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Judy Burg

Head of Collections

Head of Collections in the University Library and Collections (ULC)



Leadership of the Collections team, which undertakes the acquisition, cataloguing, management, preservation and conservation of collections, including modern print and electronic collections, archives and rare books;  the administration of reading lists, inter-library loan, and the provision of searchroom and enquiry services for archives and special collections.  

Strategic lead for 

  • Development, exploitation, management and conservation of University collections (also working in collaboration with ULC colleagues in Museums, Galleries & Exhibitions Team)
  • Development of services to support the acquisition, discovery and exploitation of University collections for education, research, the wider student experience and cultural outreach


Reseach Libraries UK Collections Strategy Network

Research Libraries UK Special Collections & Heritage Network (Co-convenor, 2019-2021)

The National Archives Higher Education Archives Programme Steering Group

AHRC Peer Review College

Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Registered member of the Archives & Records Association

Lincoln Cathedral Fabric Advisory Committee


·       Secretary of the Group for Archives and Manuscripts (GLAM)  2010-2015

·       Member of Advisory Board for The National Archives project to produce a guide to cross-sector collaboration.  2014-2015

·       Member of The National Archives, Archives for the 21st Century action plan implementation advisory group, 2009-2012

·       Committee member for the Yorkshire Rapid Response Network, 2008-2011

·       Business Archives representative on the East Midlands Regional Archive Council, 2001-2003



The Rowntree Mackintosh Archive: A guide, University of York, 1997

Religion in Hertfordshire 1847-1851, Hertfordshire Record Society, 1995


Contributor to AIMS White Paper:  Born-Digital Collections:  An Inter-Institutional Model for Stewardship, published on-line by University of Virginia, 2012.

The 1851 Religious Census, in Hertfordshire Historical Atlas, University of Hertfordshire, 2011

Book review:  “Valuing your collection:  a practical guide for museums, libraries and archives”, in Archives and Records Journal of the Archives and Records Association, Vol 39, Issue 1, 2018

Book review : “The boundaries of the literary archives: reclamation and representation”, in Journal of the Archives and Records Association, Vol 35 Issue 2, 2014

Professional posts

2015-2019  Durham University

Head of Archives and Special Collections

·       Leadership, operational management, and development of Special Collections and Archives, including conservation, digitisation and external partnerships

2003-2015 University of Hull

University Archivist, University of Hull, and joint head of Hull History Centre

·       Successful bid to Heritage Lottery Fund for grant of £7.7m

·       Collaborative establishment of Hull History Centre and continuing leadership within the partnership

·       Development of archive collections and their impact on teaching and learning

1997-2003 The Boots Company PLC

Assistant Archivist, then Company Archivist

1993-1997  University of York

Rowntree Archivist

Curatorial Officer, Yorkshire Manorial Records (Historic Manuscripts Commission)

1989-1993 Hertfordshire County Record Office

Diocesan Archivist

1988-1989 West Yorkshire Archive Service

Assistant Archivist, Leeds Archive Service.