Staff profile
Ludmilla Jordanova
Professor Emeritus (Visual Culture)
Affiliation |
Professor Emeritus (Visual Culture) in the Department of History |
Associate in the Department of Philosophy |
Member of the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies |
Research interests
- Cultural history of science and medicine post 1600
- Visual culture
- Portraiture 1500 onwards
- The nature of historical practice, including ethics
Authored book
- Jordanova, L. (2018). Physicians and Their Images. Royal College of Physicians
- Jordanova, L. (2012). The Look of the Past: Visual and Material Evidence in Historical Practice. Cambridge University Press
- Jordanova, L. (2000). Defining features: scientific and medical portraits 1660-2000. Reaktion Books
Book review
Chapter in book
- Jordanova, L. (2016). “Science, Memory and Relics in Britain”. In M. Beretta, M. Conforti, & P. Mazzarello (Eds.), Savant Relics: Brains and Remains of Scientists (157-181). Science History Publications
- Jordanova, L. (2016). Approaching Visual Materials. In L. Faire, & S. Gunn (Eds.), Research Methods for History (30-47). (2nd edition). Edinburgh University Press
- Jordanova, L. (2015). "Erkenne Dich selbst!“ Reflexionen über medizinische Präsentationen in öffentlichen Ausstellungen. In S. Nikolow (Ed.), Erkenne Dich selbst! : Strategien der Sichtbarmachung des Körpers im 20. Jahrhundert (118-130). Bönlau Verlag.
- Jordanova, L. (2015). Photography and Greece - A Historian's Perspective. In P. Carabott, & Y. Hamilakis (Eds.), Camera Graeca: Photographs, Narrative, Materialities (361-366). Centre for Hellenic Studies, King's College, London
- Jordanova, L. (2015). "Portraiture, Beauty, Pain". In C. Saunders, J. Macnaughton, & D. Fuller (Eds.), The Recovery of Beauty: Arts, Culture, Medicine (199-216). Palgrave Macmillan
- Jordanova, L. (2014). Medicine and the Visual Arts. In V. Bates, A. Bleakley, & S. Goodman (Eds.), Medicine, Health and the Arts (41-63). Routledge
- Jordanova, L. (2012). ‘Approaching Visual Materials’. In S. Gunn, & L. Faire (Eds.), Research Methods for History (30-47). Edinburgh University Press
- Jordanova, L. (2011). ‘The Practice of Cultural History in Britain’, transcript Verlag, Bielefeld. In J. Rogge (Ed.), Cultural History in Europe. Institutions – Themes – Perspectives (63-78)
- Jordanova, L. (2010). ‘History, Photography and Skilled Handiwork’, in both English and Italian. Artigiani (9-19). Published by the photographer, Francesco Filangeri, to accompany his exhibition
- Jordanova, L. (2010). ‘Is this a Portrait I see before me?’. Beth Fisher: Grisaille Legacy (11-19). Royal Scottish Aacademy, Edinburgh
- Jordanova, L. (2010). ‘What’s in a Name? Portraits of the Inner World’. Portraits: Patients and Psychiatrists (25-8). published by the artist, Gemma Anderson, to accompany her exhibition
- Jordanova, L. (2010). ‘Visualizing Identity’. In G. Walker, & E. Leedham-Green (Eds.), Identity (127-156). Cambridge University Press
- Jordanova, L. (2008). ‘Picture-Talking: Portraiture and Conversation in Britain, 1800-1830’. In K. Halsey, & J. Slinn (Eds.), The Concept and Practice of Conversation in the Long Eighteenth Century, 1688-1848 (151-169). Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Jordanova, L. (2007). ‘Marking Time’. In H. Hoock (Ed.), History, Commemoration, and National Preoccupation: Trafalgar 1805-2005 (7-17). Oxford University Press for the British Academy
Edited book
Journal Article
- Jordanova, L. (online). ‘Keith Brown Memorial Lecture. Medical Portraiture: the Case of William Harvey’
- Jordanova, L. (2024). Touching Visions: Afterword. Nuncius: Journal of the Material and Visual History of Science, 39, 444-450.
- Jordanova, L. (2022). Portraiture, Biography and Public Histories. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 32, 159-175.
- Jordanova, L. (2014). Historical Vision in a Digital Age. Cultural and Social History, volume 11(number 3), 343-348
- Jordanova, L. (2011). ‘What’s in a Name? Historians and Theory’. The English Historical Review, 126(523), 1456-1177.