Staff profile
Professor John Evans
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Chemistry | +44 (0) 191 33 42093 |
Prof. Evans was awarded 1st class M. Chem. and PhD degrees in chemistry from Oxford University. After postdoctoral research with Prof Art Sleight in the US and an 1851 Fellowship at Oxford he moved to Durham as a lecturer in Chemistry in 1998. He was promoted to Reader in 2003 and Chair in 2007. He served as Head of Department from 2009-2014.
Research interests
- Inorganic and Materials Chemistry
Authored book
- Woodward, P. M., Karen, P., Evans, J. S., & Vogt, T. (2021). Solid State Materials Chemistry.
- Woodward, P. M., Karen, P., Evans, J. S., & Vogt, T. (2020). Solid State Materials Chemistry. Cambridge University Press
- Dinnebier, R. E., Leineweber, A., & Evans, J. S. (2018). Rietveld Refinement.
Chapter in book
Journal Article
- Bell, N., Cox, A., Cameron, N., Evans, J., Marder, T., Duin, M., Elsevier, C., Baucherel, X., Tulloch, A., & Tooze, R. (online). Platinum catalysed 3,4- and 1,4-diboration of alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl compounds using bis-pinacolatodiboron. Chemical Communications, 1854-1855
- Crossland, C., & Evans, J. (online). Synthesis and characterisation of a new high pressure polymorph of Cu2WS4. Chemical Communications, 2292-2293
- Hampson, M., Hodgkinson, P., Evans, J., Harris, R., King, I., Allen, S., & Fayon, F. (online). The nature of oxygen exchange in ZrW2O8 revealed by two-dimensional solid-state O-17 NMR. Chemical Communications, 392-393
- King, I., Fayon, F., Massiot, D., Harris, R., & Evans, J. (online). A space group assignment of ZrP2O7 obtained by P-31 solid state NMR. Chemical Communications, 1766-1767
- Evans, J., Brogden, E., Thompson, A., & Cordiner, R. (online). Synthesis and characterisation of the new oxyselenide Bi2YO4Cu2Se2. Chemical Communications, 912-913
- Evans, I., Howard, J., Withers, R., & Evans, J. (online). Ab initio structure determination of BiPb2VO6 from powder diffraction data. Chemical Communications, 1984-1985
- Nagle-Cocco, L. A. V., Genreith-Schriever, A. R., Steele, J. M. A., Tacconis, C., Bocarsly, J. D., Mathon, O., Neuefeind, J. C., Liu, J., O’Keefe, C. A., Goodwin, A. L., Grey, C. P., Evans, J. S. O., Dutton, S. E., Nagle-Cocco, L. A. V., Steele, J. M. A., Neuefeind, J. C., Goodwin, A. L., Grey, C. P., & Dutton, S. E. (2024). Displacive Jahn–Teller Transition in NaNiO 2. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146(43), 29560-29574.
- Harbourne, E., Barker, H., Guéroult, Q., Cattermull, J., Nagle-Cocco, L. A. V., Roth, N., Evans, J. S. O., Keen, D. A., & Goodwin, A. L. (2024). Local Structure and Dynamics in MPt(CN) 6 Prussian Blue Analogues. Chemistry of Materials, 36(11), 5796-5804.
- Beleza, A. A., Pires, B., Almeida, R., Evans, J. S. O., dos Santos, A. M., Frontzek, M., Lovell, E., Beckmann, B., Skokov, K., Gutfleisch, O., Araujo, J. P., Milinda Abeykoon, A. M., Amaral, J., & Belo, J. H. (2024). Structural dynamics of first-order phase transition in giant magnetocaloric La(Fe,Si)13: The free energy landscape. Materials Today Physics, 42, Article 101388.
- Thompson, S. Y., Devenney, L. A., Yufit, D. S., & Evans, J. S. (2023). Extensive Polymorphism in the Molecular Ferroelectric 18-Crown-6 Oxonium Tetrachloro-Gallium(III). Crystal Growth and Design, 23(4), 2860-2869.
- Fleming, R. O., Gonçalves, S., Davarpanah, A., Radulov, I., Pfeuffer, L., Beckmann, B., Skokov, K., Ren, Y., Li, T., Evans, J., Amaral, J., Almeida, R., Lopes, A., Oliveira, G., Araújo, J. P., Apolinário, A., & Belo, J. H. (2022). Tailoring Negative Thermal Expansion via Tunable Induced Strain in La–Fe–Si-Based Multifunctional Material. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14(38), 43498-43507.
- Fuller, C. A., Murrell, J. I., Blom, D. A., Vogt, T., Zhang, W., Halasyamani, P. S., Radosavljevic Evans, I., & Evans, J. S. (2022). Oxide ion conductivity, proton conductivity and phase transitions in perovskite-derived Ba3–xSrxYGa2O7.5 0 x 3 materials. Chemistry of Materials, 34(7), 3185-3196.
- Fuller, C. A., Blom, D. A., Vogt, T., Radosavljevic Evans, I., & Evans, J. S. (2022). Oxide Ion and Proton Conductivity in a Family of Highly Oxygen-Deficient Perovskite Derivatives. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144(1), 615-624.
- Fuller, C. A., Gutmann, M. J., Ling, C. D., Wang, C.-H., Zhang, W., Halasyamani, P. S., Evans, I. R., & Evans, J. S. (2022). Defects and disorder in apatite-type silicate oxide ion conductors: implications for conductivity. Journal of Materials Chemistry A: materials for energy and sustainability, 10(27),
- Evans, J. S., & Radosavljevic Evans, I. (2021). Structure Analysis from Powder Diffraction Data: Rietveld Refinement in Excel. Journal of Chemical Education, 98(2), 495-505.
- de Leeuwe, C., Hu, W., Neagu, D., Papaioannou, E. I., Pramana, S., Ray, B., Evans, J. S., & Metcalfe, I. S. (2021). Revisiting the thermal and chemical expansion and stability of La0.6Sr0.4FeO3−. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 293, Article 121838.
- de Leeuwe, C., Hu, W., Evans, J., von Stosch, M., & Metcalfe, I. S. (2021). Production of high purity H2 through chemical-looping water–gas shift at reforming temperatures – The importance of non-stoichiometric oxygen carriers. Chemical Engineering Journal, 423,
- Rahim, W., Skelton, J. M., Savory, C. N., Evans, I. R., Evans, J. S., Walsh, A., & Scanlon, D. O. (2020). Polymorph exploration of bismuth stannate using first-principles phonon mode mapping. Chemical Science, 11(30), 7904-7909.
- Halukeerthi, S. O., Shephard, J. J., Talewar, S. K., Evans, J. S., Rosu-Finsen, A., & Salzmann, C. G. (2020). Amorphous Mixtures of Ice and C60 Fullerene. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124(24), 5015-5022.
- Fuller, C. A., Berrod, Q., Frick, B., Johnson, M. R., Avdeev, M., Evans, J. S. O., & Evans, I. R. (2020). Oxide Ion and Proton Conductivity in Highly Oxygen-Deficient Cubic Perovskite SrSc0.3Zn0.2Ga0.5O2.4. Chemistry of Materials, 32(10), 4347-4357.
- Chambers, M. S., Chater, P. A., Evans, I. R., & Evans, J. S. (2019). Average and Local Structure of Apatite-Type Germanates and Implications for Oxide Ion Conductivity. Inorganic Chemistry, 58(21), 14853-14862.
- Jiang, S., Cox, H., Papaioannou, E., Tang, C., Liu, H., Murdoch, B. J., Gibson, E. K., Metcalfe, I., Evans, J. S., & Beaumont, S. K. (2019). Shape-Persistent Porous Organic Cage Supported Palladium Nanoparticles as Heterogeneous Catalytic Materials. Nanoscale, 11(31), 14929-14936.
- Liu, H., Gutmann, M. J., Stokes, H. T., Campbell, B. J., Evans, I. R., & Evans, J. S. (2019). Super-colossal uniaxial negative thermal expansion in chloranilic acid pyrazine, CA-Pyz. Chemistry of Materials, 31(12), 4514-4523.
- Metcalfe, I. S., Ray, B., Dejoie, C., Hu, W., de Leeuwe, C., Dueso, C., García-García, F. R., Mak, C.-M., Papaioannou, E. I., Thompson, C. R., & Evans, J. S. (2019). Overcoming chemical equilibrium limitations using a thermodynamically reversible chemical reactor. Nature Chemistry, 11, 638-643.
- Shephard, J. J., Evans, J. S., & Salzmann, C. G. (2019). Local structure and orientational ordering in liquid bromoform. Molecular Physics, 117(22), 3337-3344.
- Štefančič, A., Moody, S., Hicken, T., Birch, M., Balakrishnan, G., Barnett, S., Crisanti, M., Evans, J., Holt, S., Franke, K., Hatton, P., Huddart, B., Lees, M., Pratt, F., Tang, C., Wilson, M., Xiao, F., & Lancaster, T. (2018). Origin of skyrmion lattice phase splitting in Zn-substituted Cu2OSeO3. Physical Review Materials, 2(11), Article 111402(R).
- Liu, H., Zhang, W., Halasyamani, P. S., Stokes, H. T., Campbell, B. J., Evans, J. S. O., & Evans, I. R. (2018). Understanding the Behavior of the Above-Room-Temperature Molecular Ferroelectric 5,6-Dichloro-2-methylbenzimidazole Using Symmetry Adapted Distortion Mode Analysis. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(41), 13441-13448.
- Araujo, L. R., Gallington, L. C., Wilkinson, A. P., & Evans, J. S. (2018). Phase behaviour, thermal expansion and compressibility of SnMo 2 O 8. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 258, 885-893.
- Oogarah, R., Stockdale, C., Stock, C., Evans, J., Wills, A., Taylor, J., & McCabe, E. (2017). Crystal field excitations and magnons: Their roles in oxyselenides Pr2O2M2OSe2 (M = Mn, Fe). Physical Review B, 95(17), Article 174441.
- Coelho, A., Evans, J., & Lewis, J. (2016). Averaging the intensity of many-layered structures for accurate stacking-fault analysis using Rietveld refinement. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 49(5), 1740-1749.
- Shephard, J., Callear, S., Imberti, S., Evans, J., & Salzmann, C. (2016). Microstructures of negative and positive azeotropes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(28), 19227-19235.
- Lewis, J. W., Payne, J. L., Evans, I. R., Stokes, H. T., Campbell, B. J., & Evans, J. S. (2016). An Exhaustive Symmetry Approach to Structure Determination: Phase Transitions in Bi2Sn2O7. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138(25), 8031-8042.
- Ainsworth, C., Lewis, J., Wang, C., Coelho, A., Johnson, H., Brand, H., & Evans, J. (2016). 3D Transition Metal Ordering and Rietveld Stacking Fault Quantification in the New Oxychalcogenides La2O2Cu2–4xCd2xSe2. Chemistry of Materials, 28(9), 3184-3195.
- Ainsworth, C. M., Wang, C.-H., Johnston, H. E., McCabe, E. E., Tucker, M. G., Brand, H. E., & Evans, J. S. (2015). Infinitely Adaptive Transition-Metal Ordering in Ln2O2MSe2-Type Oxychalcogenides. Inorganic Chemistry, 54(15), 7230-7238.
- Wang, C.-H., Ainsworth, C. M., Gui, D.-Y., McCabe, E. E., Tucker, M. G., Evans, I. R., & Evans, J. S. (2015). Infinitely Adaptive Transition Metal Oxychalcogenides: The Modulated Structures of Ce2O2MnSe2 and (Ce0.78La0.22)2O2MnSe2. Chemistry of Materials, 27(8), 3121-3134.
- Shephard, J., Soper, A., Callear, S., Imberti, S., Evans, J., & Salzmann, C. (2015). Polar stacking of molecules in liquid chloroform. Chemical Communications, 51(23), 4770-4773.
- Tuxworth, A. J., Wang, C.-H., & Evans, J. S. (2015). Synthesis, characterisation and properties of rare earth oxyselenides A4O4Se3 (A = Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb and Y). Dalton Transactions, 44(7), 3009-3019.
- Ainsworth, C. M., Wang, C.-H., Tucker, M. G., & Evans, J. S. (2015). Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Physical Properties of the New Transition Metal Oxyselenide Ce2O2ZnSe2. Inorganic Chemistry, 54(4), 1563-1571.
- Nunes, S. E., Wang, C.-H., So, K., Evans, J. S., & Evans, I. R. (2015). Bismuth zinc vanadate, BiZn2VO6: New crystal structure type and electronic structure. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 222, 12-17.
- McCabe, E., Stock, C., Bettis Jr., J., Whangbo, M., & Evans, J. (2014). Magnetism of the Fe2+ and Ce3+ sublattices in Ce2O2FeSe2: A combined neutron powder diffraction, inelastic neutron scattering, and density functional study. Physical review B, 90(23), Article 235115.
- McCabe, E., Wills, A., Chapon, L., Manuel, P., & Evans, J. (2014). Structural and magnetic characterization of iron oxyselenides Ce2O2Fe2OSe2 and Nd2O2Fe2OSe2. Physical review B, 90(16), Article 165111.
- Evans, I., Evans, J., Davies, H., Haworth, A., & Tate, M. (2014). On Sr1−xNaxSiO3−0.5x New Superior Fast Ion Conductors. Chemistry of Materials, 26(18), 5187-5189.
- McCabe, E., Stock, C., Rodriguez, E., Wills, A., Taylor, J., & Evans, J. (2014). Weak spin interactions in Mott insulating La2O2Fe2OSe2. Physical review B, 89(10), Article 100402(R).
- Tuxworth, A., & Evans, J. (2014). Synthesis, structure and properties of the oxychalcogenide series A4O4TiSe4 (A=Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er and Y). Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 210(1), 188-194.
- Shephard, J. J., Evans, J. S., & Salzmann, C. G. (2013). Structural Relaxation of Low-Density Amorphous Ice upon Thermal Annealing. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 4(21), 3672-3676.
- Tallentire, S., Child, F., Fall, I., Vella-Zarb, L., Evans, I., Tucker, M., Keen, D., Wilson, C., & Evans, J. (2013). Systematic and Controllable Negative, Zero, and Positive Thermal Expansion in Cubic Zr1–xSnxMo2O8. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135(34), 12849-12856.
- Tuxworth, A. J., McCabe, E. E., Free, D. G., Clark, S. J., & Evans, J. S. (2013). Structural Characterization and Physical Properties of the New Transition Metal Oxyselenide La2O2ZnSe2. Inorganic Chemistry, 52(4), 2078-2085.
- Kerman, S., Campbell, B. J., Satyavarapu, K. K., Stokes, H. T., Perselli, F., & Evans, J. S. (2012). The superstructure determination of displacive distortions via symmetry-mode analysis. Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations of crystallography, 68(2), 222-234.
- Wood, T., Hurst, G., Schofield, W., Thompson, R., Oswald, G., Evans, J., Sharples, G., Pearson, C., Petty, M., & Badyal, J. (2012). Electroless deposition of multi-functional zinc oxide surfaces displaying photoconductive, superhydrophobic, photowetting, and antibacterial properties. Journal of materials chemistry, 22(9), 3859-3867.
- Coelho, A. A., Evans, J. S. O., Evans, I. R., Kern, A., & Parsons, S. (2011). The TOPAS symbolic computation system. Powder Diffraction, 26(S1), S22-S25.
- Free, D., Withers, N., Hickey, P., & Evans, J. (2011). Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Several New Oxychalcogenide Materials with the General Formula A2O2M2OSe2 (A = La-Sm, M = Fe, Mn). Chemistry of Materials, 23(6), 1625-1635.
- McCabe, E. E., Free, D. G., & Evans, J. S. (2011). A new iron oxyselenide Ce2O2FeSe2: synthesis and characterisation. Chemical Communications, 47(4), 1261-1263.
- Lister, S., Soleilhavoup, A., Withers, R., Hodgkinson, P., & Evans, J. (2010). Structures and Phase Transitions in (MoO2)2P2O7. Inorganic Chemistry, 49(5), 2290-2301.
- Keen, D. A., Dove, M. T., Evans, J. S., Goodwin, A. L., Peters, L., & Tucker, M. G. (2010). The hydrogen-bonding transition and isotope-dependent negative thermal expansion in H3Co(CN)(6). Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 22(40),
- McCabe, E., Free, D., Mendis, B., Higgins, J., & Evans, J. (2010). Preparation, Characterization, and Structural Phase Transitions in a New Family of Semiconducting Transition Metal Oxychalcogenides beta-La(2)O(2)MSe(2) (M = Mn, Fe). Chemistry of Materials, 22(22), 6171-6182.
- Free, D. G., & Evans, J. S. (2010). Low-temperature nuclear and magnetic structures of La2O2Fe2OSe2 from x-ray and neutron diffraction measurements. Physical Review B, 81(21), Article 214433.
- Lister, S. E., Rixom, V. J., & Evans, J. S. (2010). Structural and Mechanistic Studies of the Dehydration of MoO2PO3OH center dot H2O and the In situ Identification of Two New Molybdenum Phosphates. Chemistry of Materials, 22(18), 5279-5289.
- Lister, S. E., Evans, I. R., & Evans, J. S. O. (2009). Complex Superstructures of Mo2P4O15. Inorganic Chemistry, 48(19), 9271-9281.
- Scarlett, N. V., Madsen, I. C., Evans, J. S., Coelho, A. A., McGregor, K., Rowles, M., Lanyon, M. R., & Urban, A. J. (2009). Energy-dispersive diffraction studies of inert anodes. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 42(3), 502-512.
- Xiao, B., Byrne, P., Wheatley, P., Wragg, D., Zhao, X., Fletcher, A., Thomas, K., Peters, L., Evans, J., Warren, J., Zhou, W., & Morris, R. (2009). Chemically blockable transformation and ultraselective low-pressure gas adsorption in a non-porous metal organic framework. Nature Chemistry, 1(4), 289-294.
- Readman, J., Lister, S., Peters, L., Wright, J., & Evans, J. (2009). Direct Synthesis of Cubic ZrMo2O8 Followed by Ultrafast In Situ Powder Diffraction. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(48),
- Goodwin, A. L., Keen, D. A., Tucker, M. G., Dove, M. T., Peters, L., & Evans, J. S. (2008). Argentophilicity-Dependent Colossal Thermal Expansion in Extended Prussian Blue Analogues. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130(30), 9660-9661.
- Conterio, M. J., Goodwin, A. L., Tucker, M. G., Keen, D. A., Dove, M. T., Peters, L., & Evans, J. S. (2008). Local structure in Ag3[Co(CN)6]: colossal thermal expansion, rigid unit modes and argentophilic interactions. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 20(25), Article 255225.
- Evans, I. R., Howard, J. A., & Evans, J. S. (2008). Structural ferroelectric phase transition and polymorphism in 2-aminopyridine dihydrogen phosphate. Crystal Growth and Design, 8(5), 1635-1639.
- Goodwin, A., Calleja, M., Conterio, M., Dove, M., Evans, J., Keen, D., Peters, L., & Tucker, M. (2008). Colossal Positive and Negative Thermal Expansion in the Framework Material Ag3[Co(CN)6]. Science, 319(5864), 794-797.
- Crossland, C. J., Evans, I. R., & Evans, J. S. O. (2008). Structural chemistry of (PPh4)2M(WS4)2 materials. Dalton Transactions, 2008(12), 1597-1601.
- Evans, I. R., Howard, J. A. K., Evans, J. S. O., Postlethwaite, S. R., & Johnson, M. R. (2008). Polymorphism and hydrogen bonding in cinchomeronic acid: a variable temperature experimental and computational study. CrystEngComm, 10(10), 1404-1409.
- Stinton, G., & Evans, J. (2007). Parametric Rietveld refinement. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 40(1), 87-95.
- Nguyen, H., Howard, L., Stinton, G., Giblin, S., Tanner, B., Terry, I., Hughes, A., Ross, I., Serres, A., & Evans, J. (2006). Synthesis of size controlled fcc and fct FePt nanoparticles. Chemistry of Materials, 18(26), 6414-6418.
- Stinton, G., Hampson, M., & Evans, J. (2006). The 136-atom structure of ZrP2O7 and HfP2O7 from powder diffraction data. Inorganic Chemistry, 45(11), 4352-4358.
- Hampson, M., Evans, J., & Hodgkinson, P. (2005). Characterization of oxygen dynamics in ZrW₂O₈. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127(43), 15175-15181.
- Evans, I., Howard, J., & Evans, J. (2005). The crystal structure of alpha-La2Mo2O9 and the structural origin of the oxide ion migration pathway. Chemistry of Materials, 17(16), 4074-4077.
- Howard, L., Nguyen, H., Giblin, S., Tanner, B., Terry, I., Hughes, A., & Evans, J. (2005). A synthetic route to size-controlled fcc and fct FePt nanoparticles. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127(29), 10140-10141.
- Crossland, C., Hickey, P., & Evans, J. (2005). The synthesis and characterisation of Cu₂MX₄ (M = W or Mo; X = S, Se or S/Se) materials prepared by a solvothermal method. Journal of materials chemistry, 15(34), 3452-3458.
- Hampson, M., Allen, S., King, I., Crossland, C., Hodgkinson, P., Harris, R., Fayon, F., & Evans, J. (2005). Synthesis and NMR studies of O-17 enriched AM(2)O(8) phases. Solid State Sciences, 7(7), 819-826
- Florence, A., Shankland, N., Shankland, K., David, W., Pidcock, E., Xu, X., Johnston, A., Kennedy, A., Cox, P., Evans, J., Steele, G., Cosgrove, S., & Frampton, C. (2005). Solving molecular crystal structures from laboratory X-ray powder diffraction data with DASH: the state of the art and challenges. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 38, 249-259
- Nguyen, H., Howard, L., Giblin, S., Tanner, B., Terry, I., Hughes, A., Ross, I., Serres, A., Burckstummer, H., & Evans, J. (2005). Synthesis of monodispersed fcc and fct FePt/FePd nanoparticles bymicrowave irradiation. Journal of materials chemistry, 15(48), 5136-5143
- Aldridge, A., Battle, P., Evans, J., Moore, C., Prior, T., & Wiseman, P. (2005). Structural chemistry of A(3)CuBO(6) (A = Ca, Sr; B=Mn, Ru, Ir) as a function of temperature. Inorganic Chemistry, 44(2), 197-205
- Evans, I., Howard, J., Howard, L., Evans, J., Jacimovic, Z., Jevtovic, V., & Leovac, V. (2004). Transition metal complexes with pyrazole based ligands, part 18: new binuclear Cu(I), Cu(II) and Co(II) complexes with 3,5-dimethyl-l-thiocarboxamide pyrazole: synthesis, structural and magnetic studies. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 357(15), 4528-4536
- De Meyer, C., Bouree, F., Evans, J., De Buysser, K., Bruneel, E., Van Driessche, I., & Hoste, S. (2004). Structure and phase transition of Sn-substituted Zr(1-x)SnxW2O8. Journal of materials chemistry, 14(20), 2988-2994
- Fayon, F., King, I., Harris, R., Evans, J., & Massiot, D. (2004). Application of the through-bond correlation NMR experiment to the characterization of crystalline and disordered phosphates. Comptes rendus. Chimie, 7(3-4), 351-361
- Allen, S., Ward, R., Hampson, M., Gover, R., & Evans, J. (2004). Structures and phase transitions of trigonal ZrMo2O8 and HfMo2O8. Acta crystallographica. Section B, Structural science, 60, 32-40
- Allen, S., & Evans, J. (2004). The kinetics of low-temperature oxygen migration in ZrWMoO8. Journal of materials chemistry, 14(2), 151-156
- Lister, S., Evans, I., Howard, J., Coelho, A., & Evans, J. (2004). Mo2P4O15 - the most complex oxide structure solved by single crystal methods?. Chemical Communications, 2540-2541.
- Evans, J., & Evans, I. (2004). Beyond classical applications of powder diffraction. Chemical Society Reviews, 33(8), 539-547
- Allen, S., & Evans, J. (2003). Negative thermal expansion and oxygen disorder in cubic ZrMo2O8. Physical Review B, 68(13),
- Allen, S., Warmingham, N., Gover, R., & Evans, J. (2003). Synthesis, structure and thermal contraction of a new low-temperature polymorph of ZrMo₂O₈. Chemistry of Materials, 15(18), 3406-3410.
- Evans, I., Howard, J., & Evans, J. (2003). alpha-Bi2Sn2O7 - a 176 atom crystal structure from powder diffraction data. Journal of materials chemistry, 13(9), 2098-2103.
- Fayon, F., King, I., Harris, R., Gover, R., Evans, J., & Massiot, D. (2003). Characterization of the room-temperature structure of SnP2O7 by P-31 through-space and through-bond NMR correlation spectroscopy. Chemistry of Materials, 15(11), 2234-2239
- Birkett, H., Cherryman, J., Chippendale, A., Evans, J., Harris, R., James, M., King, I., & McPherson, G. (2003). Structural investigations of three triazines: solution-state NMR studies of internal rotation and structural information from solid-state NMR, plus a full structure determination from powder x-ray diffraction in one case. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 41(5), 324-336
- Bull, I., Lightfoot, P., Villaescusa, L., Bull, L., Gover, R., Evans, J., & Morris, R. (2003). An X-ray diffraction and MAS NMR study of the thermal expansion properties of calcined siliceous ferrierite. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125(14), 4342-4349
- Gover, R., Withers, N., Allen, S., Withers, R., & Evans, J. (2002). Structure and phase transitions of SnP2O7. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 166(1), 42-48
- Evans, I., Evans, J., & Howard, J. (2002). Variable temperature structural study of bismuth lead vanadate, BiPb₂VO₆. Journal of materials chemistry, 12(9), 2648-2652.
- Evans, J., Benard, S., & YuR. Clement, P. (2001). Ferroelectric alignment of NLO chromophores in layered inorganic lattices: Structure of a stilbazolium metal-oxalate from powder diffraction data. Chemistry of Materials, 13(11), 3813-+
- Jorgensen, J., Hu, Z., Short, S., Sleight, A., & Evans, J. (2001). Pressure-induced cubic-to-orthorhombic phase transformation in the negative thermal expansion material HfW2O8. Journal of Applied Physics, 89(6), 3184-3188
- Withers, R., Tabira, Y., Evans, J., King, I., & Sleight, A. (2001). A new three-dimensional incommensurately modulated cubic phase (in ZrP2B7) and its symmetry characterization via temperature- dependent electron diffraction. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 157(1), 186-192
- Evans, J., & Mary, T. (2000). Structural phase transitions and negative thermal expansion in Sc₂(MoO₄)₃. International journal of inorganic materials, 2(1), 143-151
- Evans, J., Hanson, P., Ibberson, R., & Kameswari, U. (2000). Low Temperature Oxygen Migration and Negative Thermal Expansion in ZrW₂₋xMoxO₈. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 122, 8694-8699
- Evans, J., David, W., & Sleight, A. (1999). Structural investigation of the negative-thermal-expansion material ZrW₂O₈. Acta crystallographica. Section B, Structural science, 55, 333-340.
- Evans, J., Hu, Z., Jorgensen, J., & Argyriou, D. (1997). Compressibility, Phase Transitions, and Oxygen Migration in Zirconium Tungstate, ZrW₂O₈. Science, 275, 61-65
Supervision students
George Marshall
Oliver Wagstaff
Research Postgraduate
Sam Thompson
Research Postgraduate
Talia Pryce
Research Postgraduate