Staff profile
Affiliation |
Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences |
Research interests
- Algebraic Topology
- Aperiodic Tilings
- Topological Dynamics
Esteem Indicators
- 2000: PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT: Selected presenter, Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2009
Selected presenter, EPSRC How? exhibition 2010
Contributor Numberphile YouTube channel
Plenary speaker, Trinity Mathematical Society Centenary Symposium, 2019
- 2000: JOURNAL, BOOKS AND LEARNED SOCIETY ENGAGEMENT: Since 2013 I have managed the Journals and Book Series published by the main UK Learned Society for Mathematics, the London Mathematical Society (LMS). These include
- Proceedings, Journal, Bulletin and Transactions of the London Mathematical Society
- The Journal of Topology
- Compositio Mathematica (published on behalf of the Compositio Foundation)
- Nonlinearity (published jointly with the Institute of Physics)
- Mathematika (published on behalf of its owners, UCL)
- Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Soceity (English translation, published jointly with the Moscow Mathematical Society and the American Mathematical Society)
- Izvestiya, Sbornik and Russian Mathematical Surveys (English translation, published jointly with the Russian Academy of Sciences and Turpion)
- LMS Lecture Notes in Mathematics
- LMS Student Texts
My work is to lead on setting the publishing strategy, management of the contracts, oversight and appointment of editorial boards, and liaison with the publishing partners, including the commercial partners CUP, Wiley and IOPP with whom the Society contracts production, distribution and marketing.
The Journals and Book Series operation of the LMS has a turnover of c.£2M per annum and all proceeds go to the charity. Like many UK Learned Societies, the income from these publications is critical to the funding of the Society, and underpins the grants it awards to Mathemticians. Publications funding also contributes to, amongst others, the running of Society meetings, the Popular Lectures, and policy work to engage with Government regarding mathematics education and funding for the mathematics people pipeline, in particular for mathematics research.
- Panel chair at round table discussion on Mathematics Publishing for ECR’s at the 7th European Congress of Mathematics, Berlin 2016.
Plenary lecturer Dynamical Systems for Aperiodicity January 2016, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France.
Invited series of lectures, 31st Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications, hosted August 2016 by University of Leicester.
Plenary lecturer Topology and Dynamics conference, Leverhulme network, University of Leicester January 2017.
Plenary speaker, Oberwolfach workshop Spectral Structures and Topological Methods in Mathematical October 2017
Plenary speaker, Model Sets and Aperiodic Order, Durham, September 2018.
Plenary lecturer, 6 hours at Winter School on Tilings and Foliations, Santiago do Compostela, February 2019.
- Invited Speaker, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Mathematical Society, Guangzhou, November 2019.
- Member, UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Peer Review College
- Member, UKRI New Horizons Review College
- Member, EPSRC College, since 1999
- Member, EPSRC Mathematical Sciences Strategic Advisory Team, 2010-2013
- Chair and or member, EPSRC Fellowship, Programme, Doctoral Training and Standard Grant prioritisation panels, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021
- Trustee, London Mathematical Society, 2011-2021
- Publications Officer, London Mathematical Soceity, 2013-2021
- External Examiner (research degrees) Oxford, Lyon, Manchester, Sheffield, Leicester, Glasgow, Rabat, Southampton, Wuppertal
- External Examiner (taught degrees) Manchester Unviersity (2002-6), Swansea Universlty (2006-11), Sheffield Universtiy (2012-16), Heriot-Watt University (2015-19), Oxford University (2021- )
- Chair, British Mathematical Colloquium 2011
- Member, National Scientific Steering Committee, British Mathematical Colloquia 2008-17
- Witness contributing to Burgess report on RCUK Open Access policy, 2014
- Member, scientific advisory board for Deloitte’s work The Economic Benefits of Mathematical Sciences Research in the UK
Chapter in book
Conference Paper
- Hunton, J. (2017, October). Topological Invariants for Tilings. Presented at Spectral Structures and Topological Methods in Mathematical Quasicrystals, Oberwolfach, Germany
- Forrest, A., Hunton, J., & Kellendok, J. (2001, December). Cohomology groups for projection point patterns. Presented at XIII International Congress of Mathematical Physics, London
Journal Article
- Hunton, J., & Walton, J. (2021). Aperiodicity, rotational tiling spaces and topological space groups. Advances in Mathematics, 388, Article 107855.
- Alvarez Lopez, J. A., Barral Lijo, R., Hunton, J., Nozawa, H., & Parker, J. R. (2021). Chaotic Delone Sets. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, 41(8), 3781-3796.
- Clark, A., & Hunton, J. (2019). The homology core of matchbox manifolds and invariant measures. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 371(3), 1771-1793.
- Hunton, J., Gähler, F., & Kellendonk, J. (2013). Integral cohomology of rational projection method patterns. Algebraic & geometric topology, 13(3), 1661-1708.
- Hunton, J., & Clark, A. (2012). Tiling spaces, codimension one attractors and shape. New York journal of mathematics, 18, 765-796
- Hunton, J., Barge, M., Diamond, B., & Sadun, L. (2010). Cohomology of substitution tiling spaces. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 30(06), 1607-1627.
- Hunton, J., Green, E., & Snashall, N. (2008). Coverings, the graded centre and Hochschild cohomology. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 212(12),
- Gähler, F., Hunton, J. R., & Kellendonk, J. (2008). Integer Cech cohomology of icosahedral projection tilings. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 223(11-12),
- Hunton, J., & Shchukin, M. (2006). The K-Theory of C*-Algebras with Finite Dimensional Irreducible Representations. Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 54(1),
- Hunton, J., & Schuster, B. (2005). Subalgebras of group cohomology defined by infinite loop spaces. Topology (Oxford), 44(4), 689-704.
- Bendersky, M., & Hunton, J. R. (2004). ON THE COALGEBRAIC RING AND BOUSFIELD–KAN SPECTRAL SEQUENCE FOR A LANDWEBER EXACT SPECTRUM. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 47(3), 513-532.
- Green, D., Hunton, J., & Schuster, B. (2003). Chromatic characteristic classes in ordinary group cohomology. Topology (Oxford), 42(1), 243-263.
- Forrest, A., Hunton, J., & Kellendonk, J. (2002). Topological Invariants for Projection Method Patterns. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 159(758), i-x, 1-120
- Forrest, A., Hunton, J., & Kellendonk, J. (2002). Cohomology of canonical projection tilings. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 226, 289-322
- Hunton, J. (2002). Complete cohomology theories and the homology of their omega spectra
- Clarke, F., Hunton, J., & Ray, N. (2001). Extensions of umbral calculus II: double delta operators, Leibniz extensions and Hattori-Stong theorems
- Forrest, A., & Hunton, J. (1999). The cohomology and K-theory of commuting homeomorphisms of the Cantor set. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 19, 611-625
- Hunton, J., & Turner, P. (1999). The homology of spaces representing exact pairs of homotopy functors
- Hunton, J., & Turner, P. (1998). Coalgebraic algebra. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 129, 297-313
- Hunton, J., Mimura, M., Nishimoto, T., & Schuster, B. (1998). Higher v_n torsion in Lie groups. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 50(4), 801-818
- Hunton, J. (1998). The complex oriented cohomology of extended powers. Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 48(2), 517-534
- Hopkins, M., & Hunton, J. (1995). On the structure of spaces representing a Landweber exact cohomology theory
- Hunton, J. (1995). The Boardman homomorphism
- Hunton, J., & Ray, N. (1995). A rational approach to Hopf rings. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 101, 313-333
- Baker, A., & Hunton, J. (1994). Continuous Morava K-theory and the geometry of the I_n-adic tower. Mathematica Scandinavica, 75, 67-81
- Hunton, J. (1992). Detruncating Morava K-theory
- Hunton, J. (1990). The Morava K-theories of wreath products. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 107, 309-318