Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Bank Teacher in the Department of Mathematical Sciences | |
Tutor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences | +44 (0) 191 33 41525 |
Research interests
- differential geometry
Esteem Indicators
- 2000: 'Grants': 'Applied successfully to EPSRC for several LMS Durham Symposia.Several small Scheme 4 grants from LMS.'
- 2000: 'Plenary and invited talks': 'Invited talks at international conferences:2003. Differential Geometry of Submanifolds and Integrable Systems: Kobe, Japan. Invited visits to overseas centres: 2001: To Tokyo, where I gave two talks 2003: To Valenciennes, where I gave a talk 2003: To Kobe and Tokyo, where I gave two talks'
- 2000: 'International Collaboration': 'L Vrancken (U of Valenciennes)M Guest (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ) '
- 2000: 'Schools': 'Sept 2002:Â Jt organiser of LMS/EPSRC Short course on Differential GeometryJan 2004: Jt organiser of UK/Japan Winter School on `Geometry and Analysis towards Quantum Theory' Jan 2005: Jt organiser of UK/Japan Winter School on `Geometric, Spectral, and Stochastic Analysis''
Authored book
Chapter in book
- Bolton, J., & Woodward, L. (1997). Some geometrical aspects of the 2-dimensional Toda equations. In B. N. Apanasov, S. B. Bradlow, W. A. Rodrigues, & K. K. Uhlenbeck (Eds.), Geometry, Topology and Physics (69-81). De Gruyter
- Bolton, J., & Woodward, L. (1996). Minimal surfaces and the Toda equations for the classical groups. In F. Dillen, G. Komrakov, U. Simon, I. Van de Woestijne, & L. Verstraelen (Eds.), Geometry and topology of submanifolds. VIII (22-30). World Scientific Publishing
- Bolton, J., & Woodward, L. (1995). On harmonic 2-spheres in Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds VII. In F. Dillen, M. Magid, U. Simon, I. Van de Woestijne, & L. Verstraelen (Eds.), Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds, VII (88-91). World Scientific Publishing
- Bolton, J., & Woodward, L. (1994). The affine Toda equations and minimal surfaces. In A. Fordy, & J. Wood (Eds.), Harmonic maps and integrable systems (59-82). Vieweg+Teubner Verlag.
Conference Paper
- Bolton, J. (2002, December). The Toda equations and equiharmonic maps of surfaces into flag manifolds
- Bolton, J., & Woodward, L. (1994, December). The space of harmonic maps of into. Presented at First MSJ International Research Institute, Sendai, Japan
- Bolton, J., Kotake, T., Nishikawa, S., & Schoen, R. M. (1994, December). The Affine Toda Equations in the Geometry of Surfaces. Presented at First MSJ International Research Institute, Sendai, Japan
Journal Article
- Bolton, J., & Vrancken, L. (2009). Transforms for minimal surfaces in the 5-sphere. Differential Geometry and its Applications, 27(1), 34-46.
- Bolton, J., & Woodward, L. (2006). The space of harmonic two-spheres in the unit four-sphere. Tohoku mathematical journal, 58(2), 231-236.
- Bolton, J., & Vrancken, L. (2005). Ruled minimal Lagrangian submanifolds of complex projective 3-space. Asian Journal of Mathematics, 9(1), 45-56.
- Bolton, J., & Woodward, L. (2003). Toda equations and Pluecker formulae. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 35(2), 145-151.
- Bolton, J., Scharlach, C., Vrancken, L., & Woodward, L. (2002). From certain Lagrangian minimal submanifolds of the 3-dimensional complex projective space to minimal surfaces in the 5-sphere. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 66(3), 465-475
- Bolton, J., Scharlach, C., & Vrancken, L. (2002). From surfaces in the 5-sphere to 3-manifolds in complex projective 3-space. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 66, 465-475
- Bolton, J., & Woodward, L. (2001). Linearly full harmonic 2-spheres in S^4 of area 20\pi. International Journal of Mathematics, 12(5), 535-554.
- Bolton, J., & Woodward, L. (2000). Higher Singularities and the Twistor Fibration π: CP3 → S4. Geometriae Dedicata, 80(1-3), 231-246.
- Bolton, J., Vrancken, L., & Woodward, L. (1997). Totally real minimal surfaces with non-circular ellipse of curvature in the nearly Kähler S6. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 56(3), 625-644.
- Bolton, J., Berndt, J., & Woodward, L. (1995). Almost complex curves and Hopf hypersurfaces in the nearly Kähler 6-sphere. Geometriae Dedicata, 56(3), 237-247.
- Bolton, J., Pedit, F., & Woodward, L. (1995). Minimal surfaces and the affine Toda field model. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 1995(459), 119-150.
- Bolton, J., Vrancken, L., & Woodward, L. (1994). On almost complex curves in the nearly Kähler 6-sphere. The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 45(4), 407-427.