Staff profile

Affiliation |
Professor in the Department of Anthropology |
Fellow of the Global Policy Institute Journal |
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing |
Kate Hampshire is a Professor in the Anthropology Department at Durham University. She is a medical anthropologist and has been conducting fieldwork on health and well-being, mostly in Sub-Saharan Africa, since the mid-1990s.
Her current and recent projects include:
- Using Behavioural Game Theory and Ethnography to research health-related trust problems, with particular reference to pharmaceutical supply chains in Ghana and Tanzania (Wellcome Trust Funded, 2016-17, PI).
Building an evidence base to support and enhance community health workers’ (informal) use of mobile phones in Ghana, Malawi and Ethiopia (MRC funded, 2017-18, PI).
Using dogs to sniff out malaria in Gambia: proff of concept study (Gates Foundation funded, 2016-17, Co-I).
Developing national guidelines for mobile phone use in schools in Ghana and Malawi (Global Challenges Impact Acceleration Grant, 2016, Co-I)
Mobile phones and youth in Africa [Ghana, Malawi and South Africa] (DFID/ESRC funded, 2012-15, Co-I)
Children and mobility in Sub-Saharan Africa [Ghana, Malawi and South Africa] (DFID/ESRC-funded, 2006-10, Co-I)
Child mobility in Ghana: moving forward (Leverhulme, 2009-10, PI)
- Infertility among British Pakistanis (ESRC-funded, 2006-10, CI)
Research interests
- Critical medical anthropology
- Sub-Saharan Africa (especially West Africa)
- child and adolescent health
- digital technologies and health
- livelihoods, poverty and food security
- pastoralists and other mobile populations
- pharmaceuticals and other medicines
- trust, uncertainty and risk
Authored book
Chapter in book
- Hampshire, K., Porter, G., Kilpatrick, K., Kyei, P., Adjaloo, M., & Oppong, G. (2011). Bridging the Child Right gap in a refugee context: survival strategies and impact on inter-generational relations. In R. Ame, D. Agbenyiga, & N. Apt (Eds.), Children’s rights in Ghana: reality or rhetoric? (59-73.). Lexington
- Hampshire, K., Porter, G., Kilpatrick, K., Kyei, P., Adjaloo, M., & Oppong, G. (2011). The search for belonging: youth identities and transitions to adulthood in an African refugee context. In L. Holt (Ed.), Geographies of Children, Youth and Families (83-94). Routledge
- Casiday, R., Hampshire, K., Panter-Brick, C., & Kilpatrick, K. (2010). Responses to a food crisis and child malnutrition in the Nigerien Sahel. In T. Moffat (Ed.), Human Diet and Nutrition in Biocultural Perspective (152-170). Berghahn Journals
- Hampshire, K., & Randall, S. (2004). People are a resource: Demography and livelihoods in Sahelian Fulbe of Burkina Faso. In K. Homewood (Ed.), Rural Resources and Local Livelihoods in Africa (123-136). James Currey and Wisconsin UP
- Hampshire, K. (2003). The Fulani. In Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology (656-664). Kluwer
- Hampshire, K. (2001). The impact of male migration on fertility decisions and outcomes among the Fulani of Burkina Faso. In S. Tremayne (Ed.), Managing Reproductive Life (107-126). Berghahn Journals
- Hampshire, K. (2000). Acces au Soins de Sante aux Femmes Nomades du Tchad. In K. Wyss, & J. Zinsstag (Eds.), Reflections pour une Meilleure Prise en Charge de la Sante en Milieu Nomade au Tchad (92-107). Abidjan: Sempira
- Hampshire, K., & Randall, S. (2000). Fulani Fertility Differentials in Northern Burkina Faso. In I. Hoffman (Ed.), Propects of Patoralism in West Africa (11-126). Geissen: Tropeninstitut, Reihe I (Symposium) Band 25
- Hampshire, K., & Randall, S. (1998). Pauvrete et Migration Saisonniere chez les Peulhs du Sahel Burkinabe. In F. Gendrau (Ed.), Crises, Pauvrete et Changements Demographiques dans les Pays du Sud. Paris: Editions Estem
Edited book
Journal Article
- Johnson, L., Cole, F., Kinchin, R., Francis, A., Winiarek, K., Hampshire, K., & Chazot, P. (online). Assessing the feasibility of the GOTT (Gabapentinoid and Opioid Tapering Toolkit) in a primary care setting in North-East England. British Journal of Pain,
- Wagnild, J. M., Owusu, S. A., Mariwah, S., Kolo, V. I., Vandi, A., Namanya, D. B., Kuwana, R., Jayeola, B., Prah-Ashun, V., Adeyeye, M. C., Komeh, J., Nahamya, D., & Hampshire, K. (online). Can public education campaigns equitably counter the use of substandard and falsified (SF) medical products in African countries?. Health Policy and Planning, Article czaf004.
- Wagnild, J. M., Akhter, N., Lee, D., Jayeola, B., Darko, D. M., Adeyeye, M. C., Komeh, J. P., Nahamya, D., Kasim, A., & Hampshire, K. (2024). The role of constraints and information gaps in driving risky medicine purchasing practices in four African countries. Health Policy and Planning, 39(4), 372–386.
- Mshana, G., Mayebe, T., Balira, R., Hamill, H., & Hampshire, K. (2023). Antimalarial procurement in private-sector pharmaceutical outlets: decision-making complexities and implications for medicine quality in Tanzania. BMJ Global Health, 6(Suppl 3), e010821.
- Osman, A., Amoako Johnson, F., Mariwah, S., Amoako-Sakyi, D., Asiedu Owusu, S., Ekor, M., Hamill, H., & Hampshire, K. (2023). Antimalarial stocking decisions among medicine retailers in Ghana: implications for quality management and control of malaria. BMJ Global Health, 6(Suppl 3), e013426.
- Wagnild, J. M., Lee, D., Jayeola, B., Lukito, P. K., Fimbo, A., & Hampshire, K. (2023). Can a Smartphone Application Help Address Barriers to Reporting Substandard/Falsified Medical Products? A Pilot Study in Tanzania and Indonesia. Global Health: Science and Practice, 11(4), Article e2300034.
- Hampshire, K., Mariwah, S., Amoako-Sakyi, D., & Hamill, H. (2022). "It is very difficult in this business if you want to have a good conscience": pharmaceutical governance and on-the-ground ethical labour in Ghana. Global Bioethics, 33(1), 103 - 121.
- Masini, T., Macé, C., Heide, L., Hamill, H., Hampshire, K., Newton, P. N., & Ravinetto, R. (2022). Out of the boxes, out of the silos: The need of interdisciplinary collaboration to reduce poor-quality medical products in the supply chain. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 18(9),
- Fothergill-Misbah, N., Moffatt, S., Mwithiga, H., Hampshire, K., & Walker, R. (2022). The role of support groups in the management of Parkinson’s disease in Kenya: Sociality, information and legitimacy. Global Public Health, 17(8), 1773-1783.
- Mariwah, S., Machistey Abane, A., Asiedu Owusu, S., Kasim, A., Robson, E., Castelli, M., & Hampshire, K. (2022). Formalising ‘informal’ mHealth in Ghana: Opportunities and challenges for Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Global Public Health, 17(5), 768-781.
- Ahmed, S., Chase, L. E., Wagnild, J., Akhter, N., Sturridge, S., Clarke, A., Chowdhary, P., Mukami, D., Kasim, A., & Hampshire, K. (2022). Community health workers and health equity in low- and middle-income countries: systematic review and recommendations for policy and practice. International Journal for Equity in Health, 21(1), Article 49.
- Abane, A. M., Mariwah, S., Owusu, S. A., Kasim, A., Robson, E., & Hampshire, K. (2021). Mobile phone use and the welfare of community health nurses in Ghana: An analysis of unintended costs. World Development Perspectives, 23, Article 100317.
- Hamill, H., David-Barrett, E., Mwanga, J. R., Mshana, G., & Hampshire, K. (2021). Monitoring, reporting and regulating medicine quality: tensions between theory and practice in Tanzania. BMJ Global Health, 6(Supplement 3), Article e003043.
- Hampshire, K., Mwase-Vuma, T., Alemu, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Awoke, T., Mariwah, S., Chamdimba, E., Owusu, S. A., Robson, E., Castelli, M., Shkedy, Z., Shawa, N., Abel, J., & Kasim, A. (2021). Informal mhealth at scale in Africa: Opportunities and challenges. World Development, 140,
- Owusu, S. A., Owusu, R. A., & Hampshire, K. (2021). Maternal and Non-maternal Caregivers’ Practices in Drug Administration to Children during Illness. Child Care in Practice, 27(3), 295-309.
- Fothergill-Misbah, N., Walker, R., Kwasa, J., Hooker, J., & Hampshire, K. (2021). “Old people problems”, uncertainty and legitimacy: Challenges with diagnosing Parkinson's disease in Kenya. Social Science & Medicine, 282,
- Roxburgh, H., Hampshire, K., Tilley, E. A., Oliver, D. M., & Quilliam, R. S. (2020). Being shown samples of composted, granulated faecal sludge strongly influences acceptability of its use in peri-urban subsistence agriculture. Resources, conservation & recycling. X, 7, Article 100041.
- Houghton, L. C., Troisi, R., Sommer, M., Katki, H. A., Booth, M., Choudhury, O. A., & Hampshire, K. R. (2020). “I’m Not A Freshi”: Culture Shock, Puberty and Growing Up As British-Bangladeshi Girls. Social Science & Medicine, 258, Article 113058.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., De Lannoy, A., Tanle, A., & Owusu, S. (2020). Mobile phones, gender, and female empowerment in sub-Saharan Africa: studies with African youth. Information Technology for Development, 26(1), 180-193.
- Hampshire, K., Kaliwo, T., Tilley, E. A., Oliver, D. M., & Quilliam, R. S. (2020). Power, danger, and secrecy – a socio-cultural examination of menstrual waste management in urban Malawi. PLoS ONE, 15(6), Article e0235339.
- Hamill, H., Hampshire, K., Mariwah, S., Amoako-Sakyi, D., Kyei, A., & Castelli, M. (2019). Managing uncertainty in medicine quality in Ghana: The cognitive and affective basis of trust in a high-risk, low-regulation context. Social Science & Medicine, 234, Article 112369.
- Kasstan, B., Hampshire, K., Guest, C., Logan, J., Pinder, M., Williams, K., D'Alessandro, U., & Lindsay, S. (2019). Sniff and tell: the feasibility of using bio-detection dogs as a mobile diagnostic intervention for asymptomatic malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Biosocial Science, 51(3), 436-436-443.
- Ackland, G., Chattoe-Brown, E., Hamill, H., Hampshire, K., Mariwah, S., & Mshana, G. (2019). The Role of Trust in a Self-Organizing Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Model with Variable Drug Quality and Imperfect Information. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 22(2), Article 5.
- Porter, G., & Hampshire, K. (2018). Youth livelihoods in the cellphone era: perspectives from urban Africa. Journal of International Development, 30(4), 539-558.
- Hampshire, K., Hamill, H., Mariwah, S., Mwanga, J., & Amoako-Ksakyi, D. (2017). The application of Signalling Theory to health-related trust problems: The example of herbal clinics in Ghana and Tanzania. Social Science & Medicine, 188, 109-118.
- Mariwah, S., Hampshire, K., & Owusu-Antwi, C. (2017). Getting a foot on the sanitation ladder: user satisfaction and willingness to pay for improved public toilets in Accra, Ghana. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 7(3), 528-534.
- Hampshire, K., Porter, G., Mariwah, S., Munthali, A., Robson, E., Owusu, S., Abane, A., & Milner, J. (2017). Who bears the cost of ‘informal mhealth’? Health-workers’ mobile phone practices and associated political-moral economies of care in Ghana and Malawi. Health Policy and Planning, 32(1), 34-42.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Milner, J., Munthali, A., Robson, E., De Lannoy, A., Bango, A., Gunguluza, N., Mashiri, M., Tanle, A., & Abane, A. (2016). Mobile phones and education in sub-Saharan Africa: from youth practice to public policy. Journal of International Development, 28(1), 22-39.
- Hampshire, K., Porter, G., Owusu, S. A., Mariwah, S., Abane, A., Robson, E., Munthali, A., DeLannoy, A., Bango, A., Gunguluza, N., & Milner, J. (2015). Informal m-health: How are young people using mobile phones to bridge healthcare gaps in Sub-Saharan Africa?. Social Science & Medicine, 142, 90-99.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., Bango, A., de Lannoy, A., Gunguluza, N., Tanle, A., Owusu, S., & Milner, J. (2015). Intergenerational relations and the power of the cell phone: perspectives on young people’s phone usage in Sub-Saharan Africa. Geoforum, 64, 37-46.
- Hampshire, K., Porter, G., Agblorti, S., Robson, E., Munthali, A., & Abane, A. (2015). Context matters: fostering, orphanhood and schooling in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Biosocial Science, 47(02), 141-164.
- Hornby-Turner, Y., Hampshire, K., & Pollard, T. (2014). A comparison of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in 9-11 year old British Pakistani and White British girls: a mixed methods study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 11, Article 74.
- Hampshire, K., Blell, M., Iqbal, N., & Simpson, B. (2014). The interview as narrative ethnography: seeking and shaping connections in qualitative research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 17(3), 215-231.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Dunn, C., Hall, R., Levesley, M., Burton, K., Robson, S., Abane, A., Blell, M., & Panther, J. (2013). Health impacts of pedestrian headloading: a review of the evidence with particular reference to women and children in sub-Saharan Africa. Social Science & Medicine, 88, 90-97.
- Robson, E., Porter, G., Hampshire, K., & Munthali, A. (2013). Heavy loads – children’s burdens of water carrying in Malawi. Waterlines, 32(1),
- Hampshire, K., & Owusu, S. (2013). Grandfathers, Google, and Dreams: Medical Pluralism, Globalization, and New Healing Encounters in Ghana. Medical Anthropology, 32(3),
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., Mashiri, M., Tanle, A., Maponya, G., & Dube, S. (2012). Child porterage and Africa’s transport gap: evidence from Ghana, Malawi and South Africa. World Development, 40(10), 2136-2154.
- Hampshire, K., Blell, M., & Simpson, B. (2012). ‘Everybody is moving on’: Infertility, relationality and the aesthetics of family among British-Pakistani Muslims. Social Science & Medicine, 74(7), 1045-1052.
- Mariwah, S., Hampshire, K., & Kasim, A. (2012). The impact of gender and physical environment on the handwashing behaviour of university students in Ghana. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 17(4), 447-454.
- Hampshire, K., Porter, G., Owusu, S., Mariwah, S., Abane, A., Robson, E., Munthali, A., Mashiri, M., Maponya, G., & Bourdillon, M. (2012). Taking the long view: temporal considerations in the ethics of children’s research activity and knowledge production. Children's Geographies, 10(2),
- Hampshire, K., Porter, G., Owusu, S., Tanle, A., & Abane, A. (2011). Out of the reach of children? Young people’s health-seeking practices and agency in Africa’s newly-emerging therapeutic landscapes. Social Science & Medicine, 73(5), 702-710.
- Hampshire, K., Porter, G., Mashiri, M., Dube, S., & Maponya, G. (2011). Proposing love on the way to school: daily mobility, sexuality and youth transitions in South Africa. Applied financial economics, 13(2), 217-231.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Tanle, A., Esia-Donkoh, K., Amoako, S., Agblorti, R., & Owusu, S. (2011). Mobility, education and livelihood trajectories for young people in rural Ghana: a gender perspective. Children's Geographies, 9(3-4), 395-410.
- Hampshire, K., Porter, G., & Abane, A. (2011). Guest editorial: children’s mobility in Ghana. Society, biology & human affairs, 76(1), v-xi
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Munthali, A., & Robson, E. (2011). Mobility, surveillance and control of children and young people in the everyday: perspectives from sub-Saharan Africa. Surveillance & Society, 9(1/2), 114-131
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Mashiri, M., Dube, S., & Maponya, G. (2010). ‘Youthscapes’ and escapes in rural Africa: education, mobility and livelihood trajectories for young people in Eastern Cape, South Africa. Journal of International Development, 22(8), 1090-1101.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Bourdillon, M., Robson, E., Munthali, A., Abane, A., & Mashiri, M. (2010). Children as Research Collaborators: Issues and Reflections from a Mobility Study in Sub-Saharan Africa. American Journal of Community Psychology, 46(1-2), 215-227.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Robson, E., Munthali, A., Mashiri, M., & Tanle, A. (2010). Moving young lives: Mobility, immobility and inter-generational tensions in urban Africa. Geoforum, 41(5), 796-804.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., Mashiri, M., & Maponya, G. (2010). Where dogs, ghosts and lions roam: learning from mobile ethnographies on the journey to school. Children's Geographies, 8(2), 91-105.
- Hampshire, K., & Matthijsse, M. (2010). Can arts projects improve young people’s wellbeing? A social capital approach. Social Science & Medicine, 71(4), 708-716.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., Mashiri, M., & Tanle, A. (2010). Youth transport, mobility and security in sub-Saharan Africa: the gendered journey to school. World transport policy & practice, 16(1), 51-71
- Hampshire, K., Panter-Brick, C., Kilpatrick, K., & Casiday, R. (2009). Saving lives, preserving livelihoods: Understanding risk, decision-making and child health in a food crisis. Social Science & Medicine, 68(4), 758-765.
- Robson, E., Porter, G., Hampshire, K., & Bourdillon, M. (2009). ‘Doing it right?’: working with young researchers in Malawi to investigate children, transport and mobility. Children's Geographies, 7(4), 467-480.
- Hampshire, K., Casiday, R., Kilpatrick, K., & Panter-Brick, C. (2009). The social context of childcare practices and child malnutrition in Niger’s recent food crisis. Disasters, 33(1), 132-151.
- Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Kyei, P., Adjaloo, M., Rapoo, G., & Kilpatrick, K. (2008). Linkages between livelihood opportunities and refugee-host relations: learning from the experiences of Liberian camp-based refugees in Ghana. Journal of Refugee Studies, 21(2), 230-252.
- Hampshire, K., Porter, G., Kilpatrick, K., Kyei, P., Adjaloo, M., & Oppong, G. (2008). Liminal spaces: changing inter-generational relations among long-term Liberian refugees in Ghana. Human organization, 67(1), 25-36
- Mshana, G., Hampshire, K., Panter-Brick, C., & Walker, R. (2008). Urban-rural contrasts in explanatory models and treatment-seeking behaviours for stroke in Tanzania. Journal of Biosocial Science, 40(1), 35-52.
- Bell, S., Hampshire, K., & Tonder, M. (2008). Person, Place and Knowledge in the Conservation of the Saimaa Ringed Seal. Society & Natural Resources, 21(4), 277-293.
- Bell, S., Hampshire, K., & Topalidou, S. (2007). The Political Culture of Poaching: A case study from Northern Greece. Biodiversity and Conservation, 16(2), 399-418.
- Bell, S., Hampshire, K., & Topalidou, S. (2007). The political culture of poaching: a case study from northern Greece. Biodiversity and Conservation, 16, 399-418.
- Coast, E., Hampshire, K., & Randall, S. (2007). Disciplining Anthropological Demography. Demographic research, 16, 493-517.
- Hampshire, K. (2006). Flexibility in Domestic Organisation and Seasonal Migration among the Fulani of Northern Burkina Faso. Africa, 76(3), 402-426.
- Hampshire, K., Hills, E., & Iqbal, N. (2005). Power relations in participatory research and community development: a case study from northern England. Human organization, 64(4), 340-349
- Hampshire, K., Bell, S., Wallace, G., & Stepukonis, F. (2004). 'Real' poachers and predators: shades of meaning in local understandings of threats to fisheries. Society & Natural Resources, 17(4), 305-318.
- Hampshire, K. (2003). What is 'Safe Motherhood'? Insiders' and Outsiders' Percpetions of Maternal Health among Chadian Pastoralists
- Hampshire, K. (2002). Fulani on the move: seasonal economic migration in the Sahel as a social process. The Journal of Development Studies, 38(5), 15-36.
- Hampshire, K. (2002). Networks of nomads: negotiating access to health resources among pastoralist women in Chad. Social Science & Medicine, 54(7), 1025-1037.
- Hampshire, K., & Smith, M. (2001). Consanguineous Marriage among the Fulani of Burkina Faso
- Hampshire, K., & Randall, S. (2000). Pastoralists, Agropastoralists and Migrants: Interactions Between Fertility and Mobility in Northern Burkina Faso. Population Studies, 54, 247-262
- Hampshire, K., & Randall, S. (1999). Seasonal Labour Migration Strategies in the Sahel: Coping with Poverty or Optimising Security?. International Journal of Population Geography, 5, 367-385
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