S., Maddison, D., Meigh, L., Wolf, E., Rodgers, T., Cann, M., & Dale, N. (2021). Opposing modulation of Cx26 gap junctions and hemichannels by CO2. The Journal of Physiology, 599(1), 103-118.
- Smith, P. O., Black, D. J., Pal, R., Avó, J., Dias, F. B., Linthwaite, V. L., Cann, M. J., & Pålsson, L.-O. (2021). Applying TADF Emitters in Bioimaging and Sensing—A Novel Approach Using Liposomes for Encapsulation and Cellular Uptake. Frontiers in Chemistry, 9, Article 743928.
- Sukarta, O. C., Townsend, P. D., Llewelyn, A., Dixon, C. H., Slootweg, E. J., Pålsson, L.-O., Takken, F. L., Goverse, A., & Cann, M. J. (2020). A DNA-binding bromodomain-containing protein interacts with and reduces Rx1-mediated immune response to Potato Virus X. Plant communications, 1(4), Article 100086.
- Slootweg, E. J., Spiridon, L. N., Martin, E. C., Tameling, W. I., Townsend, P. D., Pomp, R., Roosien, J., Drawska, O., Sukarta, O. C., Schots, A., Borst, J. W., Joosten, M. H., Bakker, J., Smant, G., Cann, M. J., Petrescu, A.-J., & Goverse, A. (2018). Distinct Roles of Non-Overlapping Surface Regions of the Coiled-Coil Domain in the Potato Immune Receptor Rx1. Plant Physiology, 178(3), 1310-1331.
- Linthwaite, V., Janus, J., Brown, A., Wong-Pascua, D., O’Donoghue, A., Porter, A., Treumann, A., Hodgson, D., & Cann, M. (2018). The identification of carbon dioxide mediated protein post-translational modifications. Nature Communications, 9, Article 3092.
- Townsend, P., Dixon, C., Slootweg, E., Sukarta, O., Yang, A., Hughes, T., Sharples, G., Palsson, L.-O., Takken, F., Goverse, A., & Cann, M. (2018). The intracellular immune receptor Rx1 regulates the DNA-binding activity of a Golden2-like transcription factor. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 293(9), 3218-3233.
- Turner, M., Saint-Crib, V., Patel, W., Ibrahim, S., Verdon, B., Ward, C., Garnett, J., Tarran, R., Cann, M., & Gray, M. (2016). Hypercapnia modulates cAMP signalling and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator-dependent anion and fluid secretion in airway epithelia. The Journal of Physiology, 594(6), 1643-1661.
- Fenyk, S., Dixon, C. H., Kittens, W. H., Townsend, P. D., Sharples, G. .., Pålsson, L. .-O., Takken, F. L. W., & Cann, M. J. (2016). The tomato Nucleotide-Binding Leucine-Rich Repeat (NLR) Immune Receptor I-2 couples DNA-Binding to Nucleotide-Binding Domain Nucleotide Exchange. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291(3), 1137-1147.
- Fenyk, S., Townsend, P. D., Dixon, C. H., Spies, G. B., de San Eustaquio Campillo, A., Slootweg, E. J., Westerhof, L. B., Gawehns, F. K., Knight, M. R., Sharples, G. J., Goverse, A., Pålsson, L.-O., Takken, F. L., & Cann, M. J. (2015). The Potato Nucleotide-Binding Leucine-Rich Repeat (NLR) Immune Receptor Rx1 is a Pathogen Dependent DNA-Deforming Protein. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 290(41), 24945-24960.
- McLeish, T., Cann, M., & Rodgers, T. (2015). Dynamic Transmission of Protein Allostery without Structural Change: Spatial Pathways or Global Modes?. Biophysical Journal, 109(6), 1240-1250.
- Townsend, P., Rodgers, T., Glover, L., Korhonen, H., Richards, S., Colwell, L., Pohl, E., Wilson, M., Hodgson, D., McLeish, T., & Cann, M. (2015). The role of protein-ligand contacts in allosteric regulation of the Escherichia coli Catabolite Activator Protein. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 290(36), 22225-22235.
- Townsend, P., Rogers, T., Pohl, E., Wilson, M., McLeish, T., & Cann, M. (2015). Global low-frequency motions in protein allostery: CAP as a model system. Biophysical Reviews, 7(2), 175-182.
- Townsend, P., Jungwirth, B., Pojer, P., Bußmann, M., Money, V., Cole, S., Pühler, A., Tauch, A., Bott, M., Cann, M., & Pohl, E. (2014). The crystal structures of apo and cAMP-bound GlxR from Corynebacterium glutamicum reveal structural and dynamic changes upon cAMP binding in CRP/FNR family transcription factors. PLoS ONE, 9(12), Article e113265.
- Meigh, L., Greenhalgh, S., Rodgers, T., Cann, M., Roper, D., & Dale, N. (2013). CO2 directly modulates connexin 26 by formation of carbamate bridges between subunits. eLife, 2,
- Rodgers, T., Townsend, P., Burnell, D., Jones, M., Richards, S., McLeish, T., Pohl, E., Wilson, M., & Cann, M. (2013). Modulation of Global Low-Frequency Motions Underlies Allosteric Regulation: Demonstration in CRP/FNR Family Transcription Factors. PLoS Biology, 11(9), Article e1001651.
- Cook, Z., Gray, M., & Cann, M. (2012). Elevated Carbon Dioxide Blunts Mammalian cAMP Signaling Dependent on Inositol 1,4,5-Triphosphate Receptor-mediated Ca2+ Release. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(31), 26291-26301.
- Fenyk, S., de San Eustaquio Campillo, A., Pohl, E., Hussey, P., & Cann, M. (2012). A Nucleotide Phosphatase Activity in the Nucleotide Binding Domain of an Orphan Resistance Protein from Rice. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(6), 4023-4032.
- Topal, H., Fulcher, N., Bitterman, J., Salazar, E., Buck, J., Levin, L., Cann, M., Wolfgang, M., & Steegborn, C. (2012). Crystal Structure and Regulation Mechanisms of the CyaB Adenylyl Cyclase from the Human Pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Journal of Molecular Biology, 416(2), 271-286.
- Fulcher, N., Holliday, P., Klem, E., Cann, M., & Wolfgang, M. (2010). The Pseudomonas aeruginosa Chp chemosensory system regulates intracellular cAMP levels by modulating adenylate cyclase activity. Molecular Microbiology, 76(4), 889-904.
- Townsend, P., Holliday, P., Fenyk, S., Hess, K., Gray, M., Hodgson, D., & Cann, M. (2009). Stimulation of Mammalian G-protein-responsive Adenylyl Cyclases by Carbon Dioxide. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284(2), 784-791.
- Cann, M. (2007). Sodium regulation of GAF domain function. Biochemical Society Transactions, 35(5), 1032-1034.
- Williamson, D., Cann, M., & Hodgson, D. (2007). Synthesis of 5'-Amino-5'-deoxyguanosine-5'-N-phosphoramidate and its Enzymatic Incorporation at the 5'-Termini of RNA Molecules. Chemical Communications, 2007(47), 5096-5098.
- Cann, M. (2007). A subset of GAF domains are evolutionarily conserved sodium sensors. Molecular Microbiology, 64(2), 461-472.
- Yu, J., Parker, D., Pal, R., Poole, R., & Cann, M. (2006). A europium complex that selectively stains nucleoli of cells. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128(7), 2294-2299.
- Hammer, A., Hodgson, D., & Cann, M. (2006). Regulation of prokaryotic adenylyl cyclases by CO₂. Biochemical Journal, 396(2), 215-218.
- Poole, R., Bobba, G., Cann, M., Frias, J., Parker, D., & Peacock, R. (2005). Synthesis and characterisation of highly emissive and kinetically stable lanthanide complexes suitable for usage 'in cellulo'. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 3(6), 1013-1024.
- Cann, M. (2004). Bicarbonate stimulated adenylyl cyclases. IUBMB Life, 56(9), 529-534.
- Bretonniere, Y., Cann, M., Parker, D., & Slater, R. (2004). Design, synthesis and evaluation of ratiometric probes for hydrogencarbonate based on europium emission. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2(11), 1624-1632.
- Cann, M. (2004). Signalling through cyclic nucleotide monophosphates in cyanobacteria. New Phytologist, 161(23-34),
- Cann, M., Hammer, A., Zhou, J., & Kanacher, T. (2003). A defined subset of adenylyl cyclases is regulated by bicarbonate ion. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278(37), 35033-35038.
- Cann, M. (2003). Signalling through cyclic nucleotide monophosphates in cyanobacteria. New Phytologist, 161, 23-34
- Frias, J., Bobba, G., Cann, M., Hutchison, C., & Parker, D. (2003). Luminescent nonacoordinate cationic lanthanide complexes as potential cellular imaging and reactive probes. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 1(6), 905-907
- Bretonnière, Y., Cann, M., Parker, D., & Slater, R. (2002). Ratiometric probes for hydrogencarbonate analysis in intracellular or extracellular environments using europium luminescence. Chemical Communications, 2002(17), 1930-1931.
- Cann, M., & Levin, L. (2002). Identification of transmembrane adenylyl cyclase isoforms
- Chen, Y., Cann, M., Litvin, T., Iourgenko, V., Sinclair, M., Levin, L., & Buck, J. (2000). Soluble adenylyl cyclase as an evolutionarily conserved bicarbonate sensor. Science, 289(5479), 625-628.
- Cann, M., Chung, E., & Levin, L. (2000). A new family of adenylyl cyclase genes in the male germline of Drosophila melanogaster. Development Genes and Evolution, 210(4), 200-206.
- Cann, M., & Levin, L. (2000). Restricted expression of a truncated adenylyl cyclase in the cephalic furrow of Drosophila melanogaster. Development Genes and Evolution, 210(1), 34-40.
- Buck, J., Sinclair, M., Schapal, L., Cann, M., & Levin, L. (1999). Cytosolic adenylyl cyclase defines a unique signaling molecule in mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 96(1), 79-84.
- Cann, M., & Levin, L. (1998). Genetic characterization of adenylyl cyclase function. Advances in second messenger and phosphoprotein research, 32, 121-135.
- Iourgenko, V., Kliot, B., Cann, M., & Levin, L. (1997). Cloning and characterization of a Drosophila adenylyl cyclase homologous to mammalian type IX. FEBS Letters, 413(11), 104-108.