Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Biosciences | +44 (0) 191 33 41345 |
My group's principal interests are in the behavioural ecology and physiological ecology of aquatic animals; conservation biology of aquatic animals; introduced and invasive species in aquatic systems; and fisheries ecology, as outlined below. See personal web page for further details (link given below).
(i) Spatial behaviour and migration of fishes, using techniques such as biotelemetry. Studies are at species and assemblage level and include variations in habitat use and life history strategy. Evaluation of anthropogenic effects on fish migration and the performance of fish passes. Studies of energy expenditure and ecophysiology of fishes, using physiological approaches such as heart rate telemetry.
(ii) Fisheries ecology and conservation. Ecology of exploited fish and shellfish populations in marine and freshwater systems; fisheries management; fate of stocked fish. Conservation biology of aquatic species and habitats e.g. lamprey, crayfish, endemic fauna. Interspecific competition and resource use by fish and invertebrates, including effects of invasive species such as exotic crayfish species.
(iii) Energetics and cardio-respiratory physiology of fishes. Factors affecting intraspecific and intraindividual variation in metabolism of fishes and relationship to life history, swimming performance and migration.
(iv) Effects of pollutants and environmental stress on aquatic animals. Sublethal responses of fishes in the natural environment. Effects on fish and invertebrate communities. Effects on growth, behaviour and energetics of aquatic animals.
This research is carried out in freshwater, brackish and marine environments and involves collaborations within the UK and abroad (e.g. Europe, USA, Korea, W. Africa), mostly funded by research councils and government agencies. The group currently comprises 8 postdoctoral, doctoral and graduate researchers and opportunities for graduate students are available.
Research interests
- biology of introduced and invasive aquatic animals
- conservation biology of aquatic animals
- ecology, behaviour and respiratory physiology of fish
- effects of pollution on fish and macro invertebrates (particularly in freshwater ecosystems)
- evolutionary ecology
- fisheries management
- migration and space use of fish and aquatic invertebrates
- telemetry and radiotracking
Authored book
Chapter in book
- Skov, C., Lucas, M., & Jacobsen, L. Spatial ecology. In C. Skov, & P. Nilsson (Eds.), Biology and Ecology of Pike (83-120). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton
- Hanzen, C., Weyl, O., Lucas, M., Brink, K., Downs, C., & O’Brien, G. (2019). Distribution, ecology and status of anguillid eels in East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean. In A. Don, & P. Coulson (Eds.), Eels : biology, monitoring, management, culture and exploitation (33-57). 5M publishing
- Cooke, S., Hinch, S., Lucas, M., & Lutcavage, M. (2012). Biotelemetry and biologging. In A. Zale, D. Parrish, & T. (. Sutton (Eds.), Fisheries Techniques, 3rd edition (819-881). (3rd ed.). American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland
- Lucas, M., Mercer, T., Peirson, G., & Frear, P. (2000). Seasonal movements of coarse fish in lowland rivers and their relevance to fisheries management. In I. Cowx (Ed.), Management and Ecology of River Fisheries (87-100). Blackwell
- Lucas, M., & Marmulla, G. (2000). An assessment of anthropogenic activities on and rehabilitation of river fisheries: current state and future direction. In I. Cowx (Ed.), Management and Ecology of River Fisheries (261-278). Blackwell
- Lucas, M., Mercer, T., McGinty, S., & Armstrong, J. (2000). Development and evaluation of a flat-bed passive integrated transponder detection system for recording movement of lowland river fishes through a baffled pass. In A. Moore, & I. Russell (Eds.), Advances in fish telemetry (117-127). Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS)
Journal Article
- Bubb, D., Thom, T., & Lucas, M. (online). The within-catchment invasion of the non-indigenous signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana), in upland rivers. Bulletin français de la pêche et de la pisciculture, 665-673
- Hossain, M. M., Sun, J., Reza, M. S., Lucas, M. C., & Galib, S. M. (2024). Management strategies of translocated pondweed Monochoria hastata and its ecological and economic impacts. Journal of Environmental Management, 370, Article 122437.
- Sun, J., Lucas, M. C., & Madigan, D. J. (2024). Complex fish migrations call for Fukushima radioactivity monitoring beyond marine systems. Bioscience, 74(4), 230-231.
- Sun, J., Ding, C., Lucas, M. C., Tao, J., Cheng, H., Chen, J., Li, M., Ding, L., Ji, X., Wang, Y., & He, D. (2024). Convolutional Neural Networks Facilitate River Barrier Detection and Evidence Severe Habitat Fragmentation in the Mekong River Biodiversity Hotspot. Water Resources Research, 60(1), Article e2022WR034375.
- Galib, S. M., Naher, S., Arnob, S. S., Khatun, M. T., Reza, M. S., Parvez, M. T., Sun, J., & Lucas, M. C. (2023). Stakeholders' knowledge of threatened freshwater fishes and their involvement in fishery value chains in order to assist conservation in developing countries. Frontiers in Freshwater Science, 1, Article 1239605.
- Jubb, W. M., Noble, R. A., Dodd, J. R., Nunn, A. D., Schirrmacher, P., Lothian, A. J., Albright, A. J., Bubb, D. H., Lucas, M. C., & Bolland, J. D. (2023). Catchment-wide interactive effects of anthropogenic structures and river levels on fish spawning migrations. Anthropocene, 43, Article 100400.
- Jubb, W., Noble, R., Dodd, J., Nunn, A., Lothian, A., Albright, A., Bubb, D., Lucas, M., & Bolland, J. (2023). Acoustic telemetry informs capture susceptibility of an anadromous fish. Fisheries Research, 32, Article 106737.
- Jubb, W., Noble, R., Dodd, J., Nunn, A., Lothian, A., Albright, A., Bubb, D., Lucas, M., & Bolland, J. (2023). Understanding the impact of barriers to onward migration; a novel approach using translocated fish. Journal of Environmental Management, 335, Article 117488.
- Parvez, M., Lucas, M., Hossain, M., Chaki, N., Mohsin, A., Sun, J., & Galib, S. (2023). Invasive vermiculated sailfin catfish (Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus) has an impact on highly valued native fish species. Biological Invasions, 25(6), 1795-1809.
- Kerr, J., Tummers, J., Benson, T., Lucas, M., & Kemp, P. (2023). Modelling fine scale route choice of upstream migrating fish as they approach an instream structure. Ecological Modelling, 478, Article 110210.
- Sun, J., Du, W., Lucas, M., Ding, C., Chen, J., Tao, J., & He, D. (2023). River fragmentation and barrier impacts on fishes have been greatly underestimated in the upper Mekong River. Journal of Environmental Management, 327, Article 116871.
- Parvez, M., Mohsin, A., Arnob, S., Lucas, M., Chaki, N., Khan, M., & Galib, S. (2023). Fish diversity decline in the lower Gangetic plains: a victim of multiple stressors. Biodiversity and Conservation, 32(1), 341-362.
- Shalehin, M., Parvez, M., Lucas, M., & Galib, S. (2022). A case study of illegal fishing causes during seasonal fishery closure in Kaptai Lake, Bangladesh. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 29(5), 542-551.
- Hanzen, C., Lucas, M., Weyl, O., Marr, S., O'Brien, G., & Downs, C. (2022). Slippery customers for conservation: distribution and decline of anguillid eels in South Africa. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 32(8), 1277-1290.
- Galib, S., Sun, J., Gröcke, D., & Lucas, M. (2022). Ecosystem effects of invasive crayfish increase with crayfish density. Freshwater Biology, 67(6), 1005-1019.
- Galib, S., Sun, J., Twiss, S., & Lucas, M. (2022). Personality, density and habitat drive the dispersal of invasive crayfish. Scientific Reports, 12, Article 1114.
- Sun, J., Tummers, J., Galib, S., & Lucas, M. (2022). Fish community and abundance response to improved connectivity and more natural hydromorphology in a post-industrial subcatchment. Science of the Total Environment, 802(2022), Article 149720.
- Lucas, M., Hume, J., Almeida, P., Aronsuu, K., Habit, E., Silva, S., Wang, C., & Zampatti, B. (2021). Emerging conservation initiatives for lampreys: research challenges and opportunities. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 47(S1), S690-S703.
- Lennox, R., Alexandre, C., Almeida, P., Bailey, K., Barlaup, B., Bøe, K., Breukelaar, A., Erkinaro, J., Forseth, T., Gabrielsen, S.-E., Halfyard, E., Hanssen, E., Karlsson, S., Koch, S., Koed, A., Langåker, R., Lo, H., Lucas, M., Mahlum, S., Perrier, C., …Vollset, K. (2021). The quest for successful Atlantic salmon restoration: perspectives, priorities, and maxims. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78(10), 3479-3497.
- Albright, A., & Lucas, M. (2021). The use of European river lamprey as bait by the UK coarse predator angling community. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 28(6), 542-555.
- Almeida, P., Arakawa, H., Aronsuu, K., Baker, C., Blair, S.-R., Beaulaton, L., Belo, A., Kitson, J., Kucheryavyy, A., Kynard, B., Lucas, M., Moser, M., Potaka, B., Romakkaniemi, A., Staponkus, R., Tamarapa, S., Yanai, S., Yang, G., Zhang, T., & Zhuang, P. (2021). Lamprey fisheries: history, trends and management. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 47(S1), S159-S185.
- Lothian, A., & Lucas, M. (2021). The role of individual behavioral traits on fishway passage attempt behavior. Ecology and Evolution, 11(17), 11974-11990.
- Sun, J., Galib, S. M., & Lucas, M. C. (2021). Rapid response of fish and aquatic habitat to removal of a tidal barrier. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 31(7), 1802-1816.
- Hanzen, C., Lucas, M. C., O’Brien, G., Calverley, P., & Downs, C. T. (2021). Spatial ecology of freshwater eels in South Africa: implications for conservation. Hydrobiologia, 848(10), 2579-2593.
- Bubb, D., Birnie-Gauvin, K., Tummers, J., Aarestrup, K., Jepsen, N., & Lucas, M. (2021). Short-term effects of low-head barrier removals on fish communities and habitats. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, Article 697106.
- Jones, P., Tummers, J., Galib, S., Woodford, D., Hume, J., Silva, L., Braga, R., Garcia de Leaniz, C., Vitule, J., Herder, J., & Lucas, M. (2021). The use of barriers to limit the spread of aquatic invasive animal species: a global review. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, Article 611631.
- Galib, S. M., Findlay, J. S., & Lucas, M. C. (2021). Strong impacts of signal crayfish invasion on upland stream fish and invertebrate communities. Freshwater Biology, 66, 223-240.
- Belletti, B., Garcia de Leaniz, C., Jones, J., Bizzi, S., Börger, L., Segura, G., Castelletti, A., Van de Bund, W., Aarestrup, K., Barry, J., Belka, K., Berkhuysen, A., Birnie-Gauvin, K., Bussettini, M., Carolli, M., Consuegra, S., Dopico, E., Feierfeil, T., Fernández, S., Fernandez Garrido, P., …Zalewski, M. (2020). More than one million barriers fragment Europe’s rivers. Nature, 588, 436-441.
- Lothian, A. J., Tummers, J. S., Albright, A. J., O'Brien, P., & Lucas, M. C. (2020). River connectivity restoration for upstream‐migrating European river lamprey: The efficacy of two horizontally‐mounted studded tile designs. River Research and Applications, 36(10), 2013-2023.
- Hume, J., Lucas, M., Reinhardt, U., Hrodey, P., & Wagner, C. (2020). Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) transit of a ramp equipped with studded substrate: implications for fish passage and invasive species control. Ecological Engineering, 155, Article 105957.
- Lothian, A. J., Schwinn, M., Anton, A. H., Adams, C. E., Newton, M., Koed, A., & Lucas, M. C. (2020). Are we designing fishways for diversity? Potential selection on alternative phenotypes resulting from differential passage in brown trout. Journal of Environmental Management, 262, Article 110317.
- Hanzen, C., Lucas, M. C., OʼBrien, G., Calverley, P., & Downs, C. T. (2020). Surgical implantation of radio tags in three eel species (Anguilla spp.) in South Africa. Journal of Fish Biology, 96(3), 847-852.
- Hanzen, C., Lucas, M., O'Brien, G., Downs, C., & Willows-Munro, S. (2020). African freshwater eel species (Anguilla spp.) identification through DNA barcoding. Marine & Freshwater Research, 71(11), 1543-1548.
- Sun, J., Galib, S., & Lucas, M. (2020). Are national barrier inventories fit for stream connectivity restoration needs? A test of two catchments. Water and Environment Journal, 34(S1), 791-803.
- Lennox, R. J., Paukert, C. P., Aarestrup, K., Auger-Methe, M., Baumgartner, L., Birnie-Gauvin, K., Boe, K., Brink, K., Brownscombe, J. W., Chen, Y., Davidsen, J. G., Eliason, E. J., Filous, A., Gillanders, B. M., Helland, I. P., Horodysky, A. Z., Januchowski-Hartley, S. R., Lowerre-Barbieri, S. K., Lucas, M. C., Martins, E. G., …Cooke, S. J. (2019). One hundred pressing questions on the future of global fish migration science, conservation, and policy. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7, Article 286.
- Jones, J., Börger, L., Tummers, J., Jones, P., Lucas, M., Kerr, J., Kemp, P., Bizzi, S., Consuegra, S., Marcello, L., Vowles, A., Belletti, B., Verspoor, E., Van de Bund, W., Gough, P., & de Leaniz, C. G. (2019). A comprehensive assessment of stream fragmentation in Great Britain. Science of the Total Environment, 673, 756-762.
- Lothian, A. J., Gardner, C. J., Hull, T., Griffiths, D., Dickinson, E. R., & Lucas, M. C. (2019). Passage performance and behaviour of wild and stocked cyprinid fish at a sloping weir with a Low Cost Baffle fishway. Ecological Engineering, 130, 67-79.
- Newton, M., Barry, J., Dodd, J., Lucas, M., Boylan, P., & Adams, C. (2019). A test of the cumulative effect of river weirs on downstream migration success, speed and mortality of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts: An empirical study. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 28(1), 176-186.
- Tummers, J. S., Kerr, J. R., O'Brien, P., Kemp, P., & Lucas, M. C. (2018). Enhancing the upstream passage of river lamprey at a microhydropower installation using horizontally-mounted studded tiles. Ecological Engineering, 125, 87-97.
- Schwinn, M., Baktoft, H., Aarestrup, K., Lucas, M., & Koed, A. (2018). Telemetry observations of predation and migration behaviour of brown trout (Salmo trutta) smolts negotiating an artificial lake. River Research and Applications, 34(8), 898-906.
- Galib, S., Mohsin, A., Parvez, M., Lucas, M., Chaki, N., Arnob, S., Hossain, M., & Islam, M. (2018). Municipal wastewater can result in a dramatic decline in freshwater fishes: a lesson from a developing country. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 419, Article 37.
- Brackley, R., Lucas, M., Thomas, R., Adams, C., & Bean, C. (2018). Comparison of damage to live v. euthanized Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts from passage through an Archimedean screw turbine. Journal of Fish Biology, 92(5), 1635-1644.
- Silva, A., Lucas, M., Castro-Santos, T., Katopodis, C., Baumgartner, L., Thiem, J., Aarestrup, K., Pompeu, P., O'Brien, G., Braun, D., Burnett, N., Zhu, D., Fjeldstad, H.-P., Forseth, T., Rajaratnam, N., Williams, J., & Cooke, S. (2018). The future of fish passage science, engineering, and practice. Fish and Fisheries, 19(2), 340-362.
- Galib, S., Lucas, M., Chaki, N., Fahad, F., & Mohsin, A. (2018). Is current floodplain management a cause for concern for fish and bird conservation in Bangladesh’s largest wetland?. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 28(1), 98-114.
- Birnie-Gauvin, K., Tummers, J., Lucas, M., & Aarestrup, K. (2017). Adaptive management in the context of barriers in European freshwater ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Management, 204(Part 1), 436-441.
- Silva, S., Macaya-Solis, C., & Lucas, M. (2017). Energetically efficient behaviour may be common in biology, but it is not universal: a test of selective tidal stream transport in a poor swimmer. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 584, 161-174.
- Hawley, K., Rosten, C., Haugen, T., Christensen, G., & Lucas, M. (2017). Freezer on, lights off! Environmental effects on activity rhythms of fish in the Arctic. Biology Letters, 13(12), Article 20170575.
- Lennox, R., Aarestrup, K., Cooke, S., Cowley, P., Deng, Z., Fisk, A., Harcourt, R., Heupel, M., Hinch, S., Holland, K., Hussey, N., Iverson, S., Kessel, S., Kocik, J., Lucas, M., Mills Flemming, J., Nguyen, V., Stokesbury, M., Vagle, S., VanderZwaag, D., …Young, N. (2017). Envisioning the future of aquatic animal tracking: Technology, science, and application. Bioscience, 67(10), 884-896.
- Silva, S., Lowry, M., Macaya-Solis, C., Byatt, B., & Lucas, M. (2017). Can navigation locks be used to help migratory fishes with poor swimming performance pass tidal barrages? A test with lampreys. Ecological Engineering, 102, 291-302.
- Gardner, C., Rees-Jones, J., Morris, G., Bryant, P., & Lucas, M. (2016). The influence of sluice gate operation on the migratory behaviour of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (L.) smolts. Journal of Ecohydraulics, 1(1-2), 90-101.
- Tummers, J., Hudson, S., & Lucas, M. (2016). Evaluating the effectiveness of restoring longitudinal connectivity for stream fish communities: towards a more holistic approach. Science of the Total Environment, 569-570, 850-860.
- Forty, M., Spees, J., & Lucas, M. (2016). Not just for adults! Evaluating the performance of multiple fish passage designs at low-head barriers for the upstream movement of juvenile and adult trout Salmo trutta. Ecological Engineering, 94, 214-224.
- Winter, E., Tummers, J., Aarestrup, K., Baktoft, H., & Lucas, M. (2016). Investigating the phenology of seaward migration of juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) in two European populations. Hydrobiologia, 775(1), 139-151.
- Newton, M., Barry, J., Dodd, J., Lucas, M., Boylan, P., & Adams, C. (2016). Does size matter? A test of size-specific mortality in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts tagged with acoustic transmitters. Journal of Fish Biology, 89(3), 1641-1650.
- Tummers, J., Winter, E., Silva, S., O'Brien, P., Jang, M.-H., & Lucas, M. (2016). Evaluating the effectiveness of a Larinier super active baffle fish pass for European river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis before and after modification with wall-mounted studded tiles. Ecological Engineering, 91, 183-194.
- Hawley, K., Rosten, C., Christensen, G., & Lucas, M. (2016). Fine-scale behavioural differences distinguish resource use by ecomorphs in a closed ecosystem. Scientific Reports, 6, Article 24369.
- Cooke, S., Martins, E., Struthers, D., Gutowsky, L., Power, M., Doka, S., Dettmers, J., Crook, D., Lucas, M., Holbrook, C., & Krueger, C. (2016). A moving target - incorporating knowledge of the spatial ecology of fish into the assessment and management of freshwater fish populations. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188(4), Article 239.
- Rosten, C., Gozlan, R., & Lucas, M. (2016). Allometric scaling of intraspecific space use. Biology Letters, 12(3), Article 20150673.
- Gauld, N., Campbell, R., & Lucas, M. (2016). Salmon and sea trout spawning migration in the River Tweed: telemetry-derived insights for management. Hydrobiologia, 767(1), 111-123.
- Barry, J., Newton, M., Dodd, J., Lucas, M., Boylan, P., & Adams, C. (2016). Freshwater and coastal migration patterns in the silver-stage eel Anguilla anguilla. Journal of Fish Biology, 88(2), 676-689.
- Jepsen, N., Thorstad, E., Havn, T., & Lucas, M. (2015). The use of external electronic tags on fish: an evaluation of tag retention and tagging effects. Animal Biotelemetry, 3(1), Article 49.
- Bracken, F., Hoelzel, A., Hume, J., & Lucas, M. (2015). Contrasting population genetic structure among freshwater-resident and anadromous lampreys: the role of demographic history, differential dispersal, and anthropogenic barriers to movement. Molecular Ecology, 24(6), 1188-1204.
- Barry, J., Newton, M., Dodd, J., Hooker, O., Boylan, P., Lucas, M., & Adams, C. (2015). Foraging specialisms influence space use and movement patterns of the European eel Anguilla anguilla. Hydrobiologia, 766(1), 333-348.
- Bolland, J., Nunn, A., Lucas, M., & Cowx, I. (2015). The habitat use of young-of-the-year fishes during and after floods of varying timing and magnitude in a constrained lowland river. Ecological Engineering, 75, 434-440.
- Louca, V., Ream, H., Findlay, J., Latham, D., & Lucas, M. (2014). Do culverts impact the movements of the endangered white-clawed crayfish?. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 414, Article 14.
- Silva, S., Gooderham, A., Forty, M., Morland, B., & Lucas, M. (2014). Egg drift and hatching success in European river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis: is egg deposition in gravel vital to spawning success?. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 25(4), 534-543.
- *Lucas, F. W., & C., M. (2014). Paradoxical exploitation of protected fishes as bait for anglers: evaluating the lamprey bait market in Europe and developing sustainable and ethical solutions. PLoS ONE, 9(6), Article e99617.
- Lucas, M., & Bubb, D. (2014). Fish in space: local variations of home range and habitat use of a stream-dwelling fish in relation to predator density. Journal of Zoology, 293(2), 126-133.
- Findlay, J., Riley, W., & Lucas, M. (2014). Signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) predation upon Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) eggs. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 25(2), 250-258.
- Moser, M., Jackson, A., Lucas, M., & Mueller, R. (2014). Behavior and potential threats to survival of migrating lamprey ammocoetes and macrophthalmia. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 25(1), 103-116.
- Bracken, F., & Lucas, M. (2013). Potential impacts of small-scale hydroelectric power generation on downstream moving lampreys. River Research and Applications, 29(9), 1073-1081.
- Foulds, W., & Lucas, M. (2013). Extreme inefficiency of two conventional, technical fishways used by European river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis). Ecological Engineering, 58, 423-433.
- Gauld, N., Campbell, R., & Lucas, M. (2013). Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river with low-head weirs. Science of the Total Environment, 458-460, 435-443.
- Cooke, S., Midwood, J., Thiem, J., Klimley, P., Lucas, M., Thorstad, E., Eiler, J., Holbrook, C., & Ebner, B. (2013). Tracking animals in freshwater with electronic tags: past, present and future. Animal Biotelemetry, 1, Article 5.
- Bolland, J., Nunn, A., Lucas, M., & Cowx, I. (2012). The importance of variable lateral connectivity between artifical floodplain waterbodies and river channels. River Research and Applications, 28(8), 1189-1199.
- Genner, M., Hillman, R., McHugh, M., Hawkins, S., & Lucas, M. (2012). Contrasting demographic histories of European and North American sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) populations inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequence variation. Marine & Freshwater Research, 63(9), 827-833.
- Corrigan, L., Lucas, M., Winfield, I., & Hoelzel, A. (2011). Environmental factors associated with genetic and phenotypic divergence among sympatric populations of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 24(9), 1906-1917.
- Russon, I., Kemp, P., & Lucas, M. (2011). Gauging weirs impede the upstream migration of adult river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 18(3), 201-210.
- Kemp, P., Russon, I., Vowles, A., & Lucas, M. (2011). The influence of discharge and temperature on the ability of upstream migrant adult river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) to pass experimental overshot and undershot weirs. River Research and Applications, 27(4), 488-498.
- Corrigan, L., Winfield, I., Hoelzel, A., & Lucas, M. (2011). Dietary plasticity in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in response to long-term environmental change. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 20(1), 5-13.
- Bolland, J., Bracken, L., Martin, R., & Lucas, M. (2010). A protocol for stocking hatchery reared freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 20(6), 695-704.
- Bolland, J., Cowx, I., & Lucas, M. (2010). Retention of Panjet-applied alcian blue by cyprinids. Journal of Fish Biology, 76, 1015-1018
- Baras, E., & Lucas, M. (2010). Individual growth trajectories of sibling Brycon moorei raised in isolation since egg stage, and their relationship with aggressive behaviour. Journal of Fish Biology, 77, 985-997
- Louca, V., Lindsay, S., Piyapong, C., & Lucas, M. (2010). Habitat associations, reproduction and diet of the Guinean tilapia Tilapia guineensis of the Gambia River floodplain. Journal of Fish Biology, 76, 2469-2485
- Louca, V., Lucas, M., Green, C., Majambere, S., Fillinger, U., & Lindsay, S. (2009). Role of fish as predators of mosquito larvae on the floodplain of the Gambia River. Journal of Medical Entomology, 46(3), 546-556.
- Louca, V., Lindsay, S., Majambere, S., & Lucas, M. (2009). Fish community characteristics of the lower Gambia River floodplains: a study in the last major undisturbed West African river. Freshwater Biology, 54(2), 254-271.
- Bubb, D., O'Malley, O., Gooderham, A., & Lucas, M. (2009). Relative impacts of native and non-native crayfish on shelter use by an indigenous benthic fish. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 19(4), 448-455.
- Lucas, M., Bubb, D., Jang, M.-H., Ha, K., & Masters, J. (2009). Availability of and access to critical habitats in regulated rivers: effects of low-head barriers on threatened lampreys. Freshwater Biology, 54(3), 621-634.
- Knight, C., Kenward, R., Gozlan, R., Hodder, K., Walls, S., & Lucas, M. (2009). Home-range estimation within complex restricted environments: importance of method selection in detecting seasonal change. Wildlife Research, 36, 213-224
- Louca, V., Lindsay, S., & Lucas, M. (2009). Factors triggering floodplain fish emigration: importance of fish density and food availability. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 18, 60-64.
- Bolland, J., Cowx, I., & Lucas, M. (2009). Dispersal and survival of stocked cyprinids in a small English river: comparison with wild fishes using a multi-method approach. Journal of Fish Biology, 74, 2313-2328.
- Bolland, J., Cowx, I., & Lucas, M. (2008). Movements and habitat use of wild and stocked juvenile chub, Leuciscus cephalus (L.) in a small lowland river. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 15(5-6), 401-407.
- Knight, C., Gozlan, R., & Lucas, M. (2008). Can seasonal home-range size in pike Esox lucius predict excursion distance?. Journal of Fish Biology, 73, 1058-1064.
- Bubb, D., Thom, T., & Lucas, M. (2007). Spatial ecology of the white-clawed crayfish in an upland stream and implications for the conservation of this endangered species. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 18(5), 647-657.
- Bubb, D., Thom, T., & Lucas, M. (2006). Movement, dispersal and refuge use of co-occurring introduced and native crayfish. Freshwater Biology, 51(7), 1359-1368.
- Gaudron, S., & Lucas, M. (2006). First evidence of attraction of adult river lamprey in the migratory phase to larval odour. Journal of Fish Biology, 68(2), 640-644
- Jang, M.-H., Joo, G.-J., & Lucas, M. (2006). Diet of introduced largemouth bass in Korean rivers and potential interactions with native fishes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 15, 315-320
- Bubb, D., Thom, T., & Lucas, M. (2006). Movement patterns of the invasive signal crayfish determined by PIT telemetry. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 84, 1202-1209.
- Masters, J., Jang, M., Ha, K., Bird, P., Frear, P., & Lucas, M. (2006). The commercial exploitation of a protected anadromous species, the river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis (L.)), in the tidal River Ouse, north-east England. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 16(1), 77-92.
- Scott, D., Lucas, M., & Wilson, R. (2005). The effect of high pH on ion balance, nitrogen excretion and behaviour in freshwater fish from an eutrophic lake: A laboratory and field study. Aquatic Toxicology, 73(1), 31-43
- Svendsen, J., Koed, A., & Lucas, M. (2005). The angle of attack of the body of common bream while swimming at different speeds in a flume tank. Journal of Fish Biology, 66(2), 572-577
- Jang, M., & Lucas, M. (2005). Reproductive ecology of the river lamprey. Journal of Fish Biology, 66(2), 499-512
- Jang, M., Ha, K., Lucas, M., Joo, G., & Takamura, N. (2004). Changes in microcystin production by Microcystis aeruginosa exposed to phytoplanktivorous and omnivorous fish. Aquatic Toxicology, 68(1), 51-59
- Bubb, D., Thom, T., & Lucas, M. (2004). Movement and dispersal of the invasive signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus in upland rivers. Freshwater Biology, 49(3), 357-368.
- Timchenko, V., Oksiyuk, O., & Lucas, M. (2004). Oxygen regime improvement in large, lowland reservoirs during the winter period for the reduction of fish suffocation: the example of the Dnieper reservoirs. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, 4, 17-25
- Jang, M., Lucas, M., & Joo, G. (2003). The fish fauna of mountain streams in South Korean national parks and its significance to conservation of regional freshwater fish biodiversity. Biological Conservation, 114(1), 115-126
- Aarestrup, K., Lucas, M., & Hansen, J. (2003). Efficiency of a nature-like bypass channel for sea trout (Salmo trutta) ascending a small Danish stream studied by PIT telemetry. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 12(3), 160-168
- Lyons, J., & Lucas, M. (2002). The combined use of acoustic tracking and echosounding to investigatethe movement and distribution of common bream (Abramis brama) in the River Trent, England. Hydrobiologia, 483(1-3), 265-273
- Bubb, D., Lucas, M., & Thom, T. (2002). Winter movements and activity of signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus in an upland river, determined by radio telemetry. Hydrobiologia, 483(1-3), 111-119
- Bubb, D., Lucas, M., Thom, T., & Rycroft, P. (2002). The potential use of PIT telemetry for identifying and tracking crayfish in their natural environment. Hydrobiologia, 483(1-3), 225-230
- Baras, E., & Lucas, M. (2001). Impacts of man's modification of river hydrology on freshwater fish migration: a mechanistic perspective. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, 1, 291-304
- Robinson, C., Thom, T., & Lucas, M. (2000). Ranging behaviour of a large freshwater invertebrate, the white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes. Freshwater Biology, 44(3), 509-521
- Liao, Y., & Lucas, M. (2000). Growth, diet and metabolism of common wolf-fish in the North Sea, a fast-growing population. Journal of Fish Biology, 56(4), 810-825
- Liao, Y., & Lucas, M. (2000). Diet of the common wolffish Anarhichas lupus in the North Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 80(1), 181-182
- Lucas, M., & Baras, E. (2000). Methods for studying the spatial behaviour of freshwater fishes in the natural environment. Fish and Fisheries, 1, 283-316
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- Lucas, M., Mercer, T., Armstrong, J., McGinty, S., & Rycroft, P. (1999). Use of a flat-bed passive integrated transponder antenna array to study the migration and behaviour of lowland river fishes at a fish pass. Fisheries Research, 44(2), 183-191
- Lucas, M., Mercer, T., Batley, E., Frear, P., Peirson, G., Duncan, A., & Kubecka, J. (1998). Spatio-temporal variations in the distribution and abundance of fish in the Yorkshire Ouse system. Science of the Total Environment, 210(1-6), 437-455
- Lucas, M., & Frear, P. (1997). Effects of a flow-gauging weir on the migratory behaviour of adult barbel, a riverine cyprinid. Journal of Fish Biology, 50(2), 382-396
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- Lucas, M., & Batley, E. (1996). Seasonal movements and behaviour of adult barbel Barbus barbus, a riverine cyprinid fish: Implications for river management. Journal of Applied Ecology, 33(6), 1345-1358
- Altimiras, J., Johnstone, A., Lucas, M., & Priede, I. (1996). Sex differences in the heart rate variability spectrum of free-swimming Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L) during the spawning season. Physiological zoology, 69(4), 770-784
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- Armstrong, J., Priede, I., & Lucas, M. (1992). The link between respiratory capacity and metabolic demands during growth of northern pike, Esox lucius L. Journal of Fish Biology, 41(Supplement B), 65-75
- Lucas, M., & Priede, I. (1992). Utilization of metabolic scope in relation to feeding and activity by individual and grouped zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio (Hamilton-Buchanan). Journal of Fish Biology, 41(2), 175-190
- Armstrong, J., Johnstone, A., & Lucas, M. (1992). Retention of intragastric transmitters after voluntary ingestion by captive cod Gadus morhua L. Journal of Fish Biology, 40(1), 135-137
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Supervision students
Ellie Ward
Research Postgraduate (PhD)