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Dr Lauren Wroe

Associate Professor (Research)

Associate Professor (Research) in the Department of Sociology


I am an Associate Professor (Research) in the management group for the Contextual Safeguarding research programme in the Sociology Department at Durham University. I am a convening member of the Communities and Social Justice research group. I am currently the Principle Investigator of two research projects. The first, ‘Resourcing Safety’ explores the gaps between what young people, families and communities say they need to build safety around adolescents in their peer groups, schools and neighbourhoods and what is offered by the current policy and practice landscape. The second ‘Seeking Safety’ partners with the ‘Breaking the Chains’ project at the Migrant and Refugee Children’s Legal Unit at Islington Law Centre to pilot Contextual Safeguarding approaches with young unaccompanied asylum-seekers. I am the editor of the Contextual Safeguarding Network blog.


I have a critical social psychology background. I am interested in how structural inequalities shape young people's experiences of violence and abuse in their communities, and their experience of harm reduction services. In particular I am interested in exploring the politicisation of child welfare issues to authorise oppressive policing, sentencing and immigration reform.


My recent publications have included a co-authored account of county lines, racism and state-making in Britain published by the Institute of Race Relations; abolitionist and zemiological analyses of children's social care interventions; and several papers presenting data on the rate, cost and impact of relocation as a response to extra-familial risk in adolescence that have been cited in the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care in England. I am the co-editor of Social Work with Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants: Theories and Skills for Practice.


I am a Social Work England registered social worker and a co-founder and trustee at the charity Social Workers Without Borders where I write and oversee pro bono Independent Social Work expert reports in relation to immigration appeals.Follow me on

Research interests

  • Anti-racism and migrant rights
  • Contextual and structural accounts of safety and harm
  • Social justice perspectives in social work


Chapter in book

Edited book

Journal Article

Supervision students