Staff profile
Professor Karen Kilby
Bede Professor of Catholic Theology

Affiliation | Telephone |
Bede Professor of Catholic Theology in the Department of Theology and Religion | +44 (0) 191 33 43612 |
Authored book
- Kilby, K. (2020). God, Evil and the Limits of Theology. Bloomsbury
- Kilby, K. (2012). Balthasar: A (Very)Critical Introduction. Eerdmans
- Kilby, K. (2007). The SPCK Introduction to Karl Rahner. SPCK
- Kilby, K. (2004). Karl Rahner: Theology and Philosophy. Routledge
Book review
Chapter in book
- Kilby, K. (in press). The Theologian, The Historian and the Holy Spirit: Reflections around Nicaea. In G. E. Demacopoulos, & A. Papanikolaou (Eds.), Nicaea and the Future of Christianity - Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought. Fordham University Press
- Kilby, K. (2023). Belief, Unbelief and Mystery. In H. A. Harris, & V. S. Harrison (Eds.), Atheisms: The Philosophy of Non-Belief. Routledge.
- Kilby, K. (2022). Letter to a Young Theologian. In H. van der Westhuizen (Ed.), Letters to a Young Theologian. Fortress Press
- Kilby, K. (2022). Suffering and Sin Revisited: A Conceptual Exploration. In J. Coblentz, & D. P. Horan (Eds.), The Human in a Dehumanizing World: Re-Examining Theological Anthropology and Its Implications. Orbis Books
- Ashley, M., & Kilby, K. (2020). What difference does grace make? An exploration of the concept of grace in the theological anthropology of Karl Rahner. In C. Deane-Drummond, & A. Fuentes (Eds.), Theology and Evolutionary Anthropology: Dialogues in Wisdom, Humility, and Grace. Routledge.
- Kilby, K. (2019). The seductions of kenosis. In K. Kilby, & R. Davies (Eds.), Suffering and the Christian Life (163-174). T&T Clark.
- Kilby, K. (2017). Eschatology, Suffering and the Limits of Theology. In C. Chalame, A. Dettwiler, . Mazzocco, & G. Waterlot (Eds.), Game Over? Reconsidering Eschatology (279-292). De Gruyter.
- Kilby, K. (2016). Philosophy. In P. McCosker, & D. Turner (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to TheSumma Theologiae. Cambridge University Press.
- Kilby, K. (2015). Responsible, Critical Assent. In A. Carroll, M. Kerkwijk, M. Kirwan, & J. Sweeney (Eds.), Towards a Kenotic Vision of Authority in the Catholic Church. Council for Research and Values in Philosophy
- Kilby, K. (2014). Christian Theology, Anti-Liberalism, and Modern Jewish Thought. In A. Bielik-Robson, & A. Lipszyc (Eds.), Judaism in contemporary thought : traces and influence (155-164). Routledge
- Kilby, K. (2014). Trinity, Tradition and Politics. In C. Chalamet, & M. Vial (Eds.), iRecent Developments in Trinitarian Theology: an International Symposium (73-86). Fortress Press
- Kilby, K. (2014). Seeking Clarity. In M. Higton, & J. Fodor (Eds.), the Routledge Companion to the Practice of Christian Theology. Routledge
- Kilby, K. (2014). Trinity and Politics: An Apophatic Approach. In O. Crisp, & F. Sanders (Eds.), Advancing Trinitarian Theology: Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics. Zondervan
Edited book
- Kilby, K., & Davies, R. (Eds.). (2019). Suffering and the Christian Life. Bloomsbury, T&T Clark
- Oliver, S., Kilby, K., & O'Loughlin, T. (Eds.). (2012). Faithful Reading: New Essays in Theology in Honour of Fergus Kerr, OP. T&T Clark
Journal Article
- Kilby, K. (online). Divine contradiction: fascinating but unpersuasive. Religious Studies,
- Kilby, K. (2024). Rahner on Original Sin: A Response to The Symposium. The Heythrop Journal, 65(5: Special Issue: THE THEOLOGY OF ORIGINAL SIN), 592 - 594.
- Kilby, K. (2021). Reply to Critics, a reply to six reviews of God, Evil and the Limits of Theology. Political Theology, 22(5), 423-432.
- Kilby, K. (2020). Paradox and Paul: Catholic and Protestant Theologies of Grace. International Journal of Systematic Theology, 22(1), 77-82.
- Kilby, K. (2020). Negative Theology and Meaningless Suffering. Modern Theology, 36(1), 92-104.
- Kilby, K. E. (2018). Julian of Norwich, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and the Status of Suffering in Christian Theology. New Blackfriars, 99(1081), 298-311.
- Kilby, K. (2015). Response to the Reviewers in Book Symposium on Karen Kilby's "Balthasar: a (very) critical introduction'
- Kilby, K. (2010). Is an Apophatic Trinitarianism Possible?. International Journal of Systematic Theology, 12(1), 65-77.
- Kilby, K. (2009). Karl Rahner's Ecclesiology. New Blackfriars, 90(1026), 188-200.
- Kilby, K. (2005). Aquinas, the Trinity and the Limits of Understanding. International Journal of Systematic Theology, 7(4), 414-427.
- Kilby, K. (2003). Evil and the limits of theology. New Blackfriars, 84(983), 13-29.
- Kilby, K. (2000). Perichoresis and Projection: Problems with Social Doctrines of the Trinity. New Blackfriars, 81(957), 432-445.
Supervision students
Adrian Brooks
PhD Student
Reverend Andrew Downie
PhD Student
Briley Ray
Gareth Rowe
Hikari Yamane
Mao Cheng
PhD student
Reverend Fr Peter Wygnanski
Reverend Rob Carey
PhD student
Tim Wright
PhD student (TEI)