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Dr Jonathan Mukwiri

Associate Professor

Associate Professor in the Durham Law School


Jonathan is an Associate Professor in Corporate Law at Durham Law School. He joined Durham in October 2010. He teaches mainly on the postgraduate taught programme and supervises numerous postgraduate dissertations in the broad area of corporate law. He also teaches undergraduates on the Company Law module.

Jonathan's research interests lie primarily in corporate law, especially European corporate law. To date, his work in corporate law has focused on takeover regulation and corporate governance, including the role of shareholders and the protection of minority shareholders. He is the author of the Takeovers and European Legal Framework: A British Perspective (Routledge-Cavendish, 2009), a monograph that provides a detailed understanding of the implementation of the Takeover Directive 2004/25/EC into the UK. He is currently researching on the relevance and effectiveness of EU rules in achieving harmonisation of company law in the EU.

Research Supervision

Jonathan would be delighted to hear from potential PhD students interested in researching any area of corporate law, especially in relation to takeovers, interaction between takeovers and free movement of capital, corporate governance, directors' duties, minority shareholder protection, and corporate social responsibility. His most recent PhD students researched issues in takeovers, mergers, and corporate governance.

Please read the information here and contact Jonathan for advice on your draft proposal.

Teaching Areas

Company Law

Corporate Governance

Research interests

  • Regulation of Takeovers
  • Corporate Governance
  • EU Internal Market, particularly Free Movement of Capital
  • Commercial Law, particularly Sale of Goods


Authored book

Book review

Chapter in book

Conference Paper

Journal Article

Supervision students