Staff profile
Professor Kislon Voitchovsky
Professor (Research) - EPSRC Fellowship
Affiliation |
Professor (Research) - EPSRC Fellowship in the Department of Physics |
Professor in the Biophysical Sciences Institute |
Biophysical Sciences Institute Executive Board in the Biophysical Sciences Institute |
Journal Article
- Sun, K., Gizaw, Y., Kusumaatmaja, H., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2025). Nanoparticle adhesion at liquid interfaces. Soft Matter, 21(4), 585-595.
- Tavakol, M., Newbold, A., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2024). Electrified Nanogaps under an AC Field: A Molecular Dynamics Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128(49), 21050-21059.
- Tavakol, M., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2024). Water and ions in electrified silica nano-pores: a molecular dynamics study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 26(33), 22062-22072.
- Cafolla, C., Bui, T., Bao Le, T. T., Zen, A., Tay, W. J., Striolo, A., Michaelides, A., Greenwell, H. C., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2024). Local probing of the nanoscale hydration landscape of kaolinite basal facets in the presence of ions. Materials Today Physics, 46, Article 101504.
- Trewby, W., Tavakol, M., Jaques, Y. M., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2024). Towards local tracking of solvated metal ions at solid-liquid interfaces. Materials Today Physics, 44, Article 101441.
- Wang, J., Li, H., Tavakol, M., Serva, A., Nener, B., Parish, G., Salanne, M., Warr, G. G., Voïtchovsky, K., & Atkin, R. (2024). Ions Adsorbed at Amorphous Solid/Solution Interfaces Form Wigner Crystal-like Structures. ACS Nano, 18(1), 1181-1194.
- Cafolla, C., Philpott-Robson, J., Elbourne, A., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2024). Quantitative Detection of Biological Nanovesicles in Drops of Saliva Using Microcantilevers. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 16(1), 44-53.
- Paba, C., Dorigo, V., Senigagliesi, B., Tormena, N., Parisse, P., Voitchovsky, K., & Casalis, L. (2023). Lipid bilayer fluidity and degree of order regulates small EVs adsorption on model cell membrane. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 652(B), 1937-1943.
- Cafolla, C., Voïtchovsky, K., & Payam, A. F. (2023). Simultaneous quantification of Young’s modulus and dispersion forces with nanoscale spatial resolution. Nanotechnology, 34(50), Article 505714.
- Trewby, W., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2023). Nanoscale probing of local dielectric changes at the interface between solids and aqueous saline solutions. Faraday Discussions, 246, 387-406.
- Kariuki, R., Penman, R., Bryant, S. J., Orrell-Trigg, R., Meftahi, N., Crawford, R. J., McConville, C. F., Bryant, G., Voïtchovsky, K., Conn, C. E., Christofferson, A. J., & Elbourne, A. (2022). Behavior of Citrate-Capped Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles on a Supported Lipid Bilayer Interface at Atomic Resolution. ACS Nano, 16(10), 17179-17196.
- Legg, B., Voïtchovsky, K., & De Yoreo, J. (2022). Hydroxide films on mica form charge-stabilized microphases that circumvent nucleation barriers. Science Advances, 8(35), Article eabn7087.
- Goodband, S. J., Kusumaatmaja, H., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2022). Development of a setup to characterize capillary liquid bridges between liquid infused surfaces. AIP Advances, 12(1), Article 015120.
- Cafolla, C., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2021). Real-time tracking of ionic nano-domains under shear flow. Scientific Reports, 11, Article 19540.
- Payam, A., Piantanida, L., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2021). Development of a flexure-based nano-actuator for high-frequency in-plane directional sensing with atomic force microscopy. Review of Scientific Instruments, 92(9), Article 093703.
- Snopok, B., Laroussi, A., Cafolla, C., Voïtchovsky, K., Snopok, T., & Mirsky, V. M. (2021). Gold surface cleaning by etching polishing: Optimization of polycrystalline film topography and surface functionality for biosensing. Surfaces and Interfaces, 22, Article 100818.
- Cafolla, C., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2020). Impact of water on the lubricating properties of hexadecane at the nanoscale. Nanoscale, 12(27), 14504-14513.
- Torelli, E., Kozyra, J., Shirt-Ediss, B., Piantanida, L., Voïtchovsky, K., & Krasnogor, N. (2020). Co-transcriptional folding of a bio-orthogonal fluorescent scaffolded RNA origami. ACS Synthetic Biology, 9(7), 1682-1692.
- Piantanida, L., Payam, A., Zhong, J., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2020). Nanoscale mapping of the directional flow patterns at liquid-solid interfaces. Physical Review Applied, 13(6), Article 064003.
- Goodband, S., Armstrong, S., Kusumaatmaja, H., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2020). The Effect of Ageing on the Structure and Properties of Model Liquid Infused Surfaces. Langmuir, 36(13), 3461-3470.
- Cafolla, C., Foster, W., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2020). Lubricated friction around nano-defects. Science Advances, 6(14), Article eaaz3673.
- Foster, W., Miyazawa, K., Fukuma, T., Kusumaatmaja, H., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2020). Self-assembly of small molecules at hydrophobic interfaces using group effect. Nanoscale, 12(9), 5452-5463.
- Baumann, K., Piantanida, L., García-Nafría, J., Sobota, D., Voïtchovsky, K., Knowles, T., & Hernández-Ainsa, S. (2020). Coating and Stabilization of Liposomes by Clathrin-Inspired DNA Self-Assembly. ACS Nano, 14(2), 2316-2323.
- Trewby, W., Faraudo, J., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2019). Long-lived ionic nano-domains can modulate the stiffness of soft interfaces. Nanoscale, 11(10), 4376-4384.
- Cafolla, C., Payam, A., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2018). A non-destructive method to calibrate the torsional spring constant of atomic force microscope cantilevers in viscous environments. Journal of Applied Physics, 124(15), Article 154502.
- Foster, W., Aquilar, J., Kusumaatmaja, H., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2018). In-situ molecular-level observation of methanol catalysis at the water-graphite interface. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 10(40), 34265-34271.
- Miller, E., Voitchovsky, K., & Staykova, M. (2018). Substrate-led cholesterol extraction from supported lipid membranes. Nanoscale, 10(34), 16332-16342.
- Bi, H., Wang, X., Han, X., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2018). Impact of Electric Fields on the Nanoscale Behavior of Lipid Monolayers at the Surface of Graphite in Solution. Langmuir, 34(32), 9561-9571.
- Cafolla, C., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2018). Lubricating properties of single metal ions at interfaces. Nanoscale, 10(25), 11831-11840.
- Torelli, E., Kozyra, J., J.-y., G., Stimming, U., Piantanida, L., Voïtchovsky, K., & Krasnogor, N. (2018). Isothermal folding of a light-up bio-orthogonal RNA origami nanoribbon. Scientific Reports, 8(1), Article 6989.
- Payam, A., Trewby, W., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2018). Determining the spring constant of arbitrarily shaped cantilevers in viscous environments. Applied Physics Letters, 112(8), Article 083101.
- Piantanida, L., Bolt, H., Rozatian, N., Cobb, S., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2017). Ions modulate stress-induced nano-texture in supported fluid lipid bilayers. Biophysical Journal, 113(2), 426-439.
- Payam, A., Trewby, W., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2017). Simultaneous viscosity and density measurement of small volumes of liquids using a vibrating microcantilever. Analyst, 142(9), 1492-1498.
- Ricci, M., Trewby, W., Cafolla, M., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2017). Direct observation of the dynamics of single metal ions at the interface with solids in aqueous solutions. Scientific Reports, 7, Article 43234.
- Ricci, M., Quinlan, R., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2017). Sub-nanometre mapping of the aquaporin-water interface with multifrequency atomic force microscopy. Soft Matter, 13(1), 187-195.
- Voïtchovsky, K. (2016). Effect of temperature on the viscoelastic properties of nano-confined liquid mixtures. Nanoscale, 8(40), 17472-17482.
- Voïtchovsky, K., Giofrè, D., Segura, J., Stellacci, F., & Ceriotti, M. (2016). Thermally-nucleated self-assembly of water and alcohol into stable structures at hydrophobic interfaces. Nature Communications, 7, Article 13064.
- Elbourne, A., McLean, B., Voïtchovsky, K., Warr, G., & Atkin, R. (2016). Molecular Resolution in situ Imaging of Spontaneous Graphene Exfoliation. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7(16), 3118-3122.
- Desseaux, S., Hinestrosa, J., Schüwer, N., Lokitz, B., Ankner, J., Kilbey, S., Voïtchovsky, K., & Klok, H.-A. (2016). Swelling Behavior and Nanomechanical Properties of (Peptide-Modified) Poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and Poly(poly(ethylene glycol) methacrylate) Brushes. Macromolecules, 49(12), 4609-4618.
- Trewby, W., Livesy, D., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2016). Buffering agents modify the hydration landscape at charged interfaces. Soft Matter, 12(9), 2642-2651.
- Hofmann, S., Voïtchovsky, K., Spijker, P., Schmidt, M., & Stumpf, T. (2016). Visualising the molecular alteration of the calcite (104) – water interface by sodium nitrate. Scientific Reports, 6, Article 21576.
- Miller, E., Trewby, W., Farokh Payam, A., Piantanida, L., Cafolla, C., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2016). Sub-nanometer resolution imaging with amplitude-modulation atomic force microscopy in liquid. Journal of Visualized Experiments, Article e54924.
- Elbourne, A., Cronshaw, S., Voïtchovsky, K., Warr, G., & Atkin, R. (2015). Near surface properties of mixtures of propylammonium nitrate with n-alkanols 1. Nanostructure. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(40), 26621-26628.
- Elbourne, A., McDonald, S., Voïtchovsky, K., Endres, F., Warr, G., & Atkin, R. (2015). Nanostructure of the Ionic Liquid-Graphite Stern Layer. ACS Nano, 9(7), 7608-7620.
- Ricci, M., Segura, J., Erickson, B., Fantner, G., Stellacci, F., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2015). Growth and dissolution of calcite in the presence of adsorbed stearic acid. Langmuir, 31(27), 7563-7571.
- Voïtchovsky, K., Ashari Astani, N., Tavernelli, I., Tetreault, N., Rothlisberger, U., Stellacci, F., Grätzel, M., & Arne Harms, H. (2015). In-situ mapping of the molecular arrangement of amphiphilic dye molecules at the TiO2 surface of dye sensitized solar cells. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7(20), 10834-10842.
- Voïtchovsky, K. (2015). High-resolution AFM in liquid: what about the tip?. Nanotechnology, 26(10), Article 100501.
- Elbourne, A., Voïtchovsky, K., Warr, G., & Atkin, R. (2015). Ion structure controls ionic liquid near-surface and interfacial nanostructure. Chemical Science, 6(1), 527-536.
- Page, A., Elbourne, A., Stefanovic, R., Addicoat, M., Warr, G., Voïtchovsky, K., & Atkin, R. (2014). 3-Dimensional atomic scale structure of the ionic liquid–graphite interface elucidated by AM-AFM and quantum chemical simulations. Nanoscale, 6(14), 8100-8106.
- Van Lehn, R., Ricci, M., Silva, P., Andreozzi, P., Reguera, J., Voïtchovsky, K., Stellacci, F., & Alexander-Katz, A. (2014). Lipid tail protrusions mediate the insertion of nanoparticles into model cell membranes. Nature Communications, 5, Article 4482.
- Ricci, M., Spijker, P., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2014). Water-induced correlation between single ions imaged at the solid–liquid interface. Nature Communications, 5, Article 4400.
- Hofmann, S., Voïtchovsky, K., Schmidt, M., & Stumpf, T. (2014). Trace concentration – Huge impact: Nitrate in the calcite/Eu(III) system. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 125, 528-538.
- Ortiz-Young, D., Chih Chiu, H., Kim, S., Voïtchovsky, K., & Riedo, E. (2013). The interplay between apparent viscosity and wettability in nanoconfined water. Nature Communications, 4,
- Warren, S., Voïtchovsky, K., Dotan, H., Leroy, C., Cornuz, M., Stellacci, F., Hébert, C., Rothschild, A., & Grätzel, M. (2013). Identifying champion nanostructures for solar water-splitting. Nature Materials, 12(9), 842-849.
- Voïtchovsky, K. (2013). Anharmonicity, solvation forces, and resolution in atomic force microscopy at the solid-liquid interface. Physical review E: Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 88(2), Article 022407.
- Segura, J., Elbourne, A., Wanless, E., Warr, G., Voïtchovsky, K., & Atkin, R. (2013). Adsorbed and near surface structure of ionic liquids at a solid interface. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15(9), 3320-3328.
- Ricci, M., Spijker, P., Stellacci, F., Molinari, J.-F., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2013). Direct Visualization of Single Ions in the Stern Layer of Calcite. Langmuir, 29(7), 2207-2216.
- Schmaltz, T., Y Amin, A., Khassanov, A., Meyer-Friedrichsen, T., Steinrück, H.-G., Magerl, A., Segura, J., Voïtchovsky, K., Stellacci, F., & Halik, M. (2013). Low-Voltage Self-Assembled Monolayer Field-Effect Transistors on Flexible Substrates. Advanced Materials, 25(32), 4511-4514.
- Novak, M., Ebel, A., Meyer-Friedrichsen, T., Jedaa, A., Vieweg, B., Yang, G., Voïtchovsky, K., Stellacci, F., Spiecker, E., Hirsch, A., & Halik, M. (2011). Low-Voltage p- and n-Type Organic Self-Assembled Monolayer Field Effect Transistors. Nano Letters, 11(1), 156-159.
- Burkhardt, M., Jedaa, A., Novak, M., Ebel, A., Voïtchovsky, K., Stellacci, F., Hirsch, A., & Halik, M. (2010). Concept of a Molecular Charge Storage Dielectric Layer for Organic Thin-Film Memory Transistors. Advanced Materials, 22(23), 2525-2528.
- Voïtchovsky, K., Kuna, J., Contera, S., Tosatti, E., & Stellacci, F. (2010). Direct mapping of the solid–liquid adhesion energy with subnanometre resolution. Nature Nanotechnology, 5(6), 401-405.
- Nikiforov, M., Hohlbauch, S., King, W., Voïtchovsky, K., Antoranz Contera, S., Jesse, S., Kalinin, S., & Proksch, R. (2010). Temperature-dependent phase transitions in zeptoliter volumes of a complex biological membrane. Nanotechnology, 22(5),
- Antoranz Contera, S., Voïtchovsky, K., & Ryan, J. (2010). Controlled ionic condensation at the surface of a native extremophile membrane. Nanoscale, 2, 222-229.
- Kuna, J., Voïtchovsky, K., Singh, C., Jiang, H., Mwenifumbo, S., Ghorai, P., Stevens, M., Glotzer, S., & Stellacci, F. (2009). The effect of nanometre-scale structure on interfacial energy. Nature Materials, 8(10), 837-842.
- Yamashita, H., Voïtchovsky, K., Uchihashi, T., Antoranz Conteral, S., Ryan, J., & Ando, T. (2009). Dynamics of bacteriorhodopsin 2D crystal observed by high-speed atomic force microscopy. Journal of Structural Biology, 167(2), 153-158.
- Voïtchovsky, K., Antoranz Contera, S., & Ryan, J. (2009). Lateral coupling and cooperative dynamics in the function of the native membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin. Soft Matter, 5(24), 4899-4904.
- Gerber, R., Voïtchovsky, K., Mitchel, C., Tahiri-Alaoui, A., Ryan, J., Hore, J., & James, W. (2008). Inter-oligomer interactions of the human prion protein are modulated by the polymorphism at codon 129. Journal of Molecular Biology, 381(1), 212-220.
- Voïtchovsky, K., Antoranz Contera, S., & Ryan, J. (2007). Electrostatic and steric interactions determine bacteriorhodopsin single-molecule biomechanics. Biophysical Journal, 93(6), 2024-2037.
- Voïtchovsky, K., Antoranz Contera, M., Kamihira, M., Watts, A., & Ryan, J. (2006). Differential stiffness and lipid mobility in the leaflets of purple membranes. Biophysical Journal, 90(6), 2075-2085.
- Zgrablić, G., Voïtchovsky, K., Kindermann, M., Haacke, S., & Chergui, M. (2005). Ultrafast excited state dynamics of the protonated Schiff base of all-trans retinal in solvents. Biophysical Journal, 88(4), 2779-2788.
Supervision students
Alex Newbold
PGR Student
Amal Alamri
PGR Student
Ben Devenish
PGR Student
Jamie Samuel
Ke Sun
PGR Student
Michael Rennick
PGR Student
Nicolo Tormena
Ruth McTiernan
PGR Student
Thomas Williamson Williamson
PGR Student