Staff profile
Dr Kasper Peeters
Associate Professor
Affiliation | Telephone |
Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences |
Research interests
- String theory and the string/gauge theory correspondence
- Quantum gravity
- Applications of mathematics to biology
- Computer algebra
Chapter in book
Conference Paper
- Ballon-Bayona, C. A., Peeters, K., & Zamaklar, M. (2012, December). A non-homogeneous vacuum in a holographic model for large-N QCD. Presented at 6th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics, Palaiseau, France
- Peeters, K. (. P., & Zamaklar, M. (2004, December). Holographic dynamics of unstable branes in AdS
Journal Article
- Peeters, K. (online). Introducing Cadabra: A Symbolic computer algebra system for field theory problems
- Peeters, K., Vanhove, P., & Westerberg, A. (online). Supersymmetric R**4 actions and quantum corrections to superspace torsion constraints
- Chunlen, S., Peeters, K., & Zamaklar, M. (online). Finite-size effects for jet quenching. Journal of High Energy Physics,
- de Wit, B., Peeters, K., & Plefka, J. (online). Supermembranes and supermatrix models
- Meessen, P., Peeters, K., & Zamaklar, M. (online). On Nonperturbative extensions of anti-de Sitter algebras. arXiv,
- Peeters, K. (2018). Cadabra2: computer algebra for field theory revisited. The Journal of Open Source Software, 3(32), Article 1118.
- Peeters, K., Matuszewski, M., & Zamaklar, M. (2018). Holographic meson decays via worldsheet instantons. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(6), Article 83.
- Suphakorn, C., Peeters, K., Vanichchapongjaroen, P., & Zamaklar, M. (2014). Signals of a new phase in N=2 gauge theory with a magnetic field on the three-sphere. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(9), Article 58.
- Chunlen, S., Peeters, K., Vanichchapongjaroen, P., & Zamaklar, M. (2013). Instability of N=2 gauge theory in compact space with an isospin chemical potential. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(1), Article 35.
- Ballon Bayona, A., Peeters, K., & Zamaklar, M. (2012). A chiral magnetic spiral in the holographic Sakai-Sugimoto model. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012(11), Article 164.
- Ballon Bayona, C., Peeters, K., & Zamaklar, M. (2011). A Non-homogeneous ground state of the low-temperature Sakai-Sugimoto model. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(6), Article 92.
- Peeters, K., Powell, J., & Zamaklar, M. (2009). Exploring colourful holographic superconductors. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009(09), Article 101.
- Piette, B., Liu, J., Peeters, K., Smertenko, A., Hawkins, T., Deeks, M., Quinlan, R., Zakrzewski, W., & Hussey, P. (2009). A Thermodynamic Model of Microtubule Assembly and Disassembly. PLoS ONE, 4(8), Article e6378.
- Paredes, A., Peeters, K., & Zamaklar, M. (2009). Temperature versus acceleration: The Unruh effect for holographic models. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009(04), Article 015.
- Peeters, K., & Taormina, A. (2009). Group theory of icosahedral virus capsid vibrations: a top-down approach. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 256(4), 607-624.
- Peeters, K., & Taormina, A. (2008). Dynamics of Icosahedral Viruses: What Does Viral Tiling Theory Teach Us?. Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, 9(3-4), 211-220.
- Englert, F., Peeters, K., & Taormina, A. (2008). Twenty-four near-instabilities of Caspar-Klug viruses. Physical review E: Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 78(3), Article 031908.
- Paredes, A., Peeters, K., & Zamaklar, M. (2008). Mesons versus quasi-normal modes: Undercooling and overheating. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(05), Article 027.
- Peeters, K., & Zamaklar, M. (2008). Dissociation by acceleration. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(01), Article 038.
- Aharony, O., Peeters, K., Sonnenschein, J., & Zamaklar, M. (2008). Rho meson condensation at finite isospin chemical potential in a holographic model for QCD. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(02), Article 071.
- Peeters, K., & Zamaklar, M. (2007). The String/gauge theory correspondence in QCD. European Physical Journal - Special Topics, 152(1), 113-138.
- Peeters, K. (2007). Symbolic field theory with Cadabra
- Peeters, K. (2007). A Field-theory motivated approach to symbolic computer algebra. Computer Physics Communications, 176, 550-558.
- Peeters, K., Zamaklar, M., & Sonnenschein, J. (2006). Holographic melting and related properties of mesons in a quark-gluon plasma. Physical Review D, Particles and fields, 74(10),
- Peeters, K., Sonnenschein, J., & Zamaklar, M. (2005). Holographic decays of large-spin mesons. Journal of High Energy Physics, 0602,
- Nicolai, H., Peeters, K., & Zamaklar, M. (2005). Loop quantum gravity: An Outside view. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 22(19), 193-247.
- Peeters, K., Plefka, J., & Stern, S. (2005). Higher-derivative gauge field terms in the M-theory action. Journal of High Energy Physics, 0508,
- Green, M. B., Peeters, K., & Stahn, C. (2005). Superfield integrals in high dimensions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 0508,
- Peeters, K., Plefka, J., & Zamaklar, M. (2005). Splitting strings and chains. Fortschritte der Physik, 53, 640-646
- Peeters, K., & Zamaklar, M. (2004). Anti-de Sitter vacua require fermionic brane charges. Physical Review D, 69, Article 066009
- Peeters, K., Plefka, J., & Zamaklar, M. (2004). Splitting spinning strings in AdS/CFT. Journal of High Energy Physics, 0411,
- Peeters, K., & Zamaklar, M. (2004). AdS/CFT description of D-particle decay. Physical Review D, 71, Article 026007
- Peeters, K., Vanhove, P., & Westerberg, A. (2004). Towards complete string effective actions beyond leading order. Fortschritte der Physik, 52, 630-635.
- Peeters, K., & Westerberg, A. (2004). The Ramond-Ramond sector of string theory beyond leading order. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 21, 1643-1666.
- Bain, P., Peeters, K., & Zamaklar, M. (2003). D-branes in a plane wave from covariant open strings. Physical Review D, Particles and fields, 67(6),
- Peeters, K., Vanhove, P., & Westerberg, A. (2002). Chiral splitting and world sheet gravitinos in higher derivative string amplitudes. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 19, 2699-2716.
- Peeters, K., & Zamaklar, M. (2001). Motion on moduli spaces with potentials. Journal of High Energy Physics, 0112,
- Peeters, K., Vanhove, P., & Westerberg, A. (2001). Supersymmetric higher derivative actions in ten-dimensions and eleven-dimensions, the associated superalgebras and their formulation in superspace. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 18, 843-890.
- Peeters, K., & Waldron, A. (1999). Spinors on manifolds with boundary: APS index theorems with torsion. Journal of High Energy Physics, 9902,
- van Holten, J.-W., Waldron, A., & Peeters, K. (1999). An Index theorem for nonstandard Dirac operators. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 16, 2537-2544.
- de Wit, B., Peeters, K., & Plefka, J. (1998). Superspace geometry for supermembrane backgrounds. Nuclear Physics B, B532, 99-123.
- de Wit, B., Peeters, K., & Plefka, J. C. (1998). Open and closed supermembranes with winding. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 68, 206-215.
- de Wit, B., Peeters, K., Plefka, J., & Sevrin, A. (1998). The M theory two-brane in AdS(4) x S**7 and AdS(7) x S**4. Physics Letters B, B443, 153-158.
- de Wit, B., Peeters, K., & Plefka, J. C. (1998). The Supermembrane with winding. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 62, 405-411.
- de Wit, B., Peeters, K., & Plefka, J. (1997). Supermembranes with winding. Physics Letters B, B409, 117-123.
- De Jonghe, F., Peeters, K., & Sfetsos, K. (1997). Killing-Yano supersymmetry in string theory. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 14, 35-46.
- De Jonghe, F., Macfarlane, A., Peeters, K., & van Holten, J. (1995). New supersymmetry of the monopole. Physics Letters B, B359, 114-117.
- Peeters, K., Schweigert, C., & van Holten, J. (1995). Extended geometry of black holes. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 12, 173-180.
Working Paper