Staff profile
Lászlo graduated in mathematics and physics from the Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary in 1980 and in philosophy in 1982. He was awarded a PhD in 1995 from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Past appointments include:
Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, 2002-2003
Fellow, Netherlands Institute of Advanced Study, 2000-2001
Associate Professor of Organization Theory, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 1999
Associate Professor of Logic, 1998
Szécheny Professor of Applied Logic, Loránd Eötvös University in Budapest, 1998
Assistant Professor of Methodology, University of Amsterdam, 1995
Senior Researcher, Dutch National Science Foundation, 1991
Assistant Professor of Logic, Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest, 1982
Awards and Fellowships
In 2003 Lászlo was awarded American Sociological Association Best Paper Award in Mathematical Sociology (with Michael T Hannon) for 'Reasoning with Partial Knowledge', Sociological Methodology, 32:133-81
Fellowship, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, 2000
Fellow of ERIM, 1999
Mini Biography
Lászlo graduated in mathematics and physics from the Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary in 1980 and in philosophy in 1982. He was awarded a PhD in 1995 from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Research interests
- Organisation dynamics
- Organisation ecology
- Organisation theory
Authored book
- Hannan, M., Le Mens, G., Hsu, G., Kovacs, B., Negro, G., Polos, L., Pontikes, E., & Sharkey, A. (2019). Concepts and Categories: Foundations for Sociological and Cultural Analysis. Columbia University Press
- Hannan, M., Pólos, L., & Carroll, G. (2007). Logics of Organization Theory: Audiences, Codes, and Ecologies. Princeton University Press
- Madarász, A., Ruzsa, I., & Polos, L. (2004). A Logika Elemei. (Elementary Logic). Ozírisz Kiadó
Edited book
- Pólos, L., & Masuch, M. (Eds.). (1996). Applied Logic : How, What and Why?. Synthese Library, Klewer Academic Publishers
- Pólos, L., Marx, M., & Masuch, M. (Eds.). (1996). Arrow Logic and Multi-Modal Logic. FoLLI and CSLI Publications, Stanford
- Pólos, L., & Masuch, M. (Eds.). (1994). Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Under Uncertainty. Springer Verlag
- Pólos, L., & Kálmá&n, L. (Eds.). (1990). Logic and Language. Akadémiai Kiadó
- Pólos, L., Bodnár, I., & Máté&, A. (Eds.). (1988). Intensional Logic, History of Philosophy, and Methodology. A Filozófiai Figyelö Kiskönyvtára, Sorozatban
Journal Article
- Oord, A., Elliott, K., Witteloostuijn, A., Barlage, M., Polos, L., & Rogiest, S. (2017). A Cognitive Organization Theory (COT) of organizational change: measuring organizational texture, audience appeal, and leadership engagement. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 30(6), 903-922.
- Le Mens, G., Hannan, M., & Polos, L. (2015). Age-Related Structural Inertia: A Distance-based Approach. Organization Science, 26(3), 756-773.
- Le Mens, G., Hannan, M., & Polos, L. (2015). Organizational Obsolescence, Drifting Tastes and Age Dependence in Organizational Life Chances. Organization Science, 26(2), 550-570.
- van den Born, A., van Witteloostuijn, A., Barlag, M., Sapulete, S., van den Oord, A., Rogist, S., Vallet, N., Reguli, Z., Vit, M., Mouhanna, C., Binder, H., Blumenthal, V., Christe-Zeyse, J., Giljohann, S., Gruschinske, M., Pautz, H., Stein-Müller, S., Bisogni, F., Costanzo, P., Stojanovski, T., …Polos, L. (2013). Policing opportunities and threats in Europe. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 26(5), 811-829.
- Hsu, G., Hannan, M., & Polos, L. (2011). Typecasting, legitimation, and form emergence: A formal theory. Sociological Theory, 29(2), 97-123.
- Le Mens, G., Hannan, M., & Polos, L. (2011). Founding Condition, Learning and Organizational Life Chances: Age Dependence Revisited. Administrative Science Quarterly, 56(1), 95-126.
- Polos, L., Hannan, M., & Hsu, G. (2010). Modalities in sociological arguments. The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 34(3), 201-238.
- Polos, L., Adner, R., Ryall, M., & Sorenson, O. (2009). The case for formal theory. Academy of Management Review, 34(2), 201-208.
- Jacobs, G., Christe-Zeyse, J., Keegan, A., & Pólos, L. (2008). Reactions to organizational identity threats in times of change: Illustrations from the German police. Corporate Reputation Review, 11(3), 245-261.
- Hannan, M., & Polos, L. (2004). A logic for theories in flux. Logique et analyse, 47, 85-121
- Hannan, M., Pólos, L., & Carroll, G. (2004). The evolution of organizational inertia. Industrial and Corporate Change, 13, 213-242
- Hannan, M., Carroll, G., & Pólos, L. (2003). The organizational niche. Sociological Theory, 21(4), 309-340.
- Hannan, M., Pólos, L., & Carroll, G. (2003). Cascading organizational change. Organization Science, 14(5), 463-482.
- Hannan, M., Pólos, L., & Carroll, G. (2003). The fog of change: opacity and asperity in organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 48(3), 399-432.
- Polos, L., Hannan, M., & Carroll, G. (2002). Foundations of a theory of social forms. Industrial and Corporate Change, 11(1), 85-115.
- Pólos, L., & Hannan, M. (2002). Reasoning with partial knowledge. Sociological Methodology, 32(1), 133-181.
- Péli, G., Pólos, L., & Hannan, M. (2000). Back to inertia. Sociological Theory, 18, 193-213
- Kamps, J., & Pólos, L. (1999). Reducing uncertainty. American Journal of Sociology, 104, 1774-1810.
- Peli, G., Polos, L., & Hannan, M. (1999). Szervezeti tehetetlenség. Formalizálási stílusok, elméleti következmények
- Masuch, M., Bruggeman, J., Kamps, J., Péli, G., & Pólos, L. (1996). What theory is ... A reaction to Sutton and Staw's essay : What a theory is not. Administrative Science Quarterly, 96-137
- Huang, Z., Masuch, M., & Pólos, L. (1996). ALX an action logic for agents with bounded rationality. Artificial Intelligence, 82, 75-127.
- Pólos, L. (1995). Logical semantics for deferred information. Acta linguistica Hungarica, 42(1-2), 305-323
- Pólos, L. (1993). Default rules and deductive closure. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 58, 1143-1144
- Pólos, L. (1987). A found key. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 52(4),
Working Paper